"The heavenly book, hahaha, Brother Hang is amazing! All five volumes of the heavenly book have been collected!"

"Now, my Dragon Kingdom's harvest is indescribable! When Brother Hang comes back, can my Dragon Kingdom's five volumes of heavenly scriptures be carried out?"

"Cultivating immortals, cultivating immortals, this is also the way of cultivation that is most in line with the national style of my Dragon Kingdom!"

"Wait, brother Hang actually only drank half a bowl of fairy medicine? Why didn't you drink it up?"

"Brother Hang, it really is YYDS! He is willing to keep a part of this magic medicine that can prolong life!"

"This shows the strength of my brother Hang! Even if there are great benefits, he won't take them all by himself!"

"Yeah, it's Brother Hang's ability to contrive such benefits as the fairy medicine, but in the end, it's my brother Hang's ability to leave a part for strangers in the future!"

"Okay, even if it's half a bowl, my brother Hang can increase his lifespan by 5000 years, right? This is a huge gain!" "And what is that spirit stone? pass!"

"Brother Hang is cultivating cross-legged again. Now that the five volumes of heavenly books have been collected, I wonder how much Brother Hang can increase his cultivation!" "Yes, the previous two volumes have obtained 100 and 200 years of cultivation respectively. ?”

In the Longguo live broadcast room, everyone was very happy to see Luo Hang's gains in the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure.

In particular, Luo Hang's act of leaving about one-third of the immortal medicine in the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House made people admire Luo Hang's mettle even more.

This kind of capacity is not something that just anyone can have!

Not to mention what the audience in the live broadcast room were thinking.

Luo Hang sat cross-legged, completely immersed in the practice of the Heavenly Book!

All the five volumes of heavenly books have been collected, and all the knowledge in the heavenly books have been completely linked together. Luo Hang's mind is also completely immersed in cultivation!

With the knowledge of these cultivations, people can't feel the passage of time at all!One day, two days, three days, ten days, half a month...

During the period, knowing that Luo Hang had stayed in his room for half a month, both Zhang Xiaofan and Daoxuan came over to have a look in person!

However, seeing Luo Hang completely immersed in his cultivation, he was very smart not to disturb Luo Hang!

Even, Daoxuan said, forbidding anyone to approach Luo Hang's house!

Others couldn't see it, but Daoxuan certainly could. Luo Hang was breaking through the Taiqing Realm right now! …ask for flowers.

If he really succeeds, then he is the second person in Qingyun Sect who has reached the Taiqing Realm cultivation base right now?

In the blink of an eye, two full months have passed!

Thanks to Luo Hang's current cultivation base, he has the effect of bigu, so whether he eats or drinks, the impact is not very big!

And for these two months, all the eyes of the Qing Yunmen have been paying attention to Luohang's side!

Everyone understood that Luo Hang was breaking through the Taiqing Realm, which also secretly shocked the other leaders of the peak!

Which one of these people has not cultivated for hundreds of years?

However, none of them have reached the cultivation base of the Taiqing Realm.

What about Ke Luohang?Taiji Xuanqing Dao has only been practiced for more than half a year, is this about to break through the Taiqing Realm?

Even if his original cultivation base is very high, this is too exaggerated, right?

Needless to say, because of Luo Hang's stimulation, the other leaders of the peaks have become much more active in recent days, and they should hurry up and practice hard, which no one expected!

In the same way, not only Qingyunmen is waiting, but also the audience in the Longguo live broadcast room are also looking forward to it.

 … 0

Waiting to see what it will be like when Luo Hang finishes training!

Although it hasn't moved in the past two months, the more this is the case, the more the audience in Longguo look forward to it!

When I got the Heavenly Book for the first time, I practiced for seven or eight days, increasing my cultivation base by a hundred years!

The second time, I practiced for more than ten days, and my cultivation base was increased by 200 years.

This time, I have practiced for two full months, how much can Luo Hang's cultivation be increased?

