Whitebeard's power exploded, and he attacked Sengoku, Yellow Monkey and Aokiji at the same time.

As if the space was shattered, this terrible vibration made the yellow monkey and the others reflexively retreat a lot!

Then, Whitebeard raised his hand, and the naginata held by his own corpse appeared in his hand again.

Then, holding the naginata tightly with both hands, raised it high, and slashed it down heavily.

The black armed domineering covered his arms, and the white shaking fruit ability was condensed on the blade.

A shocking slash appeared, and it slashed towards the distant wall!

Loud bang!

This knife slashed fiercely on the wall.

With the power of Whitebeard, even a mountain can be split, how can this wall stop Whitebeard's slash?

A huge gap was cut directly!

"Retreat!" Whitebeard's obsession is not to defeat the navy, but his purpose is to rescue Ace.

Now that Ace has been rescued, the primary purpose of course is to leave Marin Vanduo!

From the battle just now, White Beard has become more certain of his ability to be immortal. What is there to be afraid of?

Besides, I have already died once!

After splitting the gap in the wall, Whitebeard held a naginata and cut off the back of the Whitebeard Pirates!

Fighting in a desperate posture, Whitebeard alone played the role of one man guarding the gate and ten thousand men not being able to open it!

When White Beard was alive, he had many hidden wounds on his body!

Now after Dirt, not only does he have no so-called injuries, he even has an immortal body and inexhaustible strength, so he doesn't have to worry about getting hurt after he dies.

In terms of overall strength, Whitebeard is much stronger than when he was alive!

After Whitebeard broke off here, naturally, the Whitebeard Pirates retreated quickly.

As for the marines of Marin Fando, and even Qiwuhai, it is difficult to break through the blocking of Whitebeard.

The full power of the Zhenzhen fruit is released, and you don't even have to worry about running out of strength!

Anyone who has played the game knows that the heroic characters in normal mode and the heroic characters in unlimited firepower have completely different powers.

What's more, when the blood bar is locked?

"It's over, the entire navy has become a laughing stock in this battle!"

Looking at the people of the Whitebeard Pirates, they have already withdrawn from Marin Fando's harbor one after another, but Whitebeard stopped everyone alone, which made Sengoku's heart sink!

Although he doesn't want to admit it, at this point, the navy has lost this battle!

However, the most helpless and angry thing is, where did you lose this game?

Those who lose to the Whitebeard Pirates are not afraid of death?

Lost to the strength of Whitebeard! ?

No, neither!

From the perspective of the Warring States Period, this time the battle was mainly lost to Luo Hang!

When hundreds of steel robots appeared before, the navy had the upper hand!

Then what?Luo Hang froze all the robots!This makes the navy lose its advantage!

Then, Whitebeard was killed again, making these pirates lose their backbone and their morale plummeted!

Then what?Now the resurrected Whitebeard is even more terrifying!

This battle was completely supported by Luo Hang alone!

If it wasn't for Tianlongren and Wulaoxing back then, Luo Hang would have been an admiral by now, right?

Think about Luo Hang's strength, as the fourth admiral sitting in Marlin Fando.

These people from the Whitebeard Pirates come, don't they just win as they want?You can fight whatever you want?

How can it be used like now! ?

As the saying goes, the defeat of an army is like a mountain, and the current situation is completely suitable for describing the situation of the navy.

The Qibuhai next to him just didn't work hard.

In the end, I could only watch helplessly as the people of the Whitebeard Pirates retreated one after another!

". "Luo Hang, how long will daddy last in this revived state! "

With the ability of the magic portal, Luo Hang directly appeared on the big ship of the Moby Dick. At the same time, Marco asked Luo Hang!

"How long can it last!?"

Marco's words made Luo Hang look at Marco strangely, and said, "This technique has a time limit. How did you come up with this idea?"

"Luo Hang, what do you mean? Your technique actually has no time limit!?" Ace next to him obviously understood Luo Hang's words, and asked Luo Hang in surprise!

"That's right, as long as he wants, White Beard can live in this form forever!" Luo Hang nodded and said!

Speaking of this, he paused for a moment, and then continued: "The current White Beard is considered immortal. If he survives, even if you all die of old age in the future, he will not die!"

"This, this ability is actually so powerful!?"

Hearing this, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates all looked at Luo Hang in shock, and were all frightened by Luo Hang's ability!

Is this Luo Hang's ability?Is this the real horror of his reincarnation?

"Okay, Dad, we've all quit, come back soon!"

Ace opened his mouth and shouted in the direction of Whitebeard!

"No need, I can be resurrected, and I can see you (Zhao Zhao) retreating safely, my wish has come true, just let me do this!"

However, Whitebeard stood at Marin Vandor Bay, looked back at the ship of the Whitebeard Pirates drifting away, but there was a serene smile on his face!

"Father, Luo Hang said that if you want, you can live forever in this form, even immortal!" Marco thought that Whitebeard had misunderstood, and shouted loudly!

