It looks like a question sentence, but in fact, Luo Hang's tone is completely affirmative!

"That's right, that's true!" Seeing Luo Hang's affirmative appearance, the red hair certainly didn't mean to lie, and continued to nod!

"Why!?" Hearing this, Marco next to him couldn't help but opened his mouth, looking at the red hair in surprise.

That's right, last time Redhead already knew that Ace is the son of One Piece, and Redhead is the crew member of One Piece!

In this way, it's fine if the red hair doesn't save Ace, but he actually goes to stop the beast Kaido who wants to save people! ?

From a logical point of view, this makes no sense at all!

"The Whitebeard Pirates are already difficult for the Navy to deal with!"

Hongfa opened his mouth and gave his own explanation: "Combining Luohang's words, it is enough to stand against each other. In my opinion, the probability of being able to rescue Ace is more than [-]%!" "At this time, if we Hongfahai If the Thief Group, or the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group also join the battlefield, what will be the final result, have you ever thought about it!?" The red hair finally looked at Marco and asked!

"I thought about it, in the end we won a big victory, and maybe even wiped out Marin Vanduo's navy!" Marco nodded and said!

"That's right, it's true!" The redhead nodded and said!

"So, what's wrong? We are pirates, we are born to be against the navy!" Diamond Joz next to him also spoke.

"That's true, but if the navy is destroyed, what do you think will happen to the pirates?" Nodding, the redhead asked!

"You mean that the pirates will become more rampant, which will cause a greater blow to the general public?" Ace next to him spoke and asked the red hair!

"That's it, but it's not complete!" The red-haired glanced at Ace, with a look of relief on his face, and then said again!

"It's like the wolf on the prairie, the relationship between sheep and grass, right? If there were no wolves, the sheep would eventually eat up the grass, and then the sheep themselves would become extinct? So, an ecological balance needs to be maintained!?" Luo Hang opened his mouth and roughly understood what Ace meant!

"That's right, your metaphor is not to a degree appropriate, everything is for balance."

"The navy is a wolf, the pirate is a sheep, and those ordinary people are grass!" The red-haired glanced at Luo Hang, and nodded in agreement in amazement.

This word made Marco and Ace seem to understand, with a thoughtful look on their faces.

They can probably understand what Shanks meant!

However, the specific situation is still not particularly clear!

Let's not talk about the situation on the side of the Whitebeard Pirates!

On the other side, in the square of Marin Vanduo, the atmosphere is extremely dignified at this time!

In the battle between the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates, the Navy can be said to have suffered heavy losses.

Ace was rescued, and even the admiral's red dog died!

Fortunately, the only consolation is that the white beard of the strongest man in the world will stay forever, right?

The navy has already begun to clean up the battlefield, and the atmosphere of all the navy is very dignified!

And as the biggest event at the moment, the newspaper also specially gave a special page to describe what happened in this top battle!

On the other side, in the power room, the five old stars were either sitting or standing, and the atmosphere was so quiet that it was scary!

Although Whitebeard is dead, it seems to be the greatest consolation.

However, Fire Fist Ace was rescued. This is the biggest failure for the navy.

After all, the fuse of the top war is the execution of Fire Fist Ace!

"Actually, this matter is not without room for reversal!" So, after a long silence, suddenly, the Fourth Elder spoke!

"How do you say it?" The Great Elder and the others all looked at him and asked!

"Let me ask you, for the general public, is Fire Fist Ace more important, or White Beard!?" asked the Fourth Elder!

"Of course the white beard is more important!" The Great Elder replied as a matter of course!

"That's it!?" Hearing this, the Fourth Elder said.

"We used Fire Fist Ace and replaced Whitebeard. Is this a failure? We have won!?" The Fourth Elder said seriously! "ah!?"

Obviously the navy was defeated, but it was actually said that the navy won?The other elders looked at the fourth elder in astonishment.

"Using Fire Fist Ace's life to exchange White Beard's life, isn't that what we have earned!?" The fourth elder asked back with a look of course.

"Yes, but our original purpose of announcing the world is also to execute Ace!" The fifth elder next to him said in a low voice!

"So, this is the strategy of our world government. Ace is the bait, and Whitebeard is the big fish. Our goal has always been Whitebeard."

"Otherwise, why would Ace, a mere Fire Fist, execute him in such a mobilizing manner?" the Fourth Elder continued to ask, with wise eyes shining in his eyes.

"But, but, Ace is the orphan of One Piece, if he is executed..." Fifth Elder continued!

"Who knows? At the chief executioner, Zhan Guo didn't have time to disclose Ace's identity!" The first elder seemed to understand the meaning of the fourth elder, and followed up.

"Alas!?" The words of the Great Elder made the other elders understand!

Think about it carefully, it seems so reasonable!

Others don't know the reason for the execution of Ace.

In other words, the Navy actually used Ace as bait to catch Whitebeard. Now that Whitebeard is dead, the Navy has won.

In this case, it can indeed be justified! ? .

Chapter 283: The New Four Emperors, Magician Luo Hang

Navy announcement!

Title: In the Battle of the Top, the Navy won a rare victory in many years!

First of all, the navy successfully captured the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, a natural person with the ability to burn fruits, Fire Fist.Ace!

Originally, according to the usual practice of the navy, the pirates would be executed!

However, because of Ace's status in the Whitebeard Pirates.

After discussions between the navy and the world government, it was decided to use Ace as bait to catch the real big pirate - Whitebeard.edward.Newgate!

