"What, what's going on here?" Taking a deep breath, his own cultivation level surged!

However, it was still like ants shaking a tree, which made Suru stunned!

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan holding the sword, it doesn't take any effort at all, why?Can't pick it up by yourself?

Ren Yi Li Zhi Xin next to him looked at each other in blank dismay, with stunned expressions on their faces, not understanding what Master Mistress was doing. "Junior Sister, what are you doing?" Tian Buyi who was beside him also saw something was wrong and asked! (De Nuo) "This sword is very strange, I can't hold it!" Suru replied!

"Can't pick it up!?" Hearing this, Tian Buyi was stunned.

Seeing that Zhang Xiaofan held it with both hands effortlessly, but his wife couldn't lift it up?

Somewhat surprised in his heart, Tian Buyi also walked over, trying to get the Xuanyuan Sword.

However, Tian Buyi's situation is the same, no matter how hard he tries, he can't lift the sword!

"Old Qi, what kind of tricks are you playing?" Tian Buyi felt that he was losing face, and shouted in a deep voice! "Master, this, this has nothing to do with disciples!"

Seeing that Master and Mistress can't even hold Xuanyuan Sword, Zhang Xiaofan is also a little silly.

Then, thinking of what Luo Hang had said to him back then, he said in surprise, "Could it be? Was what Mr. Luo said back then true?" "Luo Hang? Did he say anything?"

Just now Zhang Xiaofan also said that Luo Hang commented that this sword is a divine sword, enough to suppress the demonic nature of the Blood-devouring Orb, and after hearing this, Tian Buyi asked.

"Master, I dare not hide it. This sword was originally the sword of Mr. Luo. At that time, he said that no one in the world can hold this sword except him." "Because it needs to be pure and pure." Only good people can afford Gan!"

"Later, I picked it up, and I only thought what Mr. Luo said was a joke!".

Chapter 312: Elder Luo? Can you also try to pull out the Xuanyuan Sword?

"So, you mean that being a teacher is not a perfect and pure person?" Zhang Xiaofan's explanation made Tian Buyi's face turn darker again!

"Okay!" Hearing this, Suru next to her glared at her husband angrily!

Although my husband is definitely not a bad person, but he is the most pure and kind person?

Suru also knows that this is absolutely impossible!

"It turns out that this sword belongs to Luo Hang. I didn't expect it to be so magical. Then why is his sword in your hands?"

After slightly nodding, Suru immediately asked Zhang Xiaofan!

"At that time, I picked up the sword, and Mr. Luo seemed very surprised."

"Then he said, if I can pick it up, it means that I have a destiny with this sword, therefore, I will lend it to me!" Zhang Xiaofan didn't dare to hide it, and replied accordingly!

"I see. It seems that not everyone can pick up this sword!"

Hearing this, Suru nodded and understood the situation of this sword!

"Can't others pick it up? Let me try it!" Tian Linger next to him said curiously!

Zhang Xiaofan didn't talk nonsense, he put Xuanyuan Sword directly on the table next to him!

Tian Linger walked over and grabbed the hilt of the sword.

In the same situation, no matter how hard Tian Linger tried, or even exhausted all methods, but this Xuanyuan Sword was still lying quietly on the table, motionless!

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly really can't move!" Tian Linger said a little disappointed, but also a little helpless!

"Let's try it too!"

The benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faith next to me also took turns to try it out of curiosity!

However, in the same situation, the sword was still lying quietly on the table, and it didn't move at all no matter what!

"Let me try it too!" Du Bishu who was beside him also took two steps forward and said!

"You don't have to try!" Tian Buyi said beside him!

"Master?" Hearing this, Du Bishu was a little surprised, and also looked at Tian Buyi in astonishment, not quite understanding what he meant!

"Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faith, these are noble virtues, they can't take them up, you are a gambler, can you take them up? Don't even try!"

Tian Buyi said to Du Bishu angrily!

These words made Du Bishu bow his head and dare not speak!

In the previous competition, I took out the dice as a magic weapon, which really made the whole Dazhufeng laugh.

Master is still angry with himself, Du Bishu still knows this!

"It's really strange. If it's just because of lack of strength, the weight of this sword would have collapsed the table!" Song Daren said, changing the subject!

