The fingertips touched Blackbeard's chest, and at the same time, the light of the soul gem inlaid on the vibrating gold glove flickered slightly!

This is the first time Luo Hang has used the power of the Mind Stone to manipulate other people's minds since he obtained the Mind Stone.

Blackbeard is considered a test subject!

From the feedback from the Mind Stone, Luo Hang could understand that the power of the Mind Stone had been activated successfully!

Then, Luo Hang put away his sword 23's domain recognition!

All these attacks on Luohang were in vain!

Before the other pirates could make another move, Blackbeard moved.

But instead of fighting with hands, he knelt on the ground facing Luo Hang's direction, and at the same time, lowered his head and said, "Master!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates was shocked.

Looking at Luo Hang, and then at Blackbeard, his face was full of disbelief! .

Chapter 257: Luffy, do you regret escaping from Push City now?

"What's the matter with this guy? He looks like a rich man, an upstart!"

"Ten fingers are all covered with rings. Isn't this too exaggerated? It's a bit exaggerated!" "Whitebeard Pirates, the captain of the second team was defeated by him? Is it true?"

"One of the four emperors, the Whitebeard Pirates, the captain of the second team, can be regarded as an existence of the emperor's deputy level?"

"A powerhouse at the rank of emperor's deputy is almost as powerful as an admiral, right? Does this guy who looks like an upstart actually have such abilities?" I really don't like him, just look at this nouveau riche's temperament, and you know that's it!" "After my brother Hang refused, he still wanted to take action against our brother Hang? It's really an old birthday star who eats arsenic and lives so well!" Impatient!"

"Grass, this black beard's strength is really good, indeed he has the strength comparable to that of a general, but even if he is a general in front of my brother Hang, he will be beaten!" "Wait, brother Hang Did you use the power of the Mind Gem!?"

"Holding the grass, I'm the grass, digging a groove, isn't this too awesome? Is this the correct way to open the soul gem? Can you directly manipulate other people's minds and make them submit to you?" "Hahaha, my brother Hang , YYDS! You still want our Brother Hang to join the Pirates and become his subordinate? Now he kneels down to our Brother Hang, what’s going on?"

In Longguo's live broadcast room, many viewers originally regarded Blackbeard's provocation as a joke!

After all, following Luo Hang's perspective, in the past month or so, Luo Hang has been doing nothing, and the atmosphere in the live broadcast room has dropped a lot compared to before!

Unexpectedly, someone dared to provoke Luo Hang?Isn't this food delivery?

After Luo Hang subdued Blackbeard with the power of the Soul Stone, this was the first time Luo Hang used the power of the Soul Stone, and the audience in these live broadcast rooms were blown up.It turns out that the mind stone can still be used in this way? 160 However, despite being shocked, these viewers took it for granted!

Infinity gems, besides containing infinite energy, have their own unique abilities, right?

For example, the endless power of the power gem.

Space gems can travel through any space.

The Time Stone can even turn back time.

Reality gems can modify the real world and more!

Then, it is reasonable that the mind gem can be used to manipulate the mind of the victim! "As for you..."

Not to mention the thoughts of the audience in the live broadcast room, after using the soul gem to make Blackbeard surrender, Luo Hang's eyes followed to look at the other pirates in the pirate group!

"We are willing to surrender!" Hearing this, the pirates stopped in unison, and saluted Luo Hang respectfully!

If Luo Hang was alone, they would still have the courage to resist if they teamed up with Blackbeard.

Now, even Blackbeard has been manipulated by the opponent.

In the face of two strong men comparable to generals, if people like myself don't submit, they will die!

"Very well, let's do it!"

Although I also know that these pirates are not sincerely surrendering to themselves.

However, there is still more than half a year left in this world, whether they are really willing to surrender, it doesn't matter!

Now that the entire Blackbeard Pirates have surrendered, and the pirate ships of both sides have been destroyed.

Then, the top priority is naturally to find a way to get a pirate ship!

On the island, there is no intention of building, but waiting quietly.

