Moreover, White Beard was vaguely originally the head of the Four Emperors.

Now, is Luo Hang succeeding White Beard as the new head of the Four Emperors?

However, for such a high bounty, no one felt that Luo Hang was not qualified!

After all, his reputation was earned in the top battle, in front of the Qiwuhai, navy, and even pirates!

That formidable power, countless miraculous abilities, easily killed the power of the admiral.

When it was said that he could take over Whitebeard's position, the world was just shocked, but they also took it for granted!

As for Luo Hang's title of magician, everyone took it for granted!

The strength of the Great Swordsman.

But it can release a cold air that is more terrifying than frozen fruits!A sword skill that freezes material space and time.

One person turned into shadow clones of hundreds of people!

Water escape ninjutsu that manipulates sea water.

The terrifying explosion of Tailed Beast Jade.

Magic portal tricks.

The most important thing is the ability to resurrect the dead to fight for themselves.

The resurrected person still retains the consciousness and ability of his previous life, even tireless and immortal!

To say that while Luo Hang is powerful, he also has so many miraculous abilities, he is just like a legendary magician.

Regarding the nickname of Luohang magician, many people really think it is reasonable!

However, Luo Hang, the new Four Emperors, is born, what kind of reaction will the people in the sea have?

This makes many people feel curious.

Regarding the bounty offered by Luohang, various forces have responded from all sides, and there are so many!

On the red-haired side, he looked at Luohang's bounty and smiled slightly: "It seems that the navy wants us to fight each other because of the reputation of being the head of the four emperors?"

"Boss, what the navy means is that your status is not as good as that of Luo Hang!"

The members of the pirate group next to them looked at the reward order, and taunted the redhead half-truthfully!

"It doesn't matter, the so-called four emperors are nothing more, the real future is still Luffy..." Shaking his head slightly, Shanks didn't care.

Luffy, that's the price he paid with an arm, and he has to bet on the future!

"A bounty of 49 billion? Is it stronger than me? It's interesting, and I don't know if this Luohang has the ability to kill me!"

On Ghost Island, Kaido, who was gulping down the wine, put down the wine gourd in his hand, and stared at Luo Hang's bounty.

Immediately, he said in anger and anticipation again!

The three disasters and others next to him all lowered their heads, not daring to touch Kaido's bad luck.

They could all see that at this time, Kaido seemed to be underwhelmed because of the bounty, and he was very unhappy!

"Interesting, hahaha, really interesting!"

Wanguo, BIG.MOM also got the reward order from Luohang, but there was a smile on her face!

I have the ability of soul soul fruit, but, according to the legend, Luo Hang can summon all the souls of the dead from the underworld?

This made BIG.MOM very interested!

I don't know, what kind of sparks will be created if I meet Luo Hang?

In terms of soul, can Luo Hang give himself some constructive points of view?

In any case, with the bounty of 49 billion, Luo Hang has officially confirmed the position of the new Four Emperors!corpse.

Chapter 284: Sitting in town, the second leader of the Whitebeard Pirates

After the top war, the Whitebeard Pirates held a grand funeral for Whitebeard.

Then, regarding the position of the new captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, of course it will be re-elected.

After all, a country cannot live without a king, isn't it! ?

In terms of the selection of the new captain, Marco is the most vocal.

After all, as the Whitebeard Pirates, he is second only to Whitebeard's powerhouse, and his qualifications are also old, and he is also a proper admiral in terms of strength.

The call for Marco to become the new captain is naturally the highest!

"No, although my strength is good, it's not enough to be in charge of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

However, for the recommendation of the other captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco shook his head and expressed his rejection!

I am just the emperor's deputy, even if I really sit on the position of the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, it is impossible to have the combat power of the Four Emperors.

By that time, the Whitebeard Pirates, once the leader of the Four Emperors, would even have to fall out of the ranks of the Four Emperors.

In that case, how could I be worthy of my dead father! ?

"But, you are already the strongest person in our Whitebeard Pirates, and only you are the most suitable!"

Although he also knew that what Marco said was indeed true, but Ace, Joz, Foil Vista and the others looked at each other "[-]" and said helplessly!

"Luo Hang!" At this moment, Marco looked at Luo Hang!

"Why? I'm an outsider about your Whitebeard Pirates, so don't interrupt, you decide for yourself!"

At the funeral, Luo Hang didn't say a word, suddenly saw Marco looking at him, and hurriedly waved his hands and said!

A person should know when to speak and when not to speak.

Otherwise, even if you speak for the good of others, the end result is to do bad things with good intentions.

For example, meddling in other people's family affairs, meddling in quarrels between other people's husbands and wives and so on!

Therefore, regarding the internal affairs of the Whitebeard Pirates, especially the selection of the captain of the new Pirates, Luo Hang did not say a word.

This is a matter for you to decide within yourself!

"Although you are not yet a member of our Whitebeard Pirates, we have all seen your help to our Whitebeard Pirates during the battle of Marin Fando, and we have never regarded you as an outsider."

"Am I right?"

Marco's speaking skills are quite good, and at the end of the talk, he even asked the other captains next to him!

"Not bad!" Following Marco's words, the other captains beside him nodded in agreement!

