On the palm of the banshee's hand, she saw a jade-like treasure, and all the flames were absorbed by this jade!

"What kind of treasure is that!?" Looking at the thing in the banshee's hand, which could absorb all the flames she released, the explorer's face showed a look of astonishment!

"Treasure, that is really a treasure!" The companion next to the explorer also greedily stared at the treasure in the banshee's hand!

"That, could it be..." When Luo Hang saw the thing in the banshee's hand, his heart moved slightly.

This object is round, with a green jade ring on the outside, verdant and verdant. In the middle of the jade ring, there is a small scarlet-colored thin slice, and an ancient flame totem is carved in the middle.

This appearance seems to be very similar to the Supreme Treasure Xuanhuo Jian in the original book.

"Could it be that this banshee is a three-tailed fox!?" Seeing the treasure in the banshee's hand, Luo Hang muttered to himself.

If it's Xuanhuojian, then it's time to make a plan!

However, in the battle between humans and the demon clan, it is not appropriate to intervene to help the demon clan, right?

With a slight movement in his mind, Luo Hang made a seal with both hands.

Immediately afterwards, Kaido, who seemed to be in the form of a bull devil, appeared, and fell down from a high altitude!corpse.

Chapter 319: Luohang's cards can scare away explorers without using hands

In the world of pirates, Kaido commits suicide at every turn.

Even jumping directly from the empty island, falling from a height of [-] meters is nothing!

Now Kaido is repeating the old trick!

There was a loud bang, and it fell directly from the sky. Such a movement made the ground tremble violently, and a terrible cloud of smoke arose from the ground!

This huge movement also made the three-tailed fox and the two humans next to them stop attacking, and looked at the dusty place seriously!

After a long time, the smoke and dust dissipated, and the three-tailed fox and the others could see a terrible big pit appeared on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely tall figure stepped out of the pit!

According to the official information of Pirates, Hundred Beasts.Kaido's real height, including the pair of horns on top of his head, is a full 7 meters away!

With this huge figure, other people looked like young children in front of him!

Although it is roughly humanoid, it is over seven meters tall, with a pair of horns growing on its head, and a large scale can be seen on its left shoulder.

No matter how you look at it, it can't be human!

The most important thing is the pair of lavender reincarnation eyes, which are not ordinary eyes!

"What kind of monster is this?" The three-tailed fox next to him was secretly amazed when he saw Kaido's figure which was seven meters away from "[-]".

Such a body shape gives people a feeling that is difficult to fight!

"A monster? Another monster appeared!?" The man next to him saw Kaido's appearance, and his expression also became dignified! "Kai, Kaido!?"

It's just that other people may not recognize Kaido, but the explorer who just released the fireball technique does!

After all, as the strongest explorer, other explorers will pay attention to all the information about Luohang after they return.

This is already a matter of course!

It can be said that an explorer who does not understand Luohang's situation is absolutely unqualified!

"Do you recognize this demon?" The man next to him asked hurriedly after listening to his companion's words and seeing his horrified expression!

"Recognized, it can be regarded as recognized!" The explorer nodded.

At the same time, look around!

Since the beasts.If Kaido's puppet is here, then the boss Luohang should be not far away, right?

"Is this monster very powerful?" Seeing how his companion looked around, the man asked.

"Very strong!" Seeing that Luo Hang didn't intend to show up, the explorer stopped looking for it.

Besides, as one of the puppets made by Luo Hang, since Kaido appeared.

So, to a certain extent, it can also be regarded as the appearance of the boss of Luohang himself, right? "You two, let's go, I have no intention of killing people today!"

Walking out of the huge pothole, the Kaido puppet spoke, and said to the two guys who were chasing the three-tailed fox! "Let's go, let's go..."

The man next to him wanted to say a few harsh words, but the explorer next to him reacted very quickly. He immediately grabbed his companion and left in a hurry! "By the way, why didn't we do it just now? I don't believe it, that guy is really that powerful!" The companion who was dragged away knew that the monster who was two feet away should be very strong.

However, being scared away without making a move, this person still feels a little bit unwilling!

"If you're going to die, go ahead, I won't go anyway!" Hearing this, the explorer expressed his attitude!

