These words made Scuyad frowned secretly!

Although I am not particularly smart, but I am not a fool, right?

Skuyard paid more attention secretly, this time, it made Scuyard feel even more uneasy!

Not just Foil Vista, but also Phoenix Marco, Diamond Jozzy and other captains...

It seems that they are more or less secretly looking at themselves.

This made Skua feel more and more uneasy in his heart!

For no reason, the other captains were all staring at him, what's going on?

Is there anything I don't know?

"Cough cough..."

At this moment, Whitebeard suddenly coughed heavily.

This cough instantly attracted everyone present.

Then, Whitebeard glanced at Scuyad, and then, he glanced at all the pirates present.

Then he said: "The deployment of the battle has already been said, and then, I have a very important announcement!"

Hearing what White Beard said, everyone cheered up and looked at White Beard seriously.

Very important news?I don't know what kind of news it is?

"That's about Ace's identity, the real identity!" White Beard followed suit!

As soon as this remark came out, Marco and the others, who had already learned the truth from Luo Hang, were not too surprised!

However, most of the captains who came one after another looked at each other in blank dismay, with stunned expressions on their faces.

Ace's true identity?Is Ace's true identity unknown to everyone?

"Ace's biological father is actually One Piece Gore. D. Roger!" Whitebeard said frankly!

As soon as this remark came out, the entire Whitebeard Pirates fell silent.

Marco and the others did not change much...

However, the other pirates who rushed over one after another were all dumbfounded!

Ace's identity is actually Gore, the Pirate King. D. Roger's son?

This news was really kept secret, even my own family members only found out now!

"No wonder!"

Following Whitebeard's words, the other captains next to him also suddenly realized at this time!

Yeah, no wonder!

In order to execute Ace, he would not hesitate to go to war with the Whitebeard Pirates?

Those people from the original Whitebeard Pirates also felt a little strange, they couldn't figure it out!

But now, these people want to understand.

It turned out that the truth turned out to be like this!

Can be the One Piece Gore. D. If Roger's son is executed, this will greatly increase their reputation for the entire navy, right? "Sure enough, Akainu is right!"

The big vortex spider next to him, Scuyad, really felt that way. Did the white bearded father take the initiative to admit Ace's identity?

"Oh? Wait, it's not right!" After confirming that Akainu's words were indeed true, Scuyad felt something was wrong again!

Red Dog said that Papa Whitebeard concealed Ace's identity and wanted to kill the entire Whitebeard Pirates to pave the way for Ace!

But now, Papa Whitebeard actually announced Ace's identity?

What's the matter? "Skuad!"

Just when Scuyad's mind was like a mess and he couldn't figure it out for a long time, Whitebeard's eyes fell on Scuyad.

"I know there is a deep hatred between you and Gore. D. Roger, but that is between you and him after all, why bother to extend the hatred to Ace!?" "Old, daddy, you, You know it all!?"

Hearing what Whitebeard said, Scuyad's face immediately turned pale!

Although the atmosphere of the Whitebeard Pirates is very good, everyone is like a family.

But it is precisely because of this that everyone cannot tolerate traitors!

However, his affairs have been exposed?

I can be regarded as betraying the Whitebeard Pirates on the back of 5.9, right?

"Although you are not smart, you are still my stupid son!" White Beard opened his hands, hugged Scuyad into his arms, and said! "Old, father..."

Although Scuyad is already a middle-aged man in his 50s and [-]s, his voice is choked up at this moment!

"I know, you were just deceived, you didn't mean to betray the Whitebeard Pirates, I know, I forgive you!" Holding Scuyad, Whitebeard said affectionately!

Now, what I thought in my heart, and what I was deceived by Akainu were all exposed.

But the white-bearded father chose to forgive himself, and Scuyad burst into tears!

At this time, he completely understood that he was indeed deceived by Akainu!

Otherwise, the old man with white beard would find an excuse and get rid of himself secretly.

Why announce in front of everyone in the Pirates that he might kill the entire Pirates just to pave the way for Ace? "You idiot, you actually doubt your father!"

The other captains next to him also looked at Skuyad with the same eyes as they looked at the landlord's stupid son. .

Chapter 270: The Whitebeard Appearing from the Magic Portal

"As the saying goes, guard against everything, and a house thief is hard to guard against. If it weren't for our Brother Hang, the Whitebeard Pirates don't know what would happen!"

"Yes, yes, if a house thief suddenly rebelled at a critical moment, the consequences would be unimaginable!"

"So, my Brother Hang's ability to predict the past and the future is simply invincible!"

"Brother Hang, YYDS!"

"Some smart people from other countries have already joined the navy and obtained training methods from the navy system. However, the highest military rank is not even a lieutenant, but my brother Hang has already abandoned the admiral like a shoe. !"

"What is the face of the card? This is the face of the card!"