"Okay, tell me!"

Seeing what the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates have said, what else can Luo Hang do?

If you refuse at this time, wouldn't it appear that you look down on them?

"I want you to be the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates!" Marco said!

"Me? I..." Marco's words stunned Luo Hang.

Opening his mouth, he wanted to say that he was an outsider.

But they all said just now that they didn't regard themselves as outsiders. It's not appropriate to say this, right?

"I don't think this is appropriate?" After a slight delay, Luo Hang said to Marco!

"There is nothing inappropriate! We didn't treat you as an outsider, and your strength is sufficient in all aspects!" Marco said!

"That's right, the biggest estrangement between us originally was Blackbeard's, but now Blackbeard has betrayed you too, and you are now alone!" Ace next to him also spoke, and said to Luo Hang!

"Mr. Luo Hang, don't you think you're looking down on our Whitebeard Pirates?" Immediately afterwards, Foil Vista followed suit and asked!

"Hold the grass, Brother Hang, are you going to become the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates?" "Brother Hang's current bounty is definitely one of the Four Emperors!"

"Amazing, my Air Brother YYDS! Everywhere he goes, the cards are huge!" "Yes, in the first world, he is the leader of martial arts!"

"The second world can intersect with martial arts myths and destroy Di Shitian!"

"In the third world, at the beginning, we will fight against Kyuubi with the fourth generation of Hokage, and finally fight with Uchiha Madara!"

"In the fourth world, even Thanos is no match for him, and he reversed Thanos' move to wipe out half of the life in the universe!" "Now, this is the fifth world. First, he almost became an admiral. Now, Another one of the Four Pirates!" "I'm sorry, but the leader of the Four Pirates!"

"From this point of view, Brother Hang is indeed the existence of a small group of people standing at the top of the current world in every world!"

"In other words, the Whitebeard Pirates' consideration is correct. What they lack most now is top-notch combat power, and if Brother Hang wants to dominate the sea, what he needs is a group of powerful subordinates." "If Brother Hang and Bai If the Bearded Pirates unite, it will indeed be a win-win situation!"

"But it's a pity, our brother Hang can't stay for too long, and we have to return in half a year!"

"However, if I really become one of the Four Pirates, no matter what kind of things my brother wants to collect, it will be much easier!?"

"That's right, the purpose of my brother Hang's adventures in other worlds is to collect resources. To become the Four Pirates, with more than 40 pirate groups as subordinates, it will be easier to collect things!?"

In the Dragon Kingdom live broadcast room, hearing that the Whitebeard Pirates wanted Luo Hang to be Whitebeard's new captain, many Dragon Kingdom viewers were a little shocked.

Of course, this so-called explosion is actually a matter of pride!

After all, among so many explorers who have entered this world, is there anyone who can match Luo Hang's achievements?

For example, in the top war, the best people can only become the navy, and in this top war they are just cannon fodder.

Some people are not even eligible to be called to the Navy headquarters to participate in the war!

What about Luo Hang?It is already able to determine the outcome of the entire top war!

This is the difference between Luo Hang and other explorers.

This difference, that is not a joke, but really to such an extent!

Just like a company, other people can only be small employees in this company, and they can only find a way to gain a firm foothold in this company, so as not to be eliminated!


What Luohang is doing now is already talking about how to acquire this company!

On this card, it is completely different!

Let's not talk about how proud many Dragon Kingdom viewers are in the Dragon Kingdom live broadcast room.

At this time, Luo Hang faced Marko and the others.

Seeing them all staring at him with sincere eyes, Luo Hang's expression hesitated.

At the same time, I was also thinking secretly in my heart, whether I should agree to it or not! "That, everyone..."

In this way, after a moment of silence, Luo Hang coughed dryly, and immediately looked around at the captains present!

Hearing this, the captains cheered up and looked at Luo Hang seriously!

"First of all, thank you for your love and willingness to let me be the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates."

"However, before I give an answer, there is one thing that must be clarified!" Luo Hang said seriously!

"Please tell me!" Ace asked Luo Hang!

Among the Whitebeard Pirates, the relationship between Ace and Luohang is the closest.

After all, he and Luo Hang's shadow clone have been inmates for a long time.

It is even more interesting to advance the days of fighting landlords in the city together!

"I'm the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates. That's fine, but the duration is only about half a year!" Luo Hang said to Ace and the others!

"It can only last half a year at most? Why!?" Hearing this, the captains all looked at each other in blank amazement!

Indeed, since I agreed, then I will be the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, isn't it good?

Why only half a year!

"Because, I have already made an appointment with someone to go to a distant place. Maybe after I leave, I will never come back again, and the date of the appointment is about half a year later!"

Luo Hang opened his mouth and found a reason, showing that he really can only do it for half a year!

"This..." Now, Marco and the others fell silent, and immediately began to discuss in a low voice!

"Of course, if you are still willing, I am willing too." "Today's Whitebeard Pirates need my strength, and I also need your strength!"

Luo Hang followed suit and expressed his attitude again, not because he looked down on the Whitebeard Pirates!

"That's it, then half a year will be half a year!"

Several captain-level pirates, after discussing secretly, followed Marko and said!

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