However, hearing what Ace and the others said, Luo Hang said it in a calm voice! "Oh? Leader, do you have any ideas!?"

Hearing this, the faces of Ace and the others showed expectations, and they stared at Luo Hang seriously and asked!

"It's very simple. Let's go to Tiqi right now. If he hasn't eaten the Zhenzhen fruit, just grab it!" Luo Hang spoke calmly, as if everything was under his control. !

"Then, what if Tikki eats it? Chief, you may not know that Tikki's body structure is different from others. He never even needs to sleep. He may really be able to eat two devil fruits at the same time! "Ace followed up!

"Don't panic, I told you, it's not a big problem!"

However, in response to Ace's urgent words, Luo Hang still looked like the old god was there, and said: "If he eats it, then just kill him, and then the devil fruit will reappear!" "Then , All of this must be based on the fact that we can find Tiqi!?" After hearing what Luo Hang said, Bista next to him said!

The Whitebeard Pirates searched for so long, but they couldn't find any trace of Blackbeard.

It can be seen that he has been hiding extremely deeply these days!

"I couldn't find it before, but it doesn't mean I can't find it now!" However, after listening to Vista's words, Luo Hang shook his head, still looking confident, and said with a smile!

Indeed, he couldn't find it before, that's because when he was controlled by his mind gem, he knew what the structural conditions of his magic portal were.

Therefore, Tiqi directly destroyed his own pirate ship, so that even if he wanted to go to the pirate ship, he would not be able to find him!

But now, it's different!

Perhaps the reason why he slaughtered all the members of CP0 was to not reveal his whereabouts?

But Tiqi missed one point, that is, he was able to resurrect Lu Qi and ask for the information he wanted!


Luo Hang stared at Rob Lucci, and said, "You should have seen Blackbeard's pirate ship, what does it look like!?"

"Yes, I see!" Lu Qi nodded and said!

"Okay, help me draw the appearance of Tiqi's pirate ship, and it will be my reward for bringing you back to life!" Luo Hang continued.

"Well, no problem..." After a little hesitation, Lu Qi nodded and said, confirming.

Then, taking out the things, Lu Qi started to draw Blackbeard's pirate ship based on his own memory!

After spending about 10 minutes, Lu Qi finished and sent the painting to Luo Hang!

"This, is this the Blackbeard's pirate ship?" Looking at the words in his hand, the corners of Luo Hang's mouth twitched slightly!

Not to mention it is as real as an oil painting, but at least it has to look better, right?

But, looking at Lu Qi's words, what does this look like?

This is simply an abstract painting.

Although my own magic portal needs to rely on my own imagination to build it, but just relying on such an abstract painting by Lu Qi, do you want me to successfully build a magic portal?

Luo Hang said: The concubine can't do it!

"Well, I've never drawn a picture before, so..."

Scratching his head in embarrassment, Lu Qi also knew that his painting was indeed a bit horrible!

"This painting is indeed..."

The yellow monkey and Ace next to them all looked like they were holding back their laughter after watching it.

"Forget it, I'll find the picture I want by myself!"

Shaking his head helplessly, Luo Hang came in front of Rob Lucci, then stretched out his finger, and pointed towards the center of Rob Ludge's eyebrows!

Looking at Luo Hang's actions, Rob Lucci didn't dodge either.

Facing a magician.Luo Hang, if he really wanted to kill him, even if he wanted to dodge, it would be a waste of effort!

Pointing at Rob Lucci's brow, at the same time, Luo Hang's mental power surged and directly entered Lu Qi's mental space!

Relying on the power of the ninja system, mental power invades the opponent's mental space. In fact, this is not too difficult.

What's more, Luo Hang's spiritual power is already strong!

After entering, Luo Hang came to Lu Qi's memory area!

Although, in the world of ninjas, I haven't learned any methods of torture. People in the torture army can find the information they want from the heads of corpses!

However, as the former head of Anbu, it is not difficult to check the memory area with the cooperation of the target!

