Although the Marshal of the Warring States had already gone down in person, the Marshal of the Warring States was still a little worried about the situation below, so he shouted like this!

"Okay, leave it to the Director!" Nodding, Hanbanni replied seriously!

Magellan secretly rolled his eyes at his coveted thoughts about his position as director every day, and didn't mean to say anything more!

So Magellan glanced at the Straw Hat Pirates, and reckoned that their current strength was not enough to rush into the city.

Turn around and go back into the city!

"Go get the key!" Marshal Warring States said, shouting at the jailer next to him.

As Blackbeard escaped, the guards who were originally in the prison were also worried about the situation here, so they approached!

After a while, a jailer came over and handed the key to Marshal Warring States!

Zhan Guo opened the prison door, and grabbed Luo Hang!

"I told you, I won't go out!" Seeing that Zhan Guo was clearly coming to arrest him, Luo Hang shook his head and said!

However, the Warring States Period did not give Luo Hang such an opportunity at all. Seeing that Luo Hang resisted, he immediately started to fight!

If it is Luo Hang's deity, he does have the ability to resist the Warring States Period.

However, what is here is just a shadow clone after all, how can it stop the power of the Warring States?

Although he was performing the water escape ninjutsu, a water dragon was condensed.

However, it was shattered by the Warring States slap!

He couldn't care less about being surprised that Luo Hang was able to condense water out of thin air in a prison without water.

The unabated slap of the Warring States Period followed by a slap on Luo Hang's body!

With a bang, being slapped by Zhan Guo, Luo Hang's shadow clone instantly exploded into a puff of white smoke and disappeared!


At this moment, everyone in the prison was stunned.

Even Zhan Guo looked down at his palm with a dazed look on his face!

Luo Hang was actually slapped and exploded by himself?No bones left?

"Damn it, Luo Hang, did he escape long ago!?"

After a moment of bewilderment, Warring States followed suit!

When fighting Akainu and Garp before, I didn't see Luo Hang so weak.

Moreover, the strength he showed before is not so weak.

This Luo Hang doesn't look right at first glance! "Luo Hang, it's just gone?"

Ace and Jinbe also looked at each other, with expressions of astonishment on their faces!

Even if the Warring States Period killed Luo Hang, his body wouldn't explode and disappear right away?

What's more, the purpose of the Warring States Period just now was not to kill Luo Hang, but to get him out!

"Damn boy, did he escape from the city a long time ago? In addition to the space ability and the ability to manipulate sea water, does he have this kind of avatar ability?" "It's not the power of the devil fruit, but ninjutsu? Magic? Martial arts?"

With anger in his heart, he punched the wall next to him, and Warring States was very upset.

Unexpectedly, all the people including myself, including Wu Laoxing, would be slapped by Luo Hang? "Come on, get ready, I'm going to take Ace to Marlin Vandor!"

The situation of advancing the city is really not at ease. Now that I have come here this time, Sengoku feels that I might as well take this opportunity to bring Ace back to Marin Fando in person.

It also prevents someone from attacking the city and taking Ace away!

Then, after some arrangements, the Navy brought Ace out of the prison.

Warring States, the admiral of the navy, personally escorted him back to Marin Fando!

While Sengoku and Magellan returned to the city, Luffy also escaped.

In the same way, the people who greeted Sauron all left the city and fled far away!

"Huh? Is my shadow clone exposed?"...begging for flowers.

On the side of the Whitebeard Pirates, other captains came over one after another, and Luo Hang's thoughts moved slightly.

With the disappearance of the shadow clone, Luo Hang of course knows everything that happened in the advancing city! "I didn't expect that the Warring States actually went to Jinjin City in person!"

"Originally, I was still thinking about leaving a shadow clone there, which can play the role of a surprise soldier at a critical time, but I didn't expect it to be exposed!" "However, if it is exposed, it will be exposed. At this time, the situation It has become more and more clear, and the battle on the top has become a foregone conclusion!" Although the development of the matter was somewhat beyond Luo Hang's expectation, there was no change in the general direction, and Luo Hang could still accept it! "Luo Hang, is there something wrong?"

Marco next to him seemed to have noticed the sudden change in Luo Hang, and turned his head curiously to ask!

"It's nothing, it's just that the Warring States went to the city of advancement, and the avatar I left there has been exposed, and Blackbeard has also escaped my control!"

Luo Hang didn't mean to hide anything, and replied in his mouth!

"Has your avatar been exposed? Warring States personally went to Jincheng City? Also, has Blackbeard escaped your control?"

... 0 three questions, when it comes to the first two, Marco's expression is still dignified.

However, when it came to the last one, the corners of his mouth couldn't help showing a curve!

"Blackbeard is out of my control, why are you so happy?"

Looking at Marco strangely, Luo Hang asked!

"Because Tiqi is your subordinate after all, no matter what the reason is, if you kill Tiqi in the future, I will always feel a little ashamed of you!"

"Now, since he is no longer your subordinate, there is nothing to worry about!" Marco replied with a straight face!

"Impossible, it's not for this reason, another one!"

Shaking his head, Luo Hang made it clear that he didn't believe Marco!

Do you really think you are a fool?How can this reason convince myself! ?

Well, seeing Luo Hang's disbelief, Marco can only tell the truth!

