Such famous scenes are rare, right?

Not to mention the audience in the live broadcast room, what kind of thoughts are they at the moment.

At this time, Zhou Xiaohuan was meeting Luohang, but the situation seemed to be frozen!

"How about it, Miss Xiaohuan!?"

After waiting for a full 10 minutes, Zhou Xiaohuan just stared at him without saying a word, which made Luo Hang feel very weird!

Even if it's a meeting for yourself, you don't have to look at it for so long, right?

"Xiaohuan!?" It wasn't just Luo Hang who was surprised, Zhou Yixian looked at his granddaughter also strangely at this time!

Zhou Yixian is very clear about his granddaughter's abilities, he has never seen her like this before!

"It's weird!"

Xiaohuan finally spoke, staring at Luo Hang, her eyes seemed to see something unbelievable, and said: "It's blank, I calculate your future, even the past, it's all blank!"

"It's blank!?" These words made Luo Hang's heart move slightly.

Some didn't quite understand what Zhou Xiaohuan meant.My own future, and even the past, are all blank when calculated?

What's happening here?

"Xiaohuan, what do you mean by blank!?" Zhou Yixian was also stunned!

As the encyclopedia of Zhu Xian's world, he knows a lot.

But it was precisely because he knew so much that Zhou Yixian understood better what his granddaughter Xiaohuan meant when he said nothing!

"That's what it means on the surface, it's really blank!" Looking at her grandfather, Xiaohuan's face was full of doubts!

It's like, everyone who looks over, can see the shadow.

However, Luo Hang didn't seem to have a shadow.

In such a situation, no matter who it is, they will be stunned! ?

"Like, like..." At the same time, Xiaohuan seemed to think of something, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Like what!?" Zhou Yixian asked after hearing the words!

"Just like the fairy in the legend, he has already jumped out of the Three Realms and is no longer in the Five Elements!" Xiaohuan continued!

"Immortal!?" Hearing what Xiaohuan said, Zhou Yixian was also a little silly!

The legend of the immortal is really just a legend. Throughout the ages, there has never been a situation where an immortal has truly appeared.

Want to say that Luo Hang is a fairy?This is impossible!

However, if it is not a fairy, who can have such a cultivation at such a young age?

Still proficient in physiognomy?

"Could it be? Mr. Luo, are you the reincarnation of an immortal?" After a moment of silence, even Zhou Yixian looked at Luo Hang with surprise and suspicion!

"What? The final calculated result, our brother Hang is blank, nothing can be calculated!?"

"Jumping out of the Three Realms, not in the Five Elements?"

"Immortal? Is Brother Hang the reincarnation of an immortal?"

"Hold the grass, Brother Hang seems to have exposed something!"

"Come on, don't add drama to the upstairs, isn't it possible to know this situation after thinking about it?"

"No matter how powerful physiognomy is, it's all about calculating the will of God in the dark, to calculate the past and the future, right? Brother Hang is not from this world. The so-called will of God is not destined for Brother Hang, isn't it just a blank? "It's like, a black household without a registered permanent residence cannot be found in the national archives, right?"


Chapter 318: Mysterious Fire Mirror

To be honest, when Zhou Xiaohuan said that his past and future were all blank, and nothing could be calculated, Luo Hang was also stunned.

However, after thinking for a while, Luo Hang also understood the reason!

If there is a computer in the whole world, then Tiandao is the control program of the computer, right?

All people, things, and the operation of all things are controlled by this program~. So, what about the so-called guessing the past and the future?

In fact, it's just peeping into God's will and seeing the operation rules of this program in advance!

And I am not an existence in this world, in short, I am like a foreign computer virus. , Zhou Xiaohuan's calculations, it's not surprising that he can't predict his past and future!

"Since you can't figure it out, let's forget it!" Luo Hang said, probably understanding the specific reason! "Wait, Mr. Luo, who the hell are you!?" Just now, Luo Hang said that he wanted to speculate about his future.

Now Xiaohuan said that he couldn't figure it out, it was blank, even both his grandpa and grandson suspected that he was the reincarnation of a fairy, but at this time, Luo Hang said he would not push it?never mind?

This gave Zhou Yixian every reason to doubt whether his true identity was revealed by himself! ?

"Where is the sacred? Don't you already know? People from Qingyun Sect!" Luo Hang said with a serious face. "Other than that? It's the first time I've seen people who calculate the past is blank!" Zhou Yixian continued to ask Luo Hang for the bottom line.

Zhu Xian, the world of this world, how did you say it?

There are no gods in this world, but since ancient times, human beings have seen all kinds of strange things in the world around them, such as lightning, thunder, and violent storms.

There are also natural disasters and man-made disasters, countless casualties, and mourning everywhere. It is absolutely beyond the power of manpower to resist.

So I thought that above the nine heavens, there are all kinds of gods, and under the nine secluded worlds, there are also ghosts, the palace of hell... This is the beginning of Zhu Xian, and it is also Zhu Xian's worldview!

Although Zhu Xian's world is a world of cultivating immortals, but seriously, are there any immortals in this world?

No one can be sure!

The so-called gods are nothing but imaginations of ancient humans!

But now?Zhou Yixian found that by chance, he had come into contact with the most suspected reincarnated person.

Zhou Yixian might not care about other things.

However, this is related to the reincarnation of the only immortal in the world, how can Immortal Zhou not care?

Therefore, if you stare at Luo Hang seriously, you must find out how ugly she is from her! "So? Do you really suspect that I'm the reincarnation of an immortal? Don't be ridiculous!" Luo Hang said a little bit dumbfounded after being pursued by Zhou Yixian so thoroughly!

However, Zhou Yixian still stared at Luo Hang with a straight face, without saying a word.

