"Don't panic, hold on, what we all know, can Brother Hang not know? He must have his reasons for doing this, we just watch it with peace of mind!"

"Hahaha, Hailoushi handcuffs? They really think that Brother Hang is also a devil fruit capable user? They actually put Hailoushi handcuffs on Brother Hang!"

"Hahaha, wait until my Brother Hang wears Hailoushi handcuffs, and perform ninjutsu to make them look dumbfounded!"

In Longguo's live broadcast room, many viewers expressed their incomprehension when they saw that Luo Hang was really caught without a fight!

However, after some discussion, they all felt that Luo Hang should have his own plans!

Looking at using Hailoushi handcuffs to deal with Luohang, it is even more delightful!

Like this, it is even more concluded that even if Luo Hang is imprisoned in the promotion city, he can leave if he wants to, right?

Chapter 252: What is the consequence of Tianlong people being killed?

"The fate of this life is really strange. The last time I came here, I was still a prisoner, but now I come here again, and I am a prisoner myself!" Luo Hang once again set foot here in the promotion city of the deep sea prison. , Speak!

"Looking at your appearance, it's quite interesting!" the yellow ape next to him said to Luo Hang!

"Life is short, why not enjoy yourself in time? Besides, it's a day to cry, and a day to laugh, isn't it?" Luo Hang said calmly, without the feeling of being a prisoner at all!

"Here, General Huang Yuan, what's going on here?" Magellan came, looking at the situation in front of him, a little dumbfounded!

Is General Huang Yuan leading Zhongjiang Luohang, who is handcuffed to Hailoushi?

"How should I put it? Really speaking, you also have some responsibilities for advancing the city!"

Hearing Magellan's inquiry, Huang Yuan said: "Because the straw hat boy Luffy escaped from the city of advancement, um, so the Tianlong people are not happy, thinking that Luo Hang should have directly killed the straw hat boy instead of arresting him Live imprisoned in Advance City."

"So, Luo Hang is locked in now!"

Having said that, Huang Yuan patted his head, seemed to have come back to his senses, and said: "By the way, I remember that you suggested to kill the straw hat boy, and I asked you to capture him alive. The responsibility is the greatest?" "Boy Luo Hang, do you want to go and let you go now?"

Huang Yuan had a lazy expression, but he said something that the guards in the big prison were frightened!

In any case, as an admiral, is it really okay to say this?

"General Huang Yuan, you, you better stop joking, me, let's put Lieutenant General Luo Hang down, bet on the bottom!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Magellan said, and then took Luo Hang through the deep sea prison again, and directly locked Luo Hang at the bottom of the prison!

The further down the large prison, the stronger the strength of the prisoners.

Luo Hang, who has the strength of a general, is of course imprisoned on the bottom floor!

"Okay, Luo Hang, you can stay here for a while with peace of mind. The Marshal of the Warring States said that he will find a way to get you out in a year or so at most! This is what he and Wu Laoxing both It's settled!" Seeing Luo Hang sit down in the prison, Huang Yuan thought about it, and still revealed such an important information to Luo Hang!

"A year and a half? This is not a short time!" Hearing this, Luo Hang's mouth showed a sneer!

Indeed, it has only been a year since I came to this world to explore.

After a year or so, they don't need them to let themselves out, the brain will also open a time and space door for itself, let itself leave, right?

However, looking at the mocking smile on the corner of Luo Hang's mouth, Huang Yuan only thought that a year or so was too long.

After a short silence, he continued, "Don't worry, the fact that you have been arrested has caused quite a stir in the entire navy. When the critical moment comes, I will announce the truth."

"At that time, there will be many people complaining about you, you should be able to go out early!"

"Thank you for your kindness, just stay here, there's nothing wrong with it!"

Huang Yuan misunderstood, Luo Hang said noncommittally!

It can be seen that Huang Yuan, who is lazy by nature, is willing to say so many words to Luo Hang, so many important words, the guilt in his heart is indeed true!

