"By the way, I am also a pirate now. Should I find a group of crew members? Otherwise, it would be too shameless to be alone? Do you want to learn from Hawkeye?" Start? It’s been a month since I became a pirate, and these days seem a bit boring!”

Lying in his cabin like a salted fish, Luo Hang was full of thoughts, and all kinds of messy thoughts kept coming out!

However, on the island in the distance, a figure was about to go out to sea, when suddenly, some people saw Luohang's boat. "Pirate ship? How could a pirate ship come here?"

The leader was a man who looked like a nouveau riche, with a big necklace hanging around his neck, and even all kinds of rings on the ten fingers of both hands, the breath of a nouveau riche came oncoming!

Moreover, this person's expression is completely in line with the feeling of a nouveau riche, with his self-confidence inflated to the extreme.

"It looks like a small pirate ship, not worth mentioning. It must be a little guy who doesn't know where, and it floated here?"

Seeing that the pirate ship was just a small fishing boat transformed, it almost hung a little-known pirate flag, so it was regarded as a pirate ship, and the people next to it shook their heads!

Indeed, the pirate ship was too small, and the man at the head didn't care. A group of people boarded the ship and prepared to leave! "Oh? Wait, that's not right!"

However, just when he was about to set sail, suddenly, the leading man looked at the little pirate flag again, and said, "Do you think this pirate flag looks familiar?" "Familiar, I didn't find anything familiar Ah!" Hearing this, several people next to him shook their heads.

The pattern of the pirate flag is generally somewhat similar to the leader of the pirate group!

For example, Bucky the Clown's Pirate Flag has a clown's red nose on the skull!

The pirate flag of the Straw Hat Pirates, the skeleton is wearing a straw hat!

The skeleton of the Whitebeard Pirates has two 160 white beards and so on!

The pirate flag of Luohang continues this style, the skull is wearing a mask of the same style! "Wait, what the boss said makes sense, and I also think this Pirate Flag seems familiar!"

However, some people feel that this pirate flag is not worth mentioning and has no reputation at all, but some people feel that this pirate flag looks familiar!

"By the way, didn't we get the newspaper a few days ago, and it said that there was a new pirate who killed the Tianlong people? The man named Hang Luo in the newspaper seems to be wearing a mask that looks just like the flag!?" As soon as the words came out, the faces of these people around them changed!

Hang Luo! ?Killed the Celestial Dragons and even defeated the Admiral Hang Luo! ?

Could it be that he met this great god?

Recently, his fame has really shaken the whole sea!

Moreover, Hang Luo is a pirate who just went to sea, which seems to fit the personality of the small pirate ship alone in front of him? "Okay, let's go up and have a look!"

The headed upstart man's eyes lit up, he couldn't help showing a deep smile on his face, and said!

Immediately, this big pirate ship approached!

"Huh?" Lying in the cabin, quietly practicing the Sacred Heart Art, Luo Hang, who was still thinking wildly in his mind, had some achievements after all.

Sensing a pirate ship appearing beside him, he opened his eyes! "Hey, Hang Luo? Interested in coming up for a drink or two?"

The leading upstart man stood on his pirate ship, looked down at Luo Hang lying in the cabin, and said invitingly!

"Who are you?" Luo Hang looked at the man, still looking like a salted fish, and asked curiously.

The appearance of the other party seems familiar!

"You can call me Marshall. D. Teach!" The upstart man grinned and said to Luo Hang! .

Chapter 256: Activating the Soul Gem Ability

Looking at this upstart man in front of him, Luo Hang felt a little familiar.

Now, after hearing what the other party said, Luo Hang finally understood, isn't this the black beard?

No wonder I feel familiar!

The world of One Piece I saw at the beginning was in the style of anime after all, but the world in front of me was a live-action version.

Therefore, it is not surprising that I didn't recognize it at the first time! "What? Hang Luo, have you heard of me?"

Although wearing a mask, he couldn't see the change in Luo Hang's face, but the change in Luo Hang's eyes caught Blackbeard's keen attention!