Letting Rob Lucci cooperate with him, Luo Hang managed to find the picture he wanted after spending some time!

A pirate ship appeared, and the pirate flag hanging on it was completely different from that of Blackbeard Tiki! "okay!"

Just need to see what Blackbeard Teach's pirate ship looks like!

Seeing this, Luo Hang withdrew his fingers.

At the same time, his spiritual power also retreated from Lu Qi's spiritual world!

"Boss?" Seeing that Luo Hang withdrew his finger, Ace and the others beside him looked at Luo Hang with searching eyes!

Luo Hang didn't speak, just stretched out his hand and drew a few circles in the void!

Then, a magic portal was completed again!

Sailing on the sea, Blackbeard Titch sat with a dignified expression holding a Superman-type Zhenzhen Fruit in his hand.

The speed of the ship reached the extreme, and it was rapidly moving away from Mary Joya's direction! "Captain, congratulations, you have successfully obtained the Zhenzhen Fruit!" On the pirate ship, the crew of Blackbeard congratulated Blackbeard with a smile on his face!

Many crossings on the boat, with a smile on their faces, all showed joy!

That's right, first it was the dark fruit, and then I got the shocking fruit.

The captain's strength, this is bound to have earth-shaking changes, right? ...ask for flowers...

With this devil fruit of Whitebeard, who was originally known as the strongest man in the world, in the future, the boss of Blackbeard will become the fifth emperor of the sea. It can be said that it is just around the corner! ?

"Yeah!" It's just that Blackbeard held the Zhenzhen fruit in his hand, but he didn't look very interested.

For the congratulations of the people next to him, he just nodded his head indifferently, that's all!

This reaction stunned the surrounding companions, who looked at each other in blank dismay!

"Captain, what are you thinking?" Finally, a pirate summoned up his courage and asked Blackbeard!

"I'm thinking of Luo Hang!" Blackbeard replied.

As soon as this remark came out, the entire Blackbeard pirate group suddenly fell silent!

The existence of Luo Hang is naturally very familiar to the members of the Blackbeard Pirates.

After all, when Blackbeard was controlled by the Mind Stone, the entire Blackbeard pirate group surrendered to Luo Hang!

Similarly, the members of the Blackbeard Pirates are also very clear about Luo Hang's strength!

Especially, when he was on the top of the war, Luo Hang's abilities seemed to be much stronger than what people like himself knew about him!

"Boss, do you mean that Luo Hang might chase here? It's impossible, we've all changed ships, no matter how amazing his magic portal is, we can't come here!" "Yes, at least More than two months have passed since the last battle, and Luo Hang has never been here, so you can tell!"

"And, when we did it, we killed all the members of CP0. Even if Luo Hang wanted to follow the clues to find us, he couldn't find us, right?"

The pirates next to you, you all think that Luo Hang should not be able to come!

However, I don't know if they said these words to comfort Blackbeard, or to comfort themselves! "But……"

At this time, someone suddenly spoke up and put forward a completely different idea, saying: "Have you forgotten? During the battle on the top, Luo Hang once used the method of resurrecting White Beard!" After saying this, The entire Blackbeard pirate group was suddenly quiet.

Immediately afterwards, many people trembled secretly in their hearts!

That's right, in front of Luo Hang, who has the ability to revive, there is no objection even if he kills someone to silence him! ? "Snapped"

With a bang, Blackbeard was so angry that he slapped himself on the face directly!

"We still haven't thought too much about it. It's useless to kill people and silence them. We should also destroy the corpses and wipe out the traces." Medium!" Slapping himself, Black Beard said regretfully!

"Then, what should we do?" At this moment, the members of the Blackbeard Pirates looked a little panicked!

"Everyone, don't scare yourself too much. Then Luohang may not be able to come. We are talking about this here, just to scare ourselves!" The corners of the mouth twitched slightly, and immediately, some pirates Said!

Chi Chi Chi!

