Now, Whitebeard is seriously injured, this is a good opportunity to surround and kill him!

As long as Whitebeard is dead, then the morale of the Whitebeard Pirates will inevitably fall to the bottom.

Even if the navy wins this battle! ? "Oh, Whitebeard, you're dead!"

Hawkeye and the others next to them, seeing that White Beard is now being made dumplings by the high-level naval forces, secretly thought in their hearts! .

Chapter 278: What did Luo Hang want to do when he came to the white beard's corpse?

Indeed, the current situation is indeed that Whitebeard appeared alone in the navy's camp!

The three generals and Marshal Warring States have already returned to defend the portal. Even if Marko and the others wanted to come to Whitebeard's side through the portal, they couldn't do it at all.

Therefore, although the ability of the magic portal can make Whitebeard appear beside Ace quickly.

But it's meaningless to just pass by him alone~!

No matter how strong the lion king is, it is difficult to face a group of hyenas, right?

The current situation is indeed like this.

Facing Whitebeard, the strongest man in history, even the admiral is no match at all.

The three generals teamed up to fight against White Beard, but White Beard had the upper hand.

This made countless people secretly shocked.

This is White Beard, this is the man who claims to be the strongest man in the world!

"Father!" Seeing that Whitebeard's side was in crisis, and his chest was pierced, Marco and the others were anxious, and madly launched an attack towards the execution platform.

But even without the admiral and marshal, those vice admirals formed a defensive circle, and it was still possible to withstand the impact of Marko and the others in a short period of time!

With the strength of people like myself, it is impossible to stop it.

However, it is still possible to try to win as long as possible to delay the time. This is the Navy's mind.

"Navy, isn't this too shameless? The three generals join forces to deal with Whitebeard!"

"Please, this is not fighting alone, but a war between the navy and the pirates. Is there any saying that we must fight alone?"

"That's right, this is a large battlefield, and it concerns the entire navy. If this battle is defeated, the navy will really lose its prestige!"

Seeing that the three admirals of the Navy actually joined forces to deal with White Beard, many people thought that the Navy's move was inappropriate.

But thinking that this is a large battlefield, there is nothing to say!

"It can't be done, those lieutenant generals can't last for too long, and Qi Wuhai just doesn't work hard!"

Akainu glanced at the distance, the impact of the Whitebeard Pirates shrank the navy's defensive circle again, which made Akainu's heart more dignified!

Looking at White Beard again, his chest has been pierced by himself.

With such a heavy injury, it looks like a beast that went mad before dying!

Gritting his teeth, Akainu stepped back a few steps instead, and came to Ace's side again!

Holding the torture knife in his hand again, he saw a critical moment when both the yellow monkey and the blue pheasant attacked White Beard, raised the torture knife in his hand, and chopped it down towards Ace's head!

Akainu's move is obviously forcing Whitebeard to do multiple-choice questions!

Or he would do it himself, fend off the attacks of Aokiji and Kizaru, and then sit back and watch Ace be killed!

Or, just bear the attack of Aokiji and Kizaru by yourself, and come to save Ace!

So, how would he choose?

In fact, there is no need to doubt what White Beard will choose!

Seeing that Ace was about to be killed, Whitebeard rushed towards Akainu directly.

A punch in the past directly shattered the punishment blade in Akainu's hand!

However, Qingzhi's cold air fell on Whitebeard's body, freezing half of his body.

Yellow Ape's laser landed on Whitebeard's back, and once again penetrated a wound on Whitebeard's body from back to front!

"Father!" Marco and the others continued to attack the portal frantically!

However, the Warring States of the Buddha stood in front of the portal, as if one man was in charge of the gate and ten thousand men would not open it.

No matter how hard Marco and the others tried to attack, they couldn't get through at all, and they were all blocked!

"Oh, Whitebeard is still Whitebeard!"

Taking a look at the situation on the other side of the execution platform, White Beard exchanged his life for Ace's life at a critical moment, Luo Hang couldn't help feeling a little emotional!

Luo Hang also wanted to save people, but it was a pity that Garp was like a mountain lying in front of him at this moment.

It is not so easy to get rid of Garp and do it!

"Hey, this white beard is really a respectable powerhouse!"

"Yeah, he knew what would happen if he went to the execution platform alone, but he went anyway!"

"He also knew that the main purpose of Akainu's attack on Ace was actually to target him, but he would rather be killed to save Ace!"

"The strongest man in the world is indeed worthy of respect. The strongest man is not just pure strength!"

"Unfortunately, this Garp is too powerful. Although our brother Hang can fight, but there is no way to beat him and rush over!"

In Longguo's live broadcast room, seeing White Beard at this time is really the time for a hero to twilight, and all the audience also sighed a lot.

Even across the screen, in two completely different worlds.

However, White Beard's emphasis on family affection is still moving.

It is precisely because of this that the cohesion of the Whitebeard Pirates is unmatched by other forces, right?

Yes, at this time, Whitebeard is really at the end of his battle!

Originally, the injury hadn't healed, and with a fierce battle, the consumption was too great.