"Yes, yes, this sword is really amazing. I didn't expect Xiaofan to be able to hold it. It seems that Xiaofan is a pure and kind person!" "It's not that we are inferior, but Xiaofan's quality , I got the approval of this divine sword!" "Sure enough, it is a divine sword, this divine sword has such spirituality, it must be able to suppress the demonic nature of the blood-devouring orb!"

Following Song Daren's words, several other senior brothers beside him also spoke up, praising Zhang Xiaofan's character!

Hearing this, Tian Buyi beside him was very happy!

Only the pure and good people can be recognized by the Excalibur?

So, is Xiaofan's character proven by the artifact?

In this way, it's not bad for me to be a master. , Cultivation level and non-cultivation level aside, being able to teach such a disciple is also a matter of great embarrassment! "Ahem..."

So, after being silent for a while, Tian Buyi suddenly had an idea (bcfj) in his heart, coughed dryly, and said, "Xiao Fan, Chief Qimai still has some concerns about your sword, after all, it is inlaid with blood-devouring swords. Zhu." "So, when you compete again tomorrow, hold your sword first and show it to the other leaders, so as to dispel their doubts!" ​​"Yes, Master!" Zhang Xiaofan didn't think too much, and nodded obediently. nodded!

This matter has been revealed for the time being, the people in Dazhufeng are all busy with their own work! "It's not easy, you want to embarrass the heads of other peaks, right?" Suru said to Tian Buyi angrily when he walked to a place where no one was around.

They have been married for many years, how can Suru not know Tian Buyi's thoughts?

"I just want them to see that my disciple, Tian Buyi, is pure and kind, they can't teach such a disciple!" Tian Buyi said with a smile on his face.

Three or two big cats and kittens in Dazhufeng?

Sorry, although there are few people in my Big Bamboo Valley, they are not bad!

If only pure and kind people can pick it up, there really is no one in this world who is qualified to pick it up, right?

Besides, Zhang Xiaofan was able to get to this point, so what if he borrowed the power of weapons?

Being able to get the approval of this divine sword is in itself an extraordinary ability.

If you are capable, you will also be recognized by Excalibur!

In this way, after dinner, the people in Dazhufeng went back to their rooms to rest, and they were all preparing for tomorrow's duel!

The fourth round of battle can be said to be a battle between the top sixteen!

And this battle has all been concentrated in one arena, divided into eight rounds.

Come on stage in twos and fight against each other in turn.

Until finally Zhang Xiaofan came to the stage and defeated his opponent with Xuanyuan Sword's icy power, Zhang Xiaofan has successfully advanced to the top eight of this Qimai martial arts competition!

It is worth mentioning that, just like in the original book, seven meridian martial arts, only Dazhufeng, Zhang Xiaofan and Tian Linger respectively advanced to the quarterfinals!

This made Tian Buyi's face swell, and the corners of his mouth almost grinned to the back of his ears!

"I'm sorry, everyone, my Big Bamboo Peak is indeed sparsely populated, but, among the top eight, two of them belong to our Big Bamboo Peak!"

With a smile on his face, Tian Buyi opened his mouth and said to Master Cangsong and the others!

"Hmph, it's just relying on the magic weapon!" Master Cangsong said angrily!

"Brother Sect Leader, this Xiaofan's cultivation level is low, but he broke into the top eight with the advantage of weapons. I'm afraid this is inappropriate?"

"That's right, if that's the case, wouldn't it make the disciples of the sect seek the benefits of weapons in the future and ignore their own cultivation?" The real Tianyun beside him also nodded!

"What's more, the sword body is inlaid with magical artifacts!" Shang Zhengliang also nodded!

With these words, Daoxuan's expression became serious.

Indeed, Zhang Xiaofan's situation is quite special!

Moreover, he broke into the top eight by relying on the power of Xuanyuan Sword. If you look carefully, there are indeed quite a few disciples around who are talking and gossiping!

Although Lu Xueqi is also relying on the Tianya Divine Sword, but Lu Xueqi's own cultivation is also high, and her Taoism is also profound.

Tianya Excalibur is just the icing on the cake!

