Hearing what Tian Buyi said, the Daoist Cangsong next to him was even more eccentric.

He looked like he wanted to laugh, but couldn't, it made him uncomfortable!

Embarrassed, society is dead.

Daoxuan at this time really felt like society was dying.

This Xuanyuan Sword itself is Luo Hang's stuff, and now, I'm actually here to ask Luo Hang if he can pick it up?

Now if there is a crack in the ground, Daoxuan really wants to get in directly! "That's right, this Xuanyuan Sword is indeed my weapon!" There was no need to pull it out, Luo Hang just raised his hand.

Then, the Xuanyuan Sword that was originally stuck on the ground flew up and automatically fell into Luo Hang's hands!

Well, such a scene can be regarded as completely proving that he is the master of Xuanyuan Sword! "It turns out that this kind of divine sword belongs to Elder Luo, no wonder it is so miraculous!"

What else can I say, the head of Daoxuan can only give such a dry compliment to alleviate his embarrassment!

"It's amazing. Brother Hang's Xuanyuan Sword is really powerful, especially the power of the Frost Treasure Box. Even if someone without power gets it, it has the power to destroy the world!" "That's Naturally, if the cold air in the Frost Treasure Box is released, it will be enough to freeze the earth!" "Unfortunately, not just anyone can pick it up!"

"However, it's just a sword, and it's already so powerful. Is there any need to say more about my brother Hang's strength?"

"Hahaha, look, none of the chief seats of Qingyunmen can hold Brother Hang's sword!"

"Hahaha, it's still because the sect master has self-knowledge and knows that he can't lift it, so he simply doesn't want to lose face!"

"Wait, what did the head of Daoxuan say? Let's Brother Hang try?"

"Haha, I'm dying of laughter, I'm really going to be dying of laughter!"

"Tian Buyi said, this Xuanyuan Sword is our Brother Hang's weapon!"

"What expression do you see on the head of Daoxuan? Hahaha, this embarrassing expression is really dead to society!"

"Across the screen, I can feel his embarrassment!"

"Hahaha, this really makes me suffer from embarrassing cancer!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, the barrage became particularly cheerful!

Originally, seeing Zhang Xiaofan holding the Xuanyuan Sword and killing all directions, the audience felt quite happy.

Look, just by throwing a sword, Luo Hang will be able to shine in this martial arts competition!

Afterwards, seeing that the leaders of the peaks were unable to pick up the Xuanyuan Sword, this made the audience even more joyful.

At the end, seeing Daoxuan actually asked Luo Hang to try it, the atmosphere of these audiences reached a climax!

Look at it again, as the head of Qingyun Sect, Daoxuan's embarrassing appearance, I just find it very funny!

Standing here is indeed very embarrassing.

Therefore, the head of Daoxuan didn't say a few words, turned around and left.

Today's Qimai martial arts meeting is over.

In this way, the top eight of Qimai Martial Arts can be regarded as decided!

And many disciples, as well as the chiefs of Fengmai, also left one after another!

It's just that, normally, when these disciples left, the ones who talked the most were the disciples who performed better during this competition!

But today, the topics these people were talking about were Xuanyuan Sword and Luohang!

Yes, everyone knows that Xuanyuan Sword is powerful.

However, no one knows that this Xuanyuan Sword is not just for anyone to be qualified to hold it, it needs pure and kind people to hold it!

At least, the heads of the seven veins, including the head of Daoxuan, can't get up!

From this point of view, Zhang Xiaofan is able to hold it, this is also his own ability!

What's more, what I didn't expect was that the Xuanyuan Sword was actually the weapon of Elder Luo Hang!

"Hahaha, okay, Xiaofan, you have a good rest today, you don't need to cook!" Back at the Big Bamboo Peak, Tian Buyi laughed loudly, and said to Zhang Xiaofan!

This time, Tian Buyi really swelled his face a lot!

No one can pick up Xuanyuan Sword, but his disciple Zhang Xiaofan can!

Nowadays, who dares to say that Zhang Xiaofan is only relying on the power of weapons?

If you have the ability, why don't you pick up the Xuanyuan Sword and try it out?

In addition, not only Zhang Xiaofan, but also his own daughter Tian Linger!

So what if there are few disciples in the Big Bamboo Valley?

Among the top eight, two of his disciples from Dazhu Peak accounted for it, so who would dare to gossip about his own Da Bamboo Peak! ?

For so many years, Dazhufeng has really been squeezed by people every now and then.

But today, it can be said that Tian Buyi let out a bad breath!

This dinner was cooked by Du Bishu, although his cooking skills were much worse than Zhang Xiaofan's.

But everyone is in a good mood today.

Therefore, it can be tolerated!

After eating, Tian Buyi gave a few words of encouragement.

Let Zhang Xiaofan rest early, recharge his energy, and wait for tomorrow's quarter-finals to fight for a better ranking! "Xiao Fan, I believe in you as a teacher, you will definitely win tomorrow's competition!" At this time, Tian Buyi completely believed in Luo Hang's speculation!

Since Zhang Xiaofan can at least rank among the top four, then tomorrow's match must be able to win, right?

At this time, Luo Hang is also quietly waiting!

I don't know if Zhang Xiaofan and Lu Xueqi have any intersections this time?

The battle in the original book should have been won by Zhang Xiaofan.

But now?I don't know if Zhang Xiaofan who holds Xuanyuan Sword can beat Lu Xueqi?

Of course, the most important thing is that the Qimai martial arts competition has already started, and it has also reached this stage.

Presumably, the days when these outstanding disciples go to the Dripping Blood Cave to explore are not far away, right? .  …Ask for flowers.

