"This, it's called the Soul Gem!" Luo Hang coughed dryly, and also felt that the atmosphere just now was a little too charming.

"Oh, so this is the soul gem. I didn't expect you to have such a treasure!" Following Luo Hang's words, Baguio nodded, expressing agreement with a look of surprise.

"Uh..." However, looking at Baguio's attitude, Luo Hang was even more dumbfounded.

"What's the matter? What kind of eyes are you staring at me?" Bi Yao asked angrily when she found that Luo Hang was looking at her eyes, which seemed to be very wrong.

"Have you heard of this soul gem?" The corner of his mouth twitched, Luo Hang asked back.

"It seems that I don't remember seeing it in any document before!" Baguio explained with a serious face.

Not to mention, whether it is true or not, at least this expression looks lifelike, leaving no doubts about it.

"Okay, you've seen it, so let's see it!" Luo Hang had nothing to explain, so he just nodded.

"Hahaha, embarrassing, through the screen, I feel full of embarrassment!"

"It's a good thing I'm not Baguio, so I must have found a crack in the ground to get in at this time!"

"Hahaha, this soul gem is not from her world at all. She even said that she has heard of it before, and this expression actually looks serious!" "She doesn't really think that she has cheated Brother Hang? No Would she? She wouldn't really think so, would she?" "Sure enough, this guy named Baguio is just a green tea guy, and he really doesn't even bat an eye when he's lying!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, the atmosphere is still cheerful at this time!

Using the Soul Gem to change the subject was enough, but he actually acted like he recognized the Soul Stone. This situation made countless viewers in the Longguo live broadcast room feel embarrassed for Baguio. .

Chapter 323: "Mere" black water snake, no help

Okay, Luo Hang can also understand that the reason why Baguio said that he has heard of the Soul Gem is just to change the subject and ease the charming atmosphere just now.

Therefore, Luo Hang did not continue to poke her thoughts!

After crossing the abyss of death, Luohang and Baguio continued to move forward!

In other words, relying on the soul gem, I easily passed the Necromancer Abyss.

What about Zhang Xiaofan?

I haven't met him yet, so it seems that he has successfully survived, right?

But, how did he get through the time in the original book?

I don't remember this kind of small details clearly!

"It seems that the Blood-devouring Orb itself has the effect of restraining the undead? So, perhaps Zhang Xiaofan relied on the effect of the Blood-devouring Orb on Xuanyuan Sword to successfully pass through the Necromancer Abyss!?~" Luo Hang said - muttering to himself.

"Master Luo, we have already crossed the Necromancer Abyss, we must be more careful, there are other difficulties waiting for us at the bottom!" Bi Yao stretched out her hand to brush her hair on her forehead, and said !

"Miss Baguio, do you know much about the situation in the ancient cave of ten thousand bats?"

"I don't really know much about it, but I've done some research. After all, since I'm here to hunt for treasure, I can't just do nothing, right?" Baguio replied!

This statement made Luo Hang nod his head, but he just agreed.

Talking, chatting, the embarrassing atmosphere under the siege of countless dead souls in Necromancer Abyss has eased a lot!


In this way, I don't know how long I walked, suddenly, there was a violent vibration in the distance.

At the same time, it was accompanied by the roar of strange beasts! "Go, go and see!"

After Luohang and Baguio exchanged glances, both of them accelerated a lot.

Soon, they came to the place where the noise broke out!

In this underground world, a terrifying sea.

Here, a huge black snake is making waves.

With a body several hundred meters long, it can stir up the waves!

Zhang Xiaofan is holding the Xuanyuan Sword, fighting with the Black Snake.

With a swing of the sword, it was covered by a vast expanse of white light. This is the activation of the ability of the Zhenzhen Fruit!

The cultivation of the first level of the Shangqing Realm is matched with the power of the Zhenzhen Fruit.

The sword fell, leaving a sword mark on the body of the black water snake, and the blood of the snake gushed out directly!

However, it seems that this sword has caused damage.

But actually?The huge difference in body size between one person and one snake, even if it is a wound, seems to be scratched by an embroidery needle accidentally.

This injury is nothing more than a little skin trauma!

Under the pain, this actually aroused the black water snake to be more ferocious.

Amidst the roar, a large sea wave crashed towards Zhang Xiaofan!

He raised the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand and pointed at the waves!

Endless cold air gushes out, the waves pressing down on Zhang Xiaofan are frozen in mid-air, turning into huge ice sculptures, it looks very majestic!

Using the cold air to deal with the black water mysterious snake, Zhang Xiaofan keenly felt that this is very suitable, even has restraint effect!

No matter how powerful it is, the Blackwater Profound Snake is a snake after all.

When the temperature is low, there will be a natural desire to hibernate.

Maintaining the output of Xuanyuan Sword's cold air, the cold air quickly spread and covered the body of the Blackwater Xuan Snake with a thin layer of ice.

Moreover, this layer of ice is constantly thickening!

"Black Water Profound Snake!?" Baguio, who was next to her, couldn't help showing a shocked expression when she saw the huge snake body, and exclaimed in a low voice!

At the same time, looking at Xiaofan again, his expression became even uglier!

Black Water Profound Snake, this is a monster that is said to be invincible to human beings. Even his own father, the Ghost King, can't beat this ancient beast!

However, this young man was able to beat the Black Water Profound Snake! ?

