After living for so many years, it doesn't mean that White Beard likes to show off, it's just that this thing is related to morale!

On such a large battlefield, morale is very important!

"However, fortunately, Luo Hang is now on the united front with us, so if he gets the limelight, it won't have any effect at all!" In the end, White Beard could only comfort himself like this!

It's just that after so many years, this is the first time someone has been with me and can always steal the limelight from me...

Chapter 272: Luo Hang, who kills Lieutenant General in a row

Fight, open!

The navy has been preparing for battle for a long time!

What about the pirates?The same is coming out of the nest.

Of course, such a confrontational situation cannot be maintained for too long.

So, after a moment of stalemate, they started to do it!

However, although all the pirate ships approached Marin Fando, so many ships did not completely dock on the coast after all.

If they want to attack, the pirates have to find a way to complete an early landing action!

"I'll come first!" Luo Hang said as he watched the people of the Whitebeard Pirates make a difficult landing.

While speaking, the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand was raised!

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on Luo Hang again!

Is he going first?I don't know how he will make a move?

"Sword!? By the way, when he turned into Hang Luo, he defeated Aokiji with sword skills and cold air!"

Looking at the Xuanyuan Sword in Luo Hang's hand, the Haijun's expression also became serious, and at the same time, the Warring States and the others followed suit!

It's just that I don't know what level Luo Hang's swordsmanship has reached?

Under the eyes of everyone, Luo Hang made a move!

However, it wasn't a powerful slash, but a sword pointed at the sea below him!

Then, endless cold air gushed out from Xuanyuan Sword, but in an instant, the cold air on Xuanyuan Sword froze the sea surface.

Moreover, the frozen sea spread rapidly, but in a short while, the sea within a kilometer around the Marin Vanduo Square was all frozen! "Hiss, what a frightening cold air. I don't know how strong or weak it is compared to General Aokiji's ability to freeze fruit?" Seeing that Luo Hang's move easily froze the 177 kilometers of sea surface, countless navy He took a deep breath.

At the same time, many people looked in the direction of Aokiji!

At this time, Aokiji is really about to die in society!

His ability to freeze fruit is not as good as Luo Hang's, and many high-level navy officials know it.

These people are all looking at me discussing this topic, isn't this pulling me out to flog the corpse?

Do I still want to publicly declare to everyone that my frozen fruit ability is not as good as Luo Hang's? "Great, the sea is completely frozen, so there is a place to stay, let's rush together!"

After Luo Hang froze the sea with one move, the Whitebeard Pirates were of course the happiest.

Several pirate captains shouted loudly, and then jumped down one by one, landed on the sea, and launched an impact towards the navy! "Do it, fight!"

At this time, seeing that the pirates were rushing over fearlessly, the navy would certainly not stand still. After shouting, the navy followed suit! "So? According to the original book, Sengoku should disclose Ace's identity. Now, is Whitebeard not giving Sengoku this opportunity at all?" Seeing that he didn't say a few words, the relationship between the pirate and the navy Already fighting, Luo Hang secretly smiled in his heart!

Ignoring the scuffle between the pirates and the navy, at this moment, Hawkeye suddenly stepped out and looked in the direction of Whitebeard!

His actions attracted the attention of several other Shichibukai next to him!

Among the Seven Seas of Martial Arts, if it is said that Hawkeye Mihawk is the strongest, no one will refute this statement, right?

Staring at White Beard, (bcfj) the eagle eye of the world's number one swordsman pulled out his black knife, and then, an extremely fierce slash appeared, and slashed towards White Beard!

However, the white beard standing on the bow turned a blind eye to this slash. Such an attack was not enough for him to do it himself!

Luo Hang was also holding the Xuanyuan Sword, standing next to White Beard without any intention of moving!

If Whitebeard didn't even move, if he moved first, what's the matter?

Couldn't he be better than Whitebeard?So, of course, Luo Hang was not in a hurry to move!The battle situation became more and more fierce, and after Hawkeye made the first move, the other members of the Qiwuhai also all ended one after another!And the Whitebeard Pirates.

Captain-level characters followed suit, and the battle situation escalated again!

In this way, after standing silently for a few minutes, Whitebeard finally made a move.

As soon as he made a move, it was the fruit of the shock, the fist was covered with a white light, and then he punched hard on the void!

When he punched down, it seemed that the space was smashed by him.

With the ability of shaking the fruit, it mobilized the sea to resonate, and then, the monstrous waves appeared, violently pressing in the direction of Marin Fando!

This blow, as if the entire sea was overturned by him, made countless people dumbfounded!

Although it was just a move, but just this move made people feel the power of Whitebeard!

Because of Luo Hang's Blood Bodhi, White Beard's physical condition is better than in the original book.

In addition, it was not attacked by Skuyad of the Great Eddy Spider, so the power of the shaking fruit was astounding when Whitebeard punched it down!

Following the sea quake, the monstrous sea water turned into huge waves and shot towards the square of Marin Fando.

Under the monstrous waves, the entire Marin Fando square looked very dangerous!

Ice Age!

Seeing this, Qingzhi couldn't sit still, and flew out directly.

The powerful cold air surged up, and also froze these monstrous waves, turning them into two huge wave-shaped ice sculptures, frozen in mid-air! "Have they all shot? In this case, I'm too embarrassed to stand by and watch?"

After taking a look, with the white beards all making moves, both the navy and the pirates almost all made moves, Luo Hang nodded silently!

People including the Straw Hat Pirates also rushed towards the navy with a yell.

With this in mind, Luo Hang's figure moved, and he also jumped off the Moby Dick and walked towards the execution platform!

