Luo Hang stood in the crowd, not intending to make a move, just staring at the battle between Shanks and Whitebeard seriously!

Although in terms of strength, Luo Hang is also very confident in himself.

However, the power of the pirate system, after all, I am considered a beginner.

Now there are two peerless masters showing their strength in front of him. For Luo Hang, it is naturally a rare scene!

Armed and domineering, Luo Hang can tell that it is completely restrained in the slash!

In addition to the armed domineering color, there is also the domineering color domineering, which has played a catalytic role!

As the aptitude of a one-in-a-million king, the role of domineering and domineering can never be just a simple Qing Xiaobing!

It can also be seen from the battles in the original book, whether it is the battle between Luffy and Doflamingo, or the battle with Katakuri, there is a situation where the overlords fight against each other!

If the overlord's color is just a small soldier, why use the overlord's color in the battle between the strong and the strong?

There is no earth shaking, and there is no change in the situation.

Overlord-colored domineering and armed-colored domineering, all restrained within the blade, seem ordinary.

However, the power of this knife is enough to cut a mountain!

Watching the battle between these two sea emperors, Luo Hang was able to discover a lot.

To prove his domineering use again, Luo Hang understands that in terms of domineering use, he is still much worse than these two sea emperors!

The battle between Shanks and Whitebeard, the battle is still going on, both of them restrained their strength from exuding.

Otherwise, if one is not careful, the slash may kill the Moby Dick!

This battle looks a bit similar to the competition of internal skills between martial arts masters. It looks calm on the surface, but in fact all the dangers are hidden in the dark!

In the blink of an eye, White Beard and Shanks fought more than a dozen times!

It can be seen that in the competition of strength, Whitebeard is half the winner.

The power of the shaking fruit was integrated into the naginata, and Whitebeard gradually surpassed the red-haired Shanks!

"Sure enough, he is indeed the man who claims to be the strongest!" Seeing that White Beard's strength was half a step above Shanks', Luo Hang secretly sighed in his heart.

Of course, there may also be reasons why Shanks' broken arm affects his strength!


The so-called long battle will lose!

Although the two sea emperors tried their best to keep their strength restrained, as the battle became more and more fierce unknowingly, finally, when Whitebeard's knife full of shocking fruits shocked Shanks back, he continued to fight back. cut off!

Seeing that Whitebeard cut off with the knife, Shanks turned around reflexively and dodged it!

However, when he dodged, Shanks cried out in his heart!

Sure enough, the naginata that was dodged fell down hard.

With this knife, perhaps it is possible to split the Moby Dick!

"Get away!" Whitebeard yelled.

The knife had already fallen, and it was too late to pull back. Seeing this huge slash, he slashed forward.

In front, seven or eight pirates are gathering together!

"Hey, did I suffer from the disaster of a fish?"

Standing with a few pirates around, watching the show well, suddenly Whitebeard slashed at him, Luo Hang couldn't help but sigh inwardly!

It was too late to even take out the Xuanyuan Sword, the domineering look of the weapon covered his arms, Luo Hang raised his arms, and made a blocking posture.

At the same time, Luo Hang's blocking skill was activated!

The huge slash landed on Luo Hang's arm and was directly blocked.

Seeing this, everyone around was secretly shocked!

Then, the half move of counterattack was launched, this huge slash was directly rebounded by Luo Hang and slashed towards the sea next to him!

When the slash hit the sky, it split the clouds, as if the entire sky had been split open!

And when the slash landed on the sea, the entire sea surface was cut open, turning into a huge trench, showing the terrifying power of this slash.

Then, the cut sea water beat together fiercely, setting off a huge tsunami!

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw the scene in front of them!

Of course, what shocked me was not the power of Whitebeard's slash, but how Luo Hang blocked it with his own arm, and even bounced back? . …ask for flowers.

What kind of power is this?Is the domineering power of armed color so powerful?

Seeing that the dodged knife did not cause any tragedy, Shanks breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he looked at Luo Hang in disbelief!

Shanks can still recognize him if he wears half a mask.

After all, Hang Luo's report, and his photo in the newspaper!

But, with the mask off, Shanks won't recognize it!

"White Beard, your boat is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. First, a Tiqi was able to leave this scar on my face, and now there is another person who can actually receive such a slash with his arm! "

Shanks spoke and said to Whitebeard!

Shanks was really a little scared.

The arm is covered with armed domineering, how can he block Whitebeard's slash with his arm, and even rebound it?

If anyone in the world can have such a level of armed domineering, maybe only the legendary marine soldier, Lieutenant General Garp, can do it, right?

... 0 "Redhead, what you said is wrong, he is not from our Whitebeard Pirates!" Whitebeard was also a little scared, and explained after hearing this!

"Oh? This little brother looks a bit unfamiliar, who is it?" Hearing what the white beard said, the red-haired thought suddenly, and at the same time became more curious about Luo Hang!

"Sorry, I didn't wear a mask, so I don't recognize me!"

Luo Hang raised his hand, took out half of his mask and waved it up!