"However, this guy named Big Eddy Spider is really stupid. He was instigated by the red dog with just a few words?"

"God damn red dog, although it seems to have the same nickname as red dog, but I suspect that you are insulting people!"

"Upstairs, be more confident and remove the word 'I doubt'!"

"This Scuyad is exactly like the idiot son of the landlord's family!"

"However, this white beard is really admirable, he really treats all pirates as family members!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, following the perspective of Luo Hang, these pirates also saw that the Whitebeard Pirates dealt with Skuyad's matter. , On the one hand, he was impressed by the size of the white beard, and on the other hand, he admired Luohang's ability!

With the last of the Whitebeard Pirates needing to pay attention to 12, it has also been dealt with.

The current Whitebeard Pirates can be said to be united.

After arriving at the specific time, the Whitebeard Pirates headed towards Marin Vandor at the Navy Headquarters like a behemoth!

On this day, Marin Fando has also been completely arranged.

Hundreds of thousands of naval elites are gathered, and various video phone bugs are installed in every corner to ensure that the execution situation can be filmed without dead ends.

The positions of the three admirals of the navy are placed side by side in the most conspicuous place.

This is the backbone of all navies, and it is the flag of the navy.

If you can see the presence of the admiral, the morale of the navy is still there!

And everyone from Qiwuhai under the king also appeared one after another!

For this battle, the navy has indeed used all the power it can use.

With such a lineup, people can clearly see the power of the navy!

"Really? This is the lineup to deal with the strongest man in the world!"

Hawkeye has his own underworld behind his back.At night, he glanced at the current lineup in Marin Vanduo Square, and murmured silently in his heart.

"This lineup is really exaggerated..." Doflamingo grinned as if he was afraid that the world would not be chaotic!

"War, I like it the most. You can collect the corpses of the strong. The strength of my zombie army will definitely increase a lot!" This is Moonlight Moria's thoughts.

Pirate corpses can be collected blatantly.

However, for the corpse of the navy, it seems that we still need to pay attention to some influences!

The members of Qiwuhai under the king are secretly thinking about their own thoughts!

At the same time, many people felt something, and they all looked in the direction of the execution platform!

Huoquan Ace, who was bare-chested and handcuffed by Hai Loushi, has been escorted to the execution platform!

Just wait for the time to execute!

As the execution time drew closer, the atmosphere became more solemn!

In the square of the Navy Headquarters, everyone was waiting for the arrival of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Everyone also fully believes that the Whitebeard Pirates will definitely appear!

"Reporting to the Marshal, the Whitebeard Pirates have come out in full force and are heading towards Marin Vanduo Square at full speed, about 130 nautical miles away!" "Reporting to the Marshal, the Whitebeard Pirates are already [-] nautical miles away from Marin Vanduo !" "Report to the Marshal, the Whitebeard Pirates are still [-] nautical miles away from Marin Vanduo Square!"

The Whitebeard Pirates are a large ship group formed by 43 pirate groups.

Such a lineup is sailing on the sea like a giant beast, and it is naturally difficult to hide its whereabouts.

Regarding the speed and distance of the Whitebeard Pirates, the navy has been watching carefully!

Thirty nautical miles, only the last thirty nautical miles left.

The mind of the Warring States has also become a lot more dignified, continue to wait!

It's just that 10 minutes have passed, two 10 minutes have passed, and even three 10 minutes have passed.

Regarding the monitoring of the Whitebeard Pirates, it was suddenly cut off!

"What's going on? Where are the Whitebeard Pirates now?"

I couldn't help it anymore, Marshal Warring States continued to contact the surveillance personnel on the sea!

Next, shouldn't it be reported that there are still twenty nautical miles, ten nautical miles, and five nautical miles left?

Why is there no response?

"Report to the Marshal, we have not seen any trace of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"Neither did we see it!"

"The Whitebeard Pirates seem to be missing!"

"We have lost track of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

However, following the active inquiry of Marshal Warring States, the reply message made Marshal Warring States a little dumbfounded!

The trail of the Whitebeard Pirates is lost?How can it be?How could this happen?

Not only the Warring States side was surprised, but many marines in Marin Vanduoguang also tightened the swords and guns in their hands, only feeling a little slippery.

Before I knew it, my palm was already covered with sweat!

At this moment, Marin Vanduo Square is still very calm, but this calm gives people an extremely depressing feeling.

Everyone's hearts seemed to be covered by heavy dark clouds!


Just when all the navy had lost the trace of the Whitebeard Pirates, and they were wondering and vigilant.

Suddenly, on the surface of the sea outside Marin Vanduo Square, the sea water suddenly bulged!

"Something is about to come out from under the sea!" As the sea water bulged irregularly, it naturally attracted everyone's attention, and some navies shouted loudly!

All the navy's eyes looked here, and the sea water rose to a high level.

Finally, the true face of Lushan Mountain under the water is revealed!

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