"No, that's all. In the new era, there is no longer a boat that can carry the old man. The future era will belong to you young people!"

White Beard saw his own life and death very openly, and directly refused, which can be regarded as a clear expression of his attitude!

Having said that, White Beard glanced at Luo Hang, and said, "Okay, boy Luo Hang, that's it. You should release this ability quickly!"


Hearing Whitebeard's words, he made it clear that he had accepted the fact that he was dead. Many pirates in the Whitebeard Pirates burst into tears.

"As expected, it's White Beard!" Hearing what White Beard said, Luo Hang felt a lot of sighs and emotions in his heart.

Immediately, both hands formed seals.

Reincarnation of the filthy soil, solution!

Whitebeard's body was finally in shape, and the dead soul left the reincarnated body of the dirty soil and disappeared.

Countless dust scattered, revealing the dead red dog inside. .

Chapter 282: The Navy Wins! ?

The war on top has come to an end.

All the members of the Whitebeard Pirates have left!

Luo Hang stood on the Moby Dick and left with the Whitebeard Pirates!

This top battle, Luo Hang thought it was quite complete!

The Whitebeard Pirates rescued Ace, although Whitebeard lost his life.

However, in White Beard's own words, he is already a remnant of the old era, and it is time to quit the stage of this era and give the stage to the young!

Since White Beard himself has accepted this peacefully, Luo Hang certainly respects his choice!

Perhaps, this is the best ending!

Moreover, his own purpose has also been achieved.

Although the navy is powerful, he has demonstrated his abilities in front of the whole world.

It can be regarded as a good revenge on the five old stars.

Luo Hang could imagine that the current Five Old Stars must be jumping with anger, right?

Just thinking about it makes me feel happy! "Luo Hang, thank you so much this time!"

On Ace's side, Hai Loushi's handcuffs have been lifted, and he came to Luo Hang and said!

"If you are really grateful to me, you were promoting the Landlords in the city before, and you can settle the account you lost to me!" Glancing at Ace, Luo Hang said!Ace: "..."

What are we talking about?I thank you solemnly, but you suddenly changed the subject and changed the topic to gambling, how can you continue to chat today! ? "Several, there is a pirate ship coming in front, it looks like it's red hair!" At this moment, a pirate who was observing ahead shouted loudly!

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of the members of the Whitebeard Pirates tightened.

The Red Hair Pirates are here?What is the purpose of the red-haired pirates coming here at this time?

Luo Hang's heart also moved slightly, and he walked to the bow of the Moby Dick to look.

177 Sure enough, a pirate ship came over, and the flag hanging on it was the logo of the Red Hair Pirates!

Arriving in front of the Moby Dick, the speed of the red-haired pirate ship slowed down significantly.

Then, stop next to the Moby Dick!

"It seems that the war here is over?"

The redhead looked at the Whitebeard Pirates on their way back, and they all looked like they had gone through a big battle, and said.

"Red hair, why are you here at this time!?" Luo Hang opened his mouth and asked the red hair!

When I was on the Moby Dick before, I said that Ace is the son of One Piece, so he can investigate by himself!

Originally, Luo Hang thought that the red hair might attack Marin Fando together.

But I didn't expect that he was the same as in the original book, unchanged, still long overdue!

"I came here to end the war. It looks like the war is over and I'm not needed anymore!" The redhead replied calmly!

"You came here at this time, you don't want to reap the benefits of the fisherman!?"

The big vortex spider next to it couldn't help shouting!

Yes, when the war between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy was over, the Red Hair Pirates suddenly appeared.

I can't help but the people of the Whitebeard Pirates don't doubt it!

Luo Hang raised his hand, signaling the Eddy Spider to stop talking.

The red hair is here to reap the benefits of being a fisherman, which Luo Hang knows is impossible.

After all, he has never been seen like this in the original book!

"You came late, you are still at sea, stopping the Beast Pirates!?"

After stopping the words of the big vortex spider, Luo Hang followed suit and asked the red hair!

As soon as this (bcfj) remark came out, it was like a thunder on the ground, which made the faces of the Whitebeard Pirates change!

Although Luo Hang just said something casually, no one would doubt that what Luo Hang said was really just casual!

So, red hair really started fighting with the Hundred Beasts Pirates?

So, what is the purpose of the Hundred Beasts Pirates?

Why did the redhead stop them?

"You, you actually know it all!"

Hearing Luo Hang's words, not only the Whitebeard Pirates were surprised, but even the Red Hair Pirates stared at Luo Hang in surprise!

Yes, I and others came to Marlin Vandor after fighting with the Hundred Beasts Pirates in the New World not long ago.

This matter, no one should know.

But why would Luo Hang know! ?

"As expected, Kaido's purpose was originally to deal with the navy, right? You blocked it!"

Luo Hang didn't answer the redhead's words, but continued to ask!

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