Even Daoxuan was no exception, staring at Luo Hang seriously!

"So, whenever you have a question, you can ask me. Have they already formed such a habit?"

Being stared at by these heads, Luo Hang sighed silently in his heart!

However, he still opened his mouth and said, "First of all, Fenxianggu can be ruled out!"

"Why!?" Hearing this, Daoxuan and the others asked in surprise!

"Don't forget, the location of Fenxiang Valley is located at the entrance and exit of Shiwan Dashan. The Beast God can lead a large army of monsters to attack the Central Plains. Did you ever get the news that Fenxiang Valley was destroyed?"

Luo Hang asked back to the leaders of the peaks!

These words made the complexions of all the peak masters sink, but they were speechless!

Although he didn't want to admit it, Luo Hang's words were indeed reasonable!

"Elder Luo, do you mean that Fenxiang Valley has turned to darkness and surrendered to the beast god?" Daoxuan asked Luo Hang!

"More precisely, it should be said that the beast gods may have been released by Valley Master Yun Yilan. As far as I know, Old Valley Master Yun is very ambitious and hopes to rule the entire world!"

Luo Hang opened his mouth and said to Daoxuan and the others!

Yun Yilan in the original book really had such thoughts!

Moreover, when he was fighting in Fenxiang Valley, Yun Yilan actually backtracked on attacking Nine-Tailed Fox.

It can be seen that Yun Yilan is not like other righteous people!

"This, this..." Hearing Luo Hang's evaluation of Yun Yilan, everyone in the Qingyun Sect looked at each other with a little astonishment on their faces.

No one expected that Yun Yilan's behavior would be like this!

But relatively speaking, these people from Qing Yunmen naturally trust Luo Hang more!

Moreover, what Luo Hang said made sense.

All the monsters from the Hundred Thousand Mountains came out, but they never heard of the destruction of Fenxiang Valley, which is enough to explain a lot of problems!

"So, what about Tianyin Temple and Qingyunmen? What does Elder Luo think?"

So, after a moment of silence, Tian Buyi next to him asked!

"Probably, it should be Tianyin Temple!" After glancing at Tian Buyi, Luo Hang followed suit!

"Why!?" Hearing this, the other chiefs of the peak became curious again!

"Judging from the destruction of the four major sects of the Demonic Dao, the Acacia Sect was the first to be attacked by the Beast God. It was originally a sect dominated by women, followed by the Changshengtang, and finally the strongest Ghost King Sect!"

"It can be seen that the idea of ​​the beast god should be to eliminate the weak first, and then concentrate on dealing with the strongest!"

"Between Tianyin Temple and Qingyunmen, I think our Qingyunmen's strength is better!"

Luo Hang opened his mouth and put forward his own idea!

This thought of Luo Hang made the heads of the seven peaks look at each other, exchanged glances, and felt that what Luo Hang said was indeed reasonable!

Thinking about it in their own shoes, it seems that the weak ones should be cleared first, and the strength should be preserved in the end to deal with the strongest ones!

"So, shall we support Tianyin Temple?" Taoist Tianyun asked!

"If it's support, it's time to support it all. Otherwise, it's just a part of the people. There is no objection, right? The force is scattered for nothing, and the beast gods can defeat each one!" Zeng Shuchang said!

"But if they came out in full force, why did the Beast God divert to Qingyunmen?" Master Cangsong asked, raising a concern!

Indeed, if all the supporters came out to support, wouldn't Qing Yunmen give it to the other party for nothing!

But it doesn't make sense to just allocate part of the force to support it!

"It's not a big problem!" Luo Hang said after hearing the discussions of these peak leaders and their concerns.

"Oh? Elder Luo, do you have any plans?" Daoxuan and the others looked at Luo Hang in surprise again.

Knew it!At critical times, Elder Luo Hang is indeed very trustworthy!

"I have a trick that can tear apart the void and connect any two places in the world, and it can be maintained stably for a long time!" Luo Hang opened his mouth, revealing the ability of his magic portal!

This remark made Daoxuan happy!