Speaking of this world, what is the top cultivation method?Of course it is a bible!

Therefore, if possible, Luo Hang still wants to collect all the heavenly books as much as possible!

Having nothing to say all night, Luo Hang continued to cultivate his Yangshen.

The cultivation of Taiji Xuanqing Dao has already entered the room, and the Yang God has become stronger and more solid under the continuous cultivation!

On the second day, the entire Qing Yun Sect was even more lively.

The top eight have already been decided, and the next battle will represent the top level of Qing Yunmen disciples, right?

Luo Hang watched quietly, after four consecutive battles, unfortunately, Tian Linger was defeated just like in the original book.

And what about Zhang Xiaofan?It's still the sight of a trick that's eaten all over the world.

Swinging the Xuanyuan Sword, a monstrous cold air appeared, pressing towards the opponent.

No one can stop the power of this frost treasure box.

In the end, he could only be frozen into an ice sculpture!

Fortunately, Zhang Xiaofan's control is very precise every time, and he stops at the critical moment.

Otherwise, if the cold air continues to cover it, it may really be life-threatening!

...... 0 "Okay, that's it, the top four have been announced, they are Qi Hao from Longshou Peak, Zeng Shushu from Fenghui Peak, Zhang Xiaofan from Big Bamboo Peak, and Lu Xueqi from Little Bamboo Peak!" For the final, four disciples, please prepare well!"

After the last quarter-finals match, the host of the match said! "Elder Luo's calculation ability is really unparalleled in the world!" "These candidates for the top four are so accurate!"

"Whether it is to calculate the past or the future, this ability is amazing!"

After the last quarter-final match ended, Master Shuiyue and Uncle Zeng who were beside them also looked at Luo Hang with amazed eyes and said.

"It's nothing!" With a smile on his face, Luo Hang waved his hands and said!

"It seems that the relationship between you and Zhang Xiaofan, Elder Luo, is really good!" Zeng Shuchang opened his mouth and said to Luo Hang!

"Oh? How did you see that!?" Zeng Shuchang's words made Luo Hang startled, and asked back.

"The quarter-finals are over, and when the first few people decided the winner, you didn't have any special expressions."

"However, when Zhang Xiaofan won, I could obviously feel that you were happier!" Uncle Zeng often opened his mouth and expressed his thoughts!

"It should be said that the friendship between Zhang Xiaofan and I is relatively good. After all, he was the first person I met in Qingyunmen, and he is also a pure and kind person, worthy of deep friendship!" Hearing this, Luo Hang Feel free to find a reason to answer!

Of course, this reason is really just a random reason!

What is Luo Hang really happy about?

Glad that this wave is stable!

Now, Zhang Xiaofan is already one of the top four, so if he goes to the Blood Drop Cave, he will be the one!

As for, will Zhang Xiaofan defeat Lu Xueqi in the future?Is it even possible to win the championship?

None of this seems to matter much!

"According to the days, the effect of Po'er Pill is about to be revealed!"

"After the matter of Zhang Xiaofan's Breaking Evil Pill is confirmed, I should also leave Qingyunmen!"

"The five volumes of the Heavenly Book, except for the volume that is in the Heavenly Emperor's treasury, which cannot be retrieved now, should we also find a way to capture the Tianyin Temple and the Ghost King Sect?" Corpse.

Chapter 314: The Great Soaring Cultivation Base

Luo Hang doesn't care about the next semi-finals and finals.

After all, as long as Zhang Xiaofan can successfully advance to the ranks of the top four!

However, I don't know if it's because of the original inertia of the plot, or because Luo Hang's butterfly effect on Qing Yunmen is not great.

When Zhang Xiaofan and Lu Xueqi were fighting, after Lu Xueqi used the Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue, Zhang Xiaofan was actually defeated!

In this way, the final result of the last Qimai martial arts meeting has not changed.

The championship still fell into the hands of Longshou Peak disciple Qi Hao.

And this also made Master Cangsong smile on his face!

It is naturally a great honor to be the champion of Qimai martial arts.

As the champion, Qi Hao also received the magic weapon Liuhe mirror rewarded by Qing Yunmen!

From then on, the competition of Qimai Martial Arts is completely over!

Regarding this battle, although Qi Hao is the champion, Lu Xueqi is the number one beauty.

However, following the martial arts meeting of the Seven Meridians, Zhang Xiaofan and Luo Hang attracted the most attention!

The most pure and good person?Unexpectedly, there are such kind-hearted people in Dazhu Peak!

Of course, the Xuanyuan Sword is also amazing.

As long as it is pure and good and can be recognized by Xuanyuan Sword, can the power contained in Xuanyuan Sword be used?

Elder Luohang's "[-]" magic weapon is really powerful!

In addition, Elder Luohang has such a powerful magic weapon and a dragon as a mount.

What is the real cultivation level of Elder Luo Hang?

This also makes people feel very curious!

In this way, in the blink of an eye, five or six days have passed!

Luo Hang ignored how people outside talked about him.

On this day, Luo Hang stayed in his yard, his figure also suspended in mid-air!

At the same time, Luo Hang, who was in mid-air, stepped on Xuan'ao's steps, which completely conformed to the direction of the Eight Diagrams.

The mantra of the sword formula is also chanting in his mouth: "Nine Heavens Xuansha, turn into a god thunder, brilliant heavenly power, lead it with a sword!"

With his cultivation reaching the Great Achievement of the Yang God Realm, Luo Hang used his own strength to guide the violent thunder and lightning in the sky, which turned out to be a feeling of ease.


Following Luo Hang's sword art, a large thick and heavy dark cloud floated from nowhere in the sky.

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