However, since Baguio invited him, Luo Hang felt that it would be fine to go in.

After all, Baguio is the daughter of the ghost king, and ghost king Zong has a book from heaven.

I am trying to find a way to get it, if I use Baguio as a breakthrough point, maybe I can do it!

"Then it's settled!" Hearing Luo Hang nodded and agreed, Baguio said with joy on his face!

"Chirp..." At this moment, suddenly, bursts of sharp, insect-like sounds sounded out!

Hearing this voice, the expressions of You Ji and Baguio changed slightly.

"Aunt You, you should go back first, and help me find a way to hold my father!" Bi Yao turned her head and said to You Ji next to her, please!

"But..." There was a hint of hesitation on You Ji's face.

"Aunt You, I beg you, with Mr. Luohang walking with me, I will not be in any danger, so don't worry!" Bi Yao said to You Ji with a begging look on her face!

"Well, well, be careful yourself!"

After a moment of silence, You Ji nodded helplessly, and at the same time, gave Baguio some serious instructions!

It seemed that Luo Hang didn't have any malicious intentions, but after all, he was an existence capable of leaving his body, such a person, his cultivation level was not something Baguio could resist.

If there is a real danger, the consequences will be unpredictable.

It's not just the danger from the Wanbat Ancient Cave that you have to be careful of, but also the danger from Luohang, right?

"Aunt You, don't worry, nothing will happen!" Biguio said seriously!

You Ji turned around and left, while Bi Yao took Luo Hang together and broke into the Wanbat Ancient Cave!

Because the people from Qingyun Sect have already advanced, there is no danger to Luo Hang and Baguio in the Ten Thousand Bat Ancient Cave.

"By the way, Mr. Luo, where are you from? You can condense your primordial spirit at such a young age. Such a cultivation level can be said to be unique in the world!"

Walking beside Luo Hang, Baguio casually chatted and asked Luo Hang!

"Me? I'm a casual cultivator!" Luo Hang replied!

"What about you?" While speaking, Luo Hang looked at Bi Yao again and asked curiously.

(;:recognize'; quasi! If'::water'! First, send!",: ", steal., book.;'sell''. Money' die,? Mom: "") "I'm almost the same , My practice is passed down in my family!" When they met for the first time, Baguio didn't confess that she was the princess of Ghost King Zong, but only said that her practice was passed down in her family!

The two of them chatted one after another, and continued to go deep into the Wanbat Ancient Cave.Baguio wanted to find out more about Luohang.

And what about Luo Hang?She also asked Baguio back, the purpose was just to test whether she would also confess to herself, and whether she was hiding something from herself!

The conclusion drawn is that Baguio will tell the truth about some things, and conceal some things.

It's hard to tell the real from the fake!

It's also fortunate that I knew the plot of the original book in advance, otherwise, I would have been fooled by her long ago, right?

After walking for a while, suddenly, a group of practitioners appeared, blocking the way of Luo Hang and others!

The appearance of this group of people is more or less covered with some injuries. It seems that they have experienced a hard battle just now!

"."Who dares to trespass into my blood refining hall! ? "The leading man shouted towards Luohang and Baguio angrily.

"I'm sorry, everyone, we came here to hunt for treasure, and we didn't intend to conflict with you, so I wonder if we can make it easier for you!?" Luo Hang asked the leading man!

"Hahaha, what a joke!"

Hearing what Luo Hang said, a man with a look like a mad dog and a tattered Taoist robe said to Luo Hang: "We also went to your house, saying it was for treasure hunting, let you Give it a convenience, such a convenience, are you willing to give it?"

"It seems that we have to do something!" Hearing the words of the wild dog Taoist next to him, Luo Hang shook his head helplessly!

"Mr. Luo, be careful, there are a lot of people here!" Bi Yao shouted to Luo Hang from the side, reminding him!

"Don't worry, there's no problem!" Luo Hang said with a calm expression.

As soon as the voice fell (it was promised), Luo Hang raised his hand, and the Xuanhuo Jian appeared in his hand!

Since I recently got the Xuanhuojian and studied it for a while, in such a formal battle, I should take a good look at the power of the Xuanhuojian!


As Luo Hang's thoughts moved, endless flames immediately spread out of the Xuanhuo Jian, as if they didn't need money.

The people in the Blood Refining Hall next to them, seeing the oncoming hot flames, all of them changed their expressions in horror, how could they dare to make a move?

Immediately retreated crazily!

