Luo Hang alone set off a feast of ninjutsu.

Under his continuous ninjutsu attacks, Akainu was crushed and couldn't lift his head!

In Jifu mode + Bamen Dunjia's state, Luohang is enough to entangle with Karp, not to mention that water escape ninjutsu can also restrain the ability of devil fruit!

Under the ebb and flow, the red dog was only beaten by Luo Hang!


The strength is already stronger than the red dog, plus Haishui's restraint on the devil fruit ability user.

In this battle, apart from the fact that Akainu seemed more imposing at the beginning, when it started, it was Luo Hang who suppressed Akainu and fought!

Seeing the water escape ninjutsu continuously bombarding the red dog one after another, all the marines of Marin Fando were dumbfounded!

This is not the first time that Lieutenant General Luo Hang has fought with General Akainu.

However, the battle situation this time is really completely different from the last time!

Along with Marin Vanduo in the square, Luo Hang's father crushed Akainu like a son, and in a corner, the video phone bug actually recorded the battle scene in front of him in its entirety!

In the room of power, there is a video phone bug in front of Wulaoxing.

Seeing the scene where Luo Hang hangs and beats the red dog, Wu Laoxing also showed a look of shock on his face!

Although from Zhan Guo's mouth, he already knew Luo Hang's strength.

However, hearing is believing seeing is believing!

Seeing this scene, the five old stars were all dumbfounded! .

Chapter 251: Use Hailoushi handcuffs to deal with Luohang?

No wonder!

The five old stars looked at each other in blank dismay, their faces all showing a look of surprise!

No wonder Warring States is so supportive of Luo Hang. Unexpectedly, his strength has really reached such a level that even Akainu was suppressed and beaten by him the whole time! ?

"Originally, I thought that the description of his strength in the Warring States Period was a bit exaggerated. It was mainly to keep Luo Hang!" the Fifth Elder said!

"Hmph, I didn't expect to quit the navy with such a small grievance, isn't that too capricious?" The third elder next to him said with a cold snort!

"Karp is more self-willed, why don't you say Karp?" The fourth elder glanced at the other party and asked.

This question made the third elder's tone stagnate, and he was speechless!

That's true, Garp is more capricious than Luohang, and it's not the first time he even publicly insulted Tianlong people.

However, who dares to say that Karp is not?

Powerful people have privileges!

And those who have reached a certain level of military merit, of course, also have privileges!

Sorry, Karp is both!

"It's normal for a strong existence to have a temper!" The Great Elder spoke at this time, and said.

The words of the Great Elder left several other people speechless.

It is indeed true that powerful people always have some privileges.

And Luo Hang's strength is strong enough to beat the admiral of the navy. Such strength really shocked the five old stars!

"This Luo Hang, we must not let him leave the navy!" At this time, the second elder next to him spoke!

"Indeed, he cannot be allowed to leave. If he leaves, it will not only be a loss to the navy, but if he becomes a pirate and stands on the opposite side of the navy, it will be an incalculable loss!"

Several other elders nodded in unison, expressing their approval!

"Then, should we apologize? Do you want to appease Luo Hang?" So, the Fourth Elder asked the other elders!

"No, if we apologize, how can we have any prestige in the future!?" Hearing this, the First Elder refused without even thinking about it!

"So, what should we do next?" the Fourth Elder asked.

At the same time, the other elders also stared at the great elder seriously.

Yes, since you can't apologize and appease, then what should you do next?

"Well, let's make a call to Zhan Guo first, let him take action together, and take Luo Hang down!"

"In this way, it is to suppress people with force and let Luo Hang understand that the power of the navy cannot be caused by him alone!"

"Then, throw Luo Hang to the city of Advancement, lock him up for a while, and polish his temperament!"

"Then, after a year or a half, find another chance to release him and make a contribution!"

The Great Elder thought for a while, and came up with an idea that he thought was good!

"Well, this method is indeed possible!"

After hearing what the great elder said, the other elders also nodded after deliberating.

In this way, this matter is considered to be completely decided!

Then, Wu Laoxing made a phone call and passed by!

No matter how strong Luo Hang is, facing Sengoku and Akainu at the same time, it is impossible for him to be an opponent, right?

blu blu blu!

Sengoku was also staring at the battle in Marin Vanduo Square. At this time, the phone in his office rang!

Fortunately, the knowledge of the Warring States Period is domineering and exquisite, so I heard it.

If you were an ordinary person, you really wouldn't be able to hear it!

Picking up the phone bug and answering it, Sengoku's complexion became even uglier immediately!

Wu Laoxing is actually paying attention to the battle between Chiquan and Luohang?

Seeing that Luo Hang is not an opponent, he actually wants to let himself make a move?

The reflex in Sengoku's heart is rejection!

However, according to what Wu Laoxing said later, he would be locked up for a year or so at most, and then he would find an excuse to release him and let him perform crimes and meritorious deeds.

After thinking about it, Zhan Guo also felt that Luo Hang's temper was indeed a little too capricious. Perhaps it would be a good choice to polish his temper in this way?

Thinking about it this way, Zhan Guo, who didn't want Luo Hang to leave, nodded and agreed!