Yes, the Xuanyuan Sword's cold air poured out directly, and ice cubes began to condense on the body of the Black Water Xuan Snake.

It looks like Zhang Xiaofan is suppressing the Black Water Profound Snake one step at a time?

However, it is an ancient beast after all, and its wisdom is no less than that of human beings.

Although the black water snake's eyelids are heavy by nature, it wants to go to sleep.

However, the black water snake used will to fight against instinct, forcibly suppressing the sleepiness of hibernation.

The figure twisted, shattered the solid ice on his body, and then ruthlessly bumped towards Zhang Xiaofan.

Although Xuanyuanjian is powerful, it doesn't have defensive abilities.

Seeing the snake head that was bigger than a house crashing towards him, Zhang Xiaofan raised the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand to block it.

But how to resist it?

The whole person was directly knocked out by the Blackwater Xuan Snake, flying dozens of feet away.

After falling on the ground and rolling a few more times, he couldn't even hold the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, and fell to the ground!

After struggling a few times, Zhang Xiaofan wanted to get up.

However, being hit by the black water mysterious snake like this, Zhang Xiaofan only felt that all the bones in his body were smashed, how could he stand up!

The Blackwater Profound Snake, which is beyond human power, can't be beaten even by Daoxuan of the Taiqing Realm here.

Not to mention Zhang Xiaofan who just entered the Shangqing Realm!

"It seems that this guy mainly relies on the power of weapons, his own strength is not so shocking!" Seeing that Zhang Xiaofan almost lost all his fighting power after being hit by the Black Water Snake, Bi Yao also understood up.

Such an obvious high attack and low defense, isn't this a phenomenon only with the power of touching weapons?

Not to mention Baguio's thoughts, after knocking Zhang Xiaofan into the air, there was a bit of cold killing intent in the eyes of the Blackwater Profound Snake.

Then, he rushed towards Zhang Xiaofan again.

Without the Xuanyuan Sword in hand, it is even more impossible for Zhang Xiaofan to be the opponent of the Black Water Profound Snake.

Seeing the huge snake rushing towards him, despair could not help but appear in his eyes!

Unexpectedly, with so much help from Mr. Luo, would he still die here in the end?

Fortunately, Xuanyuan Sword will not be lost, right?

Mr. Luo said, no matter where he is in the world, as long as he summons Xuanyuan Sword, Xuanyuan Sword will return to him!


The teleportation ability attached to the Sacred Heart Art was used, and Luo Hang, who was standing beside Baguio, disappeared instantly.

Almost at the same time, they appeared in front of Zhang Xiaofan!

Seeing the huge head of the Black Water Profound Snake hit hard, Luo Hang raised his left hand and made a blocking posture.

I said silently in my heart: block!


The huge head of the Black Water Profound Snake slammed into Luo Hang's left hand wearing a vibrating gold glove.

The powerful force pushed against Luo Hang's legs, leaving a long trace on the ground!

But that's all.

The impact of the black water mysterious snake was actually resisted by Luo Hang! "Counterattack!"

It's not over yet, after blocking the impact of the Black Water Profound Snake, Luo Hang silently shouted another sentence in his heart! . …ask for flowers.

Wave your left hand!

Then, the hundreds of meters long black water snake was thrown away by Luo Hang.

With a bang, it fell back into the ruthless sea again, and there was a stormy sea!


Zhang Xiaofan and Baguio next to him were all dumbfounded!

In terms of size, the Black Water Profound Snake is much bigger than Luo Hang.

However, it was just a shake of the hand, but it was able to shake the Black Water Profound Snake out?

Such a sense of contrast gave people the feeling that it was like a mouse fell over the shoulder with a move, and unexpectedly threw an old cow to the ground fiercely.

The huge contrast in this body shape is shocking.

The bigger the body, the more serious the injury will be if you fall!

Being sent flying by Luo Hang's direct counterattack, and falling into the heartless sea, the black water snake felt dizzy and very uncomfortable!

However, the Blackwater Xuan Snake, who had returned to the ruthless sea, seemed like a fish in water, and soon poked its head out of the ruthless sea again!

But, when facing Zhang Xiaofan before, the black water mysterious snake's eyes were full of cold killing intent.

... 0 Now when facing Luo Hang, in addition to the anger and killing intent in the eyes of the Black Water Profound Snake, there is also a bit more fear!

At least, when facing Zhang Xiaofan, the Blackwater Profound Snake dared to attack unscrupulously.

But now, when facing Luo Hang, the Blackwater Profound Snake was vigilant and did not dare to attack, which was evident.

"Luo, Mr. Luo!?"

Seeing Luo Hang who jumped out to save the scene at a critical moment and knocked all the black water snakes into the air, Zhang Xiaofan widened his eyes, showing a shocked expression.

"That's amazing, isn't this, this is amazing!?"

As for Baguio next to him, he was even more dumbfounded!

With human power, actually knocked the black water black snake out?

Unbelievable, is this something human can do?

This Luo Hang, couldn't it be some kind of ancient beast that was stronger than the Black Water Profound Snake, turned into a human form, right?

Yes, although ancient fierce beasts like the black water snake cannot be transformed into human form.

However, there are also some goblins who can take human form.

Let's not talk about it, just say that my mother, Xiao Chi, was not transformed by the fox clan of Huqi Mountain?

"Alas..." Thinking of her mother, Baguio couldn't help sighing softly.

However, now is not the time to let yourself be sad.

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