Countless people are paying attention to the battle situation here, seeing this scene, many people took a breath of cold air!

Karp's reputation is too strong, it can be said that he is as famous as White Beard.

However, Luo Hang was able to fight Karp with vigor and vigor?

With such a young guy, many people think that Karp should have released the water!

But what about now?

When fighting Garp, facing Akainu's sneak attack, he was able to save himself from danger?

Without enough strength, can you survive the admiral's sneak attack when facing Garp?

Looking at the side, Marco kicked the yellow ape into the air, and Marco was kicked away by Karp. It can be seen that Marco is not qualified to fight Garp, right?

However, Luo Hang has been able to fight Karp for so long. I wonder, is there anything more proof of Luo Hang's strength than this?

After flying Marco with a punch, Garp continued to focus on Luo Hang.

No bells and whistles, just strong attack, fast speed, high defense, a proper warrior type existence, continue to fight towards Luo Hang!

Let's not talk about the fierce battle between Luohang and Garp.

On the other side, the white beard holding a naginata rushed towards the execution platform in the first place!

Doflamingo and Aokiji teamed up, but even they couldn't stop Whitebeard's power.

Whether it is Shichibukai or the admiral, it is obviously nothing in front of White Beard, even if they join forces!

Seeing this, Zhan Guo also gritted his teeth!

Although as the admiral of the navy, his greater role is to coordinate the overall situation.

However, the battle has already reached this point, and the power of Whitebeard is unstoppable, and the Warring States can only end in person!

The form of the big Buddha unfolded, and his figure turned into a golden Buddha with a height of hundreds of meters. Then, he punched Whitebeard with a punch!

The huge fist collided with Whitebeard's naginata, and an invisible shock wave burst out instantly, causing many marines and pirates around to be blown away by the shock wave! "It seems that it has really reached the stage of intense heat!"

Taking a look at the Marshal of the Warring States Period next to him, Luo Hang secretly sighed in his heart! "You still have the mind to look at the side?"

Realizing that Luo Hang was distracted looking to the side, Garp scolded angrily, and immediately raised another iron fist, and slammed it down towards Luo Hang!

Luo Hang's heart tightened, the vibrating gold glove on his left hand raised, and he grabbed Garp's iron fist!

However, when Garp's fist was about to hit Luo Hang's left hand, his fist suddenly stopped.

At the same time, he raised his leg and bumped his knee towards Luo Hang!

Luo Hang was horrified when he saw this, and it was too late to change his moves, so he could only release his protective energy to resist!

However, in front of Karp, this protective energy is like paper.

This knee bump directly shattered Luo Hang's protective qi, and at the same time, the rest of the momentum was unabated against Luo Hang's abdomen!

With a sound of wow, blood mixed with gastric juice was spat out, and Luo Hang's figure was directly knocked out by this blow.

The inside of his abdomen was shaking, Luo Hang only felt that his internal organs seemed to be shaken violently!

"Sure enough, every time he blocks my iron fist, he always uses his left hand. It seems that the glove on his left hand is a bit special!"

Luo Hang obviously couldn't stop this attack, which confirmed Garp's conjecture!

Is it really worthy of the legendary navy?Has the power of my vibrating golden glove been penetrated by him?

Luo Hang also got up from the ground at this time, his face was very ugly!

"Huh!" Seeing Luo Hang's wounded appearance, a marine next to him thought he had a chance, so he raised the knife in his hand and slashed at Luo Hang!

It's just that Luo Hang turned his head and glanced at him.

The startling robbery was activated, and the navy immediately bled from all of its orifices and fell to the ground to die!

The killing intent surged, and he was severely injured by Karp's attack. Luo Hang felt waves of killing intent surging at this moment, and the injury aroused Luo Hang's ferocity.

With a hand on his waist, a blood bodhisattva was extracted and thrown into his mouth.

As the blood bodhi was swallowed, Luo Hang could clearly feel the fiery internal organs in his body, as if he had been nourished by a spring rain.

"It seems that we can't fight anymore at this time, otherwise, it will be even more difficult to rescue Ace!"

Taking a look at the battle situation, because Whitebeard was blocked by the Warring States period, the pirate's momentum has slowed down!


Garp jumped up, came to Luo Hang again, and punched him down again, not giving him a chance to breathe!

Taking a deep breath, the more than 600 years of skill in Luohang's body was transformed into chakra!

At the same time, the rocky caress mode is also turned on, causing the chakra in Luo Hang's body to run wild in an instant!

Luo Hang has switched to the form of Chakra!

Xuanyuan Sword was raised, blocking Garp's punch!

In addition to vibrating gold gloves, Luo Hang also has the ability to block!

After cooperating with the block, Luo Hang waved his arm, and launched the second half of the counterattack!

Garp's power was completely applied to himself. This sword made Garp kick back several steps!

Borrowing Garp's own strength to knock him back, Luo Hang followed him with Lingbo microsteps, retreated a lot, and actually retreated directly to the bow of the Moby Dick!

When all the pirates were attacking the execution platform, Luo Hang actually retreated back to the Moby Dick!

In rocky caress mode, blue light blooms from his body, Luo Hang is as eye-catching as a firefly in the dark night.

Naturally, his actions attracted the attention of many people!

Even those video phone bugs gave Luo Hang a close-up shot!

With the seal of both hands, Luo Hang's Chakra surged completely.


The sea that was originally frozen was shaking at this moment, and even the sea that was originally frozen by Qingzhi was also shaking at this moment!

Then, the ice split, and a huge water dragon appeared under Luo Hang's control, flying directly into the sky!

This huge water dragon is lifelike!

Then, in the direction of the Marine Vanduo Navy, swooped down!

