Many spectators were discussing in low voices, and even Qi Wuhai felt a heavy heart secretly.

Although it is a united front with the navy now, his identity is a pirate after all.

The Navy has mastered such a powerful technology and can mass-produce such a powerful robot. For Shichibukai and the others, this does not seem to be a happy news, right?

". "Luo Hang, you came up with the technology of these robots? "White Beard panted, and at the same time, asked Luo Hang!

After all, Whitebeard is already old. After fighting for so long, it was a strong and fierce battle, which put a great burden on his physical fitness!

Although a piece of blood Bodhi greatly healed Whitebeard's injuries, but it was not enough to heal his injuries, let alone his age!

Not everyone can be like Karp, whose strength is completely unrestricted by age!

"Well, I didn't expect that in just a few months, Vegapunk could be fully applied!" Hearing this, Luo Hang nodded and said with a look of amazement on his face! "Although these robots are not strong, there are too many of them. What can you do to deal with them!?" This is not the time to blame Luo Hang.

Besides, there was nothing wrong with Luo Hang being a navy at that time. For the current plan, the most important thing is how to deal with these robots, right?

Seeing his sons being killed and injured one by one, White Beard felt very distressed!

"There is no way to target it!" Hearing this, Luo Hang shook his head and said!

Yes, there are so many steel machine (Zhao Zhao) robots, there is no way to target them.

After all, the method Vegapunk uses to control these robots is not an intelligent system!

"Even you can't help it?" White Beard was a little disappointed.

Originally thought that this technology was brought out by Luo Hang, he should have a countermeasure!

"However, I can give it a try!" Looking at White Beard's appearance, these hundreds of steel robots are indeed enough to turn the tide of the battle, Luo Hang said!

After the words fell, Luo Hang's figure flashed past and disappeared instantly. When he reappeared, Luo Hang also appeared on the wall!

As soon as he raised his hand, a sword energy shot towards Zhan Taowan, which made him look horrified, and immediately retreated from the wall!

At this moment, everyone's eyes were once again attracted by Luo Hang!

Hundreds of steel robots are all standing on the fence, so dense in number!

But Luo Hang jumped on it?

What is he going to do?Is there any way he can deal with such an army of steel robots?

Taking a deep breath, Luo Hang still maintains his caressing mode, follow, and tie the print with both hands!

Forbidden technique - the technique of multiple shadow clones!

A shadow clone appeared!

Two shadow clones appeared!

Ten shadow clones appeared!

One hundred shadow clones appeared!

Three hundred shadow clones appeared!

Chapter 277: Early Execution?Then pull a portal on the execution platform

"Is this the technique of his avatar? It turns out that he used this ability to keep the avatar in the prison, and his real deity escaped?" This is the mind of the Warring States period!

"Here it is, here it is again, this is Luo Hang's avatar ability, it looks so cool!"

Lu Fei and the others also widened their eyes, looking at Luo Hang's ability of this shadow clone technique in amazement!

Although he already knew it from Luo Hang's mouth, Lu Fei even saw Luo Hang's shadow clone in the prison in the city of advancement.

However, witnessing the continuous appearance of shadow clones one after another is still shocking!

"This, so many clones? Isn't this too exaggerated?" This is Marco, watching hundreds of shadow clones appear in a daze!

"This, this guy, one person is enough to defeat thousands of troops, right? Just rely on this ability!" Garp was also a little dumbfounded!

Although he knew that Luo Hang possessed many miraculous abilities, Garp still felt a little shocked by the ability of this shadow clone technique!

Even these navies, pirates and Qibukai on the battlefield were dumbfounded.

Those people staring at the video phone bug's screen were naturally dumbfounded!

It doesn't matter that Luo Hang is powerful, but are there so many miraculous abilities that emerge in endlessly?

"There is no way to deal with it, but do you have such an ability!?" White Beard looked at the ability of Luo Hang's shadow clone technique, and was both surprised and delighted!

Hundreds of steel robots are indeed powerful.

But in the same way, the hundreds of shadow clones of Luo Hang are also jaw-dropping!

In the original work of Ninja World, Uzumaki Naruto can rely on countless shadow clones to hold the big jade spiral pill to stop the ten tails.

Now, Luo Hang Suan 177 has copied Naruto Uzumaki's move!

Immediately after releasing hundreds of shadow clones, all of these shadow clones raised the Xuanyuan sword in their hands and stabbed in the direction of the steel robot!

The power of the Frost Treasure Box was released at this moment, and the cold air instantly surged towards these steel robots like a flood that broke the embankment!

Then, under Luo Hang's attack, the steel robots were quickly frozen and turned into ice sculptures!

"How is that possible? Isn't there no limit to Luo Hang's clone ability? It's actually able to split so many endlessly!"

Looking at Luo Hang's shadow clone technique, Zhan Guo secretly complained in his heart.

I am deeply shocked by Luo Hang's ability!

However, now is not the time to complain about these, let alone the time to be emotional.

Taking a deep look at so many shadow clones, and then looking at hundreds of steel robots, they were all frozen in ice. Zhan Guo suddenly raised his hand and swung down fiercely!

On the execution platform, the two executioners, who were already dumbfounded, came to their senses after watching the actions of the Warring States Period.

After looking at each other and exchanging glances, immediately, the knife in his hand was raised high!

"Stop, you all stop, what do you want to do!?" Luffy happened to see the action here, and shouted loudly!

This time, all the navy and pirates also noticed the behavior of the executioner here, and looked at this side in horror!

The executioner's knife has been raised?Is this an early execution?