"Tichi's ambition is too great. Since he betrayed our Whitebeard Pirates, it is impossible to surrender to anyone. You think you have controlled him. Is this a joke? Hehehe!"

In the end, Marco is gloating!

Well, it looks like you know it, this is the real reason why Marco is laughing!

After giving him a blank stare, Luo Hang didn't say anything more!

"Has my Brother Hang's situation been exposed?"

"It's a pity, Zhinao's live broadcast is just following Brother Hang's real one, there is no split-screen live broadcast over the shadow clone!"

"Yeah, otherwise, I really want to see, our brother Hang is just a shadow clone, how confused the Warring States period was!"

"However, Sengoku, as the admiral of the navy, shouldn't he be preparing for the war in Marin Fando at this moment? Why did he run to the city for no reason?"

"In addition, my brother Hang used the ability of the soul gem to control him, but the black beard can still break free? How did he do it?"

"So, is this black beard really extraordinary?"

In Longguo's live broadcast room, many viewers were also shocked when they heard the conversation between Luo Hang and Marco!

That's right, under the control of the Mind Stone, how did that Blackbeard break free?corpse

Chapter 269: White Beard's Measures

A few days passed in a flash!

In the past few days, the entire sea has been in a sense of tranquility before the storm, which makes people feel very depressing!

A few days ago, the navy announced that Fire Fist Ace, the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, would be publicly executed.

This news let everyone understand that this is the official war between the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates!

As for those who feel that the Whitebeard Pirates dare not attack the navy?

These are people with little experience and can be completely ignored!

These days, the atmosphere of preparations for the war has become more and more dignified on the side of Marin Fando at the Navy Headquarters.

Many naval elites who were out on missions have returned to Marin Vanduo one after another.

The Shichibukai who were summoned also arrived at the Navy Headquarters one by one.

There are also many scientific and technological forces developed by the Navy's scientific research department, and all those that can be used have been deployed!

It can be said that the navy has exhausted all available resources in order to ensure the victory of this battle!

If this battle fails, it can almost indicate that the navy has lost control of the sea.

Therefore, in this battle, the navy can only win, not lose!

"Marshal, the navy that was called back from "[-]" is already in place!" "Marshal Warring States, the Shichibukai called has also arrived!" "The pacifist troops have also been fully deployed!"

All the work reports were collected here by the Marshal of the Warring States Period.

Hearing these reports, Marshal Warring States nodded silently, the news is not bad! "Oh, what a pity!"

However, just like that, the Warring States Marshal was not satisfied, and suddenly let out a long sigh!

Yes, maybe it's because the more you can't get the more commotion.

I didn't feel anything before, but now, the Marshal of the Warring States Period regrets right and wrong, but it's a pity that Luo Hang is not here.

Otherwise, with Luohang's strength, it would be enough to surpass thousands of troops!

Thinking of Luohang, Warring States remembered the situation where Luohang suddenly exploded in the city of Jinjin and disappeared in a puff of white smoke.

I don't know when that boy Luo Hang escaped?

Since Hailoushi handcuffs cannot limit his strength, with his ability to construct space doors at will, it is a matter of course that he can escape!

It's just that no one thought that he actually had the ability to clone himself, so he created a clone to make the real one!

I don't know what Luo Hang is doing these days after he escaped?

For some reason, the Warring States Marshal felt a little uneasy when he thought that Luo Hang had already escaped from the city, and that he didn't know where he was or what he was doing now.

It seems that the disappearance of Luo Hang will have a very bad influence on the future navy!

"Forget it, maybe I think too much?" Shaking his head, Zhan Guo comforted himself!

Although they didn't spend much time together, he could tell that Luo Hang was not an evil person!

However, after comforting himself for a while, Zhan Guo remembered Huang Yuan's persuasion to Luo Hang's clone before.

According to Huang Yuan's meaning, Luo Hang has a lot of resentment towards Wulaoxing and Tianlong people!

How can this make people feel at ease!

Not to mention the Warring States side, what kind of mind is it now.

On the other side, there is one more day, and it will be the day of Ace's execution.

At this time, all 43 pirate groups of the Whitebeard Pirates arrived.

The 43 captains also gathered in front of Whitebeard and listened to Whitebeard's final war deployment.

All the captains listened carefully, keeping all the arrangements firmly in mind!

This is a battle that affects the life and death of the entire Whitebeard Pirates. Naturally, no one dares to ignore it.

Otherwise, if this war was lost because of oneself.

Don't say whether others will blame yourself, even if you can't forgive yourself, right?

It's just that everyone was listening to Whitebeard's battle deployment, but the vortex spider Skuyad next to him was a little absent-minded!

Akainu told him the truth about Ace's identity.

Thinking that he is actually the son of Gol Roger, who once destroyed his own pirate group, Scuyad's heart showed hatred!

More importantly, Akainu said, the purpose of the white beard father's battle is actually to cooperate with the navy to put on a show?

Let everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates die to make way for Ace?

Thinking of this, Scuyad's heart was filled with the discomfort of being fooled!

"Huh? Vista, why are you staring at me?"

Although Scuyad was upset in his heart, he didn't show it on the surface.

Turning his head, he happened to find that Foil Vista was staring at him, and he was secretly staring at him, which made Scuad a little surprised!

"Oh, it's nothing, it's not staring at you, it's just that it happened to see your direction!" Hearing this, Bista shook his head and didn't admit it!

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