Then, he put down the phone bug and walked directly towards the square of Marin Vanduo.

At the same time, the ability of the devil fruit is also activated!

Boom boom boom...

One after another, the water escape ninjutsu slammed down towards the red dog one after another.

These water escape ninjutsu hit Chiquan's body, not only the destructive power of pure ninjutsu, but also the restraint power of sea water on devil fruit.

Where does the red dog lying on the ground have the ability to fight back?

It's like a powerless little girl facing several strong men, how can she resist?


However, seeing that under Luo Hang's water escape ninjutsu, Akainu is almost dying.

Suddenly, there was a huge tremor in the sky and the earth, and then, a giant with a height of more than [-] meters appeared, with a shining golden appearance, who else could it be if it was not the Warring States Period?

Fruit for everyone.Phantom beast species.Buddha form!

"Marshal of the Warring States has made a move!"? "Seeing the Warring States Period, which showed the form of a great Buddha, Maitreya's navy was shocked again.

How long has it been since the marshal did it himself?

Even many navies have never seen Warring States make a move. Unexpectedly, they would see Marshal Warring States do it himself in Marin Fando!

"Luo Hang, stop..."

After showing the form of a giant Buddha, Zhan Guo looked down at Luo Hang and said!

Seeing that Zhan Guo was about to attack, Luo Hang jumped up and opened the distance. At the same time, he stared intently at Zhan Guo!

Luo Hang's water escape, after all, is not to soak the red dog in the sea water.

After he stopped, the sea water quickly passed, and Akainu felt that his physical strength had recovered a little.

Although the body is still a little wet, but barely standing up, there is nothing wrong with it!

"Okay, Luo Hang, let's go get caught, if I don't agree, you won't be able to leave!" Zhan Guo said to Luo Hang!

"So, Marshal of the Warring States Period, do you want to fight me too!?" Luo Hang stared at the Warring States Period seriously and asked!

"This is the order of the five old stars, representing the will of the world government!" Warring States gave an explanation helplessly!

"Well, if this is the case, then I will stop resisting!"

So, after a moment of silence, Luo Hang nodded, and let go of his Bamen Dunjia and Jifu modes!

All right, if you make a fuss and get angry, in Luo Hang's view, it's not bad to catch him without a fight!

If you want to take revenge on the navy, or the world government, is it really better to be a pirate?

Are you kidding me?Of course, it is better to stay and wait for the top battle to make a move!

That boy Lu Fei didn't know the plot, locked him in the city of push forward, and escaped foolishly, so he has to try his best to break in in the future, right?

If that's the case, I might as well go to Jinjin City and wait!

As Luo Hang lowered his head and was willing to catch him without a fight, a navy came over beside him, holding Hai Loushi's handcuffs, and handcuffed Luo Hang!

Seeing Luohang being handcuffed by Hailoushi, Akainu let out a long breath of foul air!

"He, he actually got caught with such cooperation!?"

Because of his own words, Luo Hang actually cooperated?This made Zhan Guo startled, and immediately felt a little more guilt in his heart!

"Come here, escort Luohang to Jinjin City and lock him up!" Then, Zhan Guo ordered.

At this time, the marines of Marin Fando looked at each other in astonishment, with a look of astonishment on their faces.

Although judging from the battle between Luo Hang and General Akainu, it is clear that their battle is not a duel.

However, no one expected that Lieutenant General Luo Hang would be arrested as a criminal?

Not only was he handcuffed by Hailoushi, but he was even imprisoned in Jinjin City?

"." What's going on here?How was Lieutenant General Luo Hang arrested? "

"I don't know, I don't know, did Lieutenant General Luo Hang do something heinous?"

"What the hell is going on, does anyone know the truth?"

In the square of Marin Vanduo, many navies were whispering and discussing in a low voice!

However, no one knew why, no one knew why Luo Hang was treated like this.

Listening to the arguments of the navymen next to them, the Warring States Period didn't pay attention to it, let alone explain it, just pretending that they didn't hear it!

As a wise general in the Warring States Period, he certainly understands that the more he doesn't explain, the more and more suspicions will arise!

The fishing boat is getting bigger and bigger, and the days when Luo Hang is imprisoned in Jinjin City will be less.

This is what Sengoku wants to see!

Therefore, the Warring States Period did not pay attention to the whispers of these people, and even wished for more such whispers.

It's also good for the five old stars to see what is the trend of the times and what is the aspiration of the army.

"Warring States? This is the Warring States? It feels like a giant Buddha!"

"So, is this the power of the Admiral of the Navy? Just the figure (of the king) is shocking!"

"It's over, now even the Marshal of the Warring States Period wants to take action against our Brother Hang? As a marshal, he represents the will of the entire navy, right?"

"Huh? Brother Hang, he stopped? Are you willing to catch him without a fight?"

"Don't, Brother Hang, you open a magic portal and leave directly, who can stop you!"

"That's right, no matter how bad it is, if you use the technique of multiple shadow clones, who can stop your real deity, what's the matter if you just capture it with nothing?"

"Don't worry, I smell conspiracy, uh, no, I smell conspiracy!"

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