Sanji's wisdom is just a faux pas, while Robin next to him is the real wisdom, a look of amazement flashed between his brows, and he nodded! "Luo Hang, Hang Luo, from the name, it's the reverse of the two pronunciations!"

"Put an avatar in the promotion city, pretending to be imprisoned, but in fact, the deity appeared on the sea and became a pirate?" It's time to lock into the city of advancement!"

"It's no wonder that the incarnation of Hang Luo has to wear a mask, because he is afraid of being recognized by others!"

"I heard that Luo Hang was imprisoned in Jinjin City, mainly because of the Tianlong people? No wonder you killed the Tianlong people with your own hands after becoming Hang Luo!"

Robin spoke, summarizing Luohang's situation before and after.

Many places can be matched, and the explanation makes sense!

"Most of what you said is reasonable, but there is one thing that is not right!" Luo Hang said after hearing Robin's analysis with a glance at her!

"Oh? Little brother Luohang, tell me, what did I say wrong?" Robin asked.

"Actually, I don't wear a mask, and no one can recognize me, because I have a ninjutsu called transformation. Not only can I change into anyone's appearance, it can even become an object!"

Luo Hang explained!

The voice fell, and the transformation technique was cast.

One by one, they became Luffy, Sauron, and even Chopper, Nami, Robin...

It even looks like a knife!

"Wow, this is ninjutsu, so handsome!"

"Amazing, what a handsome ninjutsu!"

"Not only is there a clone technique, but there is also such a transformation technique? This is even more peculiar than Xiao Feng's ability!" Lu Fei also said in amazement!

"Please be sure to accept me as a disciple!"

Just when Chopper and the others were amazed at the magic of this ninjutsu, suddenly, Sanji looked like a pilgrimage and shouted to Luo Hang.

"Oh? Sanji, do you want to learn ninjutsu? Do you want to be a ninja too?"

Sanji's appearance made Usopp next to him feel a little strange!

When talking about ninjas, Sanji didn't react excitedly.

However, after Luo Hang showed his transformation technique, it seemed that he would explode?

"I always feel that Sanji's reaction is a bit tricky!"

The black-bellied Robin was keenly aware of Sanji's intentions, not purely on ninjutsu!

"Accept you as an apprentice? I think your purpose is actually to learn the transformation technique, and then turn into a woman, and openly go to the women's bathhouse?"

Glancing at Sanji, Luo Hang's attitude towards him was clearly grasped!

"It seems that brother Luo Hang knows Sanji's character very well!"

Covering his mouth and chuckling, Robin made a comment, agreeing with Luo Hang's point of view!

"You, your ninjutsu, could it be that you also have the ability to read minds!?"

Luo Hang saw through his thoughts so easily, Sanji also widened his eyes, looked at Luo Hang in shock and said! "This, it really is like this, this is in line with Sanji's character!"

Usopp and the others next to him suddenly realized that they also highly agreed with Luo Hang's words! "Okay, let's get down to business, Luffy, you regret it now, shouldn't you have escaped from the city?" Without saying anything more about this, Luo Hang's face straightened, and he asked Luffy again. "Yes, I, I must go to rescue Ace, I must break into the city again!" Hearing what Luo Hang said about Ace, Lu Fei's face became more serious than ever before, and at the same time, he was serious. He nodded and said!

"Last time, you were able to escape from the city of advancement. You were lucky. This kind of luck is hard to come by a second time, so you'd better be careful!" Luo Hang said!

"Yeah, we have to make a rigorous plan!" Robin nodded, agreeing with Luo Hang's words.

With a thoughtful look on his brows, he thought for a while, and followed Robin and said, "Last time, we mainly managed to infiltrate the city of Advancing because the navy took us in. This time, it would be great if the navy also took us in." Already!" While saying this, Robin stared at Luo Hang seriously!

"Don't forget, I'm also a criminal in Push City now!" Of course Luo Hang understood what she meant when Robin stared at her!

"Brother Luo Hang, can you change into someone else's appearance at will? If you turn into Lieutenant General Garp or the appearance of an admiral, it should be an easy thing to bring us in, right?" Robin asked road!

"No, no, push forward the matter of saving people in the city, you go, I will go head-on to the battlefield of the war!" Luo Hang shook his head when he heard this.