"Captain of the Masked Pirates, Hang Luo?" Looking at the mask in Luo Hang's hand, Shanks understood his identity.

However, after understanding, Shanks was even more puzzled!

The entire Whitebeard Pirates are chasing Blackbeard Tiki!

However, Tikki is now a member of Honlo's crew.

Logically speaking, between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Masked Pirates, there should be an endless situation, right?

However, as the captain of the pirates, Hang Luo actually stays with the Whitebeard Pirates?

And it seems that the relationship between him and the Whitebeard Pirates seems to be pretty good?

This is a bit confusing!

"Redhead, the purpose of your coming here is to stop the war between the Whitebeard Pirates and the navy?" Luo Hang asked Shanks!

"That's right!" Without any intention of hiding, Shanks nodded simply!

"The purpose of my coming is exactly the opposite of yours. My purpose is to join forces with White Beard!" Luo Hang continued!

As soon as these words came out, the red-haired face became much more dignified!

The Masked Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates actually joined forces?

This is unlikely, right?

Ace was sent to the Navy by Blackbeard of the Masked Pirates!

Now, the Masked Pirates and Whitebeard go out to deal with the navy again?

What is this asking for?Send yourself to be executed, and then go to the rescue by yourself?

"By the way, Shanks, I have a question for you!"

However, before Shanks asked Luo Hang why he did this, Luo Hang asked Shanks first!

"Ace's identity, do you know?" Corpse.

Chapter 264: Did the Five Old Stars agree to let Luo Hang commit crimes and meritorious deeds?

In the original book, when the Whitebeard Pirates went to war against the navy, in fact, the Beast Pirates wanted to join the battle and joined forces with the Whitebeard Pirates!

Maybe it's because of the relationship between Ace and Kaido's daughter Yamato and Ace?

However, when the Beasts Pirates were on their way to Marlin Fandor, they were stopped by the Red Hair Pirates!

So, does Shanks know Ace's true identity?

Luo Hang is a little curious about this!

"Ace's identity? Does he have a different identity?"

Hearing Luo Hang's words, Shanks was startled, not quite understanding what Luo Hang's words meant!

It's not just red hair, even many members of the Whitebeard Pirates are looking at each other in blank dismay at this moment, looking at each other in astonishment!

Apparently, does Ace have any other identities?My own family members don't even know it!

"Ace's background, it seems, even you don't know!"

Hearing this, Luo Hang had such an expression as expected!

If the redhead knew Ace's identity, maybe he would join in the rescue of Ace, right?

"Birth experience? What is Ace's life experience like? Does it have anything to do with me?"

Looking at Luo Hang's appearance, he made it clear that Ace's situation had a very important relationship with him, and the redhead asked!

"If it is said that Ace's biological father is actually "-Sixty" Gore. What about D. Roger?"

Luo Hang followed suit, throwing out a blockbuster news!

"The orphan of One Piece!?" Hearing this news suddenly, everyone present was dumbfounded and looked at Luo Hang dumbfounded!

Although he raised the issue of Ace's life experience just now, everyone is more or less psychologically prepared.

However, when Luo Hang really broke the news, everyone was still stunned!

Fire Fist Ace is actually the orphan of One Piece! ?

If this news can be thrown out, the whole sea will be shaken, right?

"I see……"

The red-haired person was dumbfounded, and then, with a sudden realization, he nodded!

"I was a little surprised at first. Although Ace is important, he is not Whitebeard after all. He is just a captain. Why does the Navy want to execute publicly so as to completely fight the Whitebeard Pirates?"

"This pay and harvest are completely out of proportion!"

"It turns out that the truth is actually like this!"

"During the execution, announce the identity of Ace, and announce that he is the orphan of One Piece!" "In this way, the reputation of the navy can be pushed to a higher peak!"

"It turns out that the truth of the matter is this. I have been searching for the captain's orphan for so many years, but I haven't found it. So he was adopted by Karp?" "What? Garp!?"

It's good that the redhead didn't speak, but when he spoke, many pirates in the Whitebeard Pirates were shocked again!

"You mean? Ace was adopted by Garp?" Even the white beard was stunned, looking at the red hair in surprise and asked!

"It seems that Ace didn't even tell you? All these years, Ace has been raised by Garp, and he has become a brother with Garp's grandson!" Glancing at the white beard, the red hair followed Said!

"This, this news, really makes people dumbfounded!"

"After so many years, I didn't even know that Ace is the child of One Piece!"

"Also, Lieutenant Admiral Garp, a naval hero, actually silently adopted the children of One Piece?" "Wouldn't the whole sea be stunned if this news got out?"

"Hang Luo, how do you know Ace's identity?" The red-haired gaze looked at Luo Hang and asked!

"How do I know, you don't need to ask, if you don't believe me, you can investigate it yourself!" Luo Hang didn't mean to explain in detail, but just answered like this!

"Of course, I'll check it out myself!" Nodding heavily, the redhead said seriously.

After saying this, the redhead didn't intend to stay any longer with the Whitebeard Pirates, so he quickly turned around and left!

On Luo Hang's side, he has allied with the Whitebeard Pirates.

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