"Elder Luo..." Du Bishu from the Big Bamboo Peak saw Luo Hang and took the initiative to say hello.

"Where's Zhang Xiaofan? Did you see where he is?" Luo Hang asked!

"Xiaofan seems to say that he is worried about your safety, Elder Luo, so he went to find you!" Du Bishu replied!

"Worried about my safety!?" Hearing this, Luo Hang was startled.

Then he understood, he summoned Xuanyuan Sword back, so Zhang Xiaofan thought he was in some kind of crisis, right?

Luo Hang temporarily sat down at Qingyunmen, waiting for Zhang Xiaofan to arrive.

In this way, after waiting for a day, the disciples of Qingyun Sect came back one after another, even the people from Tianyin Temple and Fenxiang Valley came back one after another.

Naturally, Zhang Xiaofan is back too!

It can be said that the Righteous Dao has won a complete victory in this battle between righteousness and demons. Naturally, Qingyunmen will celebrate it well. The head of Daoxuan said some encouraging words!

And (bcfj) the people in Tianyin Temple and Fenxiang Valley are also in a very good mood!

"Master Luo, you, are you alright?" Seeing that Luo Hang had also returned, Zhang Xiaofan looked at Luo Hang with some concern.

"It's okay, what can I do!" Luo Hang replied!

"It's fine..." Looking carefully, Luo Hang did not appear to be injured, Zhang Xiaofan heaved a sigh of relief, and nodded in relief.

"By the way, Xiaofan, come with me, I have something to say to the black water snake!"

Take a look, at this time, Qingyun Mountain is having a celebration banquet, Luo Hang said to Zhang Xiaofan.

Pulling him to a place where no one was around, immediately, Luo Hang stretched out his finger and tapped on Zhang Xiaofan's chest!

Luo Hang's spiritual thoughts poured into Zhang Xiaofan's Purple Mansion Lingtai!

There is a huge prison in the altar, and what is locked in the fence is an extremely huge black water snake!

"Luo Hang, what are you doing here!?"

Opening the vertical snake pupils, he glanced at Luo Hang, and the black water snake's voice sounded.

In reality, this black water mysterious snake can't speak human words, but in the spiritual world, the form of spiritual communication is the language that Luo Hang can hear!

"It's nothing, I heard that you have been to the Treasure House of the Heavenly Emperor?" Luo Hang asked the Black Water Profound Snake!

"So what if you've been there? So what if you haven't been there?" Facing Luo Hang, the Blackwater Profound Snake didn't have a good look.

"If I've been there, I'd like to see what it's like in Tiandi's treasure house!" Luo Hang asked directly to the Blackwater Profound Snake!

"Hmph, if you're capable, you'll know what it's like inside if you go and see it for yourself!" the Blackwater Xuan Snake still said in a nonchalant manner.

"It seems that you have been quite short-tempered recently!" Luo Hang stared at the black water snake in the fence, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Immediately raising his hand, another large chain full of sealing power appeared.

, directly stretched in from the gap in the fence, and tightly bound the black water snake!

"You, what are you doing!?" Bound by these chains, the black water snake struggled violently.

"It's nothing, just to remind you, don't forget who is afraid of whom between us!" Luo Hang said while staring at the black water snake!

"Okay, Mr. Luo, let's go!"

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan's figure also appeared in the Lingtai of the Purple Mansion, looking at the appearance of the Black Water Profound Snake in the seal, he couldn't bear to say it!

"I didn't see it, the relationship between you and the Blackwater Profound Snake is much better than I imagined!" Luo Hang said after glancing at Zhang Xiaofan!

However, since it was Zhang Xiaofan who spoke, the name Luo Hang must still be given to him.

Loosen your chains!

Lying on the inside of the fence, the Blackwater Profound Snake looked like he had been wheeled, staring at Luo Hang with fear and hatred in his eyes.

"Okay, Dahei, what Mr. Luo wants to know, you just tell him, why bother asking for trouble?"

Turning his head, Zhang Xiaofan said to the Black Water Profound Snake!

