Zhan Guo's expression was dignified, and he was muttering secretly in his heart!

"Hmph, you're trying to deceive people!?" Garp snorted, and jumped towards Whitebeard.

At the same time, the armed color domineering wrapped around his arm.

Immediately afterwards, he punched fiercely in the direction of Whitebeard!

Seeing Karp's actions, no matter if it is a navy or a pirate, they secretly tense up in their hearts!

Yes, is it Whitebeard who was resurrected?

To be more precise, how much strength does the resurrected Whitebeard have in his lifetime?

These are the most suitable to measure with Karp!

Glancing at Karp who was rushing over, Whitebeard's expression became much more dignified.

Then, put on a posture!

"That's it!?" Seeing White Beard's standard posture, everyone's expressions changed slightly!

Whitebeard's posture is completely a posture to activate the shaking fruit ability!

Sure enough, a white light gathered on the fist.

Then, Whitebeard slammed Garp's fist hard!

With his movements, the space seemed to be split.

Then, Whitebeard's fist and Garp's fist hit each other fiercely.

Invisible forces collided crazily at this moment, setting off a terrifying hurricane! "The ability of the Zhenzhen fruit is the ability of the Zhenzhen fruit, Dad, it's really Dad!" Seeing this scene, Marco and others shouted excitedly!

Appearance may be deceiving, but the ability of this shaking fruit can never be deceiving!

"Unexpectedly, it was actually Whitebeard who was resurrected? Even, his former power was also resurrected!?" Zhan Guo's face was very solemn.

The power of the Zhenzhen fruit, coupled with the power to compete with Karp, all show that the white beard in front of him is really resurrected!And such a situation is the last thing the Warring States wants to see!

On the battlefield of Marin Fando this time, the battle situation is really full of twists and turns!

First of all, the pirates are powerful and advancing towards the execution platform, the navy can't resist it!

Then hundreds of steel robots appeared and completely slaughtered the pirates!

Then Luohang used hundreds of shadow clone abilities to freeze all the steel robots!

When it came to the early execution, Akainu used Ace as an opportunity to force Whitebeard to change his life!

Who would have thought that Luo Hang would use the ability of resurrection again?Bring Whitebeard back to life?

Moreover, the ability of Zhenzhen Fruit and his original strength were also resurrected together?

Who would believe it if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes! ?

"This, this Luo Hang, how many magical abilities does he have?"

In the power room, the five old stars have already been fried, and their faces have become very ugly!

So far, the abilities that Luohang has displayed are very terrifying.

It can even be said that with the power of one person, the entire battle situation has been reversed!

First of all, Luo Hang mainly fights Garp, which proves that he has reached the level of the Four Emperors at the stage of Garp and Whitebeard!

Secondly, when the navy revealed the steel robot, Luo Hang jumped out and froze all the robots by himself, turning the situation of the Whitebeard Pirates!

Secondly, White Beard was killed, and Luo Hang stood up again, and actually revived White Beard, turning the situation around again!

The stronger Luo Hang's ability is, the more it proves how blind he was back then!

Wu Laoxing's mood is naturally very bad!

Whether it is a navy or a pirate, let's not talk about how shocking it is at this moment!

At this time, everyone was attracted by the battle between Whitebeard and Garp!

The battle between Garp and Whitebeard, the powerhouse of the Four Emperors, was extremely fierce.

Moreover, Karp is a pure melee powerhouse.

And Whitebeard has the ability to shake the fruit, and he is also a strong melee fighter.

The battle between the two, the way you come and go, looks very lively and intense.

This makes everyone attracted!

With a bang, Whitebeard's punch hit Garp in the chest, knocking him into the air.

Seeing the blood overflowing from the corner of Garp's mouth, it is obvious that the ability of the shaking fruit hurt him!

After a few more fights, one of Garp's fingers stabbed Whitebeard's arm!

This should be similar to the ability of pointing guns. After all, the sixth naval style was invented and created by Karp!

A single finger condensed armed domineering, as if turned into a spear!

Even White Beard couldn't resist, the penetrating power of this finger pierced a hole in White Beard's arm in an instant!

Whitebeard's figure was also shaken back!

However, in the case of the reincarnation of the unclean soil, White Beard can't feel the pain!

He even lowered his head and glanced at his arm with a feeling!

I saw Whitebeard's arm, the pierced hole, and suddenly countless fine dust appeared, filling the pierced hole again.

But in a short while, the pierced hole actually returned to its original state!

"This, this is!?" White Beard looked at his arm, completely uninjured, a little stunned!

Not only the white beard, everyone, seeing that the original injured arm of the white beard has recovered as before, all of them were shocked!

"Hey, boy Luohang, what's going on with White Beard's current situation!?" Karp felt a little helpless, and shouted in Luohang's direction!

The strength of the two is about the same. If Whitebeard hurts him, it is a real injury.

He injured Whitebeard himself, and he recovered in the blink of an eye?

How to fight this?

"This is my ability, called the reincarnation of the dirty soil. As you can see, it can summon the souls of the dead from the underworld!" Luo Hang replied, without any intention of hiding it! "You know, that's not what I asked!"

Hearing this, Garp said to Luo Hang angrily: "I'm asking what's wrong with his body? I injured him, will he be fine?" A few special points!"

Luo Hang followed up and replied: "First, the reincarnated person has all the abilities of his life."