"Well, I heard that the only traitor of the Whitebeard Pirates killed his companions and took the Dark Fruit, so he was hunted down by the Whitebeard Pirates!" Luo Hang nodded and said! "Hey, Hang Luo, you still don't know the latest information!"

Knowing Blackbeard's thoughts, he wanted a strong man like Rahangro to join, so the pirate next to him followed suit and showed Blackbeard's ability.

"Not long ago, Ace, the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, came to capture our boss, but was caught by our boss in turn and sent to the navy." "These days, seven of our boss's Wu Hai's letter of appointment should announce the entire sea!"

"So, has Ace been caught?" Hearing the pirate's words, Luo Hang muttered to himself! , From this point of view, the day of the top battle is indeed not far away!

"Hang Luo, I think you look like a person, do you want to join my pirate group?" Seeing that the time was almost up, Blackbeard followed suit and threw out his olive branch!

Without waiting for Luo Hang's answer, Blackbeard followed suit and said, "Don't look at me as a mere Qiwuhai, I've already prepared a perfect plan, when the time comes, our Blackbeard Pirates will definitely become one of the Four Emperors." !" "No, I refuse!" Hearing this, Luo Hang simply shook his head, expressing his refusal!

"Hmph, are you looking down on our Blackbeard Pirates?" Hearing Luo Hang's answer, the faces of the pirates next to him turned ugly, and they hummed.

"Well, it can be understood in this way!" Luo Hang nodded straightforwardly, without any intention of denying it!

When these words came out, these people in the Blackbeard Pirates were excited for a while, and they looked at Luo Hang angrily.

That look, as if he couldn't swallow Luo Hang alive!

"Rejected, just this expression, this size is not very good!"

Looking at these people in the Blackbeard Pirates staring at him like this, Luo Hang shook his head and said!

"Jie Jie Jie, it seems that I am really underestimated!" Blackbeard said with a strange grin.

"Don't talk so much nonsense. If you want to do it, do it! If you don't want to do it, don't bother me. You take your single-plank bridge, and I will take my Yangguan road!"

He didn't have a good impression of Blackbeard, so naturally he had nothing to talk about, Luo Hang said!

"That's fine, it's said that Hang Luo has the power to defeat the admiral, and I just want to see it too!" "

Blackbeard laughed out of breath, and the jet-black power on his body began to surge.

With a lift of his hand, this large piece of black energy smashed in the direction of Luo Hang.

This attack was not just to deal with Luo Hang, but also to destroy the pirate ship under him.

After all, it is rumored that Hang Luo's cold energy can suppress Aokiji, which means that he is also a Devil Fruit user?

If his ship was destroyed and fell into the sea, wouldn't this defeat him easily?

Of course, Luo Hang could see what kind of sinister intentions Blackbeard had.

Seeing his black power smashing towards him, the left hand with the vibrating gold glove went up to meet him!


This pitch-black energy blasted fiercely on Luo Hang's left hand, and this force was completely blocked by the glove on his left hand.

It even feels like the destructive power has been completely absorbed.

This made Blackbeard's face froze!

"This, this is impossible..."

Looking at Luo Hang's left hand, Black Beard was dumbfounded!

The power of the dark fruit can be said to restrain the abilities of all devil fruits, and can even absorb all the power of all devil fruits.

It is by virtue of this characteristic that Blackbeard successfully defeated Fire Fist Ace!

This also inflated Blackbeard's self-confidence even more!

After all, it is true that the vice-president of the Four Emperor Pirates is as powerful as an admiral in the navy!

But today, the power of his secret fruit seems to be restrained by others?

This made Blackbeard feel unacceptable!

It's just that Luo Hang didn't pay attention to what kind of thoughts Blackbeard was thinking.

The left hand wearing the vibrating gold glove was used as a shield, and at the same time, he swung the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand.

The terrifying cold air and sword energy condensed, and the members of the Blackbeard Pirates quickly dodged when the sword slashed.

Then, the huge slash hit the pirate ship directly, cutting the huge pirate ship in half with one sword!