"I've said it before, don't call me Dahei!" Lying on the ground, the Heishuixuan snake with a look of lovelessness, heard Zhang Xiaofan addressing himself, a little furious, and shouted loudly road.

"Okay, Dahei, I got it, Dahei! I won't call you that in the future, okay, Dahei!"

Zhang Xiaofan nodded with a straight face and said.

The eyes of the Black Water Profound Snake are so weird that you almost cry!

"Okay, come here, I just want to see what the picture in the Heavenly Emperor's Treasury looks like, and you won't lose a piece of meat!"

Luo Hang also couldn't help laughing, a weird smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said to the Black Water Profound Snake!

While speaking, Luo Hang walked to the side of the fence, also stretched out his finger, and tapped on the forehead of the Black Water Profound Snake.

Then, the black water snake recalled the scene when he entered the treasure house of the heavenly emperor before.

Although the memory is a little fuzzy, the scenes in the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House slowly emerged under its efforts to recall!

And this kind of scene, Luo Hang also got it from the mind of the Black Water Profound Snake, and then let go of his hands!

"Okay, thank you!"

There is one thing to say, when it is more difficult to beat, Luo Hang will suppress it.

But for such cooperation, Luo Hang still thanked him!

"If you want to thank you, don't say thank you, let me out if you have the ability!" Black Water Xuan Snake said to Luo Hang angrily!

"You should know, right? Xiaofan's life is on your body right now, if he really let you out, he will definitely die!" Luo Hang said to the black water snake!

Hearing this, the Blackwater Xuan Snake fell silent and did not speak again!

"It depends on the situation. I hope that you can connect with each other sooner. At that time, Zhang Xiaofan may be able to give up control of his body, allowing you to enjoy the happiness with a human body!"

Then, Luo Hang smiled slightly, and gave the Black Water Profound Snake another suggestion!

"Hmph, that's impossible!"

Although freedom moved the Blackwater Snake's heart, but thinking that he wanted to communicate with a human being, the Blackwater Snake refused.

Smiling slightly, Luo Hang didn't say much, and left Zhang Xiaofan's Purple Mansion Lingtai directly!

In reality, Luo Hang also retracted his finger on Zhang Xiaofan's chest!

"How? Did you get what you wanted?" Zhang Xiaofan asked Luo Hang!

"Yes, I got it!" Luo Hang said with a smile on his face!

It will take ten years to open the Treasure House of the Emperor of Heaven, or will it take a hundred thousand lives to fill it?

Luo Hang couldn't afford to wait, and couldn't do such a frenzied thing.

However, as long as I can know what is inside the treasure house of heaven and earth, then I can directly construct a magic portal to enter!

Coincidentally, the black water mysterious snake actually went in?Have you ever eaten the magic medicine in it?

For Luo Hang, this Black Water Profound Snake happened to be his key to enter the Heavenly Emperor's Treasury.

Now, this key is obtained!

Next, Luo Hang and Zhang Xiaofan also came to the celebration banquet!

At the celebration banquet, Zhang Xiaofan was highly praised by Daoxuan.

After all, Zhang Xiaofan's strength in this battle between good and evil is obvious to all!

With a simple and honest smile on his face, Zhang Xiaofan said a few words modestly.

In the past ten years, there has been no sense of presence in Dazhufeng.

Now, since the Qimai Martial Art Competition, he has been in the limelight, praised and valued by everyone, Zhang Xiaofan likes this feeling very much!

After the celebration banquet, in the middle of the night, Luo Hang raised his hand in his room and constructed a magic portal, leading directly to the inside of the Emperor's Treasury...

Chapter 343: Collect all five books from heaven

"Hold the grass, open it, my Brother Hang has successfully opened the magic portal!"

"Hahaha, my brother Hang, YYDS! Who said that my brother Hang can't get in if the treasure house of the Emperor of Heaven is not opened!?"

"Yes, although this magic portal is only the most basic magic in Karma Taj, its practicality is really high!"