After a brief chat, let Luo Hang ask Magellan to contact him if he needed anything, and immediately, Huang Yuan turned and left!

"Lieutenant General Luo Hang, don't worry, you're just staying here temporarily for a few days. If you need anything, just ask. As long as (bcfj) doesn't escape from prison, I can help you. This matter can be regarded as a burden for us to advance the city." Lieutenant General!"

Magellan also knew the whole story, so he said to Luo Hang!

"There are too many wardens!" Hearing this, Luo Hang nodded and said, still with his calm expression!

After Magellan left, about half an hour later, there was another sound of footsteps. It was Garp the Iron Fist who came to see me, Luo Hang!

With a carefree temper, Garp also expressed that he owed Luo Hang a favor.

After all, it was he who secretly let his grandson go, which caused Luo Hang to suffer such a disaster.

At that time, I also thanked him for showing mercy to Luffy!

Is my own action considered revenge?

"Boy, when you go out, the old man owes you a favor!" Finally, Garp also said such a sentence!

"Okay, it's the first time in the world that I'm in prison for my share!?"

Seeing Garp also leave, Luo Hang secretly smiled in his heart!

Yes, although the Tianlong people feel that they are soft persimmons, this matter is quite annoying.

However, after being imprisoned, Zhan Guo felt a little guilty that he would leave without a word!

Then what?General Huang Yuan felt that it was he who let him capture Luffy alive, which caused him to be imprisoned in the promotion city today, and he felt a little guilty!

How about advancing the city?The prisoner was caught by himself, but he was not imprisoned in Jinjin City, so that the prisoner escaped, and even implicated himself in jail. Magellan also felt guilty!

Even Garp knew that he had secretly let his grandson go, which caused him to be imprisoned here, and Garp was definitely very guilty!

From this point of view, pretending to go to jail for a while will make Sengoku, Garp, Orizumi and Magellan all feel guilty.

It seems that this wave is not bad?Earn blood?

After all, the minimum level of strength is that of generals. It is not so easy to make them feel guilty and owe themselves a favor.

Four profits?

Wait a minute, being imprisoned on the surface is not considered imprisoned. Is this worthless?

However, although judging from the current situation, I didn't suffer any disadvantages.

But thinking of the five old stars, thinking of the Tianlong people, Luo Hang's heart is still full of anger!

Well, the day of the top battle is not far away, when the time comes, don't blame yourself for letting the world government severely lose face!

In addition, it is not Luo Hang's character to wait for the top battle to start in this prison!

He just stayed for a long time. As it got dark, Luo Hang made a seal with his hands and performed a shadow clone technique.

Immediately, Luo Hang, also wearing Hailoushi handcuffs, appeared!

Then, let the shadow clone go to prison here instead of him, to deceive others, what about Luo Hang himself?

Then opened a magic portal, and disappeared directly into the prison of this deep sea prison!

Except for the small deserted island that he arrived at at the beginning of his crossing, Luo Hang had already been to the Chambord Islands.

Therefore, this magic portal opened directly in the Chambord Islands!

Looked at the Hailoushi handcuffs on his hands?

With a touch of Luo Hang's hand on his waist, the Xuanyuan Sword was taken out, and then he slashed at the handcuffs!

Although Hailou Stone is a very hard substance in this world, no matter how hard it is, it cannot stop the sharpness of Xuanyuan Sword! "Okay, since I haven't joined the navy now, what's next? I'll play as a pirate!?" After cutting off Hailoushi's handcuffs and regaining his freedom, Luo Hang muttered to himself!

After saying those words, Luo Hang looked around, and there happened to be a place selling masks not far away.

Too lazy to maintain the transformation technique all day long, Luo Hang went to the place where masks were sold, picked out a mask that closed the upper half and put it on his face, only the nostrils were exposed, the mouth and eyes were outside! "Kneel down, everyone kneel down!"

As Luo Hang walked out of the shop selling masks, he suddenly found that the people of Chambord Islands all knelt down!