As for how to enter the battle on the top, Luo Hang already had his own plan.

Having said that, Luo Hang continued: "Besides, Blackbeard Tiqi is already a member of the King's Qiwuhai. With his current status, it is not difficult to lead people to advance the city!" "Yes !” Hearing this, Robin nodded suddenly!

This is indeed the case. It is no secret that all members of Blackbeard Tiki have joined the Masked Pirates.

If he led Luffy and the others into the city, it would indeed be a feasible plan!

"Blackbeard? He captured Ace and handed it over to the navy!" Hearing Blackbeard's topic, Luffy's face was full of anger.

"Now, his mind has been controlled by my power, and he completely obeys my command. Even if I let him commit suicide now, he will not hesitate!" Luo Hang opened his mouth and introduced the current situation of Black Beard!

"Brother Luo Hang actually has this kind of power? It sounds like such an evil and terrifying power!" Robin said after glancing at Luo Hang.

"Power, there is no distinction between good and evil, it is human beings who can distinguish between good and evil!" Luo Hang emphasized!

This made Robin nod his head in agreement.

This is indeed the case, there is no distinction between good and evil in power, it mainly depends on the individual.

"Luo Hang, why do you want to help me?" Luffy asked curiously after the conversation was almost finished.

"Why? Do you need a reason? Your purpose is to save Ace."

... 0 "And my purpose? It is to take revenge on the world government."

"As the saying goes, an enemy's enemy is a friend, right?" Luo Hang replied as a matter of course. Luo Hang's answer was reasonable and restrained, and the members of the Straw Hat Pirates also nodded in agreement.


Speaking of this, Luo Hang paused slightly, and then said: "Besides, I can know that you are all a group of children of destiny, and you are all blessed by the heavens, so if we join hands with you, I think everything will go smoothly !"

"Really? Destiny's Child? You really have vision!"

This is Luffy, if there is a tail behind the ass, it must have been raised by this time!

"Even if you praised me like that, I wouldn't be happy, you bastard!"

This is Chopper, writhing with joy.

"This is really embarrassing!"

This is Nami, with embarrassing words in her mouth, but the smile on her face cannot be concealed no matter what!

"The strength of the Straw Hat Pirates is just like this? A general can destroy them. Why is Brother Hang willing to join forces with them?"

"That's right, it's really strange. Besides, Brother Hang had expected this day, so he threw Luffy into the city early, and he escaped by himself!"

"It's really strange, just because Luffy is the grandson of Garp, does he value him so much? It doesn't make sense!"

"However, speaking of it, the members of the Straw Hat Pirates are quite interesting. The atmosphere is very cheerful, which is very different from other pirates!"

"What? Destiny's Child? Is the entire pirate group blessed by the heavens?"

"Hold the grass, so it is like this, no wonder Brother Hang attaches so much importance to the Straw Hat Pirates!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, many viewers thought it was strange, why did Luo Hang care so much about the Straw Hat Pirates, and even join hands with them?

Isn't the so-called joining forces just because there is a saying of joining forces between two parties with similar strengths?

However, following Luo Hang's statement that the Straw Hat Pirates are people of destiny, these viewers understood!

You don't have to believe what others say.

However, Luo Hang's words had to be believed!

(PS: Today is my birthday, I really want to take a vacation~~~ Have a good birthday~~~嘿咕咒~~) Corpse.

Chapter 259: Ace, Sabo is still alive, do you know that?

The shadow clone, quietly staying in the prison, sitting cross-legged, practicing the Sacred Heart Art!

To be honest, in addition to the role that the shadow clone can play in battle, it is also a bug in cultivation!

In the world of Naruto, it is very dangerous to use the shadow clone technique to practice, because the practice will cause a high load on the body!

However, this is not the case for the cultivation of martial arts and xianxia systems!

When cultivating true energy, not only will you not feel tired, but it will even allow you to maintain the peak state of energy and spirit.

Therefore, some people can even replace sleep with practice!

Since it is in prison, the shadow clone has no time to waste, sitting cross-legged and practicing the Sacred Heart Art, so that when the shadow clone returns, it can also increase the power of the main body, right?

why not?


However, when Luo Hang's shadow clone was sitting and practicing the Sacred Heart Art, without knowing the passage of time, suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps.

Then, it stopped in front of Luo Hang's prison!

