Indeed, now that Papa Whitebeard is dead, Whitebeard Pirates 5.9 is now the most difficult time.

Therefore, the current Whitebeard Pirates really need Luo Hang's strength to sit in command!

"Well, this matter is decided like this!"

At this point in the conversation, the matter is considered settled, Luo Hang said!

"As for the names of the pirates..."

Speaking of this, Luo Hang paused slightly, and then said: "Just continue to call the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"Okay, Captain!"

Hearing Luo Hang's words, Marco and the others quickly entered the role, calling Luo Hang the captain!

Luo Hang said in advance that he would only serve as the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates for about half a year, which actually made Marko and the others feel more at ease with him!

With such a huge force as the Whitebeard Pirates, almost no one can resist such a temptation, right?

However, Luo Hang agreed in advance that it was only half a year.

It can be seen that he is completely different from Blackbeard.

At least he really doesn't have much ambition for power!

After Luo Hang agreed to come down, after the funeral, the Whitebeard Pirates also released an announcement!

magician.Luo Hang will join the Whitebeard Pirates and become the second leader of the Whitebeard Pirates! .

Chapter 285: Brother Pingtou, Drought Jack

With the announcement of the Whitebeard Pirates, the whole sea was shaken again!

magician.Luo Hang has become the second captain of the Whitebeard Pirates! ?

So, the division of power of the Whitebeard Pirates, no one really dares to move, right?

People with a discerning eye can indeed see that the combination of Luo Hang and the Whitebeard Pirates is indeed a beneficial choice for both sides.

More importantly, the battle on the top also let everyone see the close relationship between Luo Hang and the Whitebeard Pirates!

Therefore, it is reasonable for the Whitebeard Pirates to accept Luo Hang!

Redhead was quite happy about this news.

In this way, fierce battles between pirates are avoided.

The situation of Pirate Four Emperors is still maintained!

Of course, Wulaoxing was very angry about such news.

Originally, I thought that with the death of Whitebeard, the pirates in the new world would experience a long period of turmoil.

This is good for the navy.

Unexpectedly, among the four legs of the table, the one with the broken white beard, Luo Hang pushed it up seamlessly!

Not to mention how the sea was shaking at this time.

After becoming the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Luo Hang's subordinates can be said to have a group of powerful subordinates.

Among them, the top few captains have the strength comparable to generals, right?

Therefore, Luo Hang only needs one word for anything he wants!

Luo Hang spends most of his time on his own cultivation!

Let alone, as the saying goes, the ass determines the head!

When a person stands at different heights, the scenery he can see is different!

12 Similarly, when a person has different positions of power, the state of mind is completely different!

After becoming the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Luo Hang could feel his state of mind and became much more domineering!

The change in mood and the improvement in mood made Luo Hang's Sacred Heart Art practice progress a little faster!

Whether it is true energy, chakra, or domineering, etc., they are just different ways of expressing power.

The real foundation is physical strength and spiritual strength.

As long as these two points are strong enough, no matter the power of any system, it can be easily grasped, and a rising tide will lift all boats!

Of course, the tailed beast with three tails is a plug-in and a charging treasure, which is different!

In this way, in the blink of an eye, two months have passed!

In the past two months, the navy's worldwide conscription has been in full swing.

On the sea, the situation is still calm.

With the end of the Top War, the Whitebeard Pirates just announced that Luo Hang became the second leader, and there was no big move.

After two months of training, Luo Hang's strength can be regarded as a hundred feet, a step further!

However, the Whitebeard Pirates just didn't move on the surface. In fact, there were a lot of secret moves!

On this day, Luo Hang sat cross-legged and continued to practice the Sacred Heart Art.

The true essence rolling in the body was finally absorbed into the Tanzhong acupoint, turning into a sticky essence pill!

"Ace, what's the matter?" Luo Hang opened his eyes and looked at Ace standing beside him, Luo Hang asked!

"Boss, I have something important to tell you!" Ace said seriously!

"Oh? What's the matter?" Luo Hang asked!

"In the past two months, all the intelligence forces of the Pirates have been mobilized, and the purpose was originally to search for Tiki's whereabouts."

"However, Tiqi didn't find it, but we got a piece of news about the Zhenzhen fruit!"

"Oh? In other words, did the Zhenzhen fruit appear on the sea again?" Luo Hang raised his brows slightly upon hearing this.

"Yes, the Zhenzhen fruit has appeared, and now it is in the hands of CP0!" Ace also nodded seriously and said!

"CP0! It seems that this opportunity is just right!" Hearing this, Luo Hang raised his eyebrows slightly, and a smile flashed in his eyes!