"In short, even if Whitebeard is dead, someone else has got his trembling fruit, but as long as I revive him, he will also have the power of trembling fruit!" For this point, you can refer to Uchiha in the original book spot!

His reincarnation eye was given to Nagato, and in the fourth Ninja World War, he was taken by Uchiha and got 177!

but?Uchiha Madara after the reincarnation of the dirt, can still show his reincarnation eyes to fight!

"Secondly, those with unlimited power, that is to say, Whitebeard's arrogance and physical strength will never be exhausted!"

"Finally, and the most special point, even if the body of immortality is shattered or its head is cut off, it can be restored to its original state!" Luo Hang's explanation made Garp's expression very ugly!

Domineering and physical strength will never be consumed?Still have an immortal body?

How can I fight this?No wonder he was able to easily recover from the injury that was done to him just now!

"No more fights, no more fights, it's boring!" Hearing this, Garp waved his hands and said with a bored expression on his face!

The strength of the two is about the same. Originally, this was a very hearty battle.

However, is the HP and mana locked when cooperating with Whitebeard?What a fart! ?

Isn't this cheating?

Isn't the fight between me and him just looking for abuse?

Garp turned and left, without any intention of doing anything again!

On the navy side, everyone was silent!

The strength of Whitebeard itself is terrifyingly strong, but he is still alive, and his strength will never be consumed?

Even Karp didn't have the intention to do it anymore. By the way, is there anyone else who can go up and do it with Whitebeard?

"Hey, hey, this filthy reincarnation, isn't it a bit too exaggerated!? Don't cooperate with a strong man like Whitebeard, you will be invincible!" These are the words of Doflamingo! "Immortal? This, this is much more powerful than my zombie army. If, if I can also have such an ability, I, I..." Moonlight Moriah looked extremely excited, which was similar to his own Zombie ability, but stronger than his own zombie ability! "What should I do? This white beard after death and resurrection is ten times, a hundred times more difficult than when he was alive!?" "Damn Wu Laoxing, hateful Tianlongren, what are they doing? !” In the end, this was the mind of the Warring States Period, secretly cursing Wu Laoxing in his heart! .

Chapter 281: The war on the top comes to an end

"Do it, stop him!"

Although at this time, I feel that the power of White Beard is really terrifying, and it is also too strong to make people helpless.

However, seeing that White Beard is about to make a move, you can't stand by and watch, right?

Sengoku yelled!

Then, Warring States transformed into the form of a giant Buddha again, raised his huge fist, and slammed it down towards the white beard!

With a height of [-] meters, and the huge fist of the Warring States Period, it feels like ordinary people swatting flies!

Whitebeard took a deep breath, without meaning to talk nonsense at all, raised his fist, and greeted Sengoku's fist.

The ability of the shaking fruit has been pushed to the extreme!

Although in terms of body shape, even White Beard's height of three to four meters is very small for the Warring States Period.

However, the powerful force allowed White Beard to successfully block the fist of the Warring States Period!

The Warring States Period maintained the form of the Great Buddha, and his fists kept pressing down, with no intention of letting go.

Don't ask for this punch to really suppress White Beard.

The mind of the Warring States Period is very simple, that is, just keep White Beard in check! "Yellow ape!"

Temporarily suppressing his fists so that Whitebeard could not do other things, at the same time, Sengoku yelled again.

Following the shout of the Warring States Period, Huang Yuan flashed and came behind White Beard.

At the same time, the ability of the flashing fruit activated, turned into a lightsaber, and slashed towards Whitebeard's body!

Raising one hand to resist Sengoku's fist, at the same time, Whitebeard's other injured covered the armed domineering, and grabbed the yellow monkey's lightsaber again!

White Beard actually blocked the attacks of Zhan Guo and Huang Yuan at the same time!

ice skates!

Similarly, Aokiji also made a move at this time.

The ability to freeze the fruit condensed into an ice knife and slashed at Whitebeard again!

At this time, Whitebeard didn't have a third hand to resist Aokiji's attack.

This knife stood fiercely on White Beard's body, directly cutting off his body in half!

Seeing He Baibeard's body fell to the ground, everyone's eyes widened!

If it was an ordinary person, the body would have been cut into two pieces, so he would definitely die, right?

However, as Luo Hang said just now, the reincarnated body of the filthy soil is an immortal body.

Now, let's take a look again, is this really the case?

Sure enough, after the body was severed in the middle, countless dust reappeared in the void, covering White Beard's body, causing his body to recover!

"Go to hell!" Huang Yuan raised his hand, and the ability of the shining fruit turned into a bright laser cannon, blasting on Whitebeard's head!

While Whitebeard hadn't fully recovered, this laser cannon directly blasted Whitebeard's head off!

However, in the void, countless dust continued to appear, covering White Beard's neck, making his head that had been blown away slowly appear again!

This scene made Zhan Guo and Huang Yuan's expressions extremely ugly.

Although he didn't want to admit it, but he seemed to have to admit that what Luo Hang said was indeed the truth.

This filthy reincarnated body is actually an immortal body!

No matter whether his body was cut off at the waist or his head was blown away, this white beard can actually recover to his original state! ?

"Come again"! "Seeing that White Beard continued to recover, Huang Yuan still wanted to attack.

However, Whitebeard swung his fists fiercely, and immediately, the surrounding air was shaken.

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