With Luohang's cultivation base, the Xuanhuojian was activated, and the flames turned into a sea of ​​flames and swept away. The people in the blood refining hall, headed by the eldest brother, have already experienced a big battle, how can they resist?

Amidst the horrified shouts, they were so burned by these flames that they cried for their father and mother, and fled in all directions!

"Let's go!" With the divine power of Xuan Huo Jian, these disciples from the Blood Refining Hall were driven away, Luo Hang then put away the flames, and nodded to Bi Yao next to him.

Immediately, the two continued to go deeper into the Wanbat Ancient Cave.

"Mr. Luo, what is the magic weapon you just revealed? It looks very magical!"


Following Luo Hang's side, watching him defeat these people in the Blood Refining Hall with ease, he asked curiously about the treasure of Xuan Huo Jian.

"Just now? Xuanhuo Jian!" Luo Hang replied calmly. .

Chapter 322: The audience in Longguo feel embarrassed for Baguio

"Xuan Huo Jian!?" Hearing Luo Hang's words, Baguio couldn't help but let out a low voice, looking at Luo Hang in disbelief.

Although he is a member of the Ghost King Sect, Baguio has heard of the top magic weapons in the cultivation world, such as the Zhenpai Zhibao Xuanhuojian of Fenxiang Valley, and Qingyunmen's Zhuxian Sword.

This is definitely the top treasure in the cultivation world, so Luo Hang holds it in his hands?

"What? Is there something wrong?" Luo Hang glanced at Baguio and asked back.

"Are you a disciple of Fenxiang Valley!?" Bi Yao asked after staring at Luo Hang earnestly.

"No!" Luo Hang simply shook his head.

"Then the supreme treasure of Fenxiang Valley, the Xuanhuojian, how could it be in your hands!?" Bi Yao followed up and asked.

"Is the blood-devouring orb, the most precious treasure of the Blood Refining Hall, still in the hands of the Blood Refining Hall?" Luo Hang asked without answering.

Well, after hearing what Luo Hang said, Baguio was speechless for a moment!

Indeed, whoever stipulates that the treasure of the township has to stay in his own sect?

"Then where did your Xuanhuojian come from!?"

After a moment of silence, Baguio followed up and asked!

"Oh, not long ago, I happened to save a goblin, and the goblin gave it to me!" Luo Hang replied with the same casual look.

"Fairy!?" Hearing Luo Hang's words, Baguio was even more dumbfounded!

After all, Fenxiang Valley is one of the three righteous sects, right?

However, the supreme treasure Xuanhuo Jian unexpectedly appeared in the hands of a monster.

besides?A monster actually gave away such a treasure?

This is really puzzling!

"Okay, it's just a piece of Xuanhuojian, let's go on..."

Looking at Baguio's thoughts, he was shocked by the Xuanhuojian, and it was difficult to turn around for a long time. 190, Luohang said something.

"Mere!?" Baguio's mouth twitched slightly, and she looked at Luohang strangely.

Is he sure what he said just now is not wrong?

Is it really appropriate to use the mere word to describe Xuan Huo Jian?

In fact, for Luo Hang, Xuanhuojian is a good treasure.

However, the Soul Gem, Vibrating Gold Gloves, Xuanyuan Sword, even the inlaid Blood-devouring Orb, the Frost Treasure Box and the Vibrating Fruit, and even the dragon veins that are still lying in the storage space.

The quality of these things is not worse than Xuanhuojian, right?

Well, this wave was installed by Luohang.

Baguio followed Luohang and continued to walk into the depths of the Wanbat Ancient Cave, feeling even more surprised!

Who is this young man named Luo Hang?

His cultivation seems to have reached the point where the primordial spirit is out of the body.

With a treasure like Xuanhuo Jian in hand, Luo Hang's ability is indeed amazing!

Continue to walk forward, and after walking for half a day, there are not many dangers encountered along the way.

In this way, he came to the Necromancer Abyss unimpeded!

Seeing this necromantic abyss, Bi Yao's body shrank towards Luo Hang's side!

Here, endless dead souls appear here, it looks like they have come to Senluo Hell, the situation is indeed very scary!

"Oh? This place is full of undead!?" Coming to this abyss of undead, looking at the endless undead and ghosts, a smile appeared on Luo Hang's face! "Hey, what are you laughing at? Are you laughing at me?"

Seeing so many ghosts, Baguio felt very scared. Now, suddenly finding that Luo Hang was laughing, Baguio couldn't stand it anymore, and asked (bcfj) angrily!

