It turned out that this was not an accident at all, but planned for a long time.

This Luohang is completely revenge, he is to revenge himself, revenge Tianlong people! "Damn untouchable, kill him, kill him at all costs!"

Shouting angrily, at the same time, St. Charles Rose picked up his phone bug and called Wu Laoxing!

In the room of power, Wu Laoxing is of course concerned about the battle at the top.

Regarding the current situation of the top battle, Wu Laoxing's face is not very good!

The Whitebeard Pirates are difficult to deal with, and Wu Laoxing has long been mentally prepared for this.

However, he didn't expect that Luo Hang also became a pirate, and even exploded with such terrifying power in this top battle!

In terms of strength, Luo Hang's strength is no less than that of Karp and Whitebeard, right?

This is definitely one of the top powerhouses in the world!

When Wu Laoxing watched Luo Hang fight with Karp, and he was not at a disadvantage, his face became more and more ugly.

At the end, Luo Hang threw the Tailed Beast Jade out.

Can that terrible destructive power catch up to the ancient weapons of Pluto, Neptune and Uranus?

Wu Laoxing's face was even more ugly to the extreme.

Moreover, in addition to being ugly, there is more or less regret on the face!

"As the Warring States said before, Luo Hang possesses more than [-]% of Karp's strength. So, it's not an exaggeration!" These are the words of the Fourth Elder!

"Besides, I heard that he only used the ability to manipulate sea water at that time, and the other abilities were hidden!" This is the fifth elder's purpose!

"Oh, if I had known that he possessed such power, I would have..." This is the sigh of the Great Elder!

What should I do?The elder did not continue speaking.

However, the other elders in the power room all understood what he meant, and they all showed annoyance and regret on their faces!

Yes, if I knew that Luo Hang had such strength, I would never let him take the blame!

Otherwise, wouldn't this Luohang be on the side of the navy?

Under the ebb and flow, the navy can be said to have obtained two top combat powers, right?

Yes, I regret it, the five old stars at this time really regret it.

Not only did he lose such a navy with the world's top combat power, he even made him a pirate, and he was against the navy!This is really regrettable!

blu blu blu!

Just when the five old stars were silent and did not speak, suddenly, the phone bug in the power room rang!

It is not like a technology phone that can see the number and the name of the note on the other side, so when the call comes, no one knows who the other party is!The Great Elder picked up the phone bug: "Hello, who is it?"

"Great Elder, I'm St. Charles Rose. Are you watching Marin Fandor's war now?" Mary Joa asked St. Charles Rose to the Five Elders!

"Looking!" The Great Elder's tone was a little cold.

It was all because of this stupid pig that he let Luo Hang take the blame, which led to the current situation.

Listening to his voice now, the Great Elder felt in a bad mood, and naturally, his tone was a bit cold!

"Huh?" The elder's tone made St. Charlos startled.

Why is the great elder on the opposite side acting as if he is angry?

Oh, I see, the Great Elder also knows that Luo Hang is Hang Luo's identity, so he is also angry, right?

Thinking of this, St. Charles Rose followed up and said: "Since the Great Elder is also watching, then you should also know that Luo Hang is the identity of that Hang Luo?" "Got it!" The voice of the Great Elder was still cold!

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and order, no matter what the cost, you must kill Luo Hang and avenge my father!"

"Luo Hang, he killed the Tianlong people of the world's nobles. Now he is in Marlin Vandor in 177, and he must not be allowed to leave alive!" shouted!

"At all costs? What if Marlin Vandor was defeated on the battlefield because of going to deal with Luo Hang? What if Fire Fist Ace was rescued?" Suppressing his anger, the Great Elder then asked St. Charles Rose!

"No matter how important things are, is it more important to punish the villains who killed the world's noble Tianlong people?" Saint Charles Rose asked in a natural tone!

A gust of qi and blood rushed straight to his forehead, and the Great Elder swayed, as if he almost fell!

Holding on to the table next to him with one hand, he stabilized his figure.

Immediately rubbing his head, he roared angrily: "Are you a stupid pig!? At this moment, you are still thinking about punishing the villains!?" What about pigs? Huh? If it wasn't for you, could Luo Hang become a pirate? Could your father die?" "Now, how dare you say that other things are not important?"

"Let me tell you, if the navy loses in the battle of Marin Vandor, I will never let you go!" With a snap, the elder angrily hung up the phone.

If St. Charros is here, the Great Elder really can't help but want to do something to St. Charros!

Stupid pig, this is simply a stupid pig, right?

At this time, don't you still not know the form?

In the power room, the other four elders saw the great elder's furious appearance, and did not speak.

In fact, they could all understand the Great Elder's fury, and they also heard the call made by the phone bug just now.

Like the Great Elder, they also thought that Saint Charros was really a stupid pig!

Taking a few deep breaths, the Great Elder calmed down his anger, and turned his attention to the square of Marin Fando again!

At this time, the battle of Marin Vanduo has reached a critical point of intensification! .

Chapter 276: Forbidden Art, Hundreds of Ghost Clones

"No, if this continues, we may not be able to withstand it!" Zhan Guo withdrew his palm, and the palm was scorched black.

This is the damage caused by slapping the tailed beast jade just now.

Just now, just shifting the trajectory of the Tailed Beast Jade caused a lot of damage to the palm of the Warring States!

The power of this beast jade really shocked the Warring States Period!

"Scientific troops, let's go!" So, after a moment of silence, Zhan Guo shouted loudly!

