Moreover, he captured himself underground and brought him to Jincheng City?

Suddenly, Ace felt that what he just apologized seemed to have been said a little too early.

"You said, Luffy will find a way to advance the city!?" Noticing the key point in Luo Hang's words, Ace asked!

"What do you think? If you knew that Luffy was imprisoned in Push City, would you come to rescue him?" Luo Hang asked back!

Well, thinking about it, if I had known that Luffy was locked up here, I would have saved him at all costs.

Then, it is reasonable for Luffy to come to save him!

"By the way, there is another very important piece of information to tell you!" Seeing Ace's silent appearance, Luo Hang thought for a while, and then said.

"What important information?" Hearing this, Ace asked!

"It's about Sabo. In fact, Sabo is not dead!" Luo Hang said!

Speaking of the world of pirates, maybe Ace didn't know that Sabo was still alive until he died. This is a great pity!

"Sabo? You mean Sabo? He's not dead!?"

Sure enough, Ace, who was wearing Hailoushi handcuffs, stood up excitedly when he heard the news that Sabo was still alive...

Walking to Luo Hang's side, he stared at Luo Hang closely through the fence and asked!

"That's right, Sabo didn't die back then, but by chance, he was rescued by Monkey D. Dorag!" Luo Hang nodded and said!

"Monch. D!?"

Although Ace said that he was pleasantly surprised by the news that Sabo was still alive, his expression moved slightly when he heard this surname!

Isn't this surname the surname of Luffy and Grandpa Garp?

"That's right, Dorag, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, whose surname is Monchi. D, he is Karp's son, and Luffy's biological father!" Luo Hang nodded and continued to spoil the spoiler!

"This, this is really extremely confidential information!" Ace was dumbfounded when Luo Hang casually uttered such confidential information!

Ace is of course aware of the existence of the Revolutionary Army.

Unexpectedly, the leader of the revolutionary army turned out to be Luffy's biological father! ?

Not to mention, Sabo is not dead, and is still with Luffy's father?

"Since Sabo is alive, why didn't he come to me and Luffy, after so many years, why didn't he come to us!?"

Although he felt that there was no need for Luo Hang to deceive himself, Ace asked suspiciously!

Put yourself in the shoes of others, if you were Sabo, you would definitely find a way to find someone right away, right?

"How should I put it? Although Sabo was not dead back then, his head was injured, so he lost his memory, and now he still doesn't remember you and Luffy!" Luo Hang explained.

"Is that so?" Ace lowered his head, happy in his heart!

Although it was just Luo Hang's one-sided remarks, Ace did not doubt Luo Hang's meaning!

To be more precise, perhaps Ace hoped that what Luo Hang said was true, and didn't want to doubt his words! 5.9 "By the way, it's fine for you to know about me and Luffy, but why do you even know about Sabo? Where did you know that Sabo is not dead?"

So, after another moment of silence, Ace then asked Luo Hang!

"I have a special ability. As long as I want to, I can calculate many things that have happened in the past and things that will happen in the future!" Luo Hang threw out the profile of his physicist again.

"Is this ability? The power of the devil fruit?" Hearing this, Ace's face was shocked.

Looking again at the Hailoushi handcuffs on Luo Hang's hands, he nodded secretly, expressing his understanding!

Hailoushi handcuffs are specially made to deal with devil fruit users! "Besides these, do you know any other news?"

I'm a little curious, anyway, I'm idle anyway, chatting, it seems that I can make myself feel better?Ace took the initiative to ask! "There are so many things that can be said..."

The same is true for shadow avatars. They are idle anyway, so there is nothing wrong with talking more, right? .

Chapter 260: Are the Hailoushi handcuffs worn by Luo Hang fake?

Spoilers are cool for a while, spoilers are always cool!

Anyway, idleness is idleness, the two of them stay in prison, there are more topics to talk about, and more time to chat!

Because of the plot of the original book, Luffy is the protagonist.