The most important thing is that when he was in the first world, he found the sweeping monk and learned the way of refining Qi and turning into a god. Luo Hang directly reached the point of refining Qi and turning into a god from the part of refining Qi and turning into a god!

Now, this breakthrough is from the stage of refining Qi and transforming into gods to the stage of practicing gods to return to the void, right?

This is the breakthrough in the real realm!

Two months passed, and finally, Luo Hang's training came to an end.

(.,recognize'.'accurate.If.,;water?;"first' hair,:,,"stealing'book'."Sell'money; die? Mom.;;) It can be regarded as a complete mastery of cultivation!

Now Luo Hang's cultivation is no longer Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, but the content of the entire five volumes of the Heavenly Book!

After the training ended, Luo Hang opened his eyes!

At this time, the primordial spirit of the Zifu Lingtai has already solidified.

In the void, an endless stream of vitality is pouring into Luo Hang's body, washing away every cell in Luo Hang's body!

This kind of situation, Luo Hang has seen it, it was the head of Daoxuan back then!

In the void, an endless stream of vitality pours into oneself, which is also the first level of the Taiqing Realm, the symbol of the Hollow Void Realm!

"It's done, I've entered the stage of practicing God and returning to the void!" This training made Luo Hang feel the difference in himself from the inside out!

What a bumper harvest, what a bumper harvest!

But from Luo Hang's own personal point of view, his cultivation has improved from the original hundreds of years to the current level.

The lifespan has also increased by about 5000 years. This increase in strength and lifespan is very rich!

As for the harvest of Lingshi, Blood-devouring Orb and Xuanhuojian, you don't need to talk about it!

"It's a completely different realm! My current cultivation has probably been raised to about 500 years ago, right?"

"Now, do I have a thousand and five hundred years of cultivation?"

Nodding silently, Luo Hang is still very satisfied with his current cultivation!corpse.

Chapter 344: Shocked, the Three Cultivators of Buddhism, Taoism and Demons! ?

Luo Hang's figure was suspended in the air, and the vitality in the void washed Luo Hang's body endlessly.

This feeling is very comfortable, much better than the feeling of the breeze in spring!

Moreover, the difference is that because of the different cultivation methods, Daoxuan absorbs the vitality in the void, just to increase his own cultivation base and divine sense!

But what Luo Hang practiced was a full set of heavenly scriptures, and the improvement of these vitality to Luo Hang was not only the cultivation, not only the spiritual sense, but even the strength of the physical body!

Now Luo Hang's cultivation method can be regarded as all aspects of attributes go hand in hand, and there is no emphasis on any aspect.

To be more precise, Luo Hang can be used as a warrior in terms of pure physical body.

In terms of simple cultivation base and divine sense, he can be used as a mage again!

"It's done!? Luo Hang succeeded!"

Daoxuan was also at the Hollow Void Realm, and he keenly felt that the vitality of the Void was attracted, and it was betting in the direction of Luo Hang.

This made Daoxuan overjoyed!

Then, Daoxuan led the first of the seven peaks to Luohang.

Witnessed him reaching the Taiqing Realm.

Naturally, everyone in the Qingyun Sect congratulated Luo Hang!

Needless to say, the atmosphere at Qingyunmen is still very good.

That is to say, in "[-]", Luo Hang was just an elder Keqing who joined the Qingyun Sect halfway, but the members of the Qingyun Sect never treated Luo Hang as an outsider!

Of course, Luo Hang's contribution to Qing Yunmen is also quite a lot!

Afterwards, the whole Qing Yun Sect held a grand meeting for Luo Hang, congratulating Luo Hang for achieving the cultivation level of Taiqing Realm!

This incident also shocked and amazed the entire Qing Yunmen disciples!

After all, Elder Luo Hang is less than 30 years old.

It has actually reached the cultivation base of the Taiqing Realm.

This made many Qing Yun sect disciples lock in Luo Hang's identity as the strongest man in the world in the future!

After a good celebration at Qing Yunmen, Luo Hang was also in a good mood.