Now there are two holes pierced through the chest by lava and laser respectively.

Such an injury is hopeless!

It means that Whitebeard's strength is strong, and his vitality can last for a while. If it were someone else, such an injury would have already died!

Not to mention the people next to him, how they felt about White Beard.

White Beard also understood that he should surely die today.

Therefore, holding back the last strength, despite the attacks of the green pheasant and the yellow monkey falling on him, he rushed to the front of the red dog in a desperate manner.

Then, he grabbed Ace and threw it into the distance!

The last power is all used in the last throw!

"Stop!" Seeing Whitebeard's actions, Akainu was startled, and raised his hand again, and the terrifying lava completely poured towards Whitebeard!

However, Whitebeard, who made up his mind to change his life, ignored Akainu's attack and threw him out!


Ace is like a shooting star, flashing across the sky in the blink of an eye!

At the same time, Akainu's lava completely engulfed Whitebeard's figure!

"Stop him!"

At this time, he didn't care about the ending of Whitebeard, Akaken yelled!

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates all headed towards Ace!

Huang Yuan turned into a flashing light and chased after him!

However, Marco blocked the yellow ape with one blow!

With a movement of his body, Luo Hang avoided Garp's attack again with his double body technique, and flew towards Ace.

However, a shocking slash came towards Luo Hang, it was Hawkeye's slash!

Luo Hang had no choice but to raise his left hand and use the vibrating gold glove to block the slash! . …ask for flowers.

A vice admiral jumped up high, and was about to stop Ace from flying out!

Suddenly, a pair of hands stretched out on the ground, looking completely outrageous, directly grabbed Ace's body, and pulled him off!

It was Luffy, with his rubber fruit ability, he directly extended his arm and grabbed Ace!

After capturing Ace, Luffy and the Whitebeard Pirates retreated crazily!

While retreating, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates all looked in the direction of the execution platform.

The lava slowly dissipated, but Whitebeard's appearance was extremely miserable.

It was almost completely soaked in lava just now, and now Whitebeard doesn't look like there is any good meat at all.

The whole person turned into coke, standing on the execution platform, motionless.

Everyone understood that White Beard had died!

"Father!" Hailoushi was handcuffed, and Ace tried his best to look in the direction of the execution platform, with tears rolling down his eyes.

In order to save himself, the old man with white beard had already died, which made Ace feel extremely guilty in his heart!

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates were also very sad.

However, at this time, the old man was already dead, and they could only retreat as much as possible.

Fortunately, Ace has been rescued, so there is no need to stay any longer!

"Everyone, stop them!" Zhan Guo shouted loudly!

"Okay!" The entire navy responded loudly, with momentum like a rainbow!

Yes, with the death of Whitebeard, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates are running for their lives. The morale of the entire naval lineup can be said to be high at this time!

At this moment, all the Whitebeard Pirates are retreating.

It's just that the rising wall has blocked their way.

Even, Akainu sprinkled his own lava on the wall for the first time, and the frozen state of those steel robots that were originally frozen in the frost treasure box also melted!

They are just steel robots, not life forms. As long as the frozen state of their bodies is unsealed, these steel robots can exert powerful power again!

At this time, the balance of victory has been completely tilted.

(,Recognize.?! Accurate:? "If," "Water?! First, hair;?.,:? Pirates., Book:! Sell? 'Money! Die!' Mom!?) And the Whitebeard Pirates The situation here can also be said to be desperate!

However, when everyone's attention was focused on the escape of the Whitebeard Pirates, the pursuit of the navy, and the melting of the steel robots on the wall... Luo Hang did not arouse the attention of others. Pay attention, through your own portal, you have come to the execution platform!

Ace had already been taken away, leaving only a charred corpse with white beard on the execution platform.

Therefore, although the portal is still automatically maintained at this time, there is no one here, and the Warring States and the three generals have all left! "Luo Hang, what is he doing!?"

However, when Luo Hang appeared on the execution platform, it still attracted the attention of many people, and someone exclaimed!

Zhan Guo turned his head and glanced at Luo Hang, his expression changed slightly when he saw that he had actually run to the execution platform at this time.

Although Zhan Guo didn't know why Luo Hang ran over.

However, he knew very well that Luo Hang was not someone who would run to the execution platform for no reason.

His move must have a deep meaning!

"Oh, the internal organs have been destroyed, and the body has turned into a scorched corpse. Even the Sacred Heart Art can't bring you back to life!" "However, resurrection is impossible, but reincarnation from dirt is okay ……"corpse.

Chapter 279: Reincarnation of Whitebeard

"Luo Hang, what is he doing by Dad's side?"

Many of the fleeing Whitebeard Pirates turned their heads and glanced at the execution platform!

Indeed, the old man is dead, but Luo Hang still ran to the old man's body?

What is this for?Did he want to take away his father's body?

Zhan Guo also looked at Luo Hang's side, and instinctively told him that Luo Hang came to protect his body, and it was definitely not simply because he wanted to collect White Beard's body.

He must have his own ideas.

To be more precise, he must have his own plans!

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