However, Zhang Xiaofan's situation is completely different, so far he has never shown his cultivation and Taoism, he completely relied on the power of Xuanyuan Sword!

It gives people a feeling that anyone with hands and feet can do this step.

Therefore, this naturally caused a lot of gossip, which made people feel very unfair!

However, facing these, Tian Buyi looked calm, showing no sign of anger at all.

Instead, he stood up, waved to Zhang Xiaofan, and said, "Xiaofan, come here!"

"Yes, Master!" Zhang Xiaofan nodded, and then holding the Xuanyuan Sword, he trotted all the way to the stand of the first seat of Qimai!

"Everyone, this is Xiaofan's Xuanyuan Sword. This sword is a divine sword, and its divinity is enough to suppress the devil!"

"In addition, this sword has its own spirituality, and people who are not pure and good cannot pick it up!"

"If anyone feels dissatisfied, you can tell the truth. As long as anyone can afford this sword, they will naturally gain the power of this sword!"

Tian Buyi opened his mouth and said to the chiefs of the peaks!

Why do so many disciples feel it is unfair?

Because they think that whoever holds a sword can rely on the power of the sword to get the top eight position, right?

I have the illusion that I can do it too!

However, the problem is that you are given swords, and you are not qualified to pick them up!

So, isn't your so-called unfairness a joke?

Being able to pick up this sword is enough to prove that Zhang Xiaofan is extraordinary, right?

Sure enough, after hearing what Tian Buyi said, several Fengmai leaders in the stands all looked at each other in blank dismay. Didn't expect this sword to be so miraculous?

"Okay, let me see if this sword is really so magical!" Seeing that Zhang Xiaofan stuck the sword on the ground casually, Master Shuiyue said!

Then, Master Shuiyue came over, stretched out his hand and drew his sword, which was obviously just a sword stuck on the ground.

However, no matter how hard Master Shuiyue tried, he couldn't do it.

Even, the cultivation base of the whole body has exploded, but it is still difficult to shake the Xuanyuan Sword in the slightest!

The several Fengmai leaders next to them looked at each other in blank dismay, stunned.

Didn't expect Tian Buyi's words to be true?

"I'll give it a try too!" Zeng Shuchang said, and walked to Xuanyuanjian while speaking.

However, Uncle Zeng tried hard, but it was still the same, and the Xuanyuan Sword was still motionless.

Don't say pull it up, even if you shake it, you can't do it in the slightest!

Immediately afterwards, Master Tianyun, Shang Zhengliang and Master Cangsong also came over to try one after another.

Without exception, no one can pull it up!

This scene made all the disciples of Qingyun Sect under the stands dumbfounded and speechless!

Pulling out this sword actually requires qualifications?

Even the head of the seven peaks is not qualified to draw this sword?

If this is the case, even if Zhang Xiaofan won the qualification of the quarterfinals by relying on the advantage of weapons, it is indeed speechless, right?

Several leaders tried, but none of them could pull it up. In the end, all eyes were on Daoxuan!

"I don't need to try!" Several juniors and juniors couldn't pull it up, and Daoxuan didn't think he could do it either.

However, after the words were finished, Dao Xuan looked at Luo Hang who was at the side.

"Elder Luo, why don't you try it too?"

Chapter 313: Master, Xuanyuan Sword is Luo Hang's weapon

Luo Hang didn't expect it at all, wouldn't it be good when everyone lined up to test and couldn't lift the Xuanyuan Sword?

Why do I have to ask myself all of a sudden?

Hearing Daoxuan's words, Luo Hang looked at him with a strange expression!

It's not just Luo Hang, but Tian Buyi and Zhang Xiaofan next to him looked at Daoxuan with very strange eyes. "Hey, why are you all looking at me so strangely? Is there something wrong with this?" Being stared at by Luo Hang and Zhang Xiaofan like this, Daoxuan felt uncomfortable all over.

Yes, did I say something wrong? "That, senior brother..."

Tian Buyi next to him spoke at this time, with a smothered smile on his face, and said: "Actually? This Xuanyuan Sword is not Xiaofan's, but Elder Luo Hangluo's, because Xiaofan can hold it, Therefore, Daoxuan who lent to Xiaofan: "..."

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