"No, no, no, I'm not laughing at you, but I thought of something happy!" Luo Hang shook his head, and clarified and explained!

Yes, after seeing these ghosts, Luo Hang's mood is indeed good, and he feels very happy.

why?This means that in this world with ghosts, he can use the ability to reincarnate from the dirt, right?

"In such a place, you can still think of happy things!?" Hearing Luo Hang's words, Baguio couldn't laugh or cry even more! "Let's go!"

These undead souls in Necromancer Abyss are indeed not easy to deal with, but Luo Hang doesn't seem to take these undead souls seriously.

After saying hello to Baguio, he walked directly to Necromancer Abyss!

"Hey, wait, do you want to die? If there are so many undead here, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Seeing Luo Hang's obvious intention of jumping into the fire pit, Baguio's face changed in horror, shouted loudly, and followed!

"Since you think it's so dangerous, why do you still follow!?" Luo Hang glanced at Bi Yao beside him, then asked. "Can I say, do I actually regret it?"

After seeing that he had followed Luo Hang to the Necromancer Abyss, and then seeing that the surrounding necromancers were attracted by the breath of strangers and were coming towards him, Baguio said with a panicked expression. "Don't worry, there are only a few undead, nothing to be afraid of!"

Seeing that Baguio was so scared to death, but still following him, Luo Hang patted Baguio's shoulder and said!

After the words fell, Luo Hang raised his left hand, and on his palm, he was wearing a vibrating gold glove!

Immediately afterwards, the soul gem of the vibrating gold glove began to shine brightly!

A large piece of powerful light immediately enveloped Luohang and Baguio, no matter how unwilling the other dead spirits around them were, they wanted to break through the protection of these soul gems.

However, this invisible air mask is extremely tough, no matter how hard these gods of death try to break through, it will be of no avail.

The mind gem itself is a power that acts on the mind and spirit. It can be said to be just right for dealing with these undead!

With the power of the Soul Gem as a defense, Luo Hang continued to walk forward, quite a feeling of passing through thousands of flowers without even touching his body!

As for Baguio?Almost completely shrunk in Luo Hang's arms.

Looking at the densely packed dead spirits around, so many dead spirits really give people a feeling of intensive phobia. "This ancient cave of ten thousand bats has opened up a huge underground world!"

"Yeah, this Necromancer Abyss is just like the legendary hell, isn't it too scary for ghosts living like this?"

"My brother Hang is awesome! When I used to take my sister to watch horror movies, my sister was too scared to sleep alone, so she asked me to stay with her all night. Passing through thousands of ghosts, why shouldn't this girl let him sleep together for a month?"

"Upstairs, please tell your story in detail!"

"Brother Hang is really smart. You see, when he came to this Necromancer Abyss, Brother Hang laughed out loud. It seems that Brother Hang knew the situation here long ago, so he deliberately brought the Baguio girl with him. Did you come to this Necromancer Abyss?" "Don't talk nonsense, my husband doesn't like this green tea, my husband laughed, obviously because there are a lot of undead here, are you sure you can use the dirty soil to reincarnate?" "Also Needless to say, the situation in Necromancer Abyss looks really scary, the endless ghosts, if it weren’t for the power of Brother Hang’s Mind Gem, it wouldn’t be easy to get through it!” “I don’t know how to get through this After entering Necromancer Abyss, what kind of terrifying and dangerous places will you encounter?" "In this ancient cave of ten thousand bats, it is really terrifying!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, following Luo Hang's perspective, after seeing the scenes in the Wanbat Ancient Cave and even the Necromancer Abyss, many viewers expressed that they were frightened!

Forget about ghosts, and there are thousands of ghosts in one breath, which makes people feel very shocked.

There were even many viewers who had been watching the live broadcast, but when they suddenly saw this scene of rampant ghosts, they were so frightened that they passed out.

However, the horror of Necromancer is just some wandering souls.

Holding the soul gem and taking Baguio together, the two crossed the places where these ghosts were.

In this way, after another cup of tea, Luo Hang and Baguio finally passed through this abyss of death!

After walking through the Abyss of Necromancers, Baguio and Luo Hang opened up a little distance.

"Master Luo, what is the gemstone on your glove? How can it keep so many undead from approaching!" Perhaps because the atmosphere was a bit awkward, Baguio also felt very embarrassed, as if changing the subject Ask Luo Hang!

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