Glancing at Marie Gioia, the sharp alarm sounded, and Ace spoke!

"Don't worry about it, let's wait for the Zhenzhen fruit to arrive!" Luo Hang didn't seem to care about Mary Gioia's nervousness! .

Chapter 287: Luohang still has a real resurrection technique?

"What? Luohang appeared in the holy land of Mariejoa through the portal? Moreover, he also brought Fire Fist Ace, Diamond Jozzy, and Foil Vesta!?" Marin Fando got Mariejoya The help information here, Zhan Guo showed a surprised look on his face!

When he became Hang Luo before, he had already killed a Celestial Dragon.

What is the purpose of appearing in Mary Joya at this time?

Is it really impossible to continue to slaughter the Tianlong people?

"Hurry up, hurry up and support Mary Joya!"

Although he felt surprised in his heart, the Warring States Period soon began to deploy rescue work for Mary Joya.

No way, this is really no way, in addition to possessing incomparably powerful power, it also has the ability to appear anywhere at will.

Luo Hang's threat is indeed too great, much greater than the other three emperors!

After all, as long as he is willing, it is possible to come to your house for a walk every day! "Hey, with just one teleportation gate in Luohang, the old man would lose his leg!"

As the flash man of the flash fruit, Huang Yuan is the fastest, so in terms of support, of course he must go.

It's just that, for him who is lazy by nature, such a situation, he thinks it's very bad!

Not to mention the choice of the navy.

Luo Hang and his party quietly waited at the bay.

The guarding force on Marie Gioia's side also breathed a sigh of relief when they found out that Luo Hang and his party had no intention of making a move.

Discussed secretly!

Luo Hang and the others appeared here, but they didn't intend to do anything, so what exactly did Luo Hang and the others want to do?

No nonsense, Luo Hang is still waiting quietly!

No matter what, at least Luo Hang didn't make a move. For these Tianlong people in Mary Qiaoya, this is good news!

After an hour or so, a golden flash appeared in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the elemental yellow ape came to Marie Gioia!

"Great, the great general, the yellow ape is here!" Seeing the appearance of the yellow ape, Saint Charles Rose said happily!

In addition to being happy, he followed him with a look of surprise on his face: "What's going on? Why did Huang Yuan come alone? He's the only one, what role can he play!"

"Brother, there's no way around it. The yellow ape's ability to shine the fruit is why he runs fast. The other navy don't have his speed!" Xia Lulia Gong explained! "Well, these navies don't know what's going on, so many people can't do anything to a pirate..."

Nodding his head, Saint Charles Rose admitted his sister's words.

However, for the current situation where Luohang is attacking, but the navy is unable to form an effective resistance, Saint Charles Ross is just complaining!

Huang Yuan appeared in Marie Gioia and looked carefully. The battle here has not started yet, and Luo Hang and his party are still quietly staying in the bay.

This made Huang Yuan secretly heave a sigh of relief.

Although I don't know why Luo Hang hasn't made a move, but as long as he hasn't made a move, it's a good thing!

"Hi, Luo Hang, I haven't seen you for a while, how are you doing?"

Huang Yuan dodges, followed to Luo Hang, and said hello with a lazy look!

"Are you here to stop me?"

After all, he used to be his boss and treated him well, so even though he is now the opposite of the pirates and the navy, Luo Hang has no intention of attacking the yellow monkey!

"No, I'm not your opponent. I'm here just to make a statement."

"It shows that the navy still attaches great importance to it. As for saying that I can't stop you, it's because I'm not strong enough!"

Hearing Luo Hang's question, Huang Yuan simply shook his head and said.

These words made the corners of Luo Hang's mouth slightly raised!

Not to mention, Huang Yuan's words made people feel very happy!

"I didn't come here today for the Tianlong people, otherwise, when you come, you will see the ruins of Mary Gioia!" Luo Hang shook his head and said.

"Then what is your purpose for coming?" Huang Yuan looked at Luo Hang in surprise!

"It seems that you don't know yet, members of CP0 successfully found the Zhenzhen fruit!" Luo Hang replied!

"I see!" Hearing this, Huang Yuan suddenly realized and nodded!

The Zhenzhen fruit has appeared, and the people of the Whitebeard Pirates are determined to win it, which is also reasonable!

"Boss, something is wrong!" Ace spoke at this time, and said to Luo Hang, interrupting the conversation between Luo Hang and Huang Yuan!

"What do you mean?" Luo Hang looked at Ace!

"According to the time, the CP0 at this time should be Mary Joya!" Ace replied!

"That's right, we've been chasing at sea for so long, and we've been waiting here for so long, we should indeed be here!" Vista also nodded in agreement.

These words made Luo Hang's face serious.

If you look at it this way, could something have happened?

blu blu blu!

At this moment, the sound of a phone bug suddenly sounded from Huang Yuan's body.

"Excuse me, answer the phone!"

Huang Yuan took out a phone bug from his arms, said something, and connected the phone!

"My lord, it's too bad. We encountered a warship. This warship should be a member of CP0. Everyone on board was killed!"

A voice rang on the phone!

The yellow monkey rushed towards Marie Gioia first, and the yellow monkey's boat came a step later. It seemed that he met the CP0 boat on the way!