Therefore, the topic of Luo Hang's chat is mainly around Luffy.

For example, what he has experienced, Sauron, Usopp, Sanji, Nami, etc., how did these crew members find them one by one!

Hearing Luo Hang's detailed explanation of Luffy's situation, Ace was very interested!

However, when Ace heard that Luffy defeated Sand Crocodile and Moonlight Moria successively, he was a little strange!

Is Qiwuhai so easy to be defeated?

It's even Luffy's away game!

"Some things cannot be deduced with common sense, especially things related to Luffy. I don't think it's surprising that he can defeat Whitebeard!"

For Ace's puzzled look, Luo Hang took it for granted!

"Why!?" What Luo Hang said made Ace stunned!

Although he loves his younger brother very much, how can Luffy defeat the white bearded father?

That is absolutely impossible, right?

"Because Luffy is the protagonist of this world, the heavens will help him!" Luo Hang followed up!

"The protagonist of the world? This, no matter how you think about it, you think it's impossible?" After thinking about it, Ace still found it a bit unacceptable.

"Okay, don't you believe me? Then let me ask you, Shiji, the 12-gold lion of the Flying Pirates, you should have heard of it?" Seeing that Ace still didn't believe it, Luo Hang asked!

"I've heard that he was a big pirate of the same era as Papa Whitebeard, and he was the only one who could escape from the city by his own strength!" Ace nodded.

"Then let me say that even if Golden Lion is not as strong as White Beard, he has [-]% to [-]% of White Beard's strength, so it shouldn't be a problem?" Luo Hang asked again!

"This, no problem!"

After thinking about it, the Golden Lion used to be with Papa Whitebeard, who was called one of the three great pirates in the early days, and Ace also agreed with Luo Hang's words!

"However, the Golden Lion's Flying Pirates were finally wiped out under Luffy's hands. What do you say?" Luo Hang continued!

"This, this..." Hearing this, Ace was stunned and couldn't believe his ears!

Golden Lion's Flying Pirates were destroyed under Luffy's hands?

This, if Luffy really made it to this point.

Looking at what Luo Hang said, it seems really possible that Luffy can defeat Papa Whitebeard?

"You don't know anything about the ability of the protagonist's halo!" Looking at Ace's appearance, Luo Hang secretly smiled in his heart!

This means that White Beard is not on the opposite side of Luffy.

Otherwise, even Whitebeard would have to kneel down and sing Conquer!

Sorry, as the protagonist, you are so arrogant!

Chatting, chatting, spoiler spoiler information, life still passes quickly!

"Oh, I don't know how many days are left, Jinbe will come, just the two of us, it's still a bit too monotonous!" So, after two days, Luo Hang shouted with some emotion in his mouth !

"Jinbe? Why did Jinbe come? Have you seen the future of Jinbe?" Hearing what Luo Hang said, Ace asked!

After getting along for two days, he already knew a lot of news from Luo Hang's mouth, and he was very convinced of Luo Hang's ability to speculate on the past and the future! "Well, yes, there is no need to calculate this!"

"The Whitebeard Pirates are protecting the Murloc Island, and in order to deal with the upcoming war, the navy will definitely summon the Qibukai!"

"Jinbe is caught between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy. Naturally, it is very embarrassing. If there is no accident, he will be imprisoned in the promotion city because he refuses the Navy's recruitment!" "This seems to make sense. !" Hearing this, Ace thought for a while and nodded in agreement!

I don't know if it was to confirm what Luo Hang said, the two had just talked to this point, when suddenly there was a sound of footsteps!

Luo Hang and Ace looked over and saw a slightly obese murloc being caught in. This murloc had blue skin all over his body!

"Jinbei!?" Looking at the murloc, Ace couldn't help but exclaimed.

Just now Luo Hang mentioned him, and in the blink of an eye, Jin Ping was imprisoned?

Is Luo Hang's ability really so awesome?It was confirmed in the blink of an eye!

