This is not good news!

Explosive pheasant mouth!

After fighting with the melee attack for a while, Qingzhi raised his hand, and the frost condensed into a huge ice bird, flying towards Luohang!

This is not an advantage in melee attack, so Qingzhi is ready to use long-range attack to suppress Luo Hang! "Sword 22!"

Luo Hang swung the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, and in an instant more than a hundred streaks of frosty sword energy shot out.

It fell densely on the ice bird, no matter how strong the ice bird was, it couldn't resist the strangulation of hundreds of ice sword qi, it collapsed and shattered in mid-air!

"This person has the power of a devil fruit, and is also a great swordsman? Has he perfectly integrated the freezing power of the devil fruit into his own swordsmanship?" Looking at Luo Hang's sword 22, Qingzhi secretly marveled in his heart One sentence!

It can be seen that Luo Hang's swordsmanship has indeed reached a very delicate level, but the ability of cold energy is perfectly integrated!

Although his mind was moving, Qingzhi's movements did not stop at all.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his hand again, the ability of the devil fruit was no longer held back, it was completely released!

"Ice Age!"

There was a soft moan in his mouth, and in an instant, endless cold air was released.

This cold air is enough to freeze a small island into an Iceland!

"Ice Age!" Following Qingzhi's voice, Luo Hang imitated Qingzhi and shouted.

Then, Xuanyuan Sword pointed in the direction of Qingzhi.

Endless cold air was released from Xuanyuan Sword!

If it is said that the coldness of Aokiji is enough to freeze an island into an Iceland.

Then, the cold air in the Frost Treasure Box is enough to freeze a planet.

Moreover, this chill wasn't even Luo Hang's own strength.

Therefore, the release of this cold air did not consume the backwardness in the slightest!

The cold air met the cold air, and at this moment they collided fiercely.

The terrible cold collided, causing the air of the island to drop sharply.

But for a moment, egg-sized hailstones condensed in the sky, falling continuously from midair!

At the same time, the frozen range of the island under his feet is also constantly expanding!

200 meters in diameter, 500 meters, 1000 meters, [-] meters...

"Hey, did the collision of the two people's cold air actually change the weather?"

"Following this trend, the whole island will become a frozen island!"

"General Aokiji has the ability to freeze fruits of the natural system. What kind of fruit is this lunatic? The ability to freeze is so strong?"

"Is it my illusion? The chill of this lunatic seems to be suppressing General Aokiji!"

Many navies nearby, watching the pure cold competition, watching the island is rapidly condensing, and the weather has changed accordingly, all of them are dumbfounded and dumbfounded!

Especially if you look carefully, under the collision of the cold air, Luo Hang's cold air gradually overwhelms Qingzhi, which makes many marines even more dumbfounded!

As a natural devil fruit user with the ability to freeze, did General Aokiji fall into a disadvantage?

"Here, what kind of fruit is this guy's devil fruit!"

"In the devil fruit illustration book, I have never seen such a cold fruit!"

"Moreover, the most important thing is, how far has his devil fruit ability been developed? Is this cold air seemingly endless?"

Not to mention the navy next to it, even Aokiji was secretly shocked!

If it is said that my cold air is like the rolling Yangtze River...

Then, the cold air of the other party is like an ocean, as if it is endless.

In terms of coldness, he is actually not as good as the other party?This made Qingzhi clearly feel the strength of Luohang!


In the competition of cold air, no one can retreat, just like martial arts masters competing for internal strength.

However, with the competition of cold air, time passed by every minute, and finally, the suppressed Qingzhi, the cold air was completely suppressed by Luo Hang!

At the same time, the terrible cold air turned into a torrent, which completely engulfed Aokiji's body!

At the same time, the island under his feet has completely turned into an Iceland!

At this point, Luo Hang nodded in satisfaction, and took back his Xuanyuan Sword!

"Okay, it's almost enough to fight to this extent!" Luo Hang said after taking back Xuanyuan Sword.

After saying this, turn around and leave!

Watching Luo Hang turn and leave, the navy next to him looked at each other in blank dismay.

He wanted to block it, but even the general Qingzhi was defeated, so how can he stop it!

"It's unbelievable. General Aokiji actually lost in the cold air competition. This, even if I saw it with my own eyes, I still find it unbelievable!" "Is there another such powerful pirate on the sea? That's not good news!" "Is the era of pirate rampage still going on?"

Watching Luo Hang leave, these sailors whispered about 5.9, what you say, what I say!


After all, it is a user with the ability to freeze fruit. Although Aokiji was frozen, the ice on his body quickly cracked, and then it turned into pieces and collapsed!

However, Aokiji's figure was half kneeling on the ground, with a very ugly face.

Obviously, Aokiji's injury is not serious now!

"Wait, wait, you, what's your name?" Qingzhi's voice was full of weakness, and asked in the direction of Luo Hang!

"Oh? I said I wanted to earn some fame, but I didn't remember to think of my own name in advance? This is really a failure!" With a slight pause in his footsteps, Luo Hang muttered to himself!

"You can call me Hang Luo!" Luo Hang said casually when the matter came to an end!

"Hang Luo? This name seems a bit familiar, I seem to have heard it somewhere, but I have never heard of this name before!" Hearing Luo Hang's self-reported name, Qingzhi murmured secretly in his heart!

I'm sure I haven't heard of it, but what's with this damn familiarity?

