Then, wearing a white dress, an unbelievably beautiful woman with a three-point charm mixed with her exquisite face, walked out of the Xuanhuo Altar!

It was the nine-tailed fox who came out.

After looking at the tragic scene of Fenxiang Valley, at the huge sphere in the sky, of course, I also saw Luohang!

"Okay, the Nine-Tailed Fox has been released, according to the agreement, you should let my disciples go!?" Yun Yilan stared at Luo Hang and asked.

Hearing this, Luo Hang hooked his fingers at Nine-Tailed Fox!

Nine-tailed fox is very smart, from Yun Yilan's words, he understood that it was Luo Hang who rescued him.

With a movement of his body, he flew towards Luohang!

However, Shangguan Ce moved sideways, stood in front of Nine-Tailed Fox, and also stared at Luo Hang: "You let our Fenxianggu disciples go first!"

Well, he was afraid that after the Nine-Tailed Fox passed by, Luo Hang would still kill him!

Luo Hang was silent for a moment, but didn't say much, the ability of Earth Explosion Star was released by itself!

With the release of the ability, the terrible suction has also disappeared.

Without the suppression of Earthburst Star's sealing power, those Fenxianggu disciples who were buried in the soil balls, one by one, released their own ability of Fenxiang Jade Book.

The scorching flames turned the entire sphere into lava, and then, disciples came out of the sphere one by one.

The sphere, which was a thousand meters in diameter, also collapsed and shattered!

Seeing this, Shangguan Ce stepped aside this time, indicating that Nine-Tailed Fox can leave!

However, the Nine-Tailed Fox flew towards Luohang.

Between Yun Yilan's fingers, a bean-sized flame was secretly prepared, and he flicked it.

This ray of flame drew a line of fire in mid-air, and came behind Nine-Tailed Fox in the blink of an eye!

"Master Gu!?" Seeing that Yun Yilan made a move at this time, Shangguan Ce's expression changed.

Obviously did not expect Yun Yilan to make a move at this time?

Isn't this contradictory?

Luo Hang also didn't expect Yun Yilan to sneak attack, raised his hand and shot towards the flame with a sword energy!

Although the cultivation of the two is average, Yun Yilan is already ready to go, and Luo Hang's sword energy is hastily shot, how can this be compared?

The sword energy was directly shattered by the flames, even though the blocked flames were also shattered.

But there were still several fragments that landed on Nine-Tailed Fox's back, making her scream involuntarily!

With a movement of his body, Luo Hang came to Nine-Tailed Fox and supported her, and then saw Yun Yilan's intention to continue to fight.

Luo Hang didn't talk nonsense, he put his arms around the Nine-Tailed Fox with one arm, swiped a few times with the other hand, quickly constructed a magic portal, and disappeared!

Yun Yilan still wanted to make a move, but seeing Luo Hang and Nine-Tailed Fox passed through the magic portal and disappeared in an instant, she froze, staring in midair in disbelief!

"It's so easy to tear apart the void and leave? Well, just how far this guy's ability has reached!"

Although she is also a monk in the Void Returning Realm, seeing the effect of Luohang's magic portal, Yun Yilan was dumbfounded and muttered in a low voice!

Terrible, if the other party used such ability to retaliate against Fenxiang Valley, how could it be resisted?

There is only a thousand days to be a thief, so how can there be a thousand days to guard against a thief? .

Chapter 346: Yun Yilan was instantly killed by one move?

Dripping Blood Cave, Luo Hang came here with the Nine-Tailed Fox in his arms, and instantly swung the portal away!

Only the Dripping Blood Cave is a place where there are no people, so if you are in a hurry to leave a certain place, Luohang will come here reflexively through the structure portal!

"Are you OK?"

Turning over, he looked at the injury on Nine-Tailed Fox's back. The back that was originally as white as jade now had a large area of ​​scorched scars, which looked very scary!

Moreover, even though it was attacked by Yun Yilan, most of it was shattered by Luo Hang's sword energy.

However, the remaining flames are still terrifyingly strong!