After all, it is one of the Qiwuhai, and Hanbanni, the deputy warden, personally imprisoned Jinbei in the same prison as Ace next to Luohang!

"Lieutenant General Luo Hang, do you need anything?" Hanbanni asked Luo Hang with a smile on his face after pushing Jinping in.

"I don't need anything, thank you very much!" When others were polite to him, Luo Hang naturally responded politely!

"Okay, then I'll go to work first. If you need anything, you can contact me anytime!" Nodding, Hanbali turned and left the prison!

Hanbanni left, but Jinping looked at Luo Hang in astonishment, as if he had seen a ghost!

Everyone is in jail, why did Hanbanni treat him like that just now, and treat him like this?

Just because he is handsome?

Or?This guy has social cow syndrome! ? "Haixia Jinbei, hello, you are finally here!"

Jinping stared at Luo Hang in astonishment, at this time, Luo Hang also smiled and said hello to Jinping!

These words made Jinping's face darken a little!

Just now I thought this guy had social cow B syndrome, now it seems that I think too much?

In the prison, shout to others, are you finally here?

What's the matter? Anyone with a bad temper probably wants to beat someone up, right?

"It was the Navy who recruited you to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates, and you didn't want to agree, that's why you were imprisoned in Push City?" Ace followed up and asked Jinbe!

"That's right, Brother Ace, you're right, it's like this!" Jinbe looked at Ace and nodded his head.

Fishman Island is blessed by the Whitebeard Pirates, and of course Jinbe knows Ace, the captain of the second team. "Luo Hang, he guessed correctly, it's amazing!"

Not only was Shi Ping really imprisoned, but even the reason for being imprisoned was clear and obvious, which made Ace look at Luo Hang in amazement!

What is it that you can know the affairs of the world without going out?

That's it!

After being locked in prison for so long, he knows everything about the outside world like the back of his hand?

"Okay, okay, Ji Cao, Wuliu!" Ace was amazed, but Luo Hang waved his hand, looking like nothing worth mentioning!

Having said that, Luo Hang flipped his palm, and from nowhere, he actually took out a deck of cards and said, "Anyway, I'm idle, so let's fight the landlord?" "You're in that prison, we Here, how do you fight?" Jinping asked strangely after glancing at Luo Hang!

"Isn't this simple?" Luo Hang stood up and stretched out his hand to draw a circle in mid-air!

A magic portal appeared, and the portal connected exactly two prisons.

Then, Luo Hang walked over directly!

Perhaps this is the shortest distance constructed since Luohang learned the ability of portal?

"You, you can still use the ability of the devil fruit? Could it be that the Hailoushi handcuffs you are wearing are fake!?"

Seeing Luo Hang raised his hand to build the magic portal, and then walked to his prison, both Shi Ping and Ace were dumbfounded!

Especially Ace, as a person with the ability to burn fruits, was handcuffed to Hailoushi.

Why is the handcuffed at 160 degrees the real thing, and the handcuffed handcuffs at Luohang are fake?

"This, this is really social bullying, has it reached this point? Even the Hailoushi handcuffs in Jincheng City are just fakes?" As for Haixia Jinping, he was even more dumbfounded!

Will there be such favoritism and fraud in Jinjin City?

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you wouldn't know it at all! "Doudizhu, will you know?"

Luo Hang didn't explain why he could still use his abilities while wearing Hailoushi handcuffs, Luo Hang just asked Jinping and Ace!

"No!" Both of them shook their heads.

"That's fine, I'll teach you guys. As for Landlords, the rules are like this!" The answers of the two were within Luo Hang's expectations!

Then, Luo Hang opened his mouth and told them all about the rules of Fighting the Landlords!

Seeing that Luo Hang didn't mean to explain, Jinping and Ace didn't get to the bottom of it either!

Under Luo Hang's teaching, after playing a few times, he quickly got started!

"Call the landlord!"

"Grab the landlord!"

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