"Oh my god, this, what kind of thug is this, unexpectedly, actually killed the Tianlong people!"

"Ah, run away..."

Seeing that St. Roswald was killed, everyone around was dumbfounded!

A few days ago, a Tianlong man was beaten, which was already a bad event that caused a sensation in the sea.

Now, someone actually killed the Tianlong people?

What a terrible thing this is!

"You, how dare you avenge Saint Roswald!"

There are naturally guards beside Tianlongren.

They couldn't stop the evil blood tribulation's ability, but seeing the Tianlongren being killed in this way, the guards all changed in horror.

If Luo Hang can escape in this way, these guards will die without a place to die!

Therefore, shouting, these guards all took action and launched an attack on Luo Hang!

With the Xuanyuan sword out of its sheath, he can play a cameo role as a swordsman.

Luo Hang's Xuanyuan sword flicked, and several sharp sword qi shot out immediately.

Amidst the screams, what kind of opponents are these guards against Luo Hang?He was easily killed by Luo Hang!

Crazy, all the people around are all crazy at this moment.

Where did this villain come from?How dare you kill the Celestial Dragon?And kill them at the slightest disagreement?

How crazy is this! ?

On the Chambord Islands, there was actually a Celestial Dragon being killed?This news is like a blockbuster!

The navy stationed in the Chambord Islands was also shocked when they heard the news.

Then immediately call the Navy Headquarters.

At the same time, the navy here also quickly dispatched.

The last time the Tianlong people were beaten was a big deal. Now that the dragon people are all killed today, if this matter is not handled well, the navy stationed in the Chambord Islands will not even think about it!

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of navies appeared.

Many of these navies are wearing navy cloaks, which shows that many of these navies are at the rank of non-commissioned officers.

Hundreds of navies surrounded Luohang!

"Evil villains, just catch them!"

The leader was a major general who shouted at Luo Hang!

However, for the navy's words, Luo Hang did not answer, and stood quietly.

"What should I do?" Seeing that Luo Hang had no intention of answering, the other marines all looked at each other in blank dismay!

"Do it, shoot to kill!" After a moment of silence, the leading major general shouted.

With his order, these navies shot together!

Indeed, the thugs who killed the Tianlongren must not be allowed to leave alive!

Facing the attacks of many navies, Luo Hang still did not change his face.

Seeing many bullets, some even shot towards him with domineering aura attached, Luo Hang raised his hand.

In the hand wearing the vibrating gold glove, he was holding an egg-sized instrument!

When the instrument was activated, a layer of translucent shield appeared immediately, wrapping Luo Hang firmly in it!

These attacks fell on the shield and were all blocked!

Holding the instrument in his left hand, Luo Hang sat on the ground leisurely, with a relaxed appearance, not in a hurry to escape, but as if he was waiting for something, relaxed and freehand!

It's really easy and freehand. This energy shield protecting him consumes the endless energy in the infinite gems, not his own power. Of course, Luo Hang has nothing to be afraid of! "Don't stop, keep attacking!"

"Yes, don't stop, his strength is impossible to be endless!" "Hold on for a while, and when the general is finished, he will be finished!"

Seeing that Luo Hang actually sat down with the defensive shield on his back, many marines were all dumbfounded.

Immediately afterwards, these marines shouted loudly!

"Well done, Brother Hang, before Luffy just beat the Heavenly Dragon, and he made such a big commotion, now, he killed the Heavenly Dragon, what a joyful enmity!" "My Brother Hang, YYDS !" "It's comfortable to watch!"

"Grass holding, Brother Hang, did you use swordsmanship, Xuanyuan Sword and Zhenjin Gloves? Is Brother Hang wearing a vest?"

"Yes, Luo Hang's identity uses the power of the ninja system. This masked person is a vest? He uses martial arts, and these powerful props!?" "Opening the vest, this statement is indeed true It's very realistic!"

"However, why didn't Brother Hang leave? He actually sat down here? Could it be that he was waiting for the Admiral to arrive?"

"I'm sorry, my brother Hang wants to open a vest, and he has to be famous all over the world, so he needs the admiral to gain a wave of fame!" "Yeah, what's better than killing the Tianlongren and defeating the admiral?" If you leave, you can gain more fame!?"

"Hahaha, these navies are really funny too. Our brother Hang's power can't be unlimited? Well, that's right, but who told them that Brother Hang's defensive shield uses his own power?" "I'm sorry, the infinite gem, the name of infinity, this power is really infinite!" "I don't know if this shield can be sound-proof? My Hang brother wants to sleep well before talking about it!". .Ask for flowers.

"Goddamn sleep, hahaha, the picture is coming out!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, many viewers at this moment are very happy to watch.

Because of the Tianlongren incident, Luo Hang was wronged in the first place.

Now, looking back, Luo Hang killed a Tianlong man, which naturally made many viewers enjoy watching!

On Marin Fanduo's side, the yellow ape who had just escorted Luohang back had just returned, and immediately received an order from the Warring States Period to take a trip to the Chambord Islands.

It is said that there was a masked mysterious villain who actually killed the Tianlong people.

For such a bad behavior, the navy must be dispatched immediately!

"No, old man, I am physically and mentally exhausted now, and I am not suitable for dispatching. I need to rest for a few days!"

However, for the orders of the Marshal of the Warring States Period, Huang Yuan looked lazy and expressed deep resistance! "Yellow monkey, your flashing fruit is the fastest!"

He can also understand Huang Yuan's thoughts, after all, Luo Hang is still Huang Yuan's subordinate on the bright side, Zhan Guo persuaded him earnestly!

"I'm afraid that if I go, I will be arrested and sent to Jincheng City if I don't finish the matter well, so I'd better rest for a few days!"

