"Master Jack, the speed of this pirate ship is very fast!" said the pirate next to him!

"Is it soon? Let me see!" Hearing this, Jack came to the side of the boat to have a look.

Sure enough, a pirate ship rides the wind and waves at an extremely fast speed!

"This speed is indeed ridiculously fast. Come, someone, sink this ship for me!" After thinking about it, Jack said.

No matter what the situation of the ship is, let's talk about it first!

Boom boom boom!

As Jack's voice fell, the shells on the pirate ship aimed at Luo Hang's pirate ship, and directly attacked, and many shells fell towards this side! "This guy is courting death!"

For no reason, when he was attacked by Jack's ship, Ace also had a fiery temper. He flew into the air with elementalization, and waved his hand, and a flame blasted past! "Oh? Is it Fire Fist Ace? My luck today is really good!"

Seeing Ace flying into the mid-air with elementalization, Jack's eyes lit up, and he said happily, asking his subordinates to continue to lean on the boat. "Jie, Master Jack, no, no, yes, it's a magician. Luo Hang..."

As the boat approached, some people found that there was still Luo Hang on the boat, their faces were horrified, and they stuttered. .

Chapter 286: Did Luo Hang attack Mary Joya?

What! ?

magician.Luo Hang! ?

Following the loud cry, not only Jack, but also the other pirates on board were also stunned.

Immediately, he looked carefully at the boat!

Sure enough, in addition to Ace, the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, there is also the diamond of the captain of the third team.joz!The foil of the captain of the Fourth Division.Vista!

The most important thing is the magician.Luo Hang!

Here, here are the top executives of the Whitebeard Pirates, are they all gathered on this small ship? "Jie, Master Jack, you, we, we are still..."

The others were fine, when they saw Luo Hang, the people on the pirate ship were all a little dumbfounded, and they said to Jack.

"Don't be afraid, Luo Hang is right here. How can he offer a bounty that surpasses our Lord Kaido? Today, I will let him take a good look at how powerful the Beast Pirates are!" They were all secretly frightened, but Drought Jack looked like he was not afraid of anything, and shouted loudly!

While speaking, Jack looked at Luo Hang, and the fighting spirit in his eyes almost condensed into substance! "This, Mr. Jack, no matter how confident he is, there should be a limit!?"

Listening to Jack's words, he actually wanted to attack Luo Hang, and the many pirates on the pirate ship couldn't laugh or cry.

That's right, Luo Hang's strength is not something he brags about, but it's because he blocked the faces of countless marines and pirates during the battle on the top, and punched him punch after punch.

Faced with your prestige, Luo Hang, he actually dared to make a move?

This is not courage, this is courting death! ?

Not to mention the pirates next to him, how they complained in their hearts.

At this time, Drought Jack has already made a move on Luohang's side!

As an animal fruit.An ancient mammoth, Drought Jack has unprecedented confidence in his own strength! "Ace, leave it to me. If you make a move, I don't know how much time it will take to decide the winner!" Seeing that Jack in the drought really dared to do something to him, Luo Hang secretly felt emotional in his heart.

Is he really worthy of being the flat-headed brother of Pirate World?

Immediately, he spoke to the elemental Ace!

Hearing what Luo Hang said, Ace thought about it, and then fell down!

Indeed, after all, Jack is one of the three disasters of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, if he wants to kill him.It is indeed to spend a lot of hands and feet.

However, there is not so much time for myself to waste now.

Now, my group is still busy trying to stop the CPO and seize the Zhenzhen Fruit!

After Ace landed, Luo Hang looked at Drought Jack!

"Come on, Luo Hang, let me show you the strength of our Beast Pirates!" Drought Jack said aggressively at Luo Hang!

However, for Jack's provocation, Luo Hang didn't say much, but made seals with both hands.

With his movements, the sea below him seemed to come alive!

"Water escape, bursting water and rushing waves"! "

With Luohang's water escape, the sea water next to Drought Jack's pirate ship rose.

This feeling, like making dumplings, surrounded Jack's boat!

"It has appeared, the magician, the power to control the sea!"

"Scary, is this the ability of a magician?"

"It's over, it's over!"

Many pirates on the pirate ship raised their heads, seeing that the rising sea had surrounded the pirate ship, their faces changed drastically!

Immediately afterwards, this high rising wave beat down fiercely.

The entire pirate ship was completely submerged by the sea water in an instant!

Beast Pirates, because of the ability to develop artificial devil fruits.

Therefore, there are too many animal devil fruit ability users in this pirate group.

It is precisely because of this that these devil fruit ability users are restrained by sea water!

After the sea water directly swallowed the pirate ship, all the pirates soaked in the sea water lost their power for a while.

Then, with the pirate ships all sank.

These pirates kept sinking towards the bottom of the sea!

One trick of water escape directly wiped out the entire Drought Jack's pirate ship!

