Important intelligence information, coupled with Luo Hang's improvement of Whitebeard's injury, and the strength he displayed.

The combination of so many elements made everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates recognize the existence of Luo Hang.

Next, of course, is the formulation of the battle plan of the Whitebeard Pirates!

"By the way, do you captains of the 43 pirates have a nickname called a spider?"

When the Whitebeard Pirates were formulating their battle plan, Luo Hang followed suit and asked!

Although I have read the original book, the battle on the top is the most classic scene, but after all, it is impossible to remember all the details clearly.

Luo Hang only vaguely remembered that White Beard was attacked by his son on the eve of the war.

That sneak attacker's nickname seems to have the word "spider", that's all I remember!

"The vortex spider Skuyad!" Marco next to him said.

Then, he stared at Luo Hang with a questioning look, and said, "Why are you asking Skuad?"

"I want to remind you to pay attention to this person!" Luo Hang said frankly!

"Why? What do you mean by that?"

As soon as this remark came out, the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates all looked at Luo Hang with unkind eyes!

Not to mention, the internal atmosphere of the Whitebeard Pirates is really like an iron barrel, which also shows the charm of Whitebeard's personality!

"You mean, my son will betray me? It's impossible!" Whitebeard also spoke, shaking his head and said!

If the things that have happened are used as information, Whitebeard can still believe him.

However, what didn't happen in the future, and it was said that his son would betray him?

Whitebeard is 1 disbelievers!

"It's not intentional, but Akainu, one of the three generals, will secretly tell him about Ace's identity."

"Then, instigate that your purpose is actually to let the Whitebeard Pirates die, so as to make Ace the One Piece King, which will deceive him!"

Luo Hang probably remembered the reason why the Eddy Spider betrayed him!

"Did Red Dog deceive you?" Hearing Luo Hang's words, the faces of the Whitebeard Pirates turned pale!

If it is said that the Eddy Spider would betray the Whitebeard Pirates from the bottom of his heart, these people would not believe it!

A single Blackbeard Tiki has blown up the entire Whitebeard Pirates.

Another big vortex spider scuad?Doesn't this make the entire Whitebeard Pirates a joke?

However, if it is said that Scuyad will be deceived to do such a thing, these people in the Whitebeard Pirates can accept it a little bit!

"What Luo Hang said is not impossible!" At this moment, Marco thought about it, and then continued!

"Oh?" What Marco said made everyone focus on him!

It's all right for Luo Hang to say that, now, does even Marco say that?

So, the specific situation, what is going on?

"If I remember correctly, Scuyad's former pirate group was destroyed in the hands of the One Piece, right?" Marco then explained...

"It seems that this is indeed the case!"

"When I chatted with Scuyard before, he seemed to have said so!"

"So, if the admiral's red dog uses Skuyad's hatred for One Piece to sow discord, maybe it is really possible?"

"After all, Scuyad doesn't look very smart in normal times!"

Following Marco's words, all the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates, discuss with each other.

In the end, everyone felt that the possibility of Scuyard being cheated was really great! "Okay, there is no need to discuss this matter anymore, I will handle it myself!"

In Whitebeard’s view, everyone is his own son. At this moment, these people are talking about each other, and they are all discussing that Skuad will betray the Whitebeard Pirates in the future. Whitebeard is not happy to hear it !

Now that White Beard had spoken, the crew members around him naturally didn't say anything more!

Then, White Beard asked about the situation again, how long will it take for all the people to arrive!

The Whitebeard Pirates, composed of 43 pirates, even under the order of Whitebeard, it is certainly not so easy to gather everyone! "Father, there are still six or seven days left, everyone should be able to arrive!" After roughly calculating the time, Foil Pista next to him said!

"That's fine, let's make a battle plan first, and then notify them when everyone is here!" With a slight nod, White Beard began to preside over the battle plan for the top battle!

Discussing the battle plan in front of Luo Hang, we can also see the trust of the Whitebeard Pirates in Luo Hang!

On the other side, here at Marin Fando, similarly, Marshal Warring States is also starting to deploy the situation of the top battle!

Will the Whitebeard Pirates come?That will definitely come, Marshal Warring States has no doubts about this! "Marshal, the last Pirate Empress has agreed to come to Marlin Fando to help out!" The phone bug, hearing the report from the lieutenant general inside, nodded in satisfaction in 5.9 Sengoku!

In this way, the elite of the navy has slowly concentrated in Marin Fando.

Even, apart from Haixia Jinpei, Qiwuhai has already agreed to help out, right?

However, these are not enough, after all, they are facing the Whitebeard Pirates, known as the strongest men in the world, no matter how much preparation, it is necessary!

"When Luo Hang comes out, his power will play a huge role!?" Thinking of Luo Hang being imprisoned in the city, Zhan Guo was a little relieved!

Luohang can control the power of the sea. In this large-scale battle at sea, it is simply an unsolvable BUG ability!

His own combat power is superior to the three navies, and he can fight Garp!

And in Dahai's home court, in such a large-scale war, if Luohang controls Dahai, the power it will exert is even more important than Garp's, right?

Moreover, not long ago, Wu Laoxing's reply also arrived.

As long as Luo Hang can play an important military role in the battle with the Whitebeard Pirates, he can be exonerated from the crime!

Tuk Tuk Tuk!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and then, the general Huang Yuan walked in!

"How? What did Luo Hang say?"

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Chapter 265: When Luffy who rescued people saw Ace playing cards in the prison

"There's something wrong with the situation!"

Huang Yuan's face was somewhat helpless and embarrassed.

Seeing Huang Yuan's face, Zhan Guo's heart skipped a beat, and he reflexively felt a little bit of uneasiness!