This situation made Luo Hang startled.

Looking at it carefully, I understand that this is another trip of Tianlong people, so, can other people just kneel on the ground?

Luo Hang looked over carefully, he was a middle-aged man about 50 years old!

Wearing a hood similar to an astronaut on his head, this also proves the identity of the other party, Tianlongren!

Under the body of this middle-aged Tianlongren, the mount is a strong man.

It seems to be the joy of the Tianlong people to use people as the mounts of the Tianlong people!

"Presumptuous, where did you come from to be a troublemaker, how dare you kneel down in front of Saint Roswald!?"

The servant who was following the Tianlongren saw Luo Hang standing so thorny, not kneeling at all, his expression changed involuntarily, and at the same time, he yelled angrily!

"Saint Roswald? This name seems familiar!" Hearing the servant's words, Luo Hang was secretly surprised!

So, after thinking about it for a while, he patted himself on the head with a sudden realization: "By the way, aren't you the father of St. Charles Rose?"

"Oh? You untouchable, do you actually know my son?" Hearing what Luo Hang said, Saint Roswald asked in surprise!

"Is this the Celestial Dragon Man? Sure enough, he looks so annoying!"

"Using someone as a mount? Even the ancient emperors would not dare to provoke public outrage like this?" "What? Is this man the father of St. Charles Rose?" "This is the meeting of enemies. You're jealous!"

"Untouchable? This Tianlong people's superior attitude is really annoying!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, I was already very unhappy with Tianlongren's attitude.

Now, hearing that the other party is actually the father of St. Charles Rose, I am even more annoyed!

Enemies meet each other, and they are extremely jealous, talking about the thoughts of many viewers in Luohang and even Longguo's live broadcast room now! "Ha ha……"

Hearing this, Luo Hang couldn't help but let out a burst of laughter.

"What are you laughing at!?" St. Roswald felt baffled and called him a pariah. What is he happy about?

"I'm laughing because I met you!" Luo Hang replied!

"What? Do you want to curry favor with me too? We Tianlong people are not something you pariahs can curry favor with at will!" Saint Roswald still looked aloof. "No, you seem to have misunderstood."

"I have always wondered that if the Tianlong people are beaten, the admiral will appear." "So, what will happen if the Tianlong people are killed? What will happen?".

Chapter 253: Speak the most domineering words in the calmest tone

Luo Hang's words left everyone present shocked!

Originally, when Luo Hang mentioned St. Charros, everyone thought he knew St. Charros and wanted to use this to set up a relationship!

Unexpectedly, such words came out of his mouth?

What audacity and rebellion is this!

"what do you want to do!?"

As soon as Luo Hang's words came out, St. Roswald's face changed drastically, and he immediately raised a gun and pointed it at Luo Hang!

"Did I not make clear what I just said? Or, do you no longer understand human speech?"

Because Luo Hang was wearing a mask, his expression was not very clear.

However, this tone is full of sarcasm~!

"you wanna die!"

This was the first time that a pariah dared to speak to himself like this. Saint Roswald had a scowling look on his face, and shot directly!

With a bang, the gun went off!

However, Luo Hang was already prepared, and turned his head slightly to avoid the bullets that were shot!

"Reverse, you are really rebellious!"

He shot himself, but the other party dared to hide?Saint Roswald was even angrier.

Saint Roswald, who opened his mouth, wanted the people next to him to take action and kill Luo Hang.

However, Luo Hang's movements were even faster, he raised his hand lightly, and grabbed St. Roswald!


It was completely unclear how Luo Hang made his move, but St. Roswald screamed in pain.

The whole body became flushed, as if the blood was boiling.

Immediately afterwards, his figure shriveled quickly, turning into a mummy!

"Not bad, as my cultivation base has broken through to 600 years, I am more proficient in launching this evil blood tribulation!"

After killing St. Roswald with one move, Luo Hang nodded in satisfaction!

"Ah! Killed!"

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