"Wang Zha, a 3, it's over, haha!"

In the prison at the bottom, Luo Hang finished playing the cards in his hand and said with a smile!

Jinbe and Ace next to each other looked at each other, with helpless expressions on their faces.

"Huh?" At this time, Luo Hang raised his head and glanced at the high place with a feeling in his heart!

"This feeling, it seems that the higher-ups are doing something? This movement is not small!" Jin Ping also felt it, and said!

"It's okay, keep fighting, maybe at this time, Luffy is trying to come in and save people!" Just looking up, Luo Hang said indifferently, urging Jinbe and Ace to continue!

However, Luo Hang's words made Ace give him a blank stare!

Are you kidding me?I already know that Luffy has arrived in the city of advancement, and I also know that he is now trying to save himself, and continue to play cards?

How can I continue to fight here?

"If you act like you're being imprisoned, Luffy will be very sad, but if you act like you're doing well inside, Luffy will be very happy to see it." , what do you say?"

Luo Hang glanced at Ace and explained!

"I don't believe it, I always feel that you think I'm not in the mood to play cards, it's more like winning me a few hands!" Ace said with a suspicious look on his face, staring at Luo Hang!

"Thanks to me doing my best to help you, you actually think of me like this?" Luo Hang's face was ugly, looking very sad!

"Ahem, brother Ace, if a group of young people of our murlocs go out to make a living, they will bring news back to their parents, and they will report good news and not bad news!"

Jinbei next to him was rather upright. After coughing dryly twice, he said to Est 160 awake!

"Is that so?"

Hearing this, Ace was startled, then nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll just trust you!"

"That's right, everything is important, but playing cards is also important? Keep going!"

With a smile on his face, Luo Hang nodded and said, shuffled the cards, and continued fighting the landlord!

And what about Ace?Listening to the vibrations coming from upstairs, it seems that the battle above is very fierce?

It is true that he has no intention of playing cards, and makes frequent mistakes.

Luffy, indeed, worked so hard to rush towards the bottom layer of the city.

After going through untold hardships, finally, the lowest level of the city's prison is in sight.

The whole person was exhausted, but there was a long-lost smile on Lu Fei's face! "Ace, Ace, I, I'm here to save you, I, I'm finally here..." With a smile on his face, Luffy murmured in a low voice!

He was a little shaky when he walked, and he seemed to be at the end of his battle, as if a gust of wind might blow him down!

However, the situation of saving Ace is right in front of his eyes, and Luffy can't fall down no matter what!

Finally, holding on to his last strength, Luffy dragged his body and struggled to come to Ace's prison! "Ace, I'm here to save, save..."

Seeing Ace, Luffy got some strength from somewhere in his body, and shouted happily!

However, before the shout was finished, Luffy himself was stunned.

Looking at Ace's appearance, he is actually playing cards? ?This is completely different from what I imagined!

Originally, I wanted to say that I was here to save people, but in the current situation, it seemed that it was inappropriate to say that I was here to save people?

In this way, Luffy seemed to be pinched by the neck, and the second half of the words were forcibly swallowed back!

"I'm sorry, Ace, I went by the wrong way, I shouldn't have come, you, you continue..." With a weird face, Luffy changed the subject. .

Chapter 266: The Warring States Blocked the Door

It's no wonder that Luffy feels this way, look, what did he see?

I thought Ace was imprisoned in Advance City, it was very miserable.

After all, he was also locked up at the beginning.

However, watching Ace play cards here, I had a great time playing here.

Luffy really questioned the circumstances of his coming to save Ace.

Does he really need help?

Moreover, why are they all imprisoned in Advance City? Ace's treatment is very different from his own treatment? "Luffy, are you really here?"

Seeing that Luffy was walking in front of him, Ace obviously didn't want to play any more cards, so he dropped the cards in his hand and shouted! "Hey, Ace, you are the landlord in this hand, you are gone, don't throw the card!" Seeing Ace throw the card away, Luo Hang shouted angrily!

"Not bad, I still have Wang Bo in my hand!" Even Jin Ping seemed to be taken aback, and nodded his head and said! "Rubber rubber, like a gun!"

The huge fist was released, and Luffy's fist became as big as a locomotive, and it slammed into the prison!

It stands to reason that with Lu Fei's punch, even a house would have to be blown down!

However, this punch hit the prison's fence, but it only shook the prison, and the fence was still intact!

On the contrary, Luffy, after this punch hit the fence, immediately seemed to have his spine removed, and his whole body fell limply to the ground!

He has the demeanor of being an older brother, speaking for Lu Fei! "Are you stupid? The fence of this prison is also made of Hailou Stone. It is extremely hard. If you want to smash it with your fist, it is impossible!" Seeing Lu Fei's punch, the prison is still alive. Being smashed, it was Lu Fei himself who collapsed to the ground, Luo Hang shouted at Lu Fei angrily! "Ahem, Luo Hang, although what you said is the truth, it hurts a person's self-esteem to say that, right?" Ace next to him opened his mouth and shouted at Luo Hang!

It's just that he admitted that Luffy is stupid, right?

So, Luo Hang rolled his eyes and didn't say much! "Then, what should we do?"

After letting go of his hand, Luffy regained some strength, looked at the prison in front of him, and looked distressed!

Finally, I rushed here, and finally I saw Ace.

But, is there no way to rescue people now?

So what is the meaning of coming here?

"Luo Hang, come and think of a way?" Ace turned his head and looked at Luo Hang! "Let me figure out a way, I can think of a way? How did you come up with this idea?" Everyone was locked up, but Ace actually asked himself to figure out a way?