"Not to mention, even in the ninja system, the most basic avatar technique, transformation technique, and substitute technique are magical skills as long as they are practiced well!" "Here we come, we come, the last volume Heavenly Book, here we come!" "Ding, collect all five volumes of Heavenly Book, trigger the set effect?"

"No, no, it's not just the heavenly scriptures, but also the fairy medicine. After eating, it can increase the life span of ten thousand years!?"

"That's right, this, this fairy medicine is the most valuable, right? Ten thousand years of life, it's no different from becoming a fairy and becoming a god, right?"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, the atmosphere at this moment has reached its peak~.

Everyone watched Luo Hang open the magic portal and knew where it was leading.

And this also made many viewers feel very excited!

Let's not talk about the excitement in the live broadcast room.

At this time, Luo Hang has already stepped through the magic portal and entered the treasure house of the Emperor of Heaven!

This closed Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House is completely dark inside.

Luo Hang raised his hand, Xuanyuan Sword was in his hand, and then, the power of Xuanhuojian was activated.

The entire Xuanyuan Sword was burning with raging flames, and the light of the flames also reflected the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House very brightly!

Luo Hang walked in.Entered the deepest part of the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House.

There was no danger along the way.

Before the opening time, the Treasure House of the Heavenly Emperor was dead silent. It felt like exploring an unoccupied house alone!

There is no surprise at all, even if there are spirit beasts guarding the treasure house of the Heavenly Emperor, they are outside, not inside.

Luo Hang successfully found the third book from heaven!

After getting the third volume of Heavenly Book, Luo Hang continued to search around, and found half a bowl of immortal medicine, as well as that mysterious spirit stone!

Perhaps it was because Luo Hang came in early, the elixir of this fairy medicine was not full, only half a bowl!

Luo Hang picked it up, tasted it, and smacked his mouth, what should I say?

The taste of this fairy medicine is not very good, but it's not bad at all!

After taking this sip of the fairy medicine, Luo Hang could clearly feel that the [-] pores in his body were stretched, which was very comfortable!

You're welcome, Luo Hang opened his mouth, and took another big gulp slowly!

Luo Hang swallowed most of the bowl of spiritual liquid, and drank more than half of it, leaving only a small half!

Luo Hang didn't intend to drink up all of it, so he put down half a bowl of spiritual liquid!

As the saying goes, blessings cannot be exhausted, power cannot be exhausted!

In ten years, the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House will be opened, so we can't let the predestined people behind get nothing, right?

Luo Hang had some evil thoughts, and pointed like a sword, the sword light lingered on his fingertips, and then left a sentence next to the fairy medicine.

"I drank the fairy medicine and left you with the last sip!"

After leaving such a sentence, Luo Hang grinned, scattered the sword light in his hand, and took a look at the spirit stone next to him!

The original book only described that the three-eyed monkey swallowed the spirit stone and ate the magic medicine. What happened to the three-eyed monkey?

After thinking about it, it is the treasure in the treasure house of the Emperor of Heaven. In the original book, there are also yellow birds and black water snakes fighting each other, so it should be of high value!

It's like drinking a fairy medicine that doesn't seem to change much, but it can increase the life span of ten thousand years!

The benefits of this spirit stone should also be there, so you are welcome!

In this way, the heavenly book has been memorized, almost half a bowl of the fairy medicine has been drunk, and the spirit stone is taken, Luo Hang's trip is considered complete.

Turn around and return to Qingyun Gate from the magic portal!

After returning to Qingyun Sect, Luo Hang sat cross-legged, the five volumes of the heavenly book were collected, and the knowledge in these five volumes was connected together in his mind.

Luo Hang's mind was completely immersed in cultivation!

A volume of heavenly scriptures can evolve Dafan Prajna, Taiji Xuanqing Dao, and even many supernatural powers and spells of the Demon Sect!

Now that I have collected all the five volumes of heavenly scriptures, it can be regarded as obtaining the top cultivation method in the world, right?

The extensive and profound knowledge of cultivation made Luo Hang immersed in it!

His own practice also began to function according to the description in the heavenly scriptures, and his cultivation began to improve bit by bit!

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