Among the five elders, after the first elder's words fell, the second elder, third elder and fifth elder all spoke one after another! "I don't think so!"

Hearing the words, Zhan Guo immediately refused, saying: "Human nature is the most untestable thing. I don't agree to test Luohang like this!" !” The Great Elder looked at Zhan Guo and said bluntly! "Since the four of you already have the same idea, then my opinion is not important!" The fourth elder next to him opened his mouth, and finally, he could only say this!Indeed, among the five old stars, the minority has always obeyed the majority when voting on certain matters!

Now that the other four people have united the front, is my opinion still important? "Okay, since that's the case, Warring States, go back and convey your meaning!"

Seeing that the voting results of the Five Elder Stars had come out, immediately, the First Elder looked at Zhan Guo and announced!

"This, this..." Being stared at by Wu Laoxing, Zhan Guo wanted to refuse, but he couldn't say it no matter what!In the end, he had no choice but to sigh helplessly, nodded and said, "I understand, I'll go back now!" After leaving such a sentence, Zhan Guo seemed to have aged several years in an instant, and his hair had grown Several white hairs...

After returning to Marin Vanduo, people from the Warring States Period called Luo Hang over!

Knowing that the Warring States called him to go over, Luo Hang also guessed that the Tianlong people should let him take the blame, and the result has already come to fruition.

Immediately, Luo Hang decisively came to the Marshal's Office of the Warring States Period!

Tuk Tuk Tuk!

Luo Hang was still very polite, and knocked on the office door of the Warring States Period!

"Come in!" came the voice of Warring States from inside the door!

Immediately, Luo Hang pushed the door open and entered! "Marshal, what's the matter?"

Without meaning to talk nonsense, Luo Hang who walked in directly asked Zhan Guo!

"Luo Hang, just be patient and listen to me..." With a bit of a puzzled look on his face, Zhan Guo then said.

Before he could say anything, Zhan Guo opened his mouth to stabilize Luo Hang's mood before speaking!

However, the more the Warring States period was like this, the more Luo Hang's mood sank! "So, even if you go to talk to the marshal, it won't work?"

Without waiting for the words of the Warring States Period to come to an end, Luo Hang spoke, and at the same time, his face was so gloomy that it almost dripped water!

Originally, in Luo Hang's view, with the display of his own strength, he showed his own value.

In addition, there are Warring States to intercede for themselves.

The most important thing is that he was right from the beginning to the end of this matter.

Therefore, Warring States should be able to solve the problem!

However, who would have thought that sometimes, this is the case.

It does not mean that if you did not make a mistake, you will not be punished.

If the people above want to punish you, it doesn't matter whether you made a mistake or not, the situation is the same! "Luo Hang, be patient and listen to me!"

Looking at Luo Hang's appearance, Zhan Guo could understand his thoughts, but he still spoke!

"Marshal, there is no need to explain so much, I just want to ask a question, does Wu Laoxing also think that I should apologize to the Tianlong people about the straw hat boy?" Nothing is important, Luo Hang grasped this question At the core, ask the Warring States!

"It's true that the situation is like this, but..." He hesitated, nodded helplessly, and Zhan Guo followed suit! "There is no more, starting today, I, Luo Hang, announce that I will quit the navy!" Before Zhan Guo could finish speaking, Luo Hang interrupted him and announced!

As these words came out, Luo Hang felt as if a big stone in his heart had been lifted away.

At the same time, the mood has become much more carefree!


The Sacred Heart Jue started to work quickly, and the change in mood made the Sacred Heart Jue's skills work, and the cultivation base also suddenly increased by a large amount!

The original skill of more than 500 years, at this moment, has almost reached the point of 600 years of skill!Sacred Heart Jue, the word Sacred Heart, is indeed the highest requirement for the heart...

Chapter 250: Hanging and Beating the Red Dog

"Luo Hang, don't be impulsive..."

Hearing that Luo Hang actually said that he was going to quit the navy, Zhan Guo was startled and shouted hastily!

