Facing Garp's storm-like attack, Luo Hang's holy spirit swordsmanship was unleashed, and the swordsmanship was like mercury pouring down the ground, blowing down Wang Yang!

It's as invisible as an antelope's horns!

Compared with the swordsmen in this world of pirates, Luo Hang's slashing might not be as destructive as theirs.

However, in terms of the subtlety of swordsmanship, it can definitely crush them!

In terms of strength, Luo Hang is no match for Karp.

However, in terms of skills, this holy spirit sword technique is enough to fill the gap!

Moreover, in the face of Karp's attack, if there is really a time when you can't avoid it, the vibrating gold gloves can be used as a shield!

Therefore, the close combat with Karp was very fierce, and Luo Hang didn't seem to be at a disadvantage!

"Okay, that's amazing, that's the legendary sea soldier, Garp!"

From the appearance of the Whitebeard Pirates until now, Luo Hang's limelight has even overshadowed Whitebeard.

Therefore, many people have been paying attention to Luo Hang's actions!

Now, seeing Luo Hang make a move, Lieutenant General Garp went up to meet him, and he was able to fight like a raging fire with Garp?

This made everyone dumbfounded!

This Luo Hang's strength has actually reached such a level! ?

"Isn't it a lie? This Luo Hang looks young, but is his strength so terrifying?"

"Could it be that in another ten years, there will be another sea overlord who is stronger than Rocks back then?"

"I don't believe how the legendary navy, Lieutenant General Garp, can't defeat a young man for so long. If the opponent is the Four Emperors, that's all!"

"It must be Lieutenant General Garp who is showing mercy?"

All the navy, pirates, and even the common people watching the live broadcast were secretly shocked when they saw Luo Hang and Garp fighting in full swing.

Shocked by the power possessed by Luohang!


Glancing at the battle between Luo Hang and Garp, Zhan Guo secretly sighed in his heart.

Now that Luo Hang has become a pirate, some people have already predicted that he may become the overlord of the sea that surpassed Lockes back then!

If Luo Hang stays in the navy, doesn't that mean that Luo Hang can become a navy with the same existence?

"Luo Hang, give me a move, Minggou!"

Seeing that Garp couldn't take down Luo Hang, taking the opportunity, Akainu came behind Luo Hang, and at the same time, shouted loudly.

The power of the lava surged and launched a sneak attack towards Luo Hang!

Now it's not a one-on-one decisive battle, but a melee between the navy and the pirates.

From Akazuki's point of view, there is no such thing as a sneak attack or a sneak attack, as long as he can successfully kill Luo Hang, it will be a great achievement!

When Garp punched him, Luo Hang had to concentrate on it.

The red dog next to him made another sneak attack?

This made Luo Hang's face change in horror, if he wanted to dodge, it would be too late!

Taking a deep breath, Luo Hang opened his hands at the same time, with one hand facing Karp and the other facing Akainu.

The pupil power of the reincarnation eye uses [-]% of its power.

Shen Luo Tianzheng!

The terrible repulsion erupted in an instant, and Chigu's ghost dog was directly shattered by this repulsion.

Even the figure of Akainu staggered, took several steps backwards, and almost fell to the ground!

However, on the other side, blocked by Luohang's Shenluo Tianzheng, Garp's fist paused for a moment!

However, it was only for an instant.

Pressing down hard, the fist that was blocked a little bit continued to bang against the power of Shenluo Tianzheng.

Then it slammed on Luo Hang's body fiercely, knocking him into the air!

"Successful!?" Seeing that Luo Hang was hit by Karp with all his strength, Akainu was overjoyed!


However, Luo Hang, who was thrown into the air, suddenly exploded in mid-air and turned into a wooden stake.

And this piece of wood pile also turned into powder and disappeared!

"Phew, it was really dangerous just now. If you are hit, you will be disabled if you don't die!?" On the other side, Luo Hang, who used a substitute technique, felt a wave of fear in his heart!

Thanks to his Shenluo Tianzheng, he blocked Garp's fist a little bit, and bought himself a chance to perform the substitute technique for a moment.

Otherwise, if Garp's iron fist hit him, the consequences would be unimaginable!

Fortunately and scared, at the same time, Luo Hang's heart became even more angry, staring at Akainu's eyes, full of anger! "Big fire!"

Being stared at by Luo Hang's eyes full of anger, Chiquan's heart shuddered slightly, but he didn't intend to back down. He raised his arms, and another large piece of lava pressed towards Luo Hang! "Sword 23!"

The Invisible Sword Field unfolded in an instant, and immediately after, all the surrounding material time and space were frozen!

The lava blasted by Akainu also froze in mid-air at this moment, unable to move!

Akainu stared at Luo Hang in horror. ...ask for flowers.

Seeing Luo Hang walking towards him step by step, fear appeared in his eyes!

This feeling of not being able to move the body, and being able to just watch the other party attacking him is really terrifying!


Seeing this, Karp not far away sighed silently in his heart!

