Everyone in the Qingyun Sect is staring at Luo Hang curiously at this moment, waiting for his answer!

Not only the people from Qingyun Sect, but all the audience in the Longguo live broadcast room were slightly relieved at this moment, and they were also staring at Luo Hang!

Since Brother Hang already knew about the situation of the Beast God, that's good!

I was afraid that he would encounter such a terrifying and powerful enemy without knowing anything~ah!

"Actually, to talk about beast gods, we have to start from ancient times..."

Luo Hang opened his mouth, ready to spoil the situation about the Beast God.

It's just like the one who spoiled the Caomiao Village tragedy back then, if you don't say it, if you want to say it, then of course you should say it clearly!

"A long time ago, there was a witch named Linglong in Southern Border. She was the most powerful witch in the history of Southern Border, bar none!"

"At that time, the witch felt the short lifespan of human beings, so, in order to study the method of longevity, she gathered the hostility from the world and created a life."

"This life is the Beast God!"

"This beast god was born with the hostility of heaven and earth. It is immortal. No one can kill it. It is truly immortal..."

Luo Hang opened his mouth and explained in detail the ins and outs of the birth of the Linglong Witch and the Beast God!

"Immortal?" Everyone in the Qingyun Sect looked at Luo Hang in horror, and Master Cangsong couldn't help asking.

"That's right, because it is born of the hostility of heaven and earth, so this beast god is indeed immortal, even the Linglong witch who created her has no way to kill him!"

Luo Hang nodded, and said with certainty!

After receiving this answer, all the members of Qing Yunmen looked at each other in blank dismay, with shocked expressions on their faces!

Although I already knew that this so-called beast god should be very powerful, but the immortal body?This is a bit scary!

I looked around and saw that everyone was shocked, but no one continued to ask questions.

Luo Hang also opened his mouth and continued the topic he just said: "Later, after many years of getting along, there was also a relationship between the Linglong witch and the beast god. This is the relationship between a man and a woman..."

"The love between men and women? The beast god, shouldn't it be human?" Master Shuiyue asked!

"Not bad!" Luo Hang nodded.

Born of the hostile energy of heaven and earth, also known as the beast god, this is naturally not a human being.

"Is this between humans and beasts? Really, really..." Master Shuiyue murmured.

For a while, it seems that I can't think of suitable words to describe what I want to say.

"Also, in a sense, the Beast God was created by Linglong Miko, right? In a certain sense, the Beast God is like her child, but she is actually with her own child..."

Uncle Zeng who was next to him also spoke, and said with a look of amazement on his face!

Daoxuan next to him looked a little dark, what happened to his younger brother and younger sister?

Is this point of concern wrong?

Although between the beauty and the beast, and between the beauty and her own child, although, it is really exciting to think about it...

But now, the focus should not be on this aspect, right?

"Okay, Elder Luo, don't pay attention to the two of them, just keep talking!" Daoxuan saw Luo Hang's expression was a bit weird, and shouted at Luo Hang!

Nodding his head, Luo Hang continued to speak, and said, "Later, the thought of getting rid of the beast god was actually born in Linglong Miko's heart!"

"After all, when I am alive, I can still control him, but what if I die?"

"Such an incomparably powerful guy is also immortal. If there is a life in the future, no one will be able to subdue him!"

"So, after the development, it will be the battle between Linglong witches and beast gods!"

"As for those monsters? They were born from the miasma formed by the Beast God's own hostility, which soaked many creatures in the Hundred Thousand Mountains!"

"An earth-shattering battle, even the witches paid with their own lives, but the beast god was successfully sealed!"

Luo Hang told the Qingyunmen all the things he knew about the situation of the Beast God!

And hearing everything about the Beast God in ancient times, everyone in Qingyunmen secretly sighed in their hearts.

No one thought that such an epic story would happen to the Beast God!

It's just that, although I secretly sighed in my heart about these things that happened to the beast god, I thought of the recent situation where the beast god endangered the human world.

The faces of everyone in Qingyunmen are also very ugly!

Although the current Beast God is leading the army of monsters, the main purpose is to target the Demonic Dao.

However, Qingyun Sect is very clear that pure magic can't satisfy the other party's appetite.

After the evil way is destroyed, the target of the beast god will inevitably switch to the head of the righteous way!

"Is it born of the hostility of heaven and earth, immortal? If so, how can we deal with it!"

"That's right, the Beast God is so powerful that he is still alive. Isn't this invincible?"

"Back then, the most powerful witch also paid the price of her life to seal it?"

All the leaders of the Qingyun sect, you look at me, I look at yours, all of them have dignified expressions on their faces!

It is really the immortality of this beast god, which really makes people feel a little desperate!

"Actually, you don't need to do this. The beast god in the past was indeed immortal, but he is different now!"

Looking at the appearances of the leaders of the Qingyun Sect, Luo Hang said!

"Oh? What do you mean!?" Luo Hang's words made everyone in the Qingyun Sect seem to be grasping at straws!

"Today's Beast God, he is no longer a monster, but a human being!" Luo Hang replied!

"Human? How could that be!?" The words came out, and everyone present looked at each other again, with stunned expressions on their faces!

Didn't it mean that the Beast God was born from the hostility of heaven and earth, an immortal existence?

Now, how could he become a human again?

"All of this is also the existence of the Linglong Priestess. The Linglong Priestess finally used her own body as the body of the beast god. Therefore, after the beast god has a human body, it is no longer a monster, but a human being!" Luo Hang said.

