However, grabbing the Zhenzhen fruit, Blackbeard stuffed it directly into his mouth!

No matter whether he handed it over or not, Blackbeard felt that his life and death were unpredictable!

If so, why not take control of your own destiny?

If he could eat the Zhenzhen Fruit, and gained the power of the Zhenzhen Fruit, wouldn't he not have the means to protect himself?

Therefore, he said to hand it over, but in fact it was just words used to paralyze Luo Hang.

Opening his mouth, Blackbeard bit down on the Zhenzhen fruit!

This devil fruit, just one bite is enough to possess the power contained in the devil fruit!

Sword 23!

However, although Blackbeard's movements are fast, Luo Hang's dynamic vision of the reincarnation eye can clearly see his movements.

At the same time, Sword 23's swordsmanship was cast instantly.

The invisible sword domain diffused around Luo Hang's body.

Where the sword field crossed, all material time and space were frozen.

The black beard standing in front of Luo Hang was naturally unable to move.

Grabbing the Zhenzhen fruit, he kept opening his mouth and biting down.

However, it seems that there is only a little distance, but this little distance seems like a natural moat to Blackbeard!

Luo Hang walked up to Black Beard step by step!

Blackbeard couldn't do any movements, but his mental consciousness could still maintain normal thinking, so he just watched Luo Hang walking towards him step by step.

But he couldn't do anything, and he was secretly terrified.

However, Luo Hang didn't intend to kill him in a hurry, but just walked up to Black Beard and took the Zhenzhen Fruit from his hand.

Then, Luo Hang dissipated his Sword Domain of Sword 23!

"Okay, I'll leave Blackbeard to you, and you can do whatever you want!"

After getting the Zhenzhen Fruit, Luohang said to Huang Yuan and Ace!

After the words fell, Luo Hang walked aside alone.

Holding the Zhenzhen Fruit in one hand, and the Xuanyuan Sword in the other!

The Xuanyuan Sword, made by the dwarf king in the Marvel world, has six grooves in total, which can be inlaid with six strange things.

In addition to the Frost Treasure Box, there are now five grooves left!

Luo Hang grabbed the Xuanyuan Sword and gently pressed it down towards the Zhenzhen Fruit!

As Xuanyuan Sword touched the Zhenzhen Fruit, suddenly, the entire Zhenzhen Fruit trembled.

Then, it was quickly annihilated and turned into countless tiny light spots, which were quickly absorbed by Xuanyuan Sword!

These light spots are like flowing liquid, quickly flowing into the second groove.

Then, fill the second groove!

A sense of enlightenment came in his heart, and Luo Hang understood that the Zhenzhen Fruit had really merged into the second groove of Xuanyuan Sword!

In addition to the power of the Frost Treasure Box, my Xuanyuan Sword now has a second special ability, which is the ability to shake the fruit!

"What is Brother Hang doing? Is he using the Xuanyuan Sword to cut the Zhenzhen Fruit? Is Brother Hang trying to eat the Zhenzhen Fruit?"

"Brother Hang, don't do stupid things! Although the Zhenzhen fruit is very powerful, the side effects are too obvious!"

"That's right, Brother Hang, don't!"

"Huh? Wait, Brother Hang is not eating the Zhenzhen fruit, but Xuanyuanjian is eating it?"

"Wait, look, the second groove on Xuanyuan Sword has been filled!"

"Hold the grass? What kind of fairy operation is this? The groove of the Xuanyuan Sword can be inlaid with treasures such as the Frost Treasure Box, even if it can be inlaid with devil fruits!?"

"It's no wonder that in the previous world, Thor's Hammer was forged from the hands of the dwarves!"

"So, our brother Hang has the ability to shake the fruit, but we don't have to worry about the side effects of sea water!?"

In Longguo's live broadcast room, following Luo Hang's perspective, these viewers all saw Luo Hang's actions!

Originally watching Luo Hang use the Xuanyuan Sword to cut the Zhenzhen Fruit, the audience thought that Luo Hang was going to eat the Devil Fruit, and they were all taken aback!It's fine for ordinary people to eat it, but if Luo Hang eats it, the ability to reap the shocking fruit will also gain the weakness of fear of sea water... The gain outweighs the loss, right?

However, after finally seeing that Xuanyuan Sword was inlaid with the ability of the devil fruit, the audience breathed a long sigh of relief!

It turned out that Luo Hang embedded the power of the Devil Fruit into the Xuanyuan Sword, not that he ate the Devil Fruit himself.

In this case, it will be a lot of reassuring!

Afterwards, the audience began to discuss.

Luo Hang's strength is already very strong, and now Xuanyuanjian has the ability to shake the fruit again. I don't know how Luo Hang's strength will be improved?

During the previous battle on the top, the power of the white beard's shaking fruit was indeed very amazing.

Especially the power enough to cause earthquakes and sea quakes is also very powerful!

Not to mention the strength of Luohang's obtaining the Zhenzhen Fruit!

On the other side, Kizaru and Ace stared at Blackbeard with killing intent in their eyes!

Huang Yuan naturally wanted to take revenge on the CPO.

Anyway, CP0 is also an organization belonging to the world government in 5.9!

As for Ace's killing intent, let alone, in a sense, Papa Whitebeard even died because of him!

"Hehehe, it seems that you all want my life. Unexpectedly, in order to kill me, the pirates and the navy are willing to join hands!" I was very panicked.

However, nothing could be seen on the surface. Instead, he grinned and said mockingly to Huang Yuan.