"Oops!" On the side of the Whitebeard Pirates, everyone's expressions became extremely ugly.

No one expected that at this critical moment, the navy actually chose to execute the sentence early! ?

As for the navy, they were silent, and they couldn't say whether they should approve or deny the actions of Marshal Warring States.

But, if you really want to talk about it, as long as Ace's execution is over, then these pirates will have no motivation to continue fighting, right?

Perhaps, this battle is over! "Stop, Ace, stop!" Luffy ran towards the execution platform like crazy!

Marco also turned into a phoenix and flew towards the execution platform!

And Diamond Jozy, Foil Vista, and even Whitebeard!

All the people rushed towards the execution platform like crazy! "Everyone, resist with all your strength!"

I also know that the time is at this moment. Seeing that the pirates are not afraid of death and launched an attack, the navy side, of course, muster their energy to resist the attack of these pirates!

At this time, the situation of the top war can be said to be at a critical moment!

The torture knife that was held high fell down.

Ace knelt on the execution platform, bowed his head, motionless!

Seeing that Ace was about to be decapitated by the torture knife, suddenly, an unmatched aura burst out from Luffy's body, sweeping the entire battlefield in an instant!

The two executioners on the execution platform rolled their eyes and fell straight down.

With Luffy's body as the center, there are even pieces of navy, falling down like harvesting wheat!

Don't say it's an ordinary navy, even if it's a general-level navy wearing a navy cloak, there are quite a few people shaking.

Then, everyone looked at Luffy in horror!

Was that domineering arrogance just now?

Moreover, everyone understands that just now is the unconscious explosion of Luffy's domineering look, it's just a simple explosion, and there is no manipulation or condensation!

But even if it is an unconscious explosion, it already possesses such power?

"This, this guy, he looks like a king..." Zhan Guo looked at Lu Fei with a horrified heart!

"Luffy, he, he actually..." Even Garp looked at Luffy in surprise, whispering in his heart, with a shocked expression on his face!

"This kid is unusual. Could it be that the red-haired straw hat was handed over to him!" Even White Beard took a deep look at Luffy!

Speaking of which, domineering and domineering, in the new world, is actually not so rare (bcfj).

At least twenty or thirty of the people that White Beard knew had the domineering look!

However, just awakened, Bawang-color domineering has this strength, it is a bit scary!

In more common terms, everyone came from the awakened soul power.

Although there are few people who can successfully awaken, there are always a few!

However, Luffy is born full of soul power!Can this be the same?

Because Luffy suddenly burst out with the domineering aura of top qualifications, which shocked the entire battlefield of the top battle.

Originally, powerhouses at the level of Shichibukai and Admiral mainly focused on Whitebeard, Luohang, and Marko, the top-ranked captain-level pirates!

But now, many of these people's eyes are on Luffy!

Possessing such a top-notch aptitude and domineering aura, this Nova Pirate named Luffy should not be underestimated.

If he really waited for him to grow up, at least he would be another big pirate of the Four Emperors level like the red hair, right?


Just when everyone was overwhelmed by the domineering aura erupted by Luffy, his body turned into lava, and Akainu came to the execution platform at an extremely fast speed.

He raised his hand and picked up the torture knife that fell to the ground!

It seems that Akainu is him as the admiral of the navy, and he is about to execute the execution himself!

"Luo Hang, send me to the execution platform!"

At this time, White Beard didn't care about so many rules anymore, and shouted loudly at Luo Hang!

Since the navy doesn't talk about martial arts and wants to execute the sentence in advance, then there is no need for me to follow the rules, and I will charge obediently to carry out the offensive and defensive battle!

"Okay!" Luo Hang had already put away his multiple shadow avatar at this moment, and said with a heavy nod upon hearing this.

Then he raised his hand, and quickly built a magic portal, which was right in front of Whitebeard.

At the same time, the other side is on the execution platform!

Akainu, who was holding the knife on the execution platform, was about to make a move, and he felt something in his heart, and turned around.

The magic portal is right behind him, and Whitebeard's gloomy eyes are staring at him closely!

Stared at by Whitebeard's eyes, Akainu felt like a dead soul!

White Beard raised his fist, and the white light gathered on his fist.

This is obviously the power of the shaking fruit that has been fully utilized.

Seeing this, Akainu's expression changed even more, and seeing Whitebeard punch him down, Akainu didn't care about the question of whether to be ashamed or not, and directly grabbed Ace to block in front of him, playing the role of a human shield!

Seeing that Akainu used Ace as a shield, Whitebeard's face changed in horror, and he shot with anger, and immediately took back the power of the shocking fruit!

With a muffled snort, the exertion and retraction were too violent, Whitebeard felt himself being backlashed by the power of the shaking fruit, and a streak of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Akainu raised his hand, and a piece of dark red lava hit Whitebeard's body!

Big fire!


Taking advantage of Whitebeard's own backlash, Akainu's punch directly hit Whitebeard's chest.

The situation was close at hand, and Whitebeard couldn't dodge in time, and was hit by this lava, and his chest was directly pierced by the dark red lava! "Father!"

In the distance, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates saw that Whitebeard's chest was pierced by lava, all of them were shocked and shouted!

The action of the Warring States Period was very fast, jumping directly onto the execution platform!The green pheasant and yellow ape next to them also retreated to the execution platform!

For the navy, Whitebeard came to the navy's camp alone. This is why he wanted to die!

As long as this magic portal is blocked and the pirates are not allowed to pass through here, it is impossible for the Whitebeard Pirates to jump over the navy's defense line to save people!

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