"But..." Lu Fei hesitated, but still refused to leave!

"If you don't leave now, you will have to be arrested. If you run away now, there is still a chance to fight together during the execution! Think about it yourself!"

Luo Hang also knew that simply persuading Luffy to leave would not do much, so he changed his mind! .

Chapter 267: I won't leave, this prison is very fragrant

In the end, Luffy decided to leave.

Although he is a tough guy, it doesn't mean that he is really a fool who doesn't understand anything.

If he stays here, it is really impossible for him to save people, he can still tell the difference!

When the Straw Hat Pirates met the general Aokiji before, they were no match at all.

Now, what I met was the admiral of the navy, and it was even more impossible for me to be an opponent!

So, Luffy turned and left.

As Luo Hang said, rather than being caught here, it is better to accumulate strength and wait for the real decisive battle to strike together!

Pushing the city is not small, and it is not difficult for Luffy to avoid the Warring States Period!

And what about the Warring States Period at this time?

He also saw Ace and Luohang together, and even the straw hat boy Luffy next to him, he knew that someone came in to rescue the prisoner.

Eager in his heart, Zhan Guo used his fastest speed to run to the lowest level of the city!

"Huh? Blackbeard Teach!?"

When running down, Sengoku naturally noticed Blackbeard who was fighting Magellan.

This made his brows slightly wrinkled!

Similarly, Sengoku was also very surprised. Ace was sent in by Blackbeard. Now, Blackbeard is fighting in the city again. What's going on! ?

However, now is not the time to pay attention to these things. Let's talk about Blackbeard later!

I was concerned about whether Ace would be rescued, so, ignoring the meaning of the battle between Magellan and Blackbeard, Sengoku continued to run below the city of advancement!

It's just that the fact that Warring States ignores Blackbeard doesn't mean that Blackbeard ignores Warring States!

Under the influence of the Mind Stone, Blackbeard is now loyal to Luo Hang.

Seeing that the Warring States Period was going to the prison below, Blackbeard raised his hand, and the dark power surged!

"Dark cave!"

When you raise your hand, the power of An Anguo blasts towards the Warring States Period!

160 "Go away!" Seeing that Black Beard actually took the initiative to attack him, Zhan Guo was furious, raised his huge palm, and slapped Black Beard!

Although the body of the Buddha was not shown, the palm of the Warring States period became very huge in an instant.

Then, like an ordinary person slapping a mosquito, he slapped Blackbeard's head hard!

With this slap, how could Blackbeard withstand this blow from Warring States?

The dark power was directly shattered, and a slap fell, directly pushing Blackbeard to the ground.

At the same time, Blackbeard was stunned.

Scratching his head and patting himself on the head, Blackbeard felt as if he had finally come to his senses! "Marshal of the Warring States? Me, this is not my intention, I was controlled..." Blackbeard realized what happened just now, his face was horrified, and he hurriedly shouted to the Warring States!

Although the power of the Mind Gem can directly distort a person's mind, making Blackbeard loyal to him.

However, there is still a physical way to crack this kind of distortion, that is to directly hit the head hard.

In Marvel's original book, both Hawkeye and Dr. Eric, who helped Loki study the Rubik's Cube, physically broke through the manipulation of the Mind Stone in this way!

Now, Blackbeard was slapped on the head severely by Warring States, and the whole person was slapped on the ground, which also broke the control of the soul gem!

However, even at this time when Blackbeard opened his mouth to explain, the eager Sengoku in his heart ignored Blackbeard's thoughts.

I glanced at him, ignored his words, continued to turn around, and ran towards the lowest prison immediately! "Oops, what I have done, it is impossible for the Warring States to believe me anymore!"

"That Hang Luo's ability is terrible, isn't it? Can he forcibly twist my mind?"

"However, fortunately, at this moment, the city of Advancing is in chaos. Do I still have a chance to recruit the crew I want?" Find a way to escape first."

Seeing that Zhan Guo didn't pay attention to him, turned around and left, Blackbeard muttered secretly in his heart, and he already had the idea of ​​retreating in his heart!

