
"Even right!"

"I blow up!"

All right, it's the only one who has been imprisoned to the point where Luo Hang and the others are.

This is the prison at the bottom of the city, no one will come when there is nothing to do, fighting the landlord, it seems that the days are quite comfortable!

However, Ace and the others in prison are fighting the landlord, on the other side of the sea.

Luo Hang walked on the sea!

The members of the Straw Hat Pirates went to the city to save people with Blackbeard, but Luo Hang didn't intend to follow.

Just stepping on the sea water and walking towards the Whitebeard Pirates!

They say, the enemy of your enemy is your friend!

The goals of myself and the Whitebeard Pirates are similar!

Naturally, in the top battle, we can join forces with the Whitebeard Pirates! .

Chapter 261: White Beard, I Give You a Blood Bodhi

The Whitebeard Pirates, Moby Dick is definitely the core of the Whitebeard Pirates!

The entire Whitebeard Pirates is formed by multiple pirates, and the Moby Dick is the big ship where Whitebeard is!

On this day, the expressions of the pirates on the Moby Dick suddenly changed slightly, and they looked intently into the distance!

At the intersection of the sea and the sky, it seems that a black spot can be seen slowly enlarging!

After a closer look, the pirate shouted: "Look, is there someone walking on the sea!?"

What?Someone is walking on the sea! ?

Hearing this news, many pirates on the Moby Dick were stunned, and rushed over to take a look!

It is rumored that the admiral's Aokiji has the ability to freeze fruit, so he often freezes the sea water under his body, and rides a bicycle on the sea!

Someone walked over at sea now?

Could it be?Is it Admiral Aokiji?

When the Whitebeard Pirates are about to fight the Navy?

More and more pirates came to the side of the ship to watch.

Sure enough, the figure walking over became clearer and clearer!

Looking at the half mask on the other side, the faces of the Whitebeard Pirates changed!

"That's it? Hang Luo!?" Someone recognized Luo Hang's identity and exclaimed!

There is generally a competitive relationship between pirates and pirates, especially when the strength is equal!

The whole sea is still discussing that Hang Luo has the qualifications to become the fifth emperor of the sea.

So, which one of the Four Emperor Pirates will he have conflicts with next?

Now, at this juncture, did Hang Luo appear on the side of the Whitebeard Pirates?

"Hmph, do you think our Whitebeard Pirates are about to go to war with the navy, so you think we are easier to deal with?"

Staring at the figure approaching from a distance, one of the pirates looked very unhappy, and said with a cold snort!

"Okay, let's see and talk. If he really came here with the intention of fighting for territory, he should come with the pirates instead of alone!"

Next to it, Marco, the captain of the first team, took two steps forward and said!

This remark made the pirates beside him nod in agreement!

That's true, it's just that Hang Luo came here alone, it seems that he didn't come here with the intention of fighting for territory?

Under the gaze of the Whitebeard Pirates, Luo Hang came to the Moby Dick alone.

Then, he jumped onto the ship of the Whitebeard Pirates!

"Hang Luo, you came to our Whitebeard Pirates, what's the matter?" Marco asked Luo Hang!

"Me? I'm here to form an alliance with you!" Luo Hang said!

"Where's Whitebeard? You should talk to him about this!?" Showing that he didn't have any malice, he continued following Luo Hang!

"Alliance? That depends on whether you have the qualifications!" Marco looked at Luo Hang and said!

After the voice fell, his figure was like lightning, and he came in front of Luo Hang!

Yes, it is said that Hang Luo has the qualifications to become the fifth emperor, and even defeated the admiral Aokiji with the ability to freeze?

But after all, hearing is believing, seeing is believing!

To see White Beard, of course he needs to prove his strength!

As the emperor's deputy of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco's strength has definitely reached the general level.

In the top battle, only he can force Garp to stop him, which is evident!

This shot, whether it is strength or speed, has reached a very advanced level!

The palm is in the shape of a claw, and there are blue flames burning on the claws!

This is Phoenix's devil fruit ability!

However, Luo Hang had been prepared for a long time, and with a raised Xuanyuan sword, he stood in front of him lightly!I silently said a block in my heart!

With a bang, the claws burning with raging green flames hit Luo Hang's Xuanyuan Sword fiercely!

However, not only did Luo Hang's feet not retreat at all, but his body didn't even shake!

Immediately afterwards, I said silently again in my heart: counterattack!

A wave of the hand holding Xuanyuan Sword!

Marco just felt an indescribable force coming.

What's more, the cyan phoenix flame suddenly burst out, attacking him!

The cyan flame rebounded, causing Marco to take several steps back involuntarily.

Looking at Luo Hang again, his eyes became serious!

What was that ability just now?Not only can it block its own attack, but it can even bounce back its own attack?

It was his own phoenix flame just now, of course Marco would not admit it wrong!

"This, this actually knocked Captain Marco back!"? "The other pirates on the Moby Dick looked at each other with shock on their faces!

In the Whitebeard Pirates, Whitebeard can be said to be the absolute king, but Marco, the captain of the first team, is also the pillar of the Pirates!

"How? Do you still want to do it?" Luo Hang looked at Marco and asked!

