(Dead Zhao) "Since you're here, don't rush to leave. It just so happens that I have some questions to clarify!"

Seeing the figure turn and leave, the man said, and immediately raised his hand to grab him!

A scorching and huge aura emerged, without any reservation of his own cultivation, a large condensed amber flame appeared in the palm of his hand.

This figure directly threw the flame towards the back!

The alluring man turned a blind eye to the flame, and directly raised his hand to catch the figure!

The amber flame was nothing in front of this man, it was directly shattered by his white palm!

Then, the palm directly grabbed the opponent's neck!

"Brother Hang, are you ready to practice next?"

"Nonsense, Brother Hang has already harvested a lot, and the five volumes of the Heavenly Book have been collected. There must not be many things that Brother Hang can take a fancy to, right?"

"Okay, it's done, now we just need to wait for Brother Hang to return successfully!"

"Hold the grass, something happened, something big happened!"

"What's the matter? What happened?"

"I was in another live broadcast room and saw another explorer release a terrifying existence!"

"A terrible existence? How terrible can it be?"

"Yun Yilan, the owner of Fenxiang Valley, remember? He was instantly killed by the opponent with one move!"


Chapter 347: Birth of the Beast God

The Dragon Country audience, hearing these words, all took a breath of cold air!

Not long ago, everyone witnessed Luo Hang's battle in Fenxiang Valley.

The power of the Yun Yilan valley master has reached the point of returning to the void after practicing the spirit.

In a one-on-one battle, even if Luo Hang wanted to defeat Yun Yilan, it would not be so easy.

Although the technique of burning incense and jade book is not born out of the heavenly scriptures, it is still the top technique in the whole world! ?

But?Now Yun Yilan was killed by one move?

There is such a terrifying existence in this world! ?

Shocked, the audience of Dragon Kingdom immediately asked about the situation.

Some people have even gone to live broadcast studios abroad to watch it!Look at that strong man who instantly killed Yun Yilan with one move, what is it like!

"What are you here for?"

In the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, a handsome man in silk and satin pinched Yun Yilan's neck with his white palm, and asked calmly!

"I, I came here to release you!" Yun Yilan said with difficulty with a very ugly expression!

"Let me go? Are you practicing incense and jade books? Your purpose is to guard the entrance and exit of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, right? Will you come and let me go?" the handsome man asked noncommittally!

"What I say is the truth!" Yun Yilan's old face was full of eagerness.

"What's the reason? What's the reason?" The man was silent for a moment, then asked sharply!

Since what Yun Yilan said about him is the truth, let this handsome man just believe him!

However, I don't believe that he would really let himself out for no reason!

"I want you to sweep the world, wipe out the two ways of righteousness and evil, and then I will deal with you again, so as to achieve the goal of unifying the world!"

After Yun Yilan remained silent for a while, she told the truth!

"It seems that you Fenxiang Valley have a backhand to deal with me?" The handsome man followed suit!

That's right, let yourself go to sweep away the righteous and evil ways, but in the end you come to solve yourself?

Then why didn't he directly deal with the righteous and evil ways?

It must be that Fenxiang Valley does not have such ability, but, does it have the means to restrain itself?

"This..." Upon hearing this, Yun Yilan fell silent.

Of course I don't want to say the means I used to restrain and deal with it!

"Okay, it doesn't matter what kind of method it is..."

However, just when everyone thought that this handsome man was going to ask how to restrain him, the man suddenly let go of his hand and said with a look of indifference!

This action stunned Yun Yilan, stunned the explorers next to him, and stunned all the people in the live broadcast room!

Knowing that others have prepared ways to restrain him, but he doesn't care so much?

This is the self-confidence of peace, is self-confidence to the point of contempt for everything?

"After staying in the ancient cave of Zhenmo for so long, I don't know much about the situation in the world today. Since you want me to wipe out the two ways of righteousness and evil, shouldn't you tell me about the situation in the world today?" How about an introduction?"

The handsome man looked at Yun Yilan and asked!

"It's only natural..." Yun Yilan said, telling the other party about the current situation in the world.

Especially some time ago, I told about the situation of the war between righteousness and evil!

"Hold the grass, sure enough, that Yun Yilan was completely crushed, like a mouse seeing a cat!"

"Then Yun Yilan actually wants to use that man's power to sweep away the world's righteous and evil sects, and that's it? He's actually the head of one of the three great sects!?"

"Who is this handsome and coquettish man? Yun Yilan thinks he has the ability to sweep away the evil and righteous? Isn't this invincible in the world!?"

"I, I have a terrible idea!"

"Upstairs? What's your idea? Tell me!?"

"Do you still remember that Brother Hang once said that his strength is the second in the world?"

"Hiss, could it be? Is this person number one in the world?"

"Yun Yilan's strength, everyone has seen it, even if it is not as good as Brother Hang, it is not far behind, but this man has the ability to kill Yun Yilan in seconds..."

"Here, Brother Hang is really not his opponent!"