Terrible, the power of the Mind Stone made Blackbeard truly feel terrible! "Want to escape? Did you ask me?"

Realizing that Blackbeard wanted to escape, Magellan raised his hand and waved a poisonous dragon, blocking his way.

Immediately, the battle between the two continued!

One is the highly poisonous power of the poisonous fruit, which makes people dare not touch it casually.

The other is the dark fruit's ability to restrain other devil fruits.

The battle between the two continued, and the battle was even more intense than ever!

Not to mention the battle above, what it was like.

At this time, Luo Hang saw that Luffy was finally understood by himself, and nodded secretly, and at the same time, shouted to Luffy who was going away: "By the way, Luffy!" "What else?" Lu Fei stopped and asked Luo Hang!

"Blackbeard, this is your enemy. He was just controlled by my power. Now I feel that the control of his power has no effect. If you want to deal with him, I suggest you find someone to form a team with! "Luo Hang said!"

"Looking for someone to form a team? Who are you looking for?" Hearing this, Luffy asked!

"The worst thing is to find Marco, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, your combination is the most suitable for dealing with Blackbeard!" Luo Hang continued!

"Marco? Why is my combination with him the most suitable?" Hearing this, Luffy asked curiously!

"Because you are the Feike combination, this combination is the most suitable for shaving your beard!" Luo Hang followed up! "Huh? Feike combination? The best shaving beard?"

Luffy looked at Luo Hang in a daze, obviously he didn't understand the meaning of Luo Hang's so-called Feike combination!

Smiling slightly, and regardless of whether Luffy understood or not, Luo Hang followed up and said, "Of course, if you want to be safer, it's safest for you to team up with Rayleigh and Garp!" "My grandfather? And Rayleigh? Why?" Lu (bcfj) Fei followed up and asked!

"In addition to Feike, Philips shaves are also good!" Luo Hang followed up! "Well, I still don't quite understand, can you introduce it in detail?" Luffy continued to shake his head with a confused look on his face!

"Okay, Luffy, time is running out, hurry up, let's talk about these things later..." At this juncture, the Warring States is already on the way, and they still have the mind to chat here?

Ace couldn't help but urge him! "Okay, I made a note!"

Nodding his head, although the question he wanted to know was not clarified, Luffy still nodded heavily, then turned and ran away!

After Luffy left, about a few minutes later, a golden power bloomed.

Then, Marshal of the Warring States came to the last floor of the promotion city in person!

"Luo Hang, what's going on?" Arriving here, Zhan Guo looked at the Hailoushi handcuffs on Luo Hang's hands, and frowned tightly!

"What's going on?" Luo Hang asked with a calm expression in response to Warring States' inquiry!

"Just now I was outside the advancing city and saw that your ability was unlocked. Now you are wearing Hailoushi handcuffs, why can you still use your ability?" Zhan Guo stared at Luo Hang and asked!

Luo Hang has the ability of magic portal, of course Zhan Guo knew it.

Therefore, just outside the advancing city, the Warring States could be seen at a glance.

However, Luo Hang's hands were obviously wearing Hailoushi handcuffs. In such a situation, Zhan Guo felt that his common sense seemed to have suffered a devastating impact!

It is not common sense that devil fruit users will be restrained by sea water?

Could it be that just because Luo Hang has the ability to manipulate sea water, won't he even be restrained by the power of sea water?

"I said before, can the Hailoushi handcuffs restrain me?" Luo Hang asked back to the Warring States question.

Now that this situation has been seen through, Luo Hang has no intention of concealing it anymore, and said it frankly!

"Sure enough..." Hearing that Luo Hang actually admitted it, Zhan Guo's heart secretly became serious!

Sure enough?Luo Hang, he is really not restrained by the sea water?

"What kind of devil fruit did you eat?" Now, Zhan Guo was even more surprised. Is there really a devil fruit in the world that cannot be restrained by sea water?

It's not just the Warring States period, Ace and Jinpei next to him also looked at Luohang curiously!

A devil fruit that is not restrained by sea water?This situation is really never heard of!

"Have I said before, have I eaten a devil fruit?" Hearing this, Luo Hang grinned, and asked Zhan Guo again!