To be honest, Warring States really regarded Luohang as the future of the navy!

In this matter, it is true that Wulaoxing and Tianlong people have gone too far, and there will be grievances in their hearts, and the Warring States also knows it.

However, Zhan Guo never expected that because of being wronged, Luo Hang would actually say the words of leaving the navy! "Luo Hang, in life, no matter who you are, you will be wronged!"

"For example, I am the admiral of the navy, but I am often wronged. When we encounter grievances, we endure it and pass it. Why are we so impulsive?" "I promise you, after this incident, immediately Promote you to the fourth general!" Zhan Guoyu said earnestly, wanting to save another wave!

Yes, in life, unsatisfactory things happen nine out of ten, who is not wronged?

However, once you are wronged, you will let go of the pick?

Where is this something an adult should do?

"Yes, what the marshal said is indeed true, there is no one in the world who is not wronged!" Hearing this, Luo Hang nodded!

However, at this point, Luo Hang paused for a moment, then continued, "But, I just can't accept it." "It's been like this since ancient times, so it's all right? Do you have to endure it?"

"You..." Luo Hang's words made Zhan Guo look at him in astonishment, and even more shock appeared on his face!

He clearly knows that what he said is right, and he is willing to admit that what he said is right.

However, he is not willing to do this?

This, how willful this is!

"I'm sorry, Marshal of the Warring States Period, I failed your expectations. I really can't stay with this kind of navy. A gentleman breaks up friendship. I can't say anything. There will be a day of goodbye in the vast rivers and lakes!" Luo Hang straightened his body , gave a military salute to the Warring States Period, which was the last decent farewell.

He immediately turned around and walked out of Sengoku's office.

"The five old stars and the world government are crazy, right? You must pinch our brother Hang, or you will be upset, right?"

"This damn sense of substitution, I was like this when I was working in the company. It's obviously not my fault, but I have to take the blame!" Who is not wronged?"

"Brother Hang bowed his head, too? Did Brother Hang admit that Marshal Warring States' words were correct?"

"Hold the grass, Brother Hang's words are touching, you are right, but I just don't do it!"

"I'm a fan, I'm a fan, just this one sentence, passers-by turn fans, fans for life!"

"Fun, it's really fun, no matter what the rewards are, becoming an admiral can indeed bring you a lot of rewards, but the navy is like this, my brother Hang really doesn't want to serve you!"

"Brother Hang is indeed a gentleman. The so-called gentleman breaks off friendship, and he can't speak evil words. Even if he leaves the navy, he will still be a gentleman."

In the Longguo live broadcast room, he was already filled with righteous indignation, suppressed his anger, and waited with Luohang to see the outcome of the Warring States.

Unexpectedly, the final result turned out to be like this, and many viewers were blown up one by one!

Especially when Luo Hang shouted that what you said was right, but I just didn't do it, I felt even more exhilarated to the extreme!

This is the real style!

Self-improvement without losing the style of a gentleman, people sincerely admire and admire!

Let's not talk about how the atmosphere in Longguo's live broadcast room is now bursting.

As Luo Hang walked out of Zhan Guo's office, a figure stood outside the office and also blocked Luo Hang's way.

"Luo Hang, the Navy is not a place where you can just come and go if you don't want to!"

"Red dog? Are you going to stop me? It seems that Wu Laoxing passed the Warring States Marshal and gave you an order directly?"

Looking at the red dog blocking his way, Luo Hang asked calmly.

"If you want to leave now, you will flee in fear of crime!" The lava on his body began to roll, and Akainu answered irrelevantly.

"Red dog, you are indeed a loyal running dog of the five old stars!"

Looking at the appearance of the red dog, Luo Hang didn't have any intention of saving face, so he said sarcastically!

"you wanna die!"

These words were very hurtful and even more insulting. Hearing this, Akainu exploded.

The lava that was originally surging on his body seemed to be completely boiling at this moment!

"Stop me, do you think you have the ability?" Luo Hang smiled calmly, not caring about Akainu.

