One after another, the pirate ships just appeared from the bottom of the sea and appeared in front of everyone!

These pirate ships formed a semicircle, which seemed to form a circle around the square of Marin Fando!

"It's the big pirate ships of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"1, 2, 3..., the 43 pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates are all here!"

"Wait, where's Whitebeard's Moby Dick? Why didn't Whitebeard come?"

Many navies have counted these pirate ships, and at the same time, they are even more puzzled!

These pirates have risen from the coating under the sea. This way of appearing on the stage is indeed very shocking!

However, Whitebeard, who is the backbone, did not appear, nor did his huge Moby Dick, which is a bit strange!

"Hey, hey, isn't this a bit scary? Did all the pirate ships appear from the bottom of the sea with coating?" These are the words of the general yellow monkey!

"Hmph, I didn't expect that they came to the square of Marin Vanduo in such a way!" Akaken snorted coldly and said unhappily! "Such a lineup is worthy of being one of the Four Emperors, no, even the leader of the Four Emperors' Pirates?" In the square, many marines swallowed their saliva, secretly shocked in their hearts!

Yes, among the pirate groups of the Four Emperors, although no one has ever ranked.

However, if it is said who is the head of the Four Emperors, I believe that most people will recommend the Whitebeard Pirates!

After all, Whitebeard is the only person in the world who had the hope of becoming the One Piece, but he turned it down!

From this point, no one can refute that he is the head of the Four Emperors!

After all, being a pirate is mostly because of One Piece Gore. D. Roger's words only went out to sea.

The opportunity to become the One Piece is in front of you, who can refuse such a temptation?


However, White Beard refused!

"Here, here, the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates, 177 finally appeared!"

Along with the live broadcast of the video phone bug, countless people who watched the live broadcast in front of the big screen became nervous at this moment, staring at the scene on the screen! "Our king, of course, is the last to appear, and his way of appearance is naturally different from ours!"

Aware of the little commotion in the navy and their doubts, a pirate from the Whitebeard Pirates next to him said with a grin!

Yes, all the pirate ships appeared, forming an arc, and surrounded the square of Marin Fando.

In fact, there is still a place left in the front position.

This is the slot for Whitebeard's Moby Dick!

At this moment, suddenly, countless small sparks appeared in the air!

These little sparks appeared out of thin air, instantly attracting everyone's attention!

All the navy, all the pirates, and even all the common people in front of the live screen!

At this moment, it seems that the eyes of the whole world are focused on these little sparks that suddenly appeared in the void!

These small sparks quickly turned into a huge circle, which is the ability of Luo Hang's magic portal! "This trick, isn't it..."

On the navy side, the Warring States Period, the three generals, and even many lieutenant generals all recognized this move, and their expressions were horrified!

At the beginning, when Luo Hang came to Marin Fando's square, he used this trick of the magic portal.

Now, this trick appeared again?

What does this mean, they understand very well!

Under the eyes of everyone, a huge pirate ship slowly leaned out of the magic portal.

The position of the bow of this huge pirate ship looks like a huge whale!

Everyone knew that this pirate ship was Whitebeard's Moby Dick!

Whitebeard, who appeared as a magic portal, can be described as extremely cool in this way of appearance!

Since then, all members of the Whitebeard Pirates have arrived at Marin Vandor! .

Chapter 271: Whitebeard's limelight was completely overshadowed by Luo Hang

On the bow of the Moby Dick, the white beard is holding a naginata, and Yuan Tingyue is standing tall, wearing a big cloak, with extraordinary power!

Standing beside White Beard, Luo Hang wore half a mask and stood side by side with White Beard!

Of course, the so-called side by side refers to the front and rear positions, not the height on the horizontal plane.

After all, with White Beard's height, it would be difficult for an ordinary person to stand beside him, even the waist! "Hang Luo, he teamed up with Whitebeard!?"

Although looking at the white beard standing at the bow, everyone was shocked by his aura, but many people saw Luo Hang standing next to the white beard, and were secretly surprised in their hearts!