... 0 However, Huang Yuan still refused, even after saying such a sentence, he turned and went back to his resting place!

After all, he is also an admiral, right?Isn't he the only general, because of this matter, the world government took action against him?

That is impossible.

So within a reasonable range, Huang Yuan doesn't mind expressing his rebellious emotions!

Opened his mouth, Zhan Guo was speechless!

Huang Yuan has already said that his condition is not good, and he even said that he will be imprisoned in Jinjin City if he doesn't do things well, how should he answer?

Does it mean that even if you don't do well, you won't ask for guilt?

How should Luo Hang's matter be explained?

Shaking his head helplessly, the Warring States Period will no longer force the yellow ape!

Among the three generals, Kizuru firmly stated that he would not go, and Akainu was really injured and needed to recuperate for a while!

It seems that the only way to find Qingzhi is to go!

Although there are some rebellious emotions, I don't really want to go, but the current situation is indeed that I am the only one going.

Reluctantly, Qingzhi nodded and set off!

The figure became elemental, flew directly into the sky, and flew in the direction of the Chambord Islands!

"Hey, what's all this, this Admiral of the Navy is really aggrieved!"

Finally, Aokiji was dispatched, Sengoku sighed helplessly!

If it is possible, does Warring States also think that it is time for him to retire?

It is really becoming more and more difficult to lead a navy like this!

After all, Aokiji is an admiral of the navy. At full speed, it is still very fast. His body turned into a burst of chills, and he soon arrived at the Chambord Islands.

I also saw Luo Hang sitting on the ground, propping up a defensive shield, allowing the navy to attack.

With the arrival of Aokiji, all the sailors nearby stopped attacking and saluted Aokiji in unison!

"It seems that you are waiting for me here on purpose!" After falling down, Qingzhi said to Luo Hang!

"Admiral, Aokiji?" Looking at the Aokiji that appeared, Luo Hang stood up!

"Well, I just went to sea, and I want to form a pirate group, and I need to earn some fame, so I killed the Tianlongren, and I want to have a few tricks with the admiral!"

Luo Hang's tone was calm.

However, she spoke the most domineering words in the calmest tone!corpse.

Chapter 254: Frozen Fruit VS Frost Treasure Box

All the marines looked at Luo Hang dumbfounded, and couldn't believe their ears!

In front of the admiral, he said that he just went to sea and wanted to be a pirate, and then what?

The purpose of killing the Tianlong people and deliberately attracting the general of the navy is to earn some fame, so that the whole sea can be famous?

And, not just saying that, but doing it?

Is the person who can say such things and do such things, either a pure lunatic who does not know how to live or die, or a person who really has strong confidence in his own strength?

So, what kind of guy is this masked guy in front of him?

"Hey, is this guy a lunatic? If he wasn't a lunatic, who would do such a thing!" "But, a lunatic can face our attacks for so long and stay well?" "Our Can his strength be compared with that of General Aokiji? The general will surely die, right?"

The surrounding marines began to discuss in a low voice, thinking that Luo Hang was a lunatic.

In other words, they prefer to think that Luo Hang is a lunatic!

But whether it is a lunatic or really powerful, it depends on the outcome of the battle between him and General Aokiji!

Therefore, after a little discussion, the navy gradually stopped talking about "[-]", and focused their eyes on Qingzhi and Luohang!

"You want to use the admiral as a stepping stone to your fame. Your idea is really crazy. However, whether you can become famous in the whole sea or just become a joke depends on how much weight you have!" Qingzhi also twitched the corners of his mouth, he didn't expect that the reason Luo Hang gave was actually like this, and then he opened his mouth and said! "Okay, admiral, I also want to see how strong you are as an admiral!" Luo Hang raised his hand, raised Xuanyuan sword, and said to Qingzhi!No nonsense, Aokiji also raised his hand.

The cold air condensed and turned into an ice skate.

Then, he slashed directly in the direction of Luo Hang!

"The power of ice? How about you try mine too?" Seeing Qingzhi's attack, Luo Hang grinned!

Although wearing a mask, the position of the nose and lips are exposed.

Then, Luo Hang swung the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand.

The power of the Frost Treasure Box in the groove bloomed, and immediately after that, an extremely cold sword energy swung out!

The ice knife and Luohang's sword energy collided, and a terrible cold air immediately pervaded. It can be seen that within a radius of [-] meters around the two of them, it quickly condensed!

"Hiss, the ability to freeze fruit? How can it be? The same power as General Aokiji?" "It's a terrible cold, everyone back away!" "The power of this masked man is so terrifying!"

As Luo Hang's icy sword qi slashed out, the surrounding sailors all stared dumbfounded.

Looking at their cold air, the frozen area is getting bigger and bigger, and the navy immediately retreated far away.

Fighting at this level is no longer something they can participate in! "Chill? Is this similar to the ability of frozen fruit?"

Sensing the cold aura contained in Luo Hang's sword energy, Qingzhi frowned slightly.

Then, the ice blade in his hand slashed at Luo Hang continuously!

Without the slightest intention of retreating, Luo Hang kept waving Xuanyuan Sword, and the Holy Spirit Sword Technique was used like flowing clouds and flowing water.

A series of cold sword qi also kept slashing towards the green pheasant!

The collision of strength, the fight between the cold air, for a moment, the whole island seemed to have entered the twelfth lunar month of winter.

Moreover, in this cold air, the battle between Luo Hang and Qingzhi was very fierce, the moves changed extremely fast, and no one was weaker than the disadvantage in terms of speed!

Seeing this, the navy next to him trembled secretly!

Unexpectedly, the strength of this lunatic is actually so powerful?

Does the rookie pirate who has just set out to sea possess the strength comparable to that of an admiral?

If it takes a while longer, will he become a great pirate in the new world right away?

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