"This, the power of this flame is very terrifying, but fortunately, it is not life-threatening..."

The Nine-Tailed Fox looked very weak, and said to Luo Hang at the same time!

No nonsense, Luo Hang stretched out his hand, and the ability of Tianshu followed suit!

The exercises in the Heavenly Book are all-encompassing, and together with the Sacred Heart Art practiced by Luo Hang, it is possible to resurrect the dead.

It's not difficult to just treat the injury!

Although the Sacred Heart Art is only a thing of the martial arts world, but because of Di Shitian, the original martial arts world has been elevated to the level of a fantasy world.

As Di Shitian spent 2000 years creating the Sacred Heart Jue, to be honest, the efficacy of this Sacred Heart Jue is no worse than that of the Heavenly Book!

It can only be said that if the Sacred Heart Jue is a walking tractor, then Tianshu is a Ferrari sports car!

In terms of speed, tractors are of course no match for sports cars!

However, compared to off-road capabilities, the so-called Ferrari sports car is a waste!

The focus is different!

With the operation of Luo Hang's skill, the scorched marks on Jiuwei's back gradually faded a lot, and the injury also recovered by [-]% to [-]%!

"Okay, this is the only way to go, and you need to slowly recuperate later!"

After recovering about [-]% to [-]% of the situation, Luo Hang said to Nine-Tailed Fox!

"What a miraculous ability! In such a short while, my injury has recovered so much!?" Looking at Luohang Nine-Tailed Fox in amazement, he stood up and said!

Although he has not recovered yet, at least there is no problem with normal walking in all aspects.

While speaking, Nine-Tailed Fox looked at the scene of the blood drop hole.

There was no one in the dark dripping blood cave, and it seemed very dead!

"In the blink of an eye, you have reached this point from Fenxiang Valley. Your technique is truly terrifying!"

Although he didn't know where the blood drop hole was, Jiuweihu knew very well that it must be far away from Fenxiang Valley!

"As long as I am willing, the world is only a step away!" Luo Hang said calmly.

Not to mention a world like Zhu Xian, in the Marvel world, the ability of this magic portal can even realize interstellar leaps.

"Amazing, I didn't expect that there is such an existence as you in the world!" Hearing this, and knowing that Luo Hang was not bragging, Nine-Tailed Fox exclaimed!

"Also, why are you wearing a mask all the time? Is there something shameful?" "While speaking, Nine-Tailed Fox looked at Luo Hang wearing a mask and asked again!

"Of course not. The reason why he is wearing a mask is just because he has acquaintances in Fenxiang Valley, and he doesn't want to expose his identity!" Luo Hang said shaking his head.

As soon as the voice fell, he took off his mask!

"very young!"

Looking at Luo Hang's appearance, as a fox demon who has lived for an unknown number of years, the Nine-Tailed Fox can certainly tell that Luo Hang is not just young on the surface, but really very young!

"You, are you really a human race?" So, looking at Luo Hang carefully, the Nine-Tailed Fox asked!

"It is indeed a human race, that's right!" Luo Hang answered in the affirmative!

"But, it's just a human race. At your age, you shouldn't have such a high level of cultivation!" Nine-Tailed Fox then raised his own doubts.

Yes, cultivation is a process of gathering sand to form a tower, and the time of cultivation is very important.

Like Luo Hang, who has such a powerful cultivation base at such a young age, and possesses such powerful supernatural powers, this is simply not something a young human race can obtain!

"Since you opened your mouth until now, you have asked so many questions, but you have never asked me why I saved you!" Luo Hang asked the Nine-Tailed Fox, somewhat dumbfounded.

"Okay, since you want to say something, then I'll ask you a question!" Hearing what Luo Hang said, Nine-Tailed Fox nodded and said!

"Oh, I don't want to talk anymore!" Looking at the appearance of the Nine-Tailed Fox, Luo Hang felt that he had no intention of continuing, so he waved his hands and said.

"Oh, wait..."

Seeing Luo Hang's appearance, the Nine-Tailed Fox was startled, and immediately wanted to stop him!