In the era of pirate rampage, it is not difficult to wait for a pirate ship to appear!

Sure enough, after waiting for about four or five days, a pirate ship appeared.

Judging from the flag, the captain of this pirate group has a bounty of about 2 million!

However, in front of the Blackbeard Pirates, it is naturally nothing.

Soon, the pirate ship was taken over, and at the same time, the pirate flag about Luohang that had been prepared for a long time was also hoisted!

Since then, the masked pirate group that belongs exclusively to Luohang has officially set sail.

There was nothing to hide his thoughts, and soon, the news about Hang Luo's formation of the masked pirate group spread across the sea!

Even Blackbeard, the original traitor of the Whitebeard Pirates, joined Luo Hang's Masked Pirates, which shocked the entire sea.

And Hang Luo was once again pushed to the forefront!

Betrayed the Whitebeard Pirates, but in the end all of them joined Hang Luo's Masked Pirates?

What's so special about Hang Luo?

In other words, is Hang Luo stronger than Whitebeard?

Otherwise, why would Blackbeard betray Whitebeard and choose Hanglo?

This is really an incomprehensible thing!

"Master, regarding Ace, I actually sent him to the navy because of my own plan!"

The power of the Mind Stone is like that of other gods. When facing Luo Hang, Blackbeard is completely loyal at the moment.

Immediately, he told Luo Hang why he wanted to give Ace to the navy, how he tried to seize the shocking fruit of Whitebeard, and how he replaced the Whitebeard Pirates as the Four Emperors of the new world. a lot!

The many pirates in the pirate group didn't speak at the moment, but they all lowered their heads, secretly terrified in their hearts!

It seems that Blackbeard is really completely subdued by Hang Luo.

Such a confidential plan was actually explained clearly and clearly!

Don't even think about betraying yourself.

After all, even Blackbeard is so loyal, isn't he?

The masked pirates have officially debuted, and Hang Luo's reputation has resounded across the sea. At this time, whether it is the navy or the pirates, all eyes are on the masked pirates!

I don't know, which one will be the first Four Emperor Pirates to break out of the masked pirates?

In order to earn fame, he can kill the Tianlong people, defeat the admiral of the navy and make himself famous.

Whether it is a pirate or a navy, they can clearly understand that Hang Luo of the masked pirate group is a very ambitious person.

The current (bcfj) prestige alone will not satisfy him. It is inevitable to fight with other Four Emperor Pirates!

However, before the conflict broke out between the Masked Pirates and the Four Emperors, soon another news that shook the sea appeared.

Fire Fist Ace, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' [-]nd squad, has been captured.

At the same time, the Navy decided to publicly execute Ace!

As soon as the news came out, even Hang Luo's reputation was stifled.

All eyes turned to the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates!

Everyone knows that this is the beginning of a war between the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates! "Is it finally about to start?"

After reading the newly obtained newspaper and seeing the news of the public execution of Fire Fist Ace written on it, Luo Hang sat up a lot more straight, and his expression became serious!

If you want to talk about the world of pirates, which part of the story is the most impressive, it is definitely the top of the war!

And this is the day Luo Hang has been waiting for!

Now, is the day of Fire Fist Ace's execution coming?

The day of the top war is finally coming, right?

"Master, I found a pirate ship ahead. It looks like it belongs to the Straw Hat Pirates!"

Just as Luo Hang was staring at the information on the newspaper, suddenly, Blackbeard's voice sounded, and he reported to Luo Hang!

"Oh?" Hearing this, Luo Hang put down the newspaper in his hand and looked into the distance.

Sure enough, at the end of the sea, there is a pirate ship.

The flag on the pirate ship looks like a skull wearing a straw hat. Who else could it be if it wasn't the Straw Hat Pirates?

"Really? Let's go, I also want to see what the straw hat kid Luffy is thinking!" Hearing this, Luo Hang smiled and said with some interest!

"Luffy, a pirate ship is approaching. Judging from the flag, it is the masked pirate group that has gained fame recently!" On the other side, Usopp, the sniper, also spotted Luo Hang and the others approaching. Open your mouth and say it!