"Scientific troops?" Everyone was surprised when they heard the call of the Warring States Period.

Is the navy still hiding a powerful hole card until now?

At the same time, suddenly, on the square of Marin Vanduo, many large walls made of steel rose.

These walls rise very high, obviously, they have completely wrapped up Marin Fando.

Is this trying to catch all the pirates in one go?

"Hmph, want the turtle in the urn? I'm afraid you're digging your own grave!"

Seeing the navy encircle the entire square of Marin Fando, Luo Hang snorted secretly in his heart!

Not to mention what kind of thoughts Luo Hang had in mind.

As the huge wall rose, a steel robot appeared on the top of the wall.

Looking around, there are probably thousands of these steel robots.

Moreover, there is a glowing thing on the chest of every steel robot, providing endless energy! "Uh, this, aren't these the Ark reactors!?"

Seeing the ark reactor on the chests of these steel robots, Luo Hang's expression was a little weird!

Originally, in this battle on the top, it should be a pacifist in the form of a tyrant bear, right?

But now, are there so many steel robots showing up?

And the energy technology of the Ark reactor was used?

These were given to the scientific research department when I was in the scientific research department, right?

Unexpectedly, Vegapunk could understand the technology of the Ark reactor so quickly, and even apply it to the technology of mature steel robots? "What are these things!?"

Seeing the batch of steel robots displayed by the navy, countless people were dumbfounded.

These steel robots look very powerful, a statue of thick steel.

"Wow, this, isn't this so cool!?" Beside, Luffy exclaimed with his eyes shining as he watched so many steel robots appear!

"Luffy, calm down, no matter how cool these robots are, they are against us!" Sanji next to him rolled his eyes at Luffy angrily!

"Oh? That's right, everyone be careful!"

Hearing this, Luffy seemed to have just come back to his senses, and then nodded and said!

Having said that, everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates cheered up!

Similarly, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates are also staring at these steel robots seriously.

With so many steel robots, don't you know how strong they are?

"I didn't expect that the Navy still has such a trump card hidden. It looks very powerful!" "

All the people who watched the live broadcast of the Navy, saw this, and their spirits were lifted.

In any case, if the navy can win, these common people are still happy.

"All new pacifists, attack all pirates!"

Wearing clothes similar to a bellyband, Zhan Taomaru opened his mouth and said!

Following Zhan Taomaru's instructions, the eyes of these steel-shaped pacifists glowed scarlet, apparently the electronic eyes were scanning and identifying the pirates.

Then, stretch out your right arm!

On the right arm, you can see the energy cannon starting to gather!

In the case of sufficient energy, the energy of the Ark reactor is then used on the weapon, which is naturally a reasonable thing!


It didn't take long to gather the energy cannons, it was only a few seconds. Immediately afterwards, hundreds of energy cannons blasted towards the pirates like a meteor shower!

The dense explosions made countless pirates scream!

Although the attacks of these energy cannons are nothing compared to Luo Hang's Tailed Beast Jade.

However, against other pirates, the power of these energy cannons is still very terrifying!

Boom boom boom!

These pacifist robots seem to be able to automatically recognize the strength of the pirates, thus assigning different attack densities!

Just like Luo Hang and Whitebeard, both were targeted by a dozen pacifist robots at the same time.

Brilliant energy cannons shot towards Luo Hang almost without a break!

Holding a sci-fi sphere in his hand, Luo Hang used the Mind Gem as a source of energy, propped up a defensive shield, and wrapped himself firmly in it.

Even if these energy bombardments hit his energy shield, it would be difficult to break his shield!

Whitebeard punched out, and the space seemed to be split.

These energy cannons were also shattered by his ability to shake fruit.

However, the intensive shooting of the dozen or so pacifist robots is a completely continuous attack method.

It only shattered a few energy cannons, but the subsequent attacks followed one after another.

Make Whitebeard a little tired of coping!

In the end, White Beard simply lay flat, covering his whole body with an armed domineering defense, so as to resist the attack of the energy cannon!

Hundreds of pacifists attacked simultaneously with energy cannons.

This kind of power is still very powerful. After so many pacifist robots appeared, the pirates in the entire Marin Vanduo Square suffered heavy casualties for a while.

Even for those captain-level pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates, many people were killed or injured at this moment!

"Luo Hang, how's it going? Our research department has already put the Ark reactor technology you've put into practical use!"

Zhan Taowan, of course, saw Luo Hang being targeted by a dozen pacifists, and shouted in Luo Hang's direction! "So, is he mocking me?"

At this juncture, how could Luo Hang not know Zhan Taowan's self-satisfied appearance, what kind of thoughts he was yelling at himself?

Hearing this, I was secretly furious in my heart!

However, following Zhan Taowan's shout, whether it was the pirates, Qiwuhai, or the common people who were watching before the live broadcast, they were all a little dumbfounded! "Navy, do you still have a group of such powerful robots? It's really amazing!" "Just such a robot, is it enough to kill pirates with a bounty of over [-] million?"

"However, it seems that the navy is fully capable of mass-producing these robots, which is a bit scary!"

"In the future, what if there are thousands or even tens of thousands of robots like this? Then, in the future of this world, how can pirates stop the navy's footsteps!?" "Wait, the one who controlled the robot just now The robot guy, what did you say? He said that the technology of this robot was brought out by Luo Hang!?"

"Hiss, Luo Hang actually came up with such a technology when he was in the navy camp, is that why such a batch of powerful robots were born!?"

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