"How will you know if you don't try? It was just a discussion before, but this time, it's a life-and-death struggle!"

Although he knows that Luo Hang's strength is very strong, but when it comes to the existence of a general, even if he knows that the opponent is very strong, he still has confidence in himself!

If you don't even have confidence in yourself, how can you fight that one?

"Okay, then I'll play with you!" Luo Hang nodded and said, his expression still calm!

After the words fell, he punched in the direction of Akainu.

On the fist, the armed color is domineering and entwined!

Even if it is a natural fruit, it dare not ignore the armed domineering punch. Akainu raised his arm, and the armed domineering entanglement was also entwined.

Fist and arm collided. Although Luo Hang was not as strong as Akainu in terms of armed domineering strength, Luo Hang was stronger in terms of strength.

This punch hit Chiquan's arm, and with Luohang's power, Chiquan flew upside down and landed directly on the square of Marin Fando!


The earth trembled, and the square of Marin Fando was cracked.

Then, a huge amount of lava spewed out from the cracks in the Marin Fanduo Square, and the Marin Fanduo Square suddenly turned into a lava hell! "Ah, Admiral Akainu is fighting with Lieutenant General Luohang again? This, this power, looks even more terrifying!" Following the changes in Marin Vanduo Square, countless marines stared dumbfounded one by one, and then fled in all directions!

Lava surged throughout Marin Vanduo's square, which looked much more terrifying than the last sparring!

"Alas..." Zhan Guo looked at the battle area, his expression was also full of helplessness, and he sighed secretly!

Looking at Luo Hang's appearance, he is really determined to leave the navy.

However, Warring States has no intention of blocking this battle.

After all, in the battle between Akainu and Luohang, it is impossible for Akainu to stop Luohang!

As he said, a gentleman breaks off friendship and doesn't speak evil words. Since Luo Hang has already made up his mind to leave, Zhan Guo has no intention of stopping him!

Besides, before leaving, if Luo Hang was able to defeat Chiquan, it would be considered as allowing Wu Laoxing to see for himself how strong Luo Hang is.

Also let them understand that this is forcing away what kind of existence the Navy is!

Not to mention what kind of thoughts Warring States had in mind at the moment.

In the square, Luo Hang frowned slightly as he saw that the entire Marin Fando square was filled with lava surging!

As an island, there should be sea water under the ground that Marin launched, right?

However, the earth split open, and so much lava spewed out?How is this going?Where did the lava come from? "Could it be? Is this the awakening of the fruit?" After thinking for a while, Luo Hang whispered in his heart.

It seems that there is only such an explanation!

It's just that in the original book, it seems that the three admirals of the navy have not seen the ability to use fruit awakening!

Without letting Luo Hang think so much, staring at Luo Hang, Akainu directly made a move.

A shot is full force, big fire.

Terrible lava blasted towards Luo Hang!

"This time, I intend to beat you up, so I won't play with you any longer!"

Seeing the red dog's fire-breathing attack coming towards him, Luo Hang muttered in his heart!

Immediately, the Jifu mode was activated, and the third gate of the Bamen Dunjia was also opened!

With the hands in mudra, the huge chakra surged, causing the surrounding sea water to surge irregularly!

"Water escape, big burst of water!"

The huge tsunami once again pressed down on the square of Marin Fando!


Akainu shot with all his strength, this lava is indeed very powerful.

However, the water escape controlled by Luohang is even better.

The huge 160 waves of the sea pressed down fiercely, and the entire Marin Vanduo Square seemed to be submerged by the tsunami in an instant!

Water escape, iron cannon jade!

Water escape, the technique of the great waterfall.

Water escape, hard vortex water blade.

Luo Hang's fingers kept flying, printing out handprints one after another, just like the hands of a pianist playing.

Following his movements, the ninjutsu of Shuidun continued one after another.

It doesn't matter whether it is useful or not, and no matter how great the effect is, in short, the ninjutsu bombing one by one will be over.

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