However, at this moment, suddenly, on Blackbeard's pirate ship, countless small sparks appeared out of thin air.

Moreover, these little sparks quickly formed a big circle!

The strangeness here immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates.

Looking at the completed magic portal, the members of the Blackbeard Pirates all had expressions of horror on their faces!corpse

Chapter 289: Advanced Xuanyuan Sword, inlaid with Zhenzhen Fruit

Stupid, the Blackbeard Pirates at this time, almost everyone is stupid, looking at everything in front of them in disbelief!

Is this a joke?It was just said that Luo Hang should not appear.

After saying this, the magic portal appeared?

After the appearance of the magic portal, Luo Hang was the one who walked out first!

Following behind Luo Hang are Fire Fist Ace, Diamond Jozi, and Foil Vista!

Then, even the admiral Huang Yuan came over!

"Wait, he, isn't he, dead!?"

Then look at Rob Lucci, who came up behind the yellow monkey, and the pirates of the Blackbeard Pirates, all of them were shocked!

That's right, Rob Lucci is dead, this is what they personally confirmed.

However, this Rob Lucci is still alive, appearing in front of everyone alive and well.

For a moment, everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates was almost dumbfounded!

More importantly, this resurrection of Rob Lucci is a complete resurrection.

It's not the resurrection method that is obviously not a living being like Whitebeard!

"Luo, Mr. Luo Hang, long time no see!"

Blackbeard forced a smile on his face, and said "One Seven Seven" to Luo Hang!

"Well, yes, it's been a long time. I've been looking for you recently, but I can't find you!" Luo Hang nodded and said calmly!

"I don't know why Mr. Luo Hang is looking for me?" Swallowing, Blackbeard said!

All along, Blackbeard's self-confidence has been inflated after he got the dark fruit.

Especially after even Fire Fist Ace was captured alive by him, his self-confidence swelled to the extreme!

However, when facing Luo Hang, Blackbeard is like a mouse meeting each other!

There is no way, last time Luo Hang forcibly distorted my mind, and faced him loyally, the kind who would rather throw his head and blood.

Now recalling his previous state of mind, Blackbeard felt a sense of horror!

Forcibly distorted will, let yourself become the most loyal dog!

This makes Blackbeard feel horrified every time he thinks about it!

It's like three-dimensional people are afraid of other two-dimensional gods!

"What's the matter? The world knows my masked pirates, you all betrayed me, I want to find you, isn't this a reasonable thing?"

Luo Hang opened his mouth and asked Blackbeard!

"Mr. Luo Hang, you are joking, how dare we betray you, this is impossible!" Hearing this, Black Beard's expression straightened! "Okay, give me the Zhenzhen fruit, and talk about it later!" Luo Hang stretched out his hand, as if he was too lazy to say so much.

"This..." Look at Luo Hang's outstretched hand.Blackbeard reflexively took half a step back.

(;Recognize'?;Quasi?.,If;!Water;'?Shou'.,Fa,,."Pirate: Book"!:Sell.?.Money;Dead?:Mom':) Zhenzhen fruit, but Just hand over the important thing that Blackbeard used to dominate the sea?

Blackbeard is really unwilling!

However, now that you are better than others, what can you do if you don't hand it over?

However, looking at the way the navy and the Whitebeard Pirates are here, even if he really handed it over, these people can't let him go, right?

For a moment, in Blackbeard's heart, heaven and man were at war, full of thoughts!

"It seems that you don't want to call it out? Well, then I can only do it myself!"

After waiting for a few seconds, seeing that Black Beard's expression was uncertain, and he didn't intend to hand over the Zhenzhen Fruit, Luo Hang shook his head and said! "Wait, Mr. Luohang, here you are, I'll give you the Zhenzhen fruit!"

Hearing Luo Hang's words, he was about to make a move, and Blackbeard was startled, so he hurriedly said!

However, even though he said that he would hand over the Zhenzhen Fruit to Luo Hang.

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