Therefore, the Navy announced to Dahai that Ace will be executed publicly, with the purpose of pointing at Whitebeard!

Sure enough, everything was calculated by the navy, and the Whitebeard Pirates came out in full force!

After countless heroic naval battles, Admiral Akainu paid a heavy price with his life~. Although the little Fire Fist-Ace was rescued.

However, known as the strongest man in the world, the head of the Four Emperors, and the spiritual pillar of the Whitebeard Pirates, Edward.Newgate lost - to Marlin Vandeau!

This is the victory of the navy, and it is a victory that has been hard-won at the expense of countless lives!

Since then, the four emperors on the sea have become three emperors.

It is foreseeable that once the situation of the Four Pirates is broken, there will inevitably be another battle between pirates and pirates!

Although, there will be fierce battles between pirates and pirates next.

However, in order to suppress the rebellion of pirates to a greater extent, the world government hereby publicly recruits troops.

I believe that with the emergence of more heroic navies, the situation in which pirates are suppressed will become more stable in the future!

The navy's announcement quickly spread throughout the sea on the second day after the top battle ended.

Following the release of this announcement, the reaction above the sea was very intense.

Whether you believe it or not, in short, the release of this announcement has caused violent shocks in the sea! "It turns out that Fire Fist Ace is just a bait, and the real big fish is Whitebeard!" "Yes, although Ace was rescued, but Whitebeard was killed!" A white beard is indeed a big profit!" "It turns out that the navy won the war of Marin Fando!?"

As soon as this announcement came out, at least the majority of the people still believed it, and for a while, these people felt very happy.

Since the navy won, it proves that the navy still has the power to suppress pirates, right?

For the general public, this is good news!

However, although the eyes of the masses are discerning, sometimes, the masses are the most easily fooled!

After the navy's announcement came out, many people were immediately deceived. Thinking about it carefully, I feel that what the announcement said is still true!

It's just that, for some people, this so-called Navy announcement is purely a joke!

In his own castle, Hawkeye held a glass of red wine and looked at the announcement made by the navy.

Just glanced at it, then put it aside without comment!

"Hey hey hey hey, this navy is getting more and more shameless!"

Doflamingo's palace, looked at the announcement in his hand, and Doflamingo said with a mocking smile.

Obviously the navy lost, but you still shamelessly say that you won?

"Is that so? That's okay, at least it can stabilize the navy's majesty in the hearts of the people. This may be the best way for the navy to deal with it!"

On the side of the red-haired pirates, Shanks nodded silently when he saw the announcement from the Navy!

"What? The navy won? Is the navy so shameless!?"

On the side of the Whitebeard Pirates, Luo Hang of course also saw the announcement from the navy facing the sea.

And this announcement caused a look of astonishment on Luo Hang's face!

Luo Hang also never expected that the navy's shamelessness would reach this level!

Not to mention what kind of response the Navy's announcement has caused.

After making such an announcement from the Navy, the Great Elder from the Five Elder Stars came directly to the holy land of Mariejoa!

"Master Charros Saint, the Great Elder is here!" the servant of Charros Saint said!

"He, what is he doing here? I, I don't have time to see him, let him go!"

Hearing this, Saint Charles Rose showed a look of fear on his face!

However, before the servant could turn around and leave, the Great Elder of the Five Elder Stars appeared.

Moreover, he walked directly towards St. Charles Rose!

"You don't have time? So, what are you doing all your time?" the Great Elder asked St. Charles Rose with a gloomy face!

"No, nothing!" Saint Charloise shrank back!

"No? If not, are you planning to trouble Luo Hang again?" The First Elder continued to ask St. Charles Rose with a look of anger on his face!

"No, it won't..." St. Charles Rose continued to shake his head!

Seeing this situation, the servant next to him smartly retreated quietly!

As he left, it didn't take long to hear the roar of the Great Elder and the screams of St. Charros!

This made the servant shake his head slightly, with a look of emotion on his face.

Unexpectedly, Wu Laoxing became angry, and it turned out to be so terrifying!

As a Celestial Dragon, Saint Charles Rose is actually being beaten at this moment?

Who can believe this?

However, since it was Wu Laoxing who beat him up, there was nothing he could do about it!

After the top battle, Luohang's reputation has spread throughout the sea.

And Luo Hang's strength is not recognized by everyone!

Not to mention that the power of one person reversed the outcome of the top battle, just from the fact that Luo Hang was able to fight Garp without losing the upper hand, it is enough to see the power Luo Hang possesses!

Therefore, with the end of the Dingshang War, not only Luo Hang's reputation resounded throughout the sea.

The navy also issued a reward order for Luohang!

Once the amount of this reward was released, the whole world was shocked!

However, there is no impenetrable wall in the world.

Listening to rumors again, because of Luo Hang's incident, the Great Elder of the Five Elder Stars actually beat up the Celestial Dragon's Saint Charros.

This invisibly made Luo Hang's reputation even higher!

magician.Luohang, offering a bounty, 49 billion Baileys!

As soon as this bounty was released, the whole world was shocked!

Even Kaido's bounty seems to be a little worse than Luo Hang's!

From the point of view of the bounty offered, Luo Hang's bounty can be said to have reached the ranks of the Four Emperors.

Even, it can be said that it is the most among the Four Emperors!

With the announcement of the navy's reward order for Luohang, the whole sea was shaken!

Everyone understands that after the death of Whitebeard, the situation in the new world of the sea, the new four emperors have made a strong debut! …ask for flowers.

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