Although Garp was not happy about Akainu intervening in the battle between himself and Luohang.

But he is an admiral after all, so he can't just watch Akainu get killed, right?

Sighing silently, Karp also rushed towards Luo Hang, trying to save Akainu from Luo Hang's hands!

However, although Garp's aura was strong, when he rushed to within tens of meters of Luo Hang's body and broke into the domain of Sword 23, Garp also found himself frozen and unable to move.

This shocked Garp's heart!

This, this is not some kind of control ability, but the control effect caused by purely suspending the entire material time! ?

Luo Hang's abilities are a little too weird, right?

In addition to the ability of space, the ability to manipulate the sea, the incomparably exquisite swordsmanship, and the ability to let a wooden stake replace oneself to suffer fatal injuries at critical moments...

He can actually manipulate time! ?

Although the material time is only suspended, one's spiritual will is not affected.

But, even so, this ability is very scary!

Luo Hang ignored Karp's attack behind him, but continued to walk towards Akainu.

So what about Karp's strength?

A pure warrior-type existence will be restrained by his own sword 23, this is absolute!


However, seeing that Luohang's Xuanyuan sword was entwined with armed domineering aura, and when he was about to slay the red dog with a single sword, suddenly, an extremely terrifying aura erupted from Garp's body!

Luo Hang just felt his head go numb!

The sword field of Jian 23 was instantly broken!

With a scream, there was a deep bone-deep sword wound on Akainu's chest, and blood spurted out thinly. Covering the wound on his chest, Akainu pulled back!

Although Luohang's attack was affected just now, the falling Xuanyuan sword still left a terrible wound on Chiquan's chest!

"Garp!?" Ignoring the retreating Akainu, Luo Hang turned his head and looked at Garp in astonishment!

It can't be wrong, it just affected my ability, it is the domineering look and domineering!

Are you kidding me?As far as I know, no one in the navy is a domineering person.

In the original book, I have never seen Karp displaying his domineering aura!

But what happened just now?

He actually influenced himself with domineering look?

Freezing the material time and space, domineering aura belongs to a kind of spiritual ability, not affected by sword 23, Luo Hang can understand it! "You kid, your ability really surprised me!"

Garp's face became more serious, he stared at Luo Hang and said, as if he was surprised by Jian 23's ability!

"Your domineering look surprised me even more!" Luo Hang also followed suit!

The owner of domineering look is lawless, so there is no place for such a person in the navy.

But consider Cap's character?Really very capricious?Even dare to say in public that the Tianlong people are rubbish?

There is also a son who is the leader of the revolutionary army, and the grandson is the future One Piece if nothing else happens.

It seems reasonable to say that Karp possesses the overlord's arrogance?corpse.

Chapter 274: Release the Tailed Beast Jade on the Battlefield of the Top Battle

Melee. At this time, the navy and the pirates are in a melee.

King against king, general against general, soldier against soldier!

In the current situation, each of them has found an opponent whose strength is similar to their own!

Various abilities emerge in endlessly!

The strange ability of the devil fruit, the slash of the swordsman, the huge size of Little Oz and the giant navy, shelling, bullets...

In short, as the war unfolded in full swing, the square of Marin Vanduo immediately became a terrifying Shura field.

Here, strips of fresh life quickly dissipate!

However, the charge of the Whitebeard Pirates was very powerful.

Under the impact of these fearless pirates, the navy's defense circle is constantly shrinking!

Marco, as the first team captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, can be said to be a veritable powerhouse!

According to the numbers of the teams, the strength of these captains has also been ranked!

As the captain of the first team, Marco's strength is second only to Whitebeard!

Marco was fighting with the yellow ape at the moment. He turned into a phoenix, with blue flames burning on his body, and then kicked towards the yellow ape!

Yellow Ape's light speed kick and Marco's flame kick collided fiercely.

Without the slightest bells and whistles, it depends on who is stronger on both sides!

With a bang of "[-]", in mid-air, Huang Yuan's body was like a ball being sent flying, hitting the ground hard, and even made a huge crater on the ground!

In terms of strength, Marco is actually better than the admiral's yellow monkey!

After kicking the yellow monkey into the air, he looked at the red dog next to him clutching his chest, bleeding profusely, and Marco's eyes froze slightly!

Since during the battle between Luohang and Garp, Akainu can attack Luohang with his hands.

Then, by the same token, he can also attack Garp, right?

Thinking of this, and seeing Karp and Luo Hang fighting together, Marco's wings shook.

The cyan flame flashed across the air, and quickly flew towards Karp.

At the same time, he kicked Karp's head!

This kick is a bit more powerful than the kick he kicked Huang Yuan away just now!

Garp blocked Luo Hang's Xuanyuan Sword with a fist, and then saw Marco kicking over, frowning slightly.

Then, raised another fist and hit it!

With a bang, this punch hit Marco's body, knocking him flying in an instant!

It seems that Marco is worse than the yellow ape who was attacked by him just now! "Hiss, sure enough, Luo Hang's strength is really powerful!"

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