"What's wrong?" Warring States followed up and asked!

"Luohang has a lot of resentment towards the five old stars, or the Tianlong people, and he doesn't want to come out!" Huang Yuan told the situation of Luohang!

"How willful this is!" Hearing that Luo Hang's mind was like this, Zhan Guo was secretly shocked.

Yes, how capricious is this?

Just because of the resentment towards Wulaoxing and Tianlongren, why would he rather stay in the city than come out?

This is simply hurting the enemy by eight hundred, and hurting oneself by a thousand, right?

This temper rather than bending is really helpless!

"Didn't you try to persuade him? If he doesn't want to come out in this battle with the Whitebeard Pirates, the possibility of coming out in the future will be even lower. He should be able to understand this truth!" Silently After a while, Zhan Guo followed and asked Huang Yuan.

"Why don't I persuade? It's just that he has to listen to my advice!"

Huang Yuan was also a little helpless, and closed his eyes at that time, with a look of "I won't listen, I won't listen", how can people persuade people?

"Oh, well..." Seeing Huang Yuan's appearance, Zhan Guo felt a little helpless!

A sluggish character like a yellow ape meets a young man who is throwing a temper tantrum.

It's like a blind date market, all men who can't handle women meet a woman who is difficult to get 12, if this can be persuaded, then it's really hell!

It's just that Huang Yuan couldn't persuade him, so who should he turn to to persuade him next?

Aokiji?Forget it, he is also someone who can't hold back a few words for a long time!

Akainu?Come on, if the red dog goes, I guess you have to fight with him after you can't say a few words, right?

Karp?Let Garp catch him directly?

Forget it, Ace is still imprisoned in Advance City!

The last time Garp went there, Luffy ran away. If Garp goes again this time, maybe Ace will run away, and the Navy will be ashamed!

After much deliberation, I couldn't find the right person, so I couldn't go there myself as the admiral of the navy, right?

Needless to say, with Luohang's ability, it is indeed worth taking time out of his busy schedule to go there and persuade him.

After all, in the battle on the sea, the power that Luo Hang can exert is too strong, even much stronger than the ability of the murlocs to control the sea!

"Well, it seems that I can only go there myself?"

In this way, after a moment of silence, Marshal Warring States sighed helplessly!

At the beginning, it was I who said a word and made Luo Hang go without a fight. Now, it is true that I should go to the city and let Luo Hang come out?

"Marshal, you want to go in person? The execution day is only a few days away, do you still have time to go to Jinjin City?" Hearing what the Marshal of the Warring States Period said, the yellow ape next to him widened his eyes and looked at him in astonishment!

Yeah, he still has time to advance the city?This is impossible, right?

"I have to go if I don't have time, Luo Hang's ability has played a vital role in this war!" Zhan Guo said!

There is no way, who made Luo Hang's ability so important!

"That's right..." Thinking about Luo Hang's ability to control the sea at every turn, Huang Yuan opened his mouth and nodded.

That's true, the battle on the sea, especially this kind of large-scale battlefield, the strength that Luohang exerts is really too important!

As soon as he thought about it, he did it, taking advantage of the days of the execution, and now that he still had time to spare, he arranged the next things as much as possible, and the Warring States took the boat to advance to the city!

Luo Hang's shadow clone is still in the prison, fighting the landlord with Jinping and Ace. The atmosphere in this prison is really good.

There is nothing to do, the three of them are fighting against the landlord, this time passes quickly.

After fighting for a few days, the relationship between the three became much closer!

After all, the three inmates are together, and the love behind bars is still very sincere!

But at this time, one of the newly appointed Shichibukai, Blackbeard, has brought Luffy to the city of Advancement!

In the original book, the empress has such a graceful figure that she can bring Luffy in with her.

Now that Blackbeard's huge figure hides a rubber man, it is not difficult!

According to the prepared plan, after Blackbeard and Luffy entered the city, soon, the Masked Pirates and the Straw Hat Pirates launched another attack on the city!

"Warden, something has happened, the Straw Hat Pirates and the Masked Pirates are attacking!"

As the two pirate groups launched an attack, the navy stationed in the city of advance immediately came to report the situation!

"What? Masked Pirates? Damn Blackbeard! Hurry up and stop them!" Hearing that the Masked Pirates also made a move, Magellan showed anger on his face.

Immediately, Magellan went straight to the depths of the city!

Although I don't know why Blackbeard did this, but since he has done something to attack Jinjin City, then he can no longer be treated as Qi Wuhai!

"Everyone, follow the director to fight the pirates!"

Magellan went to the depths of the city to deal with Blackbeard, while Hanbanni took over the deployment of the garrison and shouted vigorously!

"Yes, deputy director!" Hearing this, a navy next to him responded!

The word "deputy" was a bit too harsh, and Hanbani glared at him angrily: "If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb!"

The Straw Hat Pirates and the Masked Pirates teamed up and launched an attack on the city of advancement, which really put a lot of pressure on the city of advancement!

However, this time, after all, there was no secret support from Kebi and Bellumebo.

Therefore, even if these two pirate groups join forces, there is no way to break through the defense of the navy!

Of course, the two pirate groups didn't necessarily mean to attack.

Their role is only to hold back the garrisoned navy, create chaos, and create opportunities for Luffy and the others who are inside to save people!

Although the side effects of Magellan's devil fruit are very strong, the power is still very powerful.

However, facing Luffy and Blackbeard teaming up, one against two, Magellan is no match!

"Luffy, go save people, I'll resist here!" At the critical moment, Blackbeard took the initiative to block Magellan and shouted at Luffy!

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