"In this world, the water is too deep, right? There is such a powerful existence!?"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, after learning about what happened on the Shiwan Dashan side, many viewers were barraged endlessly.

And the atmosphere of the discussion was extremely dignified!

Originally, I thought that Luo Hang's strength was the best in this world.

Who would have thought that there was such a terrifying existence on the other side of the Hundred Thousand Mountains! ?

However, Luo Hang certainly didn't know about the situation on the other side of Shiwan Dashan.

At this time, he is still quietly cultivating in Qingyun Sect!

Fenxiang Valley is located at the entrance and exit from Shiwanda Mountain to the Central Plains.

Now, Yun Yilan and the Beast God from the Hundred Thousand Mountains have united, and the Beast God led the murderous army into the Central Plains, so naturally they drove straight in!

One by one, the orcs with the heads of beasts and brutal nature, under the control of the beast god, began to sweep the Central Plains!

First came the Hehuan faction, Mrs. Sanmiao was killed easily, and the Hehuan faction was wiped out!

Then there is the Hall of Eternal Life!As Yuyangzi was easily destroyed by the beast god, Changshengtang also disappeared in smoke!

As for the Wandumen?

Forget it, since the war between good and evil a few days ago, the Wandumen has existed in name only.

Next, the army of orcs marched in the direction of Ghost King Zong!

On the other side, at Qingyunmen, Daoxuan sat on the main hall of the master (bcfj), with a solemn expression, he summoned the other leaders of the peaks, as well as Luohang and Zhang Xiaofan!

"Master Luo, do you know what happened?" Zhang Xiaofan sat beside Luo Hang and asked in a low voice!

"Just look at it!" Luo Hang said calmly.

In fact, Luo Hang himself had 1 doubts in his heart!

According to what I know, after the end of the War of Righteousness and Demons, there shouldn't be any major events happening in the world of Jade Immortals in the past few years, right?

However, the head of Daoxuan summoned all his people here on purpose?

This is obviously something very important to say!

"Everyone, there is a very important thing to call you here today!"

Seeing that everyone was here, Daoxuan said with a condensed expression, "Just half a month ago, the Hehuan Sect was destroyed! Five days ago, the Changshengtang was also destroyed!" "Oh? This is Good thing!" Hearing this, Master Cangsong was the first to express his opinion!

The other Fengmai people looked at each other for the first time, with smiles on their faces!

Indeed, in such a short while, the two demon sects have been wiped out.

This is indeed good news for Zhengdao! "Everyone, don't rush to be happy!"

However, looking at the appearance of Daoxuan Cangsong, Daoxuan said: "The person who destroyed these two sects is a monster who came out of the [-] mountains!" "Monster!?" said, looking at each other.

Everyone is familiar with monsters, but what does monster mean?

"According to the information, these monsters are all vicious and cruel. They are not pure monsters, but a group of monsters!" Daoxuan continued to explain!

These words stunned all of you Fengmai leaders!

A demon, or a pure beast form like the Blackwater Profound Snake!

Or someone like Nine-Tailed Fox who can transform into a human form!

Half human, half demon?Never heard of this!

"Monster!?" Hearing Daoxuan's narration, Luo Hang's heart moved slightly, and he had an idea!

According to Zhu Xian's original work, the beasts in the Hundred Thousand Mountains were originally the purest beasts.

However, until some time later, these beasts mutated and became half-human, half-beast monsters, right?

Moreover, the mutation of these monsters is due to the beast god.

However, shouldn't the Beast God be suppressed in the ancient cave of suppressing demons at this time?It was far from being released so early, right?

"Elder Luo...?"

Just when Luo Hang was secretly surprised and thinking about it, Dao Xuan next to him turned his head and set his eyes on Luo Hang!

"Master!" Hearing this, Luo Hang restrained his thoughts and nodded towards Daoxuan.

"What was Elder Luo thinking just now? About these monsters? Does Elder Luo know anything?"

Daoxuan opened his mouth and asked Luo Hang!

At the same time, the other leaders of the peak also set their sights on Luo Hang!

These people are well aware of Luo Hang's ability to calculate the past and the future.

Because of his ability before, he solved the truth of the tragedy in Caomiao Village.

He also revealed the secret of Master Cangsong's collusion with the Demonic Dao in advance.

Even the news that Wan Jianyi was still alive was revealed by him.

His calculation ability is simply the strongest intelligence ability in the world!

What now?

Can he know the situation of these monsters now?

"Well, yes, I have a rough idea of ​​the situation of these monsters!" Luo Hang nodded and replied!

After staying in Qingyunmen for so long, Luo Hang has a sense of belonging to Qingyunmen.

If the beast god was really born, Luo Hang thinks it's better to let Qing Yunmen take precautions in advance!

"Oh? Where did these monsters come from, and how did they appear?"

Hearing Luo Hang's answer, he really knew it. Everyone in the Qingyun sect showed joy on their faces. .

Chapter 348: Talking About the Past and Present Life of the Beast God

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