"Really? I heard that Hang Luo has defeated Aokiji? Let's see what kind of pirates can defeat the admiral!" Luffy seems to be quite interested in Hang Luo.

After all, the Straw Hat Pirates also had contact with the general Aokiji, and they deeply understand how powerful the general is!

"Okay!" Although the relationship between pirates is very tense, if you approach the strong one rashly, the consequences will be unpredictable.

However, since this is Luffy's wish, the Straw Hat Pirates will naturally not disobey it!

Don't look at ordinary times, Luffy has no reputation in the Pirates, and anyone can step on him.

But if it really reaches some key nodes, Luffy, the captain of the pirate group, still has a lot of prestige. "Hey, come here, what's the matter?"

Standing on his Wanli Sunshine, Luffy didn't seem to have any scheming at all, and said hello to Luo Hang!

With a leap, Luo Hang's figure jumped directly onto the Wanli Sunshine!

Sauron and the others didn't react too much, but they all silently faced Luo Hang's side, with vigilance in mind!

"Looking at you, you seem to be in a good mood. It seems that you haven't read the latest newspaper!" Luo Hang said.

"By the way, is there any important news in the latest newspaper?" Robin asked, glancing at the newspaper in Luo Hang's hand.

"Here, read it for yourself!" Luo Hang casually handed the newspaper to Luffy.

Luffy took it over and saw that the whole person seemed to be struck by lightning, and there was no response for a long time!

Seeing Luffy's appearance, Zoro and the others looked at each other, realizing that something was wrong. "Luffy, what was written in this newspaper?" Usopp asked, and at the same time, he leaned over to take a look!

"Ace, he was caught and executed publicly!?" Seeing the headlines on the newspaper, Usopp couldn't help but exclaimed.

As soon as this remark came out, the entire Straw Hat Pirates were shocked!

"How? Lu Fei, I said it was for your own good when I caught you in Jinjin City, right? Now I regret that I escaped from Jinjin City?" Luo Hang smiled slightly and asked Luffy! .

Chapter 258: So Hang Luo is Luo Hang?

"Ah? You pushed me into the city? You are Luo Hang!?"

Hearing Luo Hang's words, Lu Fei was startled, and immediately looked at Luo Hang in surprise!

Similarly, the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates are also staring at Luo Hang seriously at this moment!

It was Vice Admiral Luo Hang who caught Luffy in the first place, of course everyone knows this~!

Moreover, in recent days, there have been rumors that Luo Hang, the Vice Admiral, was imprisoned for unknown reasons - to advance to the city!

But the famous Hang Luo in front of him actually revealed his identity as Luo Hang?

This is a bit strange!

"This, is it impossible? Isn't Luo Hang locked up in the deep sea prison?" Usopp looked at Luo Hang strangely and asked, not quite believing his identity!

Without meaning to talk nonsense, Luo Hang took off the mask on his face! "It really is you, Luo Hang!"

No one else has seen it, so Lu Fei has certainly seen it. Looking at Luo Hang's face, Lu Fei shouted in surprise! "This, is it really Luo Hang? Former vice admiral, now a pirate!?"

After confirming Luo Hang's identity from Luffy's mouth, the other members of the Straw Hat Pirates all looked at Luo Hang in surprise!

"What's going on? Logically speaking, this is impossible. If you escaped from the city, the news should have spread all over the sea, right?" Sanji lit a cigarette, showing a very wise look. Analysis of the appearance. "Because of my ability, the ability of a ninja!"

Luo Hang smiled slightly, followed by forming seals with both hands, and then performed a shadow clone technique!

With a bang, a shadow clone appeared beside Luo Hang, exactly the same as Luo Hang!

"Wow, is this ninjutsu? It's amazing!" Chopper said in amazement with his eyes shining!

"Ninja, you are actually a ninja!" Usopp also shouted exaggeratedly!

For legendary characters like ninjas, they all feel very surprised and very cool! "It turns out that's the case, so it's no wonder!"

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