He had seen the mirrored space with his own eyes before, and even his attainments in the void had already reached the point of shocking the world!

Now, does he still have such ability?

It seems that I have heard that Elder Luo does have such a magic trick?

"Since that's the case, please ask Elder Luo to cast a spell. I'll get in touch with Tianyin Temple as soon as possible!" Hearing Luo Hang's words, Master Shuiyue hurriedly said!

"Okay!" Without any hesitation, Luo Hang nodded, and immediately walked out of the main hall!

Even if the magic portal is to be opened, of course it cannot be opened in the main hall.

Luo Hang came to the square outside the Sect Master's main hall, then stretched out his hand, and drew a few circles in the void!

What I visualized in my mind was the square on the other side of Tianyin Temple!

At the same time, the atmosphere at Tianyin Temple is also very dignified!

Of course, Tianyin Temple also knows the news about the Acacia faction, Changshengtang and Ghost King Sect where the beast gods destroyed the demon way!

Next, whether the army of beast gods will attack Tianyin Temple or Qingyun Gate, these monks in Tianyin Temple are also uncertain!

Facing such a force as the army of beast gods, Tianyin Temple also has the intention to join forces with Qingyunmen!

As for Fenxiang Valley?

After all, it is too far away. Although it is also known as the righteous school, it does not belong to the forces of the Central Plains!

However, I don't know the next attack direction of the army of beast gods. Is Tianyin Temple going out to support Qingyunmen?

Or did the Qingyun Sect come out in full force to support Tianyin Temple?

Nobody can make up their minds!

"Oh, catastrophe, this one is truly catastrophe!" Master Pukong said with a long sigh!

"Amitabha, the previous Puhong came from ten years later, and said that our Tianyin Temple will suffer a catastrophe. It seems that he is referring to this time!" Master Pude next to him also spoke! "It's just that although we have obtained the expansion of Wuzi Yubi's skills, the time is too short! After only a few months of practice, the overall improvement is not that great!"

Puhong also spoke, and let out a long sigh!

"These are not problems. Let's think about how to get in touch with Qingyunmen and how to join forces to deal with those monsters. If it doesn't work, why don't we just come out from Tianyin Temple and Qingyunmen and take the initiative?"

Pukong next to him spoke again, and suggested!

Needless to say, Pukong's proposal made the high-level officials of Tianyin Temple a little bit moved!

Think about it carefully, although passive defense can occupy a geographical advantage...

However, if you take the initiative to fight, it seems that you can take the initiative?

At least, avoid being defeated by those monster beast armies one by one, right?

"Abbot, abbot..." Just as the senior officials of Tianyin Temple were thinking about countermeasures and feeling distressed, at this moment, a disciple hurried in!

"What's the matter? So urgent?" Abbot Puhong asked!

"The gate of time and space, that gate of time and space has appeared again!" The disciple said hurriedly!

The gate of time and space?Isn't it the door that I left ten years later?

Hearing this, Puhong suddenly got up!

The other high-level officials of Tianyin Temple also looked at each other in dismay, exchanged glances, and immediately walked out in a hurry!

Sure enough, in the square outside, countless small sparks formed a big circle, like a giant gate, and the scene inside the gate was completely different!

Immediately afterwards, led by Daoxuan of Qingyunmen, the head of the seven peaks and others passed through the magic portal and came directly to the square of Tianyin Temple!

"Uh, it's everyone from Qingyunmen!?"

Seeing that the person who came out of the so-called gate of time and space was actually a person from Qingyunmen, not Master Puhong ten years later in 5.9, the senior officials of Tianyin Temple were stunned!

However, no matter who it is, this is good news, at least it is a friendly army, not an enemy, right?

"This supernatural power is really unparalleled in the world. No matter how far the distance is, it is only a step away!"

After passing through the magic portal of Luohang structure, the leaders of Qingyunmen feel even more shocked!

You were still at Qingyunmen just now, and you can come to Tianyin Temple in the blink of an eye?

Such supernatural powers, if you don't feel it yourself, it is really unbelievable!

"Amitabha, I have met the head of Daoxuan, I have met all of you..."