Huang Yuan's call did not deliberately avoid Luo Hang and the others.

Naturally, Luo Hang and the others could hear the voice on the phone clearly!

CPO attacked?It should be that the Zhenzhen fruit was taken away, right?

Hearing this, Ace looked at each other with serious (bcfj) expressions on his face!

It stands to reason that ordinary pirates would not take the initiative to attack the navy.

Besides, the members of CP0 are very strong, but they were attacked?

Or even annihilated?

It can be seen that the person who made the shot has extraordinary strength!

"Huang Yuan, is the ship on the other end of the phone your previous warship?" Luo Hang asked directly to Huang Yuan!

"That's right, yes!" Huang Yuan glanced at Luo Hang, nodded and replied!

Without meaning to talk nonsense, Luo Hang raised his hand to construct a magic portal!

As a former lieutenant general under Huang Yuan's command, Luo Hang certainly remembered what Huang Yuan's warship looked like!

The magic portal took shape, and immediately, Luo Hang, wearing Ace and others, passed through the portal and appeared on the warship!

"Vice Admiral Luo Hang!?" Looking at Luo Hang who came out, all the sailors on the warship looked at him nervously!

Although Luo Hang was also on this warship at the beginning, but now he is more of a big pirate, one of the four emperors at sea!

Luo Hang, who came out, came to the side of the ship to have a look. Sure enough, a warship next to it looked like it had been attacked.

Leaping over, all the members of CP0 fell to the ground, without any breath, obviously dead!

"Boss, the Zhenzhen fruit is gone!"

Reluctantly searching around on the warship, but found nothing, Ace turned his head and said to Luo Hang!

This answer can be said to be reasonable.

If the opponent attacked this CP0, it must be aimed at the Zhenzhen fruit!

"Here, who did it, actually killed all the people!?"

Huang Yuan also came to this warship, looking at the tragedy here, his face was very ugly!

"Who did it, just ask!" Luo Hang said!

"You, you want to use that resurrection ability again? Is this ability a life for a life!?" Huang Yuan's face changed slightly!

When the war on the top used Dirt Reincarnation before, Akainu became a sacrifice for Dirt Reincarnation!

"No, this time the corpse is intact and not too damaged, so there is no need to reincarnate with dirty soil!" Luo Hang glanced at Huang Yuan, then shook his head and said!

While speaking, Luo Hang looked around and came to Rob Lucci's side.

The power of the Sacred Heart Jue surged and poured into Rob Lucci's body!

Where he was injured, Luo Hang directly used the Sacred Heart formula to help him recover!

Ace and the others next to him also watched curiously!

The person was already dead, and he had been dead for a long time, yet Luo Hang said he wanted to ask?

Is this to resurrect people?

Moreover, the method of resurrection looks completely different from before.

I don't know what happened to his resurrection?

It's not just Ace and the others, even the sailors next to him are curious to surround them at this time!

In this way, it took about 10 minutes before Luo Hang could feel Rob Lucci's heart beating again.

At the same time, he, who was originally a corpse, also regained his breathing! "I, what's wrong with me? Didn't I die already?"

Feeling a bit sleepy, Rob Lucci opened his eyes and said with a dazed expression! "Really, actually resurrected!?"

Seeing that Rob Lucci was resurrected from death to life, not even the previous resurrection, but a real resurrection with flesh and blood, all the people around were dumbfounded!

Resurrection, this is the real resurrection.

This Luo Hang's ability can actually reach this level! ?

What ability in this world can't be achieved by him! ?

"Boss, since you can completely resurrect people, why didn't you use this trick on Dad before?" Diamond Qiaozi, who was next to him, asked Luo Hang. "It should be the degree of destruction of the corpse!"

Before Luo Hang could speak, Ace beside him replied: "The leader said just now that the corpses of the people here are not damaged to a great extent, so they can be resurrected. Back then in Marin Vanduo, Dad..." Speaking of which , Ace didn't continue talking.

However, Jozi and Bista both understand.

Indeed, at that time, White Beard had several holes pierced through his chest, his internal organs were all damaged, and his whole body was turned into a scorched corpse.

"Rob Lucci, let me ask you, who attacked you!?" Luo Hang asked Lu Qi directly.

"Blackbeard, Teach!".

Chapter 288: The Second Coming of the Blackbeard Pirates

Lu Qi's answer made Luo Hang raise his eyebrows slightly!

In other words, who will come to snatch the Zhenzhen Fruit, and who has the ability to snatch it?

In Luo Hang's mind, the first object of suspicion was indeed Blackbeard Tiki!

It seems that it is really him!

In the original book, he dared to appear at the top of the war, showed a wave of manipulation, and obtained the ability of the shaking fruit from the white beard's corpse~!

Because of his appearance, Tiqi didn't dare to appear on the battlefield again.

So, it appeared at this time, grabbing the Zhenzhen Fruit? "What should I do? The Zhenzhen fruit actually fell into Tiqi's hands!"

After receiving Lu Qi's news, Ace and the others next to him all showed angry expressions on their faces!

Originally, the Whitebeard Pirates were determined to obtain this shocking fruit.

Now, this fruit falls into the hands of Blackbeard Titch, which is the last thing Ace and others want to see! "Don't worry, it's not a big problem!"

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