"Luohang is coming!" Seeing Luohang approaching, many marines in the square reflexively took half a step back!

"Don't retreat, everyone is not allowed to retreat, he is a pirate now, we bear justice, how can we retreat!" Vice Admiral Huoshaoshan opened his mouth and shouted loudly at the many marines.

Then, Huoshaoshan's body was like lightning, and he rushed towards Luohang directly, extremely fast and menacing.

Armed color domineering entwined on the knife, every shot is full force!

However, seeing Huoshaoshan rushing towards him, Luo Hang's expression didn't change, he just raised his hand and grabbed Huoshaoshan's side!

In an instant, the furious Huoshaoshan stopped, and the skin of the whole person also looked red, like a boiled lobster.

Even, there were bursts of light smoke from the body!

"Wow, this guy, can he also be in second gear?" Luffy, who was not far away, happened to see this scene, and shouted in surprise!

Only Lu Fei has such thick nerves. At this time, Huoshaoshan showed a painful expression on his face, and he felt that the blood in his whole body seemed to be boiling.

Covering his body with his hands, Huoshaoshan fell to his knees!

Evil Blood Tribulation, this is Luo Hang's activation of the power of Evil Blood Tribulation, one of the Four Sacred Heart Tribulations!

"Stop!" Another lieutenant general appeared next to him, shouted loudly, and rushed towards Luo Hang!

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel!

Seeing the flying squirrel lieutenant general rushing towards him, Luo Hang took a look at him, and immediately, the startling robbery activated!

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel only felt that his head seemed to have been hit hard with a big hammer, and his brain froze for a moment, and it was broken into pieces.

He was so aggressive that he tripped over his own foot and fell to the ground.

Even because of the momentum, the whole person slid on the ground for a certain distance before stopping!

It was another instant kill, which made the surrounding navy's expression change in horror!

The previous Luo Hang was already very strong in the middle, but with the ninjutsu that manipulates sea water, at least he can see the attacking situation, right?

However, when the martial arts methods of the Four Tribulations of the Sacred Heart are displayed, people can't see the moves at all.

Even if you want to dodge or resist, you don't know how to resist it at all!


At this moment, Luo Hang felt that the sky seemed to be dark, and looked up, well, the two vice admirals were injured by his own evil blood calamity and shocking eye calamity.

At this moment, there is a lieutenant general of the navy giant family making a move.

The huge sword slammed down towards Luo Hang like a gigantic object.

The difference in size endows the vice admiral with such a powerful strike machine!

"Shenluo Tianzheng!" Luo Hang stretched out his hand again, facing the lieutenant general of the giant clan, the ability of Shenluo Tianzheng was activated.

The invisible repulsive force erupted instantly, and then, in the shocking eyes of everyone, the lieutenant general of the giant clan was hit by an invisible force, and he flew upside down!


The power displayed by Luo Hang really gave people an invincible feeling.

Vice Admiral, this can be said to be a very high-end combat power of the Navy.

However, in front of Luo Hang, none of the three lieutenant generals were opponents?Was it blown out easily?


Just as Luo Hang's figure continued to move forward, a figure appeared, attacking Luo Hang as fast as lightning, and at the same time, punched him down!

Luo Hang raised his left hand, and the left hand with the vibrating gold glove went up to meet him.


Fist collided with fist, Luo Hang's figure didn't retreat!

"Lieutenant General Garp? Are you unable to hold yourself back so soon?" Looking at the person attacking him in front of him, Luo Hang said.

"Good boy, when you fought with me back then, you never showed such melee combat ability. It turns out that you kept your hands back when you sparred with the old man? Very good, let's take this opportunity and let's have another sparring match." !"

Seeing that his fist was perfectly caught by Luo Hang, Karp's eyes lit up instead! .

Chapter 273: Overlord-looking domineering! ?

In terms of fighting style, Garp belongs to the pure warrior type!

There are not so many bells and whistles, and the opponent can be solved with a single punch.

If one punch is not enough, then another punch!

When I sparred with Luohang before, it was almost like this!

No matter what kind of water escape ninjutsu you hit, I just punch you.

No matter what kind of water escape ninjutsu, it can be defeated with one punch!

Armed with domineering color, Garp is the absolute ceiling of the Pirate World!

Why is Capp called a naval hero?

That's because Rocks, the former overlord of the sea, was defeated by Garp~. The strength of Rocks, you can see that the big mom and Kaido among the four emperors are both on the Rocks ship-the crew will know!

Moreover, unlike Whitebeard, Garp's strength will not regress with age, this is the existence of B-UG level!

Therefore, this pure warrior style, of course, my favorite is the fist-to-flesh melee attack method!

In the previous battle with Luo Hang, no one could do anything to the opponent.

Because Luo Hang's water escapes, regardless of whether they are useful or not, smashing them with their eyes closed are completely magic fortresses, which makes Garp feel like he can't use his strength at all!

And Garp's armed look is very domineering, and even Luo Hang's tailed beast jade only makes him a little embarrassed.

At the end of the battle, it looked like no one could do anything to the other. Karp was very aggrieved in such a battle!

But now, when he hit him with a punch, Luo Hang was able to block his punch with his hands?

Didn't expect Luo Hang to be so powerful in melee combat in addition to his spell-like abilities?

Garp's eyes lit up, and after a word of admiration, he continued to attack Luo Hang fiercely!

I'm still afraid that Luo Hang will continue to transform into a magic fort's attack method, so after Garp makes a move, he will not give Luo Hang a chance to seal at all!

Garp has so much combat experience, of course he understands that once the fighter successfully gets close to the mage, the best way is of course to suppress the opponent so that he has no chance to cast spells at all!

Holy Spirit Swordsmanship!

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