"You, haven't you eaten a devil fruit? Then, what's the matter with your power!?"

Now, Warring States felt even more shocked!

"Ninjutsu, magic, martial arts, it all depends on how you understand it!" Luo Hang replied!

"Okay, let's not talk about this question for now!"

Taking a deep breath, forcibly suppressing the shock in his heart, Zhan Guo then asked Luo Hang: "Your ability just opened the passage to the city and the outside, what's going on? You also want to help Huoquan Ai did S escape?"

"Can't I be the one who wants to escape?" Luo Hang answered the question!

"If you were thinking of escaping by yourself, you would have escaped by yourself after being imprisoned for so many days, why wait until now?" Zhan Guo replied without even thinking about it!

These words left Luo Hang speechless and silent!

Luo Hang's silent attitude obviously acquiesced in what he just wanted to say, right?

Frowning tightly, Zhan Guo raised his hand and said, "If that's the case, you can no longer be locked up with Ace and the others! Get out with me first!"

"I won't go out, I think it's pretty good here, you can fight landlords and so on when you have nothing to do!" Hearing this, Luo Hang shook his head simply!

(",recognized"?, quasi: if 'water??: first! Send';, "', steal'. Book: sell, money;''dead'., Mom!) "No, you have to go out! "Zhan Guo's face darkened, and he said forcefully, not giving Luo Hang a chance to refuse at all!

Ace and Jinbe next to him are stupid!

This is the first time I saw the admiral let the criminal out, but the criminal refused to leave the prison, right? .

Chapter 268: Luo Hang exploded and disappeared?

If you want to fight alone, relying on the dark fruit, it is really not easy for Blackbeard Titch to defeat Magellan. His poisonous fruit is too dreadful!

It's like a snake. It's obvious that a snake is not big, but why are many people afraid of it?

Is it because of the poison of the snake?

However, for the same reason, if Blackbeard doesn't want to fight and just wants to leave, Magellan wants to stop Blackbeard, but it is not so easy~. Let's fight and retreat, and then Blackbeard turns around , Push forward - run outside the city!

Behind them, Magellan chased after them, one in front of the other, and the two quickly ran out of the city!

"Everyone, leave with me!" The black beard who ran out shouted loudly!

The Masked Pirates, more precisely, the members of the Blackbeard Pirates were startled when they heard Blackbeard's shout.

Immediately, retreat decisively!

Since it is Blackbeard, these pirates are of course willing to obey his orders.

What's more, actively attacking the navy?This is not something these pirates are willing to do! "What's going on? Why did you all run away?"

The people of the Straw Hat Pirates next to him saw that Blackbeard turned around and left with these people, Usopp couldn't help shouting loudly!

However, after glancing at them, Blackbeard didn't intend to answer. He took the pirates under his command and boarded the ship to leave! "Let's leave as soon as they leave, and we can do it ourselves!"

Seeing the members of the Blackbeard Pirates leave, Zoro waved the knife in his hand, slashed several times, and said at the same time!

Yes, Luffy hasn't come out yet, these Straw Hat Pirates will not leave! "Chase, don't let them escape!"

Hanbanni was leading the navy to resist the attack of these pirates. He watched the Blackbeard Pirates leave and shouted loudly!

"Stop chasing!" However, Magellan who ran out shouted!

After all, Magellan is the administrator of this city, and Hanbalani is only the deputy administrator.

Therefore, after shouting a few words, Hanbanni rushed forward, shouting, but finally found that no one was with him.

This is a bit embarrassing, shouting and shouting, I simply stopped.

Turning his head, he looked at Magellan: "Why don't you chase after them? If these pirates dare to attack the city, we can't let them escape!"

"Our primary goal is not to eliminate the pirates, but to guard the city and prevent the criminals inside from escaping. We must distinguish between primary and secondary!" Magellan said seriously!

These words made Hanbanni open his mouth, but he was speechless.

Indeed, although the matter of eradicating pirates is important, as the garrison of the advancing city, the most important task is to ensure that the criminals in the advancing city do not escape!

"Hanbanni, you block them, but don't chase them, I'll go inside and have a look!"

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