Aren't you just kidding yourself?As for being so unaffordable?

However, Luo Hang ignored the Nine-Tailed Fox's cry, opened a portal and left the Blood Dropping Cave!

To be honest, Jiuweihu is indeed a super beautiful woman, but so what?

After all, she is a banshee with a big child, more than enough to be her own grandmother.

If that's the case, no matter how beautiful it is, it doesn't matter, does it?

I have already rescued people, and I have fulfilled my previous promise. I even treated the injury of Nine-Tailed Fox, which is the best of humanity!

Dripping Blood Cave, let her figure out a way to cross the Heartless Sea and the Necromancer Abyss to come out!

Of course, there is also the first volume of the Heavenly Book inside.

If she had nothing to do and wandered around the stone room in the Dripping Blood Cave, if she could get it, it would be her own good luck!

Back at Qingyunmen, Luo Hang made some calculations.

The promise on Fenxiang Valley has already been fulfilled, so it seems that there is nothing worth planning for the next self?

There are still about three months to go, so it's time for me to return, right?

So, if you have nothing to worry about, in the next few months, you should practice hard by yourself, which can be regarded as consolidating your cultivation! "Sure enough, as one of the three decent sects of Fenxiang Valley, Yun Yilan is indeed not a righteous person!"

Thinking of what happened in Fenxiang Valley, Luo Hang also thought of Yun Yilan's sneak attack on Nine-Tailed Fox, and silently shook his head!

Yun Yilan in the original book is also highly cultivated and ambitious.

Maybe even bigger than the ghost king's ambition! ?

The purpose of the ghost king is nothing more than to lead the devil way, so that the ghost king's family can reproduce the situation where the black-hearted old man's blood refining hall ruled the whole devil way.

But Yun Yilan's goal is to let Fenxiang Valley rule the whole world, no matter the righteous way or the evil way, all belong to the leader of Fenxiang Valley!

Shaking his head, although Yun Yilan was a little upset about the sneak attack.

However, after all, he did not sneak attack himself.

Besides, this trip to Fenxiang Valley, after all, they lost face.

Therefore, Luo Hang had no intention of taking revenge.

Sitting cross-legged, the mind is placed in the Zen enlightenment of Tianshu.

One's own cultivation is also improving bit by bit!

In my spare time, discuss with Daoxuan, and give Zhang Xiaofan advice on how to practice Renzhuli!It's a very pleasant day!

Luo Hang doesn't know what the other explorers are like now, but his life is very comfortable!

Moreover, so far, in the world of Zhu Xian, I have gained a lot!

First, the five volumes of the Heavenly Book, then his own strength, and the Blood-devouring Orb and the Profound Fire Mirror, the Immortal Medicine and Spirit Stones from the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House, and many of the gains are very huge!

Therefore, since there are already so many harvests, Luo Hang has no intention of continuing to plan anything.

After all, there are not many things worth planning by yourself!

However, just when Luo Hang was preparing to practice hard in Qing Yunmen quietly.

Among the [-] mountains, in an ancient cave for suppressing demons, there were several sneaky figures, but a person was released from it.

A handsome, almost coquettish man in gorgeous silk and satin!

The man walked out of the cave, followed by several figures, looking excitedly at the handsome man in front of him!

". "Great, it succeeded. It actually succeeded. According to the rumors, this is a very powerful existence. If something slips through his fingers, the harvest of my expedition will be huge! ? "Looking at the man in front of him, the explorer was very excited!

"What do you want?" The man dressed in silk and satin, handsome enough to be almost coquettish, asked calmly!

"As long as it is given by you, I will not dislike it!" Several men bowed their heads and said respectfully!

"Wait, someone is here..." He opened his mouth and was about to speak, when suddenly, the alluring man said this, then looked to the sky and stopped talking!

Sure enough, not long after, a figure appeared and flew towards this side.

Looking at his target, it is obviously the town of Mogu Cave!

However, when this figure arrived, his eyes fell on the coquettish man, and his expression changed in shock.

It looked like he had seen something incredible.

Immediately, he decisively turned around and ran for his life!

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