"So that's how it is!" Hearing what Luo Hang said, the high-ranking members of Qingyun Sect looked relieved!

Now that the Beast God has become a human, does this mean that he can be killed?

This is indeed good news for everyone!

"Senior brothers and sisters, next, we are all ready to meet the enemy!"

Thinking about it with your toes, you can know that the day when the Beast God attacks Qingyun Sect is not far away, Daoxuan opened his mouth and said!

He nodded heavily, and then, the leaders of these peaks, you said something, and I said something, and they also discussed together how to deal with the next catastrophe of Qingyunmen! ...ask for flowers.

How the Qingyun sect arranged to meet the enemy, Luo Hang couldn't get in the way, so he didn't mean to get in the way!

As the chiefs of the peak line taught their disciples to prepare for the battle, the atmosphere of the entire Qingyun sect was tense for a while.

Of course, many people were secretly surprised!

The four major demon sects joined forces before, and they are no longer Qing Yunmen's opponents.

Now, what kind of opponent would dare to come to Qingyunmen to act wildly?

After thinking about it, I don't know who the opponent who dares to come is!

Not to mention the resistance from Qingyunmen.

On the other hand, after a very tenacious resistance, coupled with the ghost king who has collected two volumes of heavenly scriptures, his cultivation base has also reached the point of practicing gods and returning to the void, the resistance of the ghost king sect is still very strong!

But it's a pity that such resistance is nothing in front of the army of beast gods and monsters!

In addition to his own strength, the Beast God also has the ability to control all beasts in the world.

Along the way, many beasts have been transformed by his power and turned into half-human, half-beast monsters, increasing the number of monsters under his command! . …0.…

As for how powerful the Beast God is?

There are ancient strange beasts, such as the Kui ox, the black water snake, the yellow bird, the glutton, etc., and so on!

And Taotie, one of the ancient beasts, is just the beast god's pet.

The power of this beast god can be seen!

In the end, the ghost king used his own life to open an escape channel for Baguio.

With tears in her eyes, Bi Yao left the ghost king's sect and ran for her life!

"Forget it, one or two fish slipped through the net, nothing serious!"

Regarding Baguio's escape, Beast God didn't care, and said casually.

The army of monsters who originally wanted to chase after him was ordered to stop, and none of the monsters dared to chase Baguio.

After escaping from the Ghost King Sect, Baguio looked back.

The Ghost King Sect has been completely reduced to a lair of monsters, thinking that the Ghost King Sect was destroyed just like that.

Even her father died, and Biguio felt a little lost for a while, she didn't know where to go!

In this way, after two days of ignorance, Baguio found that she had come to Qingyunmen before she knew it!

The so-called inconsistency between good and evil, but now that the evil way has almost disappeared, this discourse of inconsistency between good and evil seems to have become a joke!

After pondering for a moment, Baguio came towards Qingyun Gate!

"Princess of the Ghost King Sect, Baguio? Why are you coming to my Qingyun Sect!?"

The mountain guard disciple of Qingyunmen, of course, recognized Biguio, and asked!

"You go to inform Luo Hang, and tell him that the Ghost King Sect has been destroyed, and the four major sects of the Demon Dao are gone now, so let him be careful, maybe the next stop of the monster army will be here!" Bi Yao opened his mouth and said to the disciple guarding the mountain.

Although he doesn't have a good opinion of Zhengdao, Luohang is an exception.

The Ghost King Sect was indeed destroyed, but Bi Yao felt that it would be better for him to remind Luo Hang first!

After saying this, Baguio quickly turned around and left because he was afraid that the people from Qingyun Sect would attack him!

As for the two guarding disciples of Qingyun Sect, they looked at each other and knew that they were not qualified to catch Baguio.

Therefore, I had no choice but to turn around and inform Elder Luo Hang!corpse.

Chapter 349: Albatron Gate Experienced a Portal

"Baguio? The Ghost King Sect has been destroyed? Where is she!?"

Qing Yun Sect, upon hearing the news from Baguio, Luo Hang hurriedly asked!

"Miss Baguio has already left!" the disciple of Qing Yun Sect replied.

"Alas..." Hearing this, Luo Hang secretly sighed in his heart!

Although Luo Hang is unwilling to have any kind of sexual intercourse with a woman who is exploring another world.

However, when the Ghost King Sect was destroyed, Bi Yao didn't forget to come to Qing Yun Sect to report the news to him, Luo Hang was still very moved!

After thinking about it, Luo Hang found Daoxuan, and told Daoxuan the news that the Ghost King Sect had been destroyed!

Hearing the news that the Ghost King Sect had been destroyed, Daoxuan's face became much more serious!

The situation where the beast god led many monsters to attack is a bit too fierce!

In just such a short while, have the four major sects of the Demon Dao, even the strongest Ghost King Sect, been wiped out?

The heads of the seven peaks gathered together again to discuss the news of the destruction of the Ghost King Sect.

And this news really shocked everyone!

"Next, which one will the Beast God attack? Our Qingyun Sect? Or Tianyin Temple, or Fenxiang Valley?" Shang Zhengliang asked.

"I don't know about this!" Tian Buyi shook his head and said!

That's right, the magic way has been destroyed in "[-]", and no one believes that the Beast God will really stop just like that.

Next, it is bound to attack the Zhengdao sect, right?

But which of the three righteous sects would he choose first?

While talking, the gazes of these heads finally fell on Luo Hang!

Obviously, Luo Hang has the ability to predict the future.

Therefore, in the face of such a situation, these heads want to hear Luo Hang's opinion!

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