"Hang Luo? It seems that another big pirate has appeared in this sea, and may even challenge the position of the fifth emperor of the sea!" As for the other navies, they also silently remembered the name Hang Luo. In the heart! .

Chapter 255: The Famous Sea

"Reprint, reprint, big news, this is really big news!"

The newspaper office, as the editor-in-chief of the maritime newspaper, Morgans is shouting loudly at the moment.

Under his yelling, the printing started running crazily.

Fresh newspapers are quickly sold to every corner of the sea with the newsbird as the medium.

And the information recorded in the newspaper, like a storm, quickly spread across the entire sea!

In Marin Vanduo's hospital, Aokiji lay quietly on his hospital bed, looking out the window with calm eyes.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that Aokiji is completely in a daze!

In my mind, a figure wearing a mask pointed at me with a sword in his hand. The endless cold air seemed to be able to freeze the whole world!

That's right, that endless cold air can freeze the entire world.

That's how Aokiji felt at the time.

And this also made him feel horrified.

Kaido is known as the strongest creature, and Whitebeard is known as the strongest human being. However, no matter how powerful they are, can they sweep the entire world?

Can't do it?

"Did I feel wrong at the time? Or does the other party really have the power to freeze the world!?" Recalling the endless cold air, Aokiji whispered in his heart!

Tuk Tuk Tuk!

However, at this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door, which interrupted Aokiji's thoughts!

"Please come in!" Hearing the knock on the door, Aokiji said!

Immediately the door was pushed open, and it was Huang Yuan standing at the door, holding a newspaper in his hand!

"Oh, I really envy you, lying on the bed, you can take a good vacation for a while!" Huang Yuan met, and the first thing he said was this!

These words made Qingzhi give him a supercilious look!

It's also fortunate that Qingzhi knows the character of the yellow monkey, otherwise, he would really think that the yellow monkey is deliberately mocking himself!

"A new newspaper came out recently, saying that you were frostbitten by the cold? Is it true or not? This guy named Hang Luo is really so powerful?" Handing the newspaper in his hand to Qingzhi, Huang Yuan asked.

It seems lazy and careless, but in fact they are talking about business!

"I was injured, and I planned to hide it for a few days, so I can't hide it so soon?"

Sighing helplessly, Aokiji took the newspaper and read it.

It can only be said that the descriptions about Hang Luo in the newspaper are all correct!

For example, Hang Luo claims to be a pirate who has only recently set out to sea!

For example, in order to earn fame, Hang Luo drove out the feat of killing the Tianlong people and defeating the admiral.

Moreover, he just let him do it!

"Hey, this Hang Luo's goal has been achieved. Now he must be famous in the whole sea, right?"

Seeing that the newspapers regarded this matter as an absolute headline, Aokiji secretly sighed in his heart!

In other words, there is such a high-profile appearance of a pirate, which has nothing to do with Aokiji.

However, his high profile is using himself as a stepping stone, which is a bit uncomfortable.

What's more, as a demon capable user of frozen fruit, he was actually injured by someone else's freezing power, which is a big gimmick!

"Oh, the new pirates are becoming more and more terrifying. Is this the pinnacle after debut?"

After getting confirmation from Aokiji, Kizaru said half-truth!

Not only Marin Vanduo, but with the spread of newspapers, many forces in the sea have also firmly remembered the name Hang Luo!

To kill Tianlongren, defeat General Aokiji, or use the power of freezing that Aokiji is best at!

Among them, the Four Emperors of the New World had the strongest reaction!

"Ji Jie Jie, a rookie pirate, did such a lawless thing? Interesting, it seems that this new world should indeed inject a new vitality!"

This is the Whitebeard Pirates, Whitebeard's words!

"Oh, it looks like this sea is about to become uneasy again!" Putting down the newspaper, the red-haired Shanks sighed silently in his heart!

The sea is like a piece of cake, it's only that big, and suddenly a big-bellied diner comes, naturally, there will be new competition!

"Hang Luo? The old man is waiting for him to come to the new world, hoping that he has the ability to kill me! Gulu Gulu Gulu..."

On the ghost island, Beast Kaido glanced at the newspaper, picked up the wine gourd and drank it!

"Oh? Can you beat that kid Aokiji? It's pretty good, but he's just a newcomer to the pirates, not even a pirate team, and he's still far from my old lady!"

The aunt glanced at the newspaper about Hang Luo, but she didn't care, and shook her head!

Indeed, no matter how strong one is, he is only one person.

When he has the ability to threaten the status of the Four Emperors, he must at least pull up a powerful pirate group, right?

Not to mention the sea, what kind of situation is the discussion about Hang Luo's vest.

At this time, Luo Hang found a fishing boat, drew a pirate flag casually, and drew a mask that was the same as himself on the skull, and just inserted it like this, even if he had a pirate ship.

Lying quietly on the pirate ship, drifting with the wind, and focusing on the practice of the Sacred Heart Jue!

Perhaps because of a breakthrough in his state of mind, Luo Hang could feel that his progress in the cultivation of the Sacred Heart Jue was getting faster and faster!

However, Yu Jian's ability to fly is still in the groping stage!

"When Qiwu slays the dragon in the original book of Fengyun, those people all used the means of flying the imperial weapon. I have never seen them use it before. Could it be plot killing? When it comes to the critical moment, no matter whether it will or not, the director will arrange them. did that?"

Groping alone, but still having no clue, Luo Hang shook his head secretly.

It seems that if you really want to learn to fly with the sword, do you have to encounter a fairy-like adventure world in the future?

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