He also knew that the audience in his country were staring at his live broadcast at this time.

He must have seen the scene where he was scared away by Luo Hang boss!

But, facing Luo Hang boss, so what if he was scared away?

Is there anything to be ashamed of?

Anyway, this explorer didn't feel ashamed of his actions just now.

On the contrary, knowing that he is not an opponent, but going up to die, that is really embarrassing, right?

"This Kaido is really awesome. He fell directly from the sky and made such a big hole in the ground. How can there be nothing wrong with it?" "In the last world, the existence of the physical defense ceiling was so arrogant !"

"Yeah, if it weren't for the ability to reincarnate Kaido with the dirty soil, even our brother Hang can only defeat him, but he can't kill him!" "Hahaha, this explorer recognized Kaido That's a lot!" "That's the case of Brother Hang, is there anyone who doesn't recognize it?"

"Counseled, this explorer is decisive, he didn't even dare to move, he dragged his companion and left!" "I can't help it, facing our brother Hang, is there any explorer who dares not to be counseled?"

"To be honest, I still really want to see other people's inexplicable self-confidence, and then get slapped in the face by Brother Hang. Unfortunately, I don't give such a chance!" "There is no way, Brother Hang's existence, in the eyes of other explorers It is completely the existence of nuclear weapon deterrence!"

"Yeah, not to mention that I have traveled through so many worlds, starting from the first world, there has been a huge gap between Brother Hang and them, and such a gap can only be It's getting bigger and bigger!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, I watched all the beasts.Kaido just fell directly from the sky, and the discussion in the live broadcast room was very cheerful.

Although it has long been known that Kaido's defense is terribly high.

However, watching the scene of jumping from a high altitude like this with my own eyes is still a very shocking sight.

Therefore, each of these audiences felt very shocked!

Looking at the explorers from other countries, they didn't dare to disobey Luo Hang's thoughts at all, and left in despair.

These audiences can feel Luohang's cards more clearly now! "Hello, you, how do you call me, thank you for your rescue just now!"

Looking at the two people who were chasing and killing him just now, when facing Kaido, they didn't even have the courage to do it, so they just ran away. Sanweihu also felt Kaido's strength, and took the initiative to say hello!

"Don't rush to thank you, I didn't act just to save you!" Kaido turned his head, glanced at Three-Tailed Fox and said!

"Well, I don't know, what do you want!?" Hearing what Kaido said, the three-tailed fox asked!

"The treasure in your hand is not bad. If you give it to me, I can help you save people, how about it?" Kaido glanced at the Xuanhuo Jian in the hand of the three-tailed fox, and asked!

"Here you are!" Hearing this, Three-Tailed Fox simply raised his hand, and threw the Xuanhuo Jian towards Kaido!

Catching the Xuanhuo Jian thrown over, Kaido looked at Sanwei a little strangely.

What's this?This is Xuan Huo Jian.

It can be said that in this world, it is second only to the Zhuxian sword.

The three-tailed fox gave it to himself so simply?

"Your power is not something I can fight against, even if I hold this, so why not just give it to you?" The three-tailed fox seemed to see Kaido's doubts, and explained in his mouth!

Yes, the demon is this direct...

The strong are respected, if you hand it over now, you can still guarantee your own safety.

But if you wait for the other party to make a move, by then, it may be too late!

"That's right, it makes sense!" Kaido nodded calmly after hearing the three-tailed fox's explanation!

"By the way, you just said that if you give this to you, you can help me save people?" Seeing that Kaido put away his things, the three-tailed fox asked!

"Yes, I did promise that!" Kaido hesitated for a moment, then nodded!

Although I felt that I was a little outspoken just now, it seems that I shouldn't promise, this Xuanhuo Jian is also in my pocket.

But since it has already been said, Luo Hang can't go back on his word!

When a man talks, one spittle and one nail, how can it not be counted?

"That's all right, I want to rescue the suppressed Nine-Tailed Sky Fox in Fenxiang Valley, can you help?" Seeing that Kaido nodded and agreed, Three-Tailed Fox followed up with his request and said!

"The nine-tailed celestial fox of Fenxiang Valley? No problem, you can!" Since you promised something, you can't go back on your word, right?Kaido nodded again and replied!