Although he was somewhat puzzled, Master Puhong still greeted the people from Qingyunmen coming over, and offered to greet him!

"Abbot Puhong has given you a courtesy!" Daoxuan also returned the gift!

"How did you open this door of time and space? Did you also come from the future?" Pu Hong asked.

"Ah!?" Hearing this, everyone in the Qingyun Sect looked at each other in amazement.

Immediately, set your sights on Luo Hang!

"Master, this is when I traveled around the world. A masked eminent monk taught me supernatural powers, saying that I can build a portal to go to any time and any place." "Unfortunately, my understanding is limited. Can travel through space, but not time!" Luo Hang replied that he had already prepared a draft.

Chapter 350: Luo Hang is "greater than" the Beast God "greater than" Zhang Xiaofan

"Brother Hang, Niu B! A magic portal perfectly solves the possibility of Tianyin Temple and Qingyun Gate being destroyed by the Beast God!"

"With this stable portal, Tianyin Temple and Qingyunmen seem to be connected as one!"

"There is really a sense of déjà vu that the teleportation point of the online game is opened!"

"However, Brother Hang pretended to be the abbot of Puhong ten years later. When he left, he used the magic portal. Now that he has constructed it again, will this be exposed!?"

"Don't say it, it is indeed possible. However, since Brother Hang has done what he did, he should have thought about it!"

"That is, it depends on how Brother Hang will fool you, er, how to explain it to the people of Tianyin Temple!"

"Sure enough, the people from Tianyin Temple asked a question!"

"My own aptitude is limited, so this supernatural power can only span space, not time?"

"Hahaha, my brother Hang is awesome, just such an explanation does not seem like an explanation, let the people of Tianyin Temple make up their own brains!"

"Earlier, Brother Hang said that Tianyin Temple would suffer a catastrophe. Now that the beast god is born, doesn't it just prove what Brother Hang said?"

"Brother Hang's transformation technique pretends to be someone else who travels from the future, and then uses his calculation ability to tell the future. Absolutely, this cooperation is simply perfect!"

"Look, the people in Tianyin Temple looked at each other in dismay, as if they were suddenly enlightened, hahaha, what did they suddenly realize? Did they think it was the future Puhong, and taught Brother Hang this trick by the way?"

"Brother Hang also asked, is that masked monk from Tianyin Temple, and do the people of Tianyin Temple know something? Hahaha, the people of Tianyin Temple don't want to reveal it, so they don't know? You're laughing so hard! "

12 Longguo live broadcast room, following Luo Hang's perspective, seeing Luo Hang's understatement cleared his suspicion.

The audience in the live broadcast room, who were delighted to see it, also admired Luo Hang's wit!

Don't need to explain too much, just throw out a little information, and say that you don't know, let the people in Tianyin Temple make up their own brains!

The things they made up in their own brains naturally made them believe even more.

This is much better than Luo Hang's own explanation.

Next, Daoxuan and Abbot Puhong had a good discussion about dealing with the monster army!

With this portal kept open, Tianyin Temple and Qingyun Gate are directly, if not completely connected.

Whether it is attacking Tianyin Temple or Qingyunmen, they can organize an effective defense!

Just when Tianyin Temple and Qingyunmen were discussing how to fight against the army of monsters, the Beast God really wanted to sweep the world. After a good rest, he was triggered again from the Ghost King Sect, targeting Tianyin Temple here!

After detecting the movement of the army of monsters, the Qingyunmen came out in full force, and came to Tianyin Temple through the portal!

All the disciples of Qingyunmen felt the magic of this magic portal, and they all secretly marveled in their hearts!

As expected of Elder Luo, the cultivation base of this method is simply amazing!

On the Tianyin Temple side, the monks from Tianyin Temple are at the front as the first line of defense!

And behind them are the disciples of Qing Yunmen, each of them has prepared magic weapons and Taoism for long-range attacks!

The two sects are completely united, and the defenses laid down are like iron barrels!

It's not that they sent some disciples to support Qing Yunmen like before.

This time, with the help of the portal, the people from Qingyunmen and Tianyin Temple were completely united.

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