"Actually, the situation is very simple!" Luo Hang replied.

While speaking, he took off his mask again, revealing his original face!

"My real identity is Luo Hang, the original vice admiral!"

"However, because of the matter of the Tianlong people, it's fine if the appointment of the admiral was dismissed, and even, I was imprisoned in the city of advancement!"

"So? My purpose is very simple, to seek revenge from the World Government!"

Luo Hang once again said what he had said to the Straw Hat Pirates!

Of course, listening to what Luo Hang said, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates also expressed surprise!

Now that he has been captured, why can he turn into Hang Luo and walk on the sea?

Then, in the same situation, Luo Hang showed off his shadow clone ability!

This made the members of the Whitebeard Pirates suddenly stunned, and at the same time, secretly sighed in their hearts!

Who would have thought that Hang Luo, who was said to have the qualifications to become the fifth emperor, was actually a vice admiral?

Was such an ability, such a strong man, actually forced to stand with the navy?

Is the five old stars already rotten to this point?

"Okay, if that's the case, let's join hands!"

After Luo Hang confessed his situation, Baibeard nodded and said, this matter was completely confirmed!

"160 is right, Luo Hang..."

At this time, Marco seemed to think of something again, and said: "As far as we know, you formed a masked pirate group, and Tiki took all the people on his ship to join your pirate group? "

As soon as these words came out, many members of the Whitebeard Pirates looked at Luo Hang.

This topic is indeed a very important topic!

After all, the main reason why the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy went to war was because Blackbeard Tiki killed the people on board, snatched the dark fruit and fled.

Therefore, Blackbeard is the person that the entire Whitebeard Pirates want to kill, and he is also the only traitor of the Whitebeard Pirates so far!

"Yes, he did join my pirate group, and the reason why he handed over Ace to the navy is that he has a grand plan!"

Luo Hang nodded, still looking like he knew everything without saying anything.

Then he told the whole plan that Blackbeard Titch told himself before, and told the members of the Whitebeard Pirates in detail!

First, it provoked a fight between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy.

Then, Blackbeard Titch took advantage of Whitebeard's death and took his ability to shake the fruit.

What is the specific plan, all explained again!

And hearing the grand plan explained by Luo Hang, and hearing that the entire Whitebeard Pirates were actually within Blackbeard Tiki's calculations, all the people in the entire Whitebeard Pirates had angry expressions on their faces!

"I didn't expect him to be so scheming!" Even White Beard spoke up, and said angrily!

"Wait, Luo Hang, how did you know about Tiqi's plan so clearly?"

Although Marko's (bcfj) face also showed an angry look, he looked at Luo Hang in surprise!

Yes, how did he know such a detailed plan?

"Of course Tiqi told me!" Luo Hang replied as a matter of course!

"This, such an important plan, why did he tell you?" Marco felt even more strange!

Could it be?Is this Luohang really capable of making Tiqi surrender?And it is surrender from the heart.

Even his own plan, actually told Luo Hang honestly?

"Because I have the ability to influence a person's mind and will, and I used this ability to make Tiqi surrender!" Luo Hang replied without any intention of hiding it!

"So that's it, that makes sense!" Marco nodded in a sudden realization!

Although this ability is surprising, there is actually such an ability that can distort a person's spiritual will in the world?

However, compared to such ability, it seems that only this explanation can explain why Blackbeard confessed everything about himself to Luo Hang, right?

It stands to reason that it is impossible for Tiqi to surrender to anyone with such a big ambition!

"Luo Hang, I can tell you that the alliance between us is limited to the battle with the navy, and if the battle is over, we will definitely attack Tiqi!"

At this time, White Beard spoke again, as if to put the ugly words first!

"Well, it's okay, even if you guys killed Tiqi, I don't feel bad!" Luo Hang said indifferently!

Don't look at the current Tiqi who surrenders to himself and is loyal, but this is all the effect of the soul gem.

When the matter is over, I will also remove the effect of the soul gem!

Seeing Luo Hang's answer, the people in the picture of the white beard pirate all heaved a sigh of relief.

The more I look at Luo Hang, the more pleasing it really is!

"It seems that you are worthy of being born in the navy. You don't seem to have much sense of identity as a pirate who is fighting to dominate the sea!"

White Beard probably understood Luo Hang's thoughts, and said with a little sigh in his mouth!

If he really has the intention to fight for the sea, it is absolutely impossible for the members of his pirate group to be killed like this!

"What's there to argue about, anyway, I can't become the One Piece!" Luo Hang replied after hearing what White Beard said!

Indeed, not to mention that the one destined to become One Piece is Luffy!

Even without this destiny, Luo Hang felt that it was impossible for him to become the One Piece King!

After all, there is not enough time!

It has been almost three months since I came to the world of pirates, and there is still more than half a year left. If I want to compete for the pirate king, it should be too late, right?

On the Moby Dick, members of Luo Hang and the Whitebeard Pirates were talking.

With the kindness of a blood bodhi, the relationship between Luo Hang and the people of the Whitebeard Pirates seems to be pretty good!