"Great!" Kaido nodded and agreed, and the three-tailed fox showed a look of joy on his face!

She put all her thoughts on Liuweihu, of course she knew that what Liuweihu was thinking of was to rescue the mother, Nine-tailed Skyhu, who was suppressed by Fenxiang Valley.

Now, since meeting such a powerful senior demon, Three-Tailed Fox tried to make a request.

Unexpectedly, the other party agreed!

Demons still value promises, promise if you can do it, and don't promise if you can't do it!

"Then, when are you going to rescue him?" The three-tailed fox asked with joy in his heart!

"Within a year!" Kaido replied casually.

After the voice fell, Kaido's figure turned into a large white smoke with a bang, and quickly dissipated between the sky and the earth. "Uh, what about people? 5.9 just disappeared like this? This is really a dragon that sees its head but doesn't see its end!"

Suddenly, the three-tailed fox was a little dumbfounded to find that Kaido's figure had just exploded and disappeared!

I don't even know how the other party appeared?

It seems that the power of this demon is indeed very miraculous!

Remember what one of the guys who chased and killed him said just now?The monster just now is called Kaido?

What a strange name!

However, I still have to remember this name firmly!

Not to mention what kind of thoughts the three-tailed fox was on, high above the sky, Luo Hang raised his hand, and the Xuanhuo Jian appeared in his hand!

Second only to the divine weapon of the Zhuxian Sword, Luo Hang carefully sized it up. This Profound Fire Mirror was forged from the essence of ten thousand fires.

The driving force can even summon the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon.

For Luo Hang, having obtained such a treasure, Luo Hang's mood is naturally very good! "The Zhenzhen fruit can increase power!" "The frost treasure box has the power of ice!"

"There is also the blood-sucking orb that has the ability to suck blood and sustain life!"

"If you embed this Xuanhuo Jian in the Xuanyuan Sword, Xuanyuan Sword will also have the power of flames?" "Not bad!"

Thinking secretly in his heart, Luo Hang nodded in satisfaction. .

Chapter 320: The Sixth Floor of the Shangqing Realm, the Great Achievement of the Primordial Spirit

"Grandpa, I didn't expect what you said to be true!"

Zhou Xiaohuan and his grandfather Zhou Yixian continued to stay in Heyang City, but Zhou Xiaohuan looked at his grandfather in surprise at this moment!

"Which of what your grandfather and I said is not true?" Hearing this, Zhou Yixian said with a beard and a stare.

However, as soon as the words fell, he asked his granddaughter again: "You said that what grandpa said is true. Which sentence do you mean?"

Zhou Xiaohuan didn't look frightened by her grandfather at all, instead she rolled her eyes: "You said before that you have a deep relationship with Qingyunmen, but I just thought you were seeing Qingyunmen's fame now, so..."

"So, you think Grandpa wants to win the Qingyun sect's honor, did you say that on purpose!?" Zhou Xian asked angrily!

Zhou Xiaohuan didn't say a word, but this appearance was obviously the default!

"Let me tell you, no matter how much your grandpa and I bluff and deceive, it is impossible to use the name of the patriarch to deceive!"

Zhou Yixian said very seriously.

This is one of the very few times that Zhou Xiaohuan can see his grandfather look so serious!

Zhou Xiaohuan's expression was also positive, and immediately nodded seriously.

"Grandpa, since you really have such a deep relationship with Qingyunmen, why don't you go to recognize relatives?" Changing the subject, Zhou Xiaohuan then asked Zhou Xianxian.

"Accept relatives, how do you recognize them? In terms of seniority, even the head of Daoxuan has to call me Master Uncle."

"I'm a person with no friendship, and my cultivation base is not high. If I rashly recognize relatives, the result will be bad!"

Zhou Yixian shook his head, as if he had already seen through the warmth and coldness of human feelings!

While speaking, he pointed to a big house not far away, and said, "Say, if a beggar ran over and said that he was the ancestor of this family, even if what the beggar said was true, what do you think? Can this family accept an unknown grandparent coming out?"

"Well, Grandpa, what you said makes sense!" After thinking about it, Zhou Xiaohuan nodded, still feeling that her grandfather's words were correct.

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