Seeing that Black Beard dodged his own sword energy in some embarrassment, Luo Hang raised his hand again, pointing the Xuanyuan Sword in Black Beard's direction again.

Sword eight!

In an instant, several streaks of frosty sword energy shot out, leaving no room for Blackbeard to dodge at all!

"Look at me, dark fruit!"

Since you can't hide, then don't hide, take a deep breath, and Blackbeard raised his hands.

The black power seemed to turn into a black hole. This was to use the power of the dark fruit to restrain the ability of Luo Hang's devil fruit!

("Recognize"; quasi;? Ruo:, water,:. first "hair",? Pirate: book.: Sell:? Money. Die; mother:!) However, under the influence of his dark fruit, Luo Hang's The Frost Sword Qi was not affected, and continued to slash at Blackbeard's body!

"What, what's going on here!?"

It's fine if the power of his dark fruit is restrained by the opponent, but he can't restrain the ability of the opponent's devil fruit?This is completely unreasonable!


There was a shrill scream, and the falling frost sword energy would not give Blackbeard so much time to be surprised.

The sword energy landed on him, immediately leaving several deep wounds on his body.

However, the wound caused by the Frost Sword Qi caused the blood to coagulate, and there was no feeling of bleeding!

The pain sensory system is several times that of a normal person, and these deep wounds, naturally made Blackbeard scream again and again!

"Come again..."

After injuring Blackbeard, Luo Hang's faith moved slightly, and Xuanyuan Sword raised again!

As for Blackbeard, he didn't have a good impression of him, since the other party took the initiative to provoke him, Luo Hang didn't mind killing him!


However, when Luo Hang raised the Xuanyuan Sword again, the members of the Blackbeard Pirates made a move regardless of martial ethics.

All kinds of attacks came towards Luo Hang!

Frowning slightly, Luo Hang raised his left hand!

Although all the attacks that landed on the gloves were blocked, several people shot together, and some attacks landed on Luohang's boat.

How can a small fishing boat withstand the attack of pirates?It fell apart in an instant!

After destroying Luo Hang's pirate ship, the remaining crew members had no intention of fighting with Luo Hang. Pulling on Blackbeard, who was so injured and rolling on the deck, a smoke bomb was released, and then, quickly Gone!

", "Want to run?Did you ask me? "

Standing on the sea, like walking on flat ground, Luo Hang's eyes stared at the group of black beards who were going away, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Then, the power of the Sacred Heart Jue surged, and Luo Hang disappeared instantly.

When it reappeared, it had already arrived at the coast, standing in front of Blackbeard and the others!

The means of space teleportation, this is the ability attached to the Sacred Heart formula.

After Luo Hang's attack soared, this ability could barely be used.

Although it can only be moved a few hundred meters away, it is still very practical!

"You, are you going to kill them all?"

Looking at Luo Hang standing in front of him, Black Beard endured the severe pain caused by his injury, and said with an extremely ugly face!

"This is ridiculous. You were the one who did it. Now, you are the one who doesn't do it. You just want to leave because you can't beat it? How can there be such a good thing in the world!"

Hearing this, Luo Hang seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world!

After the words fell, Luo Hang stepped on Lingbo and took small steps, Luo Hang continued to rush towards the black beard!

"Dark cave!" Resisting the injury, Blackbeard gritted his teeth, and the power of the devil fruit surged again.

At the same time, the other pirates beside him also shot together, and several attacks pressed down on Luo Hang at the same time!

Sword 23!

With a slight movement of his thoughts, Luo Hang's sword 23 was activated, and the invisible sword field spread out centered on Luo Hang's body in an instant!

Whether it's Blackbeard's attack or another pirate's attack, it's like pressing the pause button instantly, (the one who wins the king) can no longer move!

Luo Hang's footsteps walked towards the black beard at a leisurely pace!

Heibeard couldn't move at all, watching Luo Hang approaching, his eyes showed horror!

This kind of material time and space is frozen, and I can't do any actions, but I can only watch the other person walking towards me, that is really very bad!

Luo Hang raised his left hand, the left hand wearing the vibrating gold glove, and pointed at Heibeard's chest!

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