Of course, he also paid attention to Zhang Xiaofan's situation.

In the past two months, the relationship between Zhang Xiaofan and Blackwater Profound Snake has also become much more harmonious.

Speaking of Jinchuriki, why is it that only Uzumaki Naruto and Kurama can let go of their prejudices?

Because the soul of Uzumaki Naruto is shining, full of positive energy!

And in this world, Zhang Xiaofan is the same.

He who can afford the Xuanyuan Sword, his soul is also full of the feeling of Wei Guangzheng.

This kind of existence, getting along with the black water mysterious snake, the harmonious relationship is still very fast!

In this way, after a good celebration at Qingyunmen, Luo Hang's sense of belonging to Qingyunmen has become stronger!

In the following days, Luo Hang continued to practice for half a month, which made his cultivation base much stronger!

On this day, Luo Hang finished his practice for the day as usual, and secretly thought about it, it's time to go to Fenxiang Valley!

When I got the Xuanhuo Jian, I promised the three-tailed fox that I would rescue the nine-tailed fox from the Xuanhuo altar!

Now, I have collected all five volumes of the Heavenly Book, and my cultivation has broken through to the Taiqing Realm, and it is indeed time to go for a walk!

After thinking about it, Luo Hang also knew that it was impossible for Fenxianggu to release the Nine-Tailed Fox simply by using words.

Luo Hang found a mask and put it on for himself.

Then, he built a portal and came to the vicinity of Fenxiang Valley!

At the same time, it flew directly to the Xuanhuo Altar in Fenxiang Valley!

"Who dares to trespass on my Fenxiang Valley!?"

As Luo Hang approached, people from Fenxiang Valley greeted him and blocked Luo Hang's way!

Without saying a word, Luo Hang raised his hand, pointing at the two of them.

Two sword qi came out at his fingertips, and shot towards the two monks in Fenxiang Valley, causing them to fall down!

Then, Luo Hang's figure continued to fly in the direction of the Xuanhuo Altar!

"If you want to rescue Nine-Tails, you have to not reveal your identity, so Kaido can't summon him, and he can't even use Xuanyuan Sword!"

Luo Hang silently calculated in his mind what methods he could use in Fenxiang Valley!

Fenxiang Valley's response was of course very fast for such a forceful rush.

Led by Yun Yilan and Shangguan Ce, the top management of Fenxiang Valley hurriedly approached here!

"Who are you, trespassing on my Fenxiang Valley, why?" Yun Yilan stared at Luo Hang and asked seriously.

The disciples of Fenxiang Valley waited intently, forming an encircling circle that surrounded Luo Hang's figure.

Fenxiang Valley, one of the three dignified orthodox sects, was forced into by someone, and he was alone?

This made everyone in Fenxiang Valley look angry, feeling like they were being underestimated.

"My goal is very simple. Under the mysterious fire altar, there is a nine-tailed fox being suppressed. My goal is her!"

Luo Hang didn't mean to talk nonsense, and proposed his own purpose!

"You and her are in the same group!?" Hearing this, Yun Yilan questioned!

"I've never seen it before, I was just entrusted by someone!" Luo Hang shook his head and replied.

"This Nine-Tailed Fox has committed a great crime. You want to rescue her. Please forgive our Fenxiang Valley for not agreeing to your request!" Yun Yilan shook her head, naturally she would not agree!

"Why are you hiding your head and showing your tail? Take off your mask!" Shangguan Ce was also beside him, and said to Luo Hang!

"Looks like it won't work if you don't do it!" Luo Hang never expected to impress anyone in Fenxianggu with words, so he sighed inwardly.

He stopped talking nonsense and stretched out his palm.

At the same time, a powerful cultivation emerged and turned into a blood-red giant palm, falling from the sky!

This blood-red giant palm looks full of evil and unknown aura!

"A person in the devil's way, no wonder he wants to hide his head and show his tail!"

Seeing Luo Hang's move, Shangguan Ce's eyes froze!

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