Luo Hang opened his eyes and took a look. It turned out that it was Huang Yuan, the admiral of the navy, who came escorting a prisoner.

Look at this prisoner, about seventeen or eighteen years old, bare-chested, with the "[-]" Whitebeard Pirates logo tattooed on his back, and Hailoushi handcuffs on his body!

"Fire Fist Ace?" Looking at the figure escorted in by Huang Yuan, Luo Hang asked.

Although it was an interrogative sentence, the tone was affirmative!

Hearing Luo Hang's words, Ace raised his head and glanced at Luo Hang, but didn't answer!

Huang Yuan opened the prison and let Ace stay next door to Luo Hang!

"Did General Huang Yuan send me a cellmate here? Let me chat and relieve boredom in my spare time?" Luo Hang smiled and said hello to Huang Yuan!

"Luo Hang, since you know this is Ace, you should know that you will be leaving soon, right?" Huang Yuan said to Luo Hang!

"How to say?" Luo Hang asked Huang Yuan!

"Ace is the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates. The Navy has decided to publicly execute him. At that time, there will be a big battle between the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates."

"And your strength is very important. Therefore, the Warring States Marshal has applied for you to come out and make meritorious deeds."

"Presumably in the next few days, there will be orders from Wulaoxing!" Huang Yuan explained.

"Hehe..." Hearing Huang Yuan's explanation, Luo Hang smiled, with a mocking look on his face!

"Luo Hang, you, what do you mean?" Seeing Luo Hang's mocking smile, Huang Yuan frowned slightly!

"It's not interesting, I was just thinking, do you think I, Luo Hang, come and go when called?" Luo Hang said after glancing at Huang Yuan!

"Luo Hang, don't be too impulsive. No matter what, you should get out of the prison and regain your freedom!" Huang Yuan understood Luo Hang's thoughts, and said a word of comfort! "When I don't want to come in, you can grab me and lock me in!"

"However, if I don't want to go out, if I don't want to help, I really don't believe it. Can you still force me to help?" Luo Hang glanced at Huang Yuan, and then said!

"You..." Seeing Luo Hang's impulsive appearance, Huang Yuan opened his mouth, wanting to persuade him!

However, at this time Luo Hang had already closed his eyes, apparently unwilling to listen to what Huang Yuan had to say!

"Alas..." Looking at Luo Hang's appearance, Huang Yuan sighed helplessly in his heart!

Anyway, Luo Hang is also a young man, he has resentment in his heart, and it is not surprising that he will act on his temper!

Besides, Wulaoxing's reply hasn't come yet, so it's really too early to try to persuade Luo Hang now!

Seeing that Luo Hang didn't want to talk anymore, Huang Yuan didn't say anything, turned around and left the prison!

As Huang Yuan left, Ace glanced at Luo Hang.

He didn't speak either, he lowered his head and was depressed!

Ace also knew very well that it was fine if he was caught.

However, to implicate the entire Whitebeard Pirates, this made the young and vigorous Ace regret for the first time in his heart!

Unexpectedly, Tiqi, who is like an ordinary good guy and has no sense of presence, will become so terrifying after getting the dark fruit, and even the burning fruit himself is not his opponent! "By the way, Ace, it's a pity that Lu Fei is not here, otherwise, you two brothers can have a good chat at this time!" After all, it was Luo Hang's shadow clone who broke the silent atmosphere!

"You know Lu Fei?" Hearing this, Ace looked at Luo Hang in surprise!

"Of course I know, I will be locked up here, and to a certain extent, it has something to do with Luffy!" Hearing this, Luo Hang nodded and said!

If ordinary people want to chat, Ace is too lazy to bother.

However, if Luffy is used as the starting point, Ace will not be sleepy! "I'm sorry, it's my brother who caused you trouble, and I apologize to you!"

Don't ask what the specific situation is, Ace is very demeanor of a big brother, and said apologizing for Luffy!

"It's okay, actually, I thought that Luffy was locked up here, but in the same way, Luffy was also caught by me and locked up for a while."

"If it wasn't for your grandfather who came here, Lu Fei should still be locked up now, so he won't have to find a way to come back now!" Luo Hang said indifferently!

"This..." Ace's mouth twitched slightly, as if he felt that the relationship between Luo Hang and his brother Luffy was a little messy!

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