"Who made you more famous? Besides, Hai Loushi seems to be unable to suppress your ability!" "In order to go out, Ace didn't mind flattering Luo Hang!" That's right, of course it's up to the smartest people to find a way! Luo Hang liked to hear this, and nodded his head when he heard the words!

The index finger and thumb of his right hand gently pinched his chin, Luo Hang put on a thoughtful look.After thinking like this for a while, his eyes lit up, he patted his palm, and said, "Yes!" "Oh? What do you think?" Hearing this, Ace and the others all stared at Luo Hang.

"According to my judgment, the gate of Hailoushi needs to be opened with a key!" Luo Hang replied!

Quiet, the entire prison became extremely silent for a while.

Both Ace and Jinping looked at Luo Hang stupidly!

After thinking for a while, did he just say this?

Do you need a key to open the door?Does he still have to say that?

Is it necessary to say that these arms are not from the same corpse?

Isn't this talking nonsense?

"Wow, Luo Hang, what you said makes sense! I'll go find the key right away!"

However, in this dead silence, suddenly, Lu Fei was amazed and said to Luo Hang!

After admiring Luo Hang, Lu Fei turned around and was about to find the key to open the door! "Well……"

Unexpectedly, someone dared to say it casually, and some people dared to believe it casually, and the venue was once again sluggish.

Even Luo Hang looked at Luffy dumbfounded, never expecting that Luffy would praise him!

But think about it carefully, such a reaction seems very Luffy?

Fits his character well?

"Brother Ace, I think what little brother Luohang said just now is ugly, but it seems to be the truth!"

Jinbe also twitched at the corner of his mouth at this time, and said to Ace!

At this moment, Ace is already covering his face, looking ashamed to see others!

"Okay, just kidding, Luffy, don't you just want to go out? It's easy!"

Luo Hang opened his mouth, shouted to Lu Fei, and stopped Lu Fei who was about to turn around to find the key!

"Oh? Luo Hang, do you have a solution?" Hearing this, Luffy stopped and said in surprise!

"Okay, let's go out first!" Nodding his head, Luo Hang raised his hand, and a magic portal was quickly constructed!

This magic portal happens to be connected to the outside of the promotion city!

"Amazing, this ability is really amazing!"

Seeing the ability of Luohang's magic portal, it instantly linked to the outside of the city, Jinping and Ace all looked at him in amazement!

With such ability, is it possible to easily reach any place in the world! ?

"what is this!?"

At this moment, outside the advancing city, the Masked Pirates and the Straw Hat Pirates are all fighting the navy. Suddenly, such a cool magic portal appears, which naturally attracts everyone's attention!

"Everyone, stop them, don't let them out!"

Hanbanni looked at the other side of the magic portal, there was Ace and Shiping, his face changed drastically, and he called out to the navy!

Also knowing that Ace and the others must not be allowed to escape, a part of the navy quickly reversed the direction of the attack and blasted towards the magic portal!

Faced with this intensive fire bombardment, Luffy wanted to stand up and buy time for Ace and the others.

However, the entrance to the magic portal is inside the prison.

Luffy standing outside can only be in a hurry, even if he jumps in a hurry, it's useless!

"Huh? What's the situation? Have you already started doing something here?"

A warship quickly approached the city of Jinjin. Standing on the warship, Warring States, seeing that this side has become a battlefield, was stunned!

However, for this sake, of course the Warring States will not just watch.

With a leap, he rushed towards the city of Jinjin, and at the same time, he raised his huge fist and smashed it towards this side!

No bells and whistles, just a simple punch.

However, with just this punch, a huge golden fist mark could be vaguely seen appearing, hitting the outside of the advancing city fiercely.

This blow made the entire city of Advancement tremble.

The shock wave set off pushed all the pirates and even the navy back out!

Then, the figure of the Warring States appeared at the gate of the advancing city. Similarly, the gorgeous magic portal immediately attracted the attention of the Warring States!

"." Warring States actually came in person! ? "Looking at the Warring States landed outside the advancing city, Luo Hang was secretly surprised.

Looking at the Warring States period, it was clear that he wanted to enter through the magic portal, Luo Hang immediately took action and closed the magic portal!

"Oops, why did the Warring States of Buddha appear here in person?"

Ace also saw the Warring States outside through the magic portal, and his face became even uglier!

The Warring States of Buddha has appeared here, not to mention whether I can escape, I am afraid that Lu Fei and his party will not be able to escape, right?

On the contrary, he got involved with Luffy?This is what Ace doesn't want to see!

"Okay, Ace, it seems that you'd better not leave, when we go to the execution platform, let's make him turn upside down again!" Luohang retracted the magic portal, and said to Ace!

"As for you? Hurry up and find a way to leave. If the Warring States comes in, you really won't be able to leave!"

Immediately, Luo Hang looked at Luffy and said!

"But, but..." At this point, Ace is in front of him, and he wants to leave by himself, so why (the one who won the king) came to save others by himself?

Is it just to take a stroll and have a look?

"Don't worry, I've already made a corresponding plan for rescuing Ace!" Seeing that Luffy refused to leave, Luo Hang followed suit!

Actually, does Luo Hang really want to rescue Ace?

Of course not!

The battle on the top is the best battlefield for Luo Hang to take revenge on the five old stars. If Ace is really rescued, how will the battle on the top be opened?

Anyway, with his own layout, it is impossible for Ace to have an accident, so Luo Hang still hopes that the top battle can start as scheduled!

Open the top battle in front of the whole world?

If it can really make the world government lose its prestige, that's the situation that Luohang wants most now, right?

If Luo Hang really wanted to rescue Ace, he would have already opened the magic portal and left. Why wait until now?

"Luffy, go!" Ace also shouted eagerly to Luffy!

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