"Go to hell!" and Blackbeard, what else is there to say?Ace raised his hand and Fire Fist appeared!

"The Sword of the Rose!" The foil Vista also followed suit, and countless petals appeared. Vista's swordsmanship looks very beautiful!

"I'm going to kill you!" Joz's body was covered with brilliant diamonds, and he rushed towards Blackbeard like a bull!

"Bachi Qiong Gouyu!" Huang Yuan followed suit!

Speaking of which, Blackbeard is indeed powerful.

However, no matter how strong he is, can he deal with the joint attack of four general-level powerhouses at the same time?The members of the Blackbeard Pirates, seeing the scale of the battle, no one dares to intervene. They are not qualified to intervene in a general-level battle...

Chapter 290: Kaido strikes, the power of the shaking fruit

"I don't know what's going on!"

On the side of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco is in charge of the Whitebeard Pirates, and he always feels a little restless!

The news of Zhenzhen Fruit made Luo Hang take Ace and the others all over.

However, not coming back for so long made Marco feel a little uneasy!

Although reason tells Marco that with the strength of the leader of Luohang, it is impossible for something to happen.

However, this feeling of uneasiness is always lingering in my heart, lingering!


Just when Marco was thinking secretly in his heart, suddenly, there was a muffled thunder billowing in the sky.

"Captain Marco, it seems that a terrible storm cloud is about to appear!" The pirate next to him came over and said! "The sky was clear one second, and it was raining heavily the next. Isn't this something we've been used to for a long time on the great route?" Hearing the pirate's words, Marco felt nothing wrong.

Even more terrible weather changes than this have long been used to it!

"No, no, Captain Marco..." But, at this moment, a figure came over.

Shaking his head to Marco, he said: "If it is true that the weather changes naturally, the moisture content in the air is not like this!" Looking at the figure walking over, Marco frowned slightly.

Of course, Marco knew the identity of this person. His identity was actually the navigator of the Whitebeard Pirates.

His research on the weather is definitely second to none in the entire sea.

"What do you mean? It's not a natural change, could it be that it's man-made!?"

It's no wonder that Marco asked such a question. If people can control such weather changes, then the strength of the black hand behind the scenes is shocking!

"If natural causes are excluded, then the possibility of man-made is indeed the highest!" The figure nodded and said!

These words made Marco's expression very serious!

Can control the existence of weather changes?

In Marco's impression, there are only two people with such ability!

One is the deeply hidden leader of the revolutionary army, Long!

Hearing about his ability, you can manipulate the changes in the weather!

However, Marco is just a rumor, and he has never seen it in person!

There is another one, and that is Kaido, who belongs to the ranks of the Four Emperors and is known as the strongest creature!

Whether it's the dragon, the leader of the revolutionary army, or Kaido, these are all top powerhouses!

"Look, everyone, there seems to be something in the clouds!"

At this moment, another pirate spoke, pointing to the thick dark clouds in the sky and shouting!

Hearing this, many pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates looked over their heads!

Sure enough, amidst the dense dark clouds, the sea of ​​clouds was churning, it really seemed like something was rolling in the dark clouds!

Finally, under everyone's watchful eyes, suddenly, the clouds broke open.

At the same time, a huge dragon's head poked out from the clouds, staring down at everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates.

That look, with a bit of sleepy drunkenness.

However, it is full of the sense of sight of gods looking down on all living beings!

At the same time, the huge dragon's body also occasionally showed some scales and half claws in the sea of ​​clouds.

From the exposed part, people can clearly feel how terrifying this dragon's body is!

"That's, that's, dragon!"

Seeing the dragon appearing in the clouds, all the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates changed their expressions in horror.

How could such a legendary creature actually appear! ?

"Beasts. Kaido!"

Looking at the huge body of the dragon in the sky, Marco spoke, his eyes became more dignified than ever, and at the same time, he whispered in his mouth!

"Captain Marco, tell me, this is a hundred beasts. Kaido? One of the four emperors. One hundred beasts. Kaido!?"

Hearing what Marco said, the pirates next to him, even several captain-level pirates, looked at Marco in surprise and asked!

For many pirates who came later, Beast Kaido is indeed a legendary existence, and everyone has never seen it.

Unexpectedly, when we met for the first time, we would be in such a state! ?

"Luo Hang, where is Luo Hang? Hurry up, let him out, I, I'm going to kill him..."

beasts.Kaido's voice sounded a little drunk, but the words in his mouth were arrogant and domineering!

"Kaido, what do you mean? Are you trying to start a war between the Beast Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates!?"

Marco opened his mouth and asked Kaido!

"When the battle starts, start the war. Luo Hang is the one who strikes first. Do you really think our Beasts Pirates will be afraid of your Whitebeard Pirates?"

beasts.Kaido's figure was suspended in mid-air, and at the same time, he also spoke in his mouth, his voice was as dull as thunder!

"The leader is the first to strike? What's going on? Could it be that when the leader left, there was a conflict with the guys from the Hundred Beasts Pirates?"

Hearing this, Marco was slightly taken aback.

"Hurry up, let that guy Luo Hang come out, otherwise, I will wipe out all of your Whitebeard Pirates!" Kaido said fiercely with a bit of drunkenness in his mouth!

While speaking, Marco was not given any time to prepare.

As soon as his body moved, he quickly swooped down in the direction of Marco. This blow clearly intended to smash the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates into pieces.

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