Being qualified to stand beside White Beard is enough to prove his strength! "Huh? Where's Luo Hang? Isn't this move his ability?"

Sitting in his seat, he took a glance and found no trace of Luo Hang, Huang Yuan said!

"At this point, why are you still wearing a mask? It's meaningless, isn't it? Hang Luo!?" Zhan Guo spoke, and said to Luo Hang!

Having said that, he paused slightly, and then corrected him: "To be more precise, Luo Hang!?" Warring States is known as a wise general, so his wisdom is naturally not low.

Combined with Hang Luo standing next to White Beard, the timing of Hang Luo's appearance, and the fact that he killed the Tianlongren... all these details are combined, and the Warring States period can probably guess Hang Luo's identity! "Marshal, long time no see..."

Hearing this, Luo Hang also simply took off his mask, and said hello with a smile! "Lieutenant General Luo Hang, it's Lieutenant General Luo Hang, he, isn't he imprisoned in Jinjin City?" "What's going on? Why did Lieutenant General Luo Hang go to the Whitebeard Pirates?"

"Hey, what happened here? Vice Admiral Luo Hang, did he actually join the Whitebeard Pirates?" "So, is Hang Luo the Vice Admiral Luo Hang? He, did he betray the navy and become a pirate?" ?”

When Luo Hang first fought Akainu and then Lieutenant General Garp in Marin Vanduo's square, the strength he showed can be said to have conquered all the navies!

Everyone understands that he must be the admiral of the navy!

However, not long ago, it suddenly came out that Lieutenant General Luo Hang had been imprisoned in Jinjin City.

This news caused many marines in Marin Fando to talk about it, and they didn't understand why.

Then, there were gossip that the straw hat boy Luffy escaped from the city of advancement, so Lieutenant General Luo Hang was blamed.

This also made many navies complain about Luo Hang!

However, who would have thought that they would be in this situation when they meet again?

Could it be that Luo Hang, as a pirate, stands on the opposite side of all navies?

"Hmph, it really is a person with an evil heart, and he actually turned him into a pirate!" Akaken's face darkened, and he said angrily!

"Oh, this is a bit scary, he, why did he go to become a pirate? The situation is very difficult now!" "The yellow ape's face is also ugly!

On the one hand, he feels that Luo Hang has been reduced to become a pirate, and this matter has something to do with him.

On the other hand, thinking of Luo Hang's ability, Huang Yuan felt very headache!

When he was in Marin Fando before, Luo Hang's strength was amazing.

Now, if he becomes a pirate, what a headache it will be!

"It's impossible, Hang Luo, how could it belong to Luo Hang?"

The green pheasant next to him was a little dumbfounded, and said in disbelief!

Luo Hang's combat ability is mainly based on water escape ninjutsu. At Marin Vanduo, this is a combat method recognized by everyone, right?

However, Hang Luo is a great swordsman with frosty sword energy.

The abilities and fighting styles of these two people are completely different. How could they belong to the same person?

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault that I wasn't tough enough back then, otherwise..."

Seeing Luo Hang become a pirate, and now standing on the opposite side of the navy, the face of the Warring States is the ugliest.

What I was most worried about, still came true.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Luo Hang's original goal was to become an admiral of the navy, and he even felt that he might become the hope of the navy in the future and take over his position!

But now, Wulaoxing and Tianlongren have directly pushed such talents into the pirate camp!

On the one hand, Zhan Guo felt guilty and felt that he should have been stronger when facing the Five Old Stars.

On the other hand, Warring States also had complaints about Wu Lao Xing in their hearts!

"Luo Hang, come back, don't be arrogant, you know, if you help the pirates today, there will be no turning back!"

Taking a deep breath, Zhan Guo opened his mouth and shouted at Luo Hang, feeling like he wanted to rescue a wave in the end!

"Turning back? Hahaha, isn't it too late to say this now?" Luo Hang grinned and said mockingly after hearing this!

That's right, when he pinched himself as a soft persimmon and let himself take the blame, Wu Laoxing should have thought of the situation like today, right?