Loud bang!The water dragon fell to the ground, and the impact caused countless marines to suffer heavy casualties!

At the same time, the undiminished current turned into monstrous waves, sweeping towards the pirates!


After his huge water dragon took effect, Luo Hang used the ability of the shadow clone technique again, and got two shadow clones to protect his 5.9!

It's a pity that the development of my reincarnation eye is not advanced enough, otherwise, the ability of the reincarnation tomb side prison will be truly practical!

After using the shadow clone, Luo Hang raised his hand high, with bits and pieces of energy.

Accompanied by his movements, they gathered between his palms, and as these liquid energies continued to gather and compress, an astonishing aura erupted! "Oops, it's this move!"

Seeing Luo Hang's movements and the gathered deep energy ball, Garp's heart sank!

This is the ability of Tailed Beast Jade. When Garp and Luo Hang were fighting each other, he had tasted the power of this move. Even Garp ended up in a very embarrassing end!

At this moment, Luo Hang activated the ability of the Tailed Beast Jade again?

How dare to let the power of this nuclear weapon be released?Garp jumped forward and rushed towards Luo Hang!

Karp's speed is fast, but the shadow clone next to him is even faster, raising his hand and quickly constructing a magic portal.

Garp, who was rushing in mid-air, passed through the portal, and when he reappeared, he was already in the sea thousands of meters away!

Then, Luo Hang raised his hand and pressed it down.

The Tailed Beast Jade slammed down towards Marin Fando's naval lineup again! .

Chapter 275: The Fury of the Five Elder Stars, Are the Celestial Dragons Stupid Pigs?

Seeing that Garp couldn't stop the tailed beast jade, Sengoku next to him raised his fist and punched Whitebeard's naginata.

Then, with the power of White Beard, he took two big steps backwards and stood in front of Tailed Beast Jade!

In the Buddha form, the beast jade was just the size of a ping pong ball to him.

Warring States raised his palms and slapped the beast jade!

Rumble, as a ninja nuclear weapon level existence, the destructive power of Tailed Beast Jade is beyond doubt.

Although it was slapped by the Warring States Period, the landing point of this beast jade was shifted to a remote place in Marin Fando.

However, the terrible explosion shook the entire Marin Fando severely.

At this moment, the pirates and the navy in the fierce battle all raised their heads and looked at the place where the tailed beast jade exploded, all of them looked extremely shocked!

The explosion of this tailed beast jade directly blew up a large piece of Marin Fando.

It's like someone has bitten off a big piece of the cake!

Such destructive power made everyone dumbfounded.

If there are a few more attacks like this, wouldn't the entire Marin Fando have to sink?

"This, such a power, who can resist it!"

"The power of this Luohang is too terrifying!?"

"Didn't someone say that Lieutenant General Garp released the water before? With Luohang's terrifying power, does it really need Lieutenant General Garp to release the water?"

"It's unbelievable that one person's strength can reach such a level!?"

"What's more, besides his strength, this guy named Luo Hang also possesses many strange abilities!"

Many people who were staring at the top 12 battle were dumbfounded when they saw the destructive power of this beast jade.

This is the power of Luo Hang, right?

Just like that, how dare someone say that Lieutenant General Karp just let him go when he fought with him?

"Luo Hang, mighty!"

Compared to the shock of the navy and those people who eat melons, the Whitebeard Pirates' spirits and morale are high.

This kind of power, if there are a few more rounds, who can stop it! ?

"Sure enough, on such a large battlefield, my Brother Hang's strength will really come into play!"

"Water Dun in Rocky Fu mode, any move is Hai Dun, right? It's all AOE group damage skills!"

"This beast jade can be called a nuclear weapon!"

"Melee has swordsmanship, Lingboweibu, sword 23, parry and counterattack!" "Ranged range has ninjutsu and tail beast jade!"

"In addition, there are the unstoppable Eye-catching Tribulation and Evil Blood Tribulation!"

"Functional skills include magic portal, mirror space, and the resurrection ability of Sacred Heart Art!" "There is also Xuanyuan Sword inlaid with Frost Treasure Box, and Zhenjin Gloves inlaid with Soul Gem!"

"Let's take a closer look, let's not talk about what my brother Hang has brought to Longguo, just his own ability, there are no shortcomings at all!" "My brother Hang, YYDS!"

"Didn't the previous Tianlong people treat our Brother Hang as a soft persimmon? Didn't the so-called five old stars let our Brother Hang take the blame? Now I really want to see what kind of faces they have!"

In Longguo's live broadcast room, everyone knew that the purpose of Luohang's participation in the war was for revenge, revenge against Tianlongren and Wulaoxing.

Originally, when Luo Hang was treated as a soft persimmon, the audience of these Dragon Kingdoms were also filled with righteous indignation.

But now, seeing the power displayed by Luohang, and thinking about the faces of Wulaoxing and Tianlongren at this time, everyone feels extremely happy!

Although Tianlongren and Wulaoxing did not appear on the screen in the live broadcast room, this does not prevent everyone from imagining their current appearances!

Holy Land Mary Joa!

St. Charles Rose of the Tianlongren is also watching the live broadcast of the war on the top at this moment!

Although for the proud Tianlong people, they don't care too much about the so-called battle at the top, and it's just a group of untouchables fighting on the left and right.

However, when he learned that Luo Hang was Hang Luo, he was a little dumbfounded!

"This, this Luo Hang, is the Hang Luo who killed his father!?" Charlos showed a look of shock and anger on his face!

The fact that his father was killed by Hang Luo has always annoyed Saint Charlos!

Now, after learning that Hang Luo is actually Luo Hang, he is even more annoyed.

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