"What's the matter with this Drought Jack? Is it because our brother Hang can't lift a knife, or he has already drifted away, and he clearly recognized our brother Hang, yet he still dares to attack our brother Hang!?"

"If he's really strong, that's all. But, the entire pirate group was taken by our Brother Hang in seconds. Just like that, where did he get the courage to attack our Brother Hang!?"

"Brother Pingtou? Whether you can beat him or not, let's talk about it later?"

"Although it is said that everyone is mortal, no one is an exception, but why does this Drought Jack like to take shortcuts?"

"Upstairs, what do you mean?"

"You're looking for death!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, many viewers were a little surprised to see that Drought Jack was so brave that he dared to attack Luo Hang. Is the emperor of the Beasts Pirates so strong?

But after watching Luo Hang wipe out all the people on the pirate ship with one move, the audience couldn't laugh or cry.

The co-author is so arrogant on the surface.Is it actually so hip?

Just like that, why dare to attack Luo Hang! ?

Let's not talk about the discussion in the live broadcasting world of Longguo.

For Luo Hang, the destruction of the pirate ship that Jack was on was just a random episode.

Immediately afterwards, the boat chased in the direction of CP0 again at full speed!

"Boss, according to our speed, it seems impossible to catch up with the CP0 ship. After all, the CP0 ship is not slow!"

In this way, after chasing for more than an hour, there was still no trace, Bista said!

"Well, it seems that we can only use the last trick!" Hearing what Bista said, Luo Hang said helplessly!

"A unique move!?" Ace looked at each other, with stunned expressions on their faces!

Is there another trick?

I don't know what the leader's so-called trick is all about?

"Do you know what the Holy Land Mary Gioia looks like?" Luo Hang asked Ace and the three of them!

When these words came out, Ace and the others immediately reacted.

Is Luo Hang going to build a magic portal directly to Marie Gioia?

It seems that this is indeed a way.

Since you can't catch up, then go directly to the finish line and wait!

"I know, I can give you a general picture of Mary Joa!" Ace said.

Then raised his hand, burning with flames, across the deck of the ship.

Soon, a rough outline of Marie Gioia appeared in front of Luo Hang!

"Okay, it can be used! Unexpectedly, Ace, your art ability is not bad!" Luo Hang nodded and said something in admiration.

Immediately raise your hand!

Following Luo Hang's movements, soon, he was in front of the pirate ship.

Countless small sparks appeared, turning into a circular magic portal.

The pirate ship passed through the magic portal and arrived at the harbor near the holy land of Mary Joa in an instant!

"Pirate ship!? This is a pirate ship, it will appear here!"

"That was just now, the magician's portal, did the magician Luo Hang attack?"

". "Oh my god, Magician Luo Hang is indeed on that boat! "

"Run away, magician Luo Hang, the attack on Mary Gioia is coming!"

On Marie Gioia's side, with the appearance of the gorgeous magic portal, it naturally attracted the attention of many people.

So far, the ability of this magic portal can be regarded as Luo Hang's exclusive skill.

Seeing the magic portal, and then seeing Luo Hang sitting in the pirate ship.

For a moment, countless people yelled in horror, and then fled in all directions!

magician.Luo Hang, this is the pirate with the highest bounty in the sea, right?

The magician came here, what can happen?Of course it's not a good thing!

As countless people here fled in all directions, soon, the news that the magician Luo Hang attacked Marie Gioia quickly spread!

This news made Mary Joya enter the highest level of alert in an instant.

At the same time, quickly contact the navy to come to support!

In the battle on the top, everyone has seen the strength Luo Hang displayed!

It's not just pure strength, especially the technique of multiple shadow clones, one person is enough to be used as an army.

Even if it's just one person coming to attack, it can be regarded as an elite army coming to attack!

Drop drop!

At the same time, Mary Joya's siren sounded!

"Luo Hang, why did Luo Hang come to Mary Gioia? Where is the Admiral? Where is the Admiral!?"

In Marie Gioia, Charles Rose Saint One (Zhao Zhao) has a frightened expression on his face!

Don't look at him yelling so much in normal times, but if you face Luo Hang alone, you will really be scared to death!

After all, his identity as a Celestial Dragon has no deterrent effect on him.

Wasn't his father killed by his pseudonym Hang Luo?

"Brother, that, even if you're an admiral, you can't stop a magician. Luo Hang!?"

Xia Lulia Palace next to her also looked a little ugly, and said to her brother!

"What, what, what to do!?" St. Charlos froze for a moment, and immediately became even more terrified!

That's right, even the admiral of the navy can't keep himself safe!

So what should we do next?

The magic portal allows Luo Hang to appear in Mary Gioia easily, and no one can stop him!

The technique of multiple shadow clones can turn him into an entire elite army!

Coupled with Luohang's own strength!

These abilities, just thinking about them, make people feel frightened.

In this way, no matter who Luo Hang wants to kill, no one can sleep well! ? "Boss, it seems that Mary Joya is moving very fast!"

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