"What's going on in the Warring States period? At this moment, why waste time on Luo Hang? Since he is standing on the opposite side of the navy, just eliminate him!"

In the power room, Wu Laoxing is of course also paying attention to the situation of the top war.

Seeing that White Beard appeared on the stage, Warring States ignored the strongest White Beard and instead focused on Luo Hang, Wu Laoxing shook his head.

I feel that the Warring States period did not distinguish between priorities!

It's not just Wu Laoxing who has this kind of thought, in fact, many people who are standing in the live broadcast room and watching the live broadcast at this time have the same thought!

White Beard is on the stage. It stands to reason that he should be the absolute protagonist that everyone is looking forward to, right?

But?Zhan Guo put his mind on this guy named Luo Hang, what's going on? "Boy Luo Hang, it seems that the Warring States Period really values ​​you!" Even the white beard looked at Luo Hang in amazement, and then said!

"This is the truth. The target of my revenge is not the Warring States Period, but the Five Old Stars, the Tianlong people!" Luo Hang nodded and said!

With a bang, White Beard seemed to feel that it was not appropriate to just be reduced to a supporting role!

Of course, maybe he also felt that he shouldn't waste his time like this!

In short, at this time, the naginata in Whitebeard's hand leaned against the hull of the boat lightly, making a dull sound.Then, Whitebeard said, "Ace, we are all here to save you!"

"Father!" Ace yelled loudly as he watched the Whitebeard Pirates come out in full force, just to save him, and he was even more moved!

"Ace, we're coming too!" At this moment, another loud cry sounded in mid-air!

Then, all the people raised their heads in search of the sound.

I saw a pirate ship flying directly into the air, drawing a parabola from the air, and falling towards Marin Fando! "Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Lu Fei's hands quietly circled the bow of his Wanli Sunshine, and a series of shouts came out of his mouth!

"Frankie, your wind is so crazy!" Usopp yelled.

It turned out that the Wanli Sunshine used the power of the wind to fly the pirate ship directly!

". "Oops, this guy's boat is too messy!" "

Here, more than 40 pirate ships of the Whitebeard Pirates are all gathered together.

This Wanli Sunshine fell directly from mid-air, and all the well-informed and domineering people present could have predicted... If this ship fell, it would just hit the bow of the Moby Dick, right? "This guy, oh, what a mess!"

Even Luo Hang sighed helplessly when he saw this pirate ship smashed down from mid-air!

Immediately, Luo Hang raised his hand, facing the falling pirate ship, activated the pupil power of the Samsara Eye! "Shenluo Tianzheng!"

Controlling his own strength, the invisible repulsive force was released and landed on the Wanli Sunshine.

As if hitting a sponge in mid-air, the arc of the Wanli Sunshine has obviously deflected.

Then, the ship landed right next to the Moby Dick, splashing a lot of water! "What ability was that just now?"

Originally, because Luo Hang was standing next to White Beard, and because the first person to speak in the Warring States Period was actually to Luo Hang, many people who didn't know Luo Hang were very interested in him and very curious!

Now, watching this pirate ship fall from the sky, but Luo Hang just raised his hand to ease the crisis?

This made many people look at Luo Hang in astonishment, not quite understanding what kind of ability he used! "This guy... (Zhao Zhao)..."

Sensitively noticing the gazes of many people, they fell on Luo Hang again, and the white beard next to him looked at Luo Hang helplessly!

Originally, relying on his magic portal ability to appear on the stage, in such a cool way, Whitebeard felt that he should be the focus of everyone's attention!

But, who would have thought?The focus of attention is Luo Hang?

Even the Warring States had a dialogue with him first!

After all, I forced myself to speak, and attracted everyone's attention to myself.

With the landing of the Straw Hat Pirates, Luo Hang made another move, once again drawing everyone's attention to him!

At this moment, White Beard really felt helpless.

Originally, the Whitebeard Pirates were at war with the Navy, so he was the main character that attracted much attention, right?

But?Luo Hang seems to have overshadowed his limelight?

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