In the hands of the CPO, it means that the Zhenzhen fruit has fallen into the hands of the world government, right?

It seems that this shocking fruit is determined to be obtained!

On the one hand, you can try to see if the devil fruit can be eaten by Xuanyuanjian.

After all, there are several grooves on the Xuanyuan Sword!

Of course, even if you can't, it doesn't matter.

As long as it can add obstacles to the world government and the Five Old Stars, Luo Hang is still very willing!

Luo Hang expressed his intention to seize the Zhenzhen Fruit, and this decision naturally won the unanimous support of the Whitebeard Pirates!

However, this kind of thing is not suitable for actions that are too big to hide, otherwise, it is easy to scare the snake!

Therefore, after some discussion, Luo Hang just brought Ace, Jozi and Foil Bista with them.

Set off on a boat of the Whitebeard Pirates!

Marco stayed in the Whitebeard Pirates.

At sea, a ship is sailing fast.

Rob Lucci asked about the speed of the voyage and how long it would take to reach the holy land of Mary Gioia.

The answer he got was that there was still half a day left. This answer made Rob Lucci's heart heavy!

It sounds like it's only half a day, not much more.

However, Rob Lucci knew that the news that he had the Zhenzhen Fruit in his hand had already spread.

This news is bound to arouse the covetousness of many forces.

Especially the Whitebeard Pirates are bound to win!

This made Rob Lucci's heart secretly dignified!

For others, even if they get the news, it is not easy to stop themselves.

After all, it is not easy to catch up with yourself!

However, for magicians.As far as Luo Hang is concerned, no matter how far the distance is, it is all in vain!

The ability of the magic portal completely ignores the distance limit, and the whole world knows this!

"Boss, why don't we use the ability of the space gate to stop CPO?"

The pirate ship broke through the waves like a swordfish, Ace asked Luo Hang with some doubts!

Similarly, Qiaozi and Vista next to him also looked at Luo Hang curiously!

Isn't the ability of the magic portal easy?

"It's not that I don't want to, but I can't!" Hearing this, Luo Hang shook his head helplessly and said.

"Can't?" Ace looked at each other, not quite understanding!

"My ability requires a prerequisite to activate, that is, to visualize the place I want to go in my mind, that is to say, where I want to go, I must have a concept in my mind!" Luo Hang explained.

"And then?" Nodding his head, Ace expressed his understanding, and then asked Luo Hang!

Indeed, then what?

"The scene of the sea is the same, how do you want me to visualize where the CPO is?" Luo Hang complained angrily!

"Uh, this, it seems to be true..." Luo Hang's words made Qiao Zi and the others next to him suddenly realize that they understood!

The scenery of the sea is the same, blue sky and white clouds.

If you visualize such a picture in your mind, there are countless places like the whole sea.

Unless it is to visualize some iconic things, such as a certain island, like the city of advancement, Marlin Vandor, etc.!

"Boss, look ahead, a pirate ship has appeared!"

At this moment, Vista suddenly pointed to the distance and said!

Luo Hang and the others looked in the direction of Vista's finger.

Sure enough, a pirate ship appeared on the line between the sea and the sky, and it was heading in this direction.

"Wait, that ship, that's one of the three plagues, Drought Jack's pirate ship!" As a member of the same emperor, Ace certainly recognized the pirate ship in front of him!

"Don't pay attention to him, our purpose is to shake the fruit, go after CP0!" Luo Hang didn't care about this drought Jack!

If Beast Kaido appeared in person, Luo Hang might take it a little more seriously.

But it's just an emperor's deputy, not enough for Luo Hang to take it seriously!

Of course, Luo Hang also had an impression of Drought Jack.

Really, this is simply the No. [-] flat-headed brother in the Pirate World, right?

When facing the target, he yelled and shot, fearless of death.

Then one of the elephant's trunks swung over and it shattered his whole boat!

When facing naval warships, he dared to snatch Doflamingo.

But look who is on that warship?In the end, I was severely educated again!

In other words, this 177 won't attack him again, right?

However, the pirate ship he is riding now is just a small pirate ship, maybe he doesn't like it?

"Master Jack, there is a pirate ship ahead!"

At this time, the pirates on Drought Jack's boat also discovered the traces of Luo Hang and others!

"It's just a pirate ship, don't worry about it!"

Drought Jack looks like his eyes are above his head!

However, as one of the three disasters of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, a powerhouse of the emperor's deputy level, except for a small number of people in this world, no one really cares about him!

To put it bluntly, Jack's fate is a bit similar to that of Jiumozhi in Tianlong World!

There are not many people in the world who can tie with the poor monk!

but?It just happened to be these few who abused Jiumozhi all over the place!

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