This reaction showed his current attitude!

tease?I'm not kidding, I'm telling the truth!

I am also very serious now.

Seeing Zhou Yixian's expression, Luo Hang's expression also became serious, and he said seriously: "Old man, you misunderstood me, I am not the reincarnation of a fairy!" "Then, how do you explain that your calculations are blank!? " Zhou Yixian continued to ask Luo Hang inquiringly! "This, I don't know. If I knew, would I ask you to calculate it?"

Luo Hang wouldn't admit it anyway, and he couldn't explain it clearly, so there was no need to explain it, and he really didn't know!

"That's right, even if you are the reincarnation of a fairy, you don't necessarily carry the memories of your previous life with you. It's understandable to say that!" After listening to Luo Hang's explanation, he said that he really didn't know, Zhou Yixian thought for a while , nodded in agreement, and muttered in his mouth.Luo Hang: I am speechless, now Luo Hang is really speechless.

Zhou Yixian has decided that he is the reincarnation of a fairy. No matter how he explains it, he can't get rid of his idea! ?

However, Luo Hang could probably understand what Zhou Xian was thinking.

He would think so, and rightly so!

Moreover, how else can I explain it?

Saying that you are not from this world, that you have traveled from another world?

Is the purpose to search for things like cultivation techniques in this world?

Do you want to explain it this way?

Fine!If he wants to think so, let him think so!

Before the meal was finished, some food and wine were added, Luo Hang and Zhou Yixian's grandfather and grandson continued to eat, chatting all over the place!There is an encyclopedia like Zhou Yixian here, but whenever Luo Hang asks about something he doesn't understand, Zhou Yixian can give him a definite answer.

This made Luo Hang secretly sigh in his heart!

Encyclopedia, Bai Xiaosheng, the human version of Baidu search engine?

After eating a meal, Luo Hang paid the bill, and said goodbye to Zhou Yixian.

I asked Zhou Zhouxian, if he had collected all four volumes of heavenly scriptures, where would he go to find him?

Zhou Yixian is also very fairy-like, and only talks about meeting each other by fate!

Well, shaking his head helplessly, Luo Hang walked around Heyang City again, then turned and left.

After leaving Heyang City, Luo Hang's mind was on the Wanbat Ancient Cave!

This ancient cave of ten thousand bats, including Necromancer Abyss, Heartless Sea, and Blood-Dripping Cave, can really be said to be a huge underground world.

There are heavenly scriptures and even acacia bells in the Drizzling Cave!

In addition, remember the records in the original book, at this time, there are still remnants of the Blood Refining Hall entrenched in the Ten Thousand Bat Ancient Cave, right?

The Blood Refining Hall was originally the Demon Dao sect channeled by the black-hearted old man, and it can be said that it ruled the entire Demon Dao.

But it is a pity that after the death of the black-hearted old man, the blood refining hall has declined, and until now, it is on the verge of severing the inheritance!

In addition, remember that in the depths of the Wanbat Ancient Cave, there is also the black water snake that is said to be beyond human power?

I don't know if the black water snake appears, compared with Kaido's transformation dragon, which one is stronger or weaker?

The Ten Thousand Bat Ancient Cave is too big, even the remnants of the Blood Refining Hall entrenched in it probably don't know where the Dripping Blood Cave is.

Therefore, Luo Hang didn't mean to go in and look for it in advance.

Counting the days, Zhang Xiaofan and the others shouldn't be too far away to enter the Wanbat Ancient Cave, so there's no need to be anxious!

"So, should I go and wait near the Wanbat Ancient Grotto?"

After thinking about it for a while, it seems that it is too late to attack the Heavenly Book of Tianyin Temple and Ghost King Sect at this time. Luo Hang thought in his heart, should he wait near the Wanbat Ancient Cave!

"Huh? That's..."

As Yu Jian flew above the sky, Luo Hang's mind was full of thoughts, so suddenly a figure appeared, attracting Luo Hang's attention! . …ask for flowers.

This is a woman, a very beautiful woman!

And this woman is being hunted down right now!

"So? Am I asking for a hero to save the beauty?" Looking down at the woman who was being hunted down, Luo Hang's heart moved slightly.

However, Luo Hang's cultivation was so profound that he was only a step away from the Yuanshen Realm.

Therefore, Luo Hang's eyesight could tell that this unbelievably beautiful woman was not human at all, but a monster!

Behind the woman, two men are chasing.

Humans chasing and killing demons?It seems that there is no need for me to intervene.

Although not all monsters are bad, relatively speaking, those who are not of my race must have different hearts!

Just glanced at it, and said with emotion that such a beautiful banshee might die, Luo Hang didn't pay much attention to it.

Shaking his head, he continued to rush in the direction of the Wanbat Ancient Cave!

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

However, at this moment, one of the middle-aged men suddenly made seals with his hands, and spit out a flame from his mouth, which turned into a huge fireball and blasted towards the woman!

... 0 "Yeah?"

This time, Luo Hang stopped in surprise, and the imperial weapon was suspended in mid-air!

"Fire escape ninjutsu? So? Is this man an explorer?"

Looking at the other party carefully, Luo Hang thought secretly in his heart!

Can release such a fire escape ninjutsu?This ability is not weak.

Although this is the fire escape ninjutsu that Uchiha Sasuke could master before the night of the genocide in the original book, but the power of this fire escape ninjutsu is not weak!

It seems that the strength of this explorer is still good!

Following the display of this Fire Escape Ninjutsu, a huge fireball ruthlessly pressed towards the banshee, directly engulfing the banshee's figure!

"Good job!" Seeing this, the companion next to him exclaimed loudly!

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

Those huge fireballs that completely engulfed the banshee surged irregularly at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, they all gathered towards the banshee's palm!

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