"Okay, let's go!" After a moment of silence, the burning flame on Marco's body was extinguished, and he didn't intend to do anything again!

After trying a trick, if I lose the wind, I will lose the wind. If I continue to entangle, it will seem that I can't afford to lose!

Taking back his Xuanyuan Sword, Luo Hang nodded and walked inside!

The Moby Dick is huge, with a hull of more than a hundred meters. Luo Hang walked for a while, and then saw the white beard sitting on the deck, who was three or four meters tall!

Although it looks like an old lion king, there are still hanging bottles on his body.

However, the arrogance of the lion king still permeates from his body!

"Hang Luo? The brats are really getting better and better. It's time for us old people to retire!"

Sitting half-lying, the bottle next to him was being infused, White Beard glanced at Luo Hang, and suddenly said with emotion!

"So? Only the white beard who died in battle, not the white beard who died on the hospital bed?" Luo Hang sat down in front of the white beard and asked!

"Hang Luo, pay attention to what you say!"

Many pirates from the Whitebeard Pirates surrounded him at the moment, and now Luo Hang was saying the word "death" every now and then, some couldn't help it, and shouted at Luo Hang!

However, Luo Hang didn't intend to answer.

The attitude of other people is not important, what is important is the attitude of Whitebeard!

"Hahaha, okay, that's a good sentence, only the white beard who died in battle, how can there be a white beard who died on the hospital bed, boy, I like your words!"

Lang laughed out loud, and Whitebeard nodded.

In the end it was Whitebeard, his stamina was indeed extraordinary, and it was a matter of his own life and death, and he was able to say it so easily and frankly!

"These things are looking at me, but they are just spider silk that binds the tiger. I have better things here, and I don't need these things!"

Luo Hang followed suit and pointed to the infusion tubes on White Beard's body.

After finishing speaking, he wiped his hand on his waist, and a bright red fruit that was about to drip appeared in Luo Hang's hand, and he threw it towards Baibeard!

White Beard caught the fruit, looked at it, and then looked at Luo Hang with a questioning look.

"This is called Blood Bodhi. It is a very miraculous fruit that can heal wounds. Why don't you try it?" Luo Hang explained to White Beard!

". "Dad, don't eat it. The origin of this Hang Luo is unknown. If the fruit is poisonous..." Several pirates shouted beside each other.

It was said that White Beard did not eat it, but looked at Luo Hang with searching eyes: "There is no friendship between you and me, so you came to me suddenly and gave me such a precious fruit, what do you want? ?”

White Beard didn't say he didn't believe what Luo Hang meant, but just asked Luo Hang!

"I don't have anything to ask for. You and the navy are about to start a war. I have the same goal as you, so I just want to join forces with you. Since we are allies, helping you recover from your injuries is also helping me!" Luo Hang explained calmly. Said!

"If that's the case, then I won't be polite!"

Hearing what Luo Hang said calmly, White Beard nodded, opened his mouth immediately, and swallowed this blood bodhi!

Needless to say, after swallowing this blood bodhi, Whitebeard immediately felt different changes in his body!

The uncomfortable place on my body, now the uncomfortable feeling has quickly dissipated!

If it's the previous body, it's like the dry earth, because the earth has been split open because of the dryness!

Then, eating this blood bodhi will give people the feeling that a spring rain has finally ushered in the dry land.

Moisturized by the rain, Whitebeard felt his body become more relaxed than ever before, and even his mental state improved a lot! "Hahaha, not bad, not bad, this fruit is very good, I like it!"

Pulling off the infusion tubes on his (Wang's) body, White Beard laughed out loud, his voice was much louder than before, and he was also more confident! "Quick, go and check on Dad's physical condition!"

Although on the surface, White Beard is in good condition now, seeing that he tore off all the infusion tubes on his body, Marco and the others are still a little worried!

The ship's doctor on the Moby Dick, get checked immediately!

This kind of healing medicine that can exert its effect just after taking it, Marco is actually a little worried, that is, will there be any terrible side effects?

The ship doctor carefully examined White Beard's body. The pirates on the pirate ship all stared at White Beard with their eyes wide open!

Whitebeard is the biggest spiritual pillar of the Pirate Ship, so his physical condition is related to the rise and fall of the entire Pirate Ship!

In this way, after checking for about 10 minutes, after really checking everything carefully, the ship doctor showed a shocked look on his face: "Dad, Dad's injuries have been greatly relieved! "call!

Hearing the ship doctor's answer, all the pirates around all let out a long breath of foul air!

very good!Dad's pain really eased a lot?

Even, no side effects yet?

Looking at Luo Hang, the entire Whitebeard Pirates got closer! .

Chapter 262: Domineering ceiling

"By the way, boy Hang Luo, why did you attack the navy?"

White Beard was in a good mood, and at the same time, asked Luo Hang frankly!

Generally, pirates never take the initiative to attack the navy, and the situation of the Whitebeard Pirates is a special case! "

Only the Revolutionary Army will really take the initiative to attack the navy!

So, as a pirate, you take the initiative to find yourself to cooperate, willing to attack the navy together?

There must be a valid reason, right?

Otherwise, the entire Whitebeard Pirates would not be at ease, right?

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