However, at this moment, another small boat appeared, approaching the Moby Dick!

"Everyone, the red hair is here!"

Although the attention of most pirates is on Luo Hang's side, there are still necessary precautions.

Looking at the approaching boat and seeing the people on the boat clearly, the vigilant pirate's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly shouted!

"Red hair!?" Hearing this news, the entire Whitebeard Pirates were shocked again!

If Luo Hang is only qualified to compete for the fifth emperor, then Red Hair is one of the proper four emperors.

Moreover, with his broken arm, he is still a strong man at the level of the Four Emperors, which is evident!

"Yeah? I came to the time node of the Whitebeard Pirates. Is it just when the redhead came to find Whitebeard?"

On the pirate ship, Luo Hang, who was talking to White Beard, was also startled when he heard the news that Red Hair had arrived!

At this time, the red hair had already boarded the ship, and his attitude was a bit more arrogant than Luo Hang's.

The domineering look does not mean to control, so simply let it spread out wantonly!

Even without active control, the domineering red-haired look is still terrifyingly strong, even to the point where it can affect reality!

The Moby Dick is Whitebeard's ship, so the materials used to build the hull are naturally very precious!

However, the domineering arrogance permeated, and it could still leave cracks on the hull of the Moby Dick.

It can be seen how domineering and domineering he has reached!

"All newcomers, please avoid!" Marco reminded when he felt that domineering look was getting closer!

However, it was still a bit late, many pirates who were weaker and joined the pirate group later fell down one by one with their eyes white!

Walking through the crowd, the surrounding pirates were stunned by the domineering look.

Not to mention, this way of appearance is really handsome!

"Is this red hair? This domineering look is really terrifying!"

Even Luo Hang looked at the red-haired Shanks, feeling the domineering arrogance coming towards him, and secretly sighed in his heart!

If we say that in the world of pirates, Garp's armed domineering can be regarded as the ceiling level in the world.

Then, in the current Pirate World, the domineering red-haired look should be at the level of the ceiling!

This kind of domineering, perhaps only when the future Luffy grows up, can he overwhelm the red hair!

"Brother Hang, you are so generous, you just sent a blood bodhi to Whitebeard!"

"However, after all, it is the entire navy to deal with. If Whitebeard is stronger, it will be more beneficial to Brother Hang, right?"

"Besides, my brother Hang has always been famous for his generosity. He has a sincere friendship with everyone!"

"Is this white beard the man who claims to be the strongest man in the Pirate World? This body shape gives people a strong oppressive force!"

"Wait? The redhead is here?"

"The white beard of one of the Four Emperors and the red hair of one of the Four Emperors?"

"Come on, come on, famous scene! Can you see the powerhouses of the two Four Emperors in one breath?"

"The white beard has already seen it, but I don't know what the red hair looks like? I'm looking forward to it!"

"Hold the grass, is this red hair? Isn't this domineering look too domineering? Didn't do anything, and everyone around was stunned?"

"Such an appearance is so handsome!"

"I don't know if my brother Hang has the aptitude to be overlord or domineering?"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, when Luo Hang and White Beard met, many viewers were very interested!

Now, seeing the red hair of one of the other four emperors also come.

Looking at the domineering effect of this domineering look, it's even more explosive! .

Chapter 263: Shanks, do you know Ace's identity?

"Red hair, you are really arrogant, you are still so domineering when you come to my boat!" Squinting his eyes, the white beard said to the red hair!

"I'm sorry, just after arriving on your boat, there was a blow!"

The corner of the red-haired mouth raised slightly, and he said something embarrassingly apologetic, but judging from his expression, it was obvious that he was not apologetic at all!

While speaking, he stared at White Beard carefully and sized him up, secretly surprised in his heart!

According to the information I know, Whitebeard's physical condition should have reached the point of exhaustion, right?

I heard that every day I have to infusion to hang my life!

But now?It seems that Whitebeard's situation is not as dire as the information said!

"So? Are you going to do something?" Whitebeard said with narrowed eyes.

While speaking, he grabbed the naginata next to him~!

As the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, how could he remain indifferent to being so arrogantly provoked?

Besides, the people on board are all their own children.

Many children were stunned, as a father, how could he remain indifferent!

I also want to try how much power the current Whitebeard has. Seeing that Whitebeard is holding the naginata in his hand, Shanks is also holding the handle of the knife at his waist!

A powerful breath erupted from Shanks' body!

One of the four emperors, the red-haired Shanks, in addition to his top-notch domineering, he is also a powerful swordsman.

Even if he fights with Hawk Eye, who is known as the world's number one swordsman, he will not be at a disadvantage!

Then, Whitebeard's naginata slashed at Shanks!

Shanks grabbed his knife with one hand, and also greeted Whitebeard!

The two knives collided, and the powerful arrogance accompanied by the slash was all condensed in the blade body!

Then, both of their knives lifted up at the same time.

The powerful slash went straight into the sky, actually cutting the clouds in the sky in half.

It feels as if the entire sky has been cut open by the two of them!

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