Looking at the living environment here, my own home is simply incomparable!

Then, Sam pulled out several of his own items!

Although Sam in the original book looks a little nerdy and silly, but sometimes he is quite clever.

Talking, mainly Luo Hang!

Luo Hang showed interest in several other products, touched this one, touched that one, and asked a few questions from time to time!

Then, in terms of price, let's have a good discussion!

Of the seven or eight items brought over, except for a pair of eyes, Luo Hang expressed his willingness to buy them all!

"Hey, sir, you wait..."

The price of everything has been negotiated, and Luo Hang is willing to pay the bill readily.

However, he was not interested in a pair of glasses. Sam tried his best to sell them, saying: "This pair of glasses..."

"It's broken!" Before Sam finished speaking, Luo Hang interrupted him!

"However, he once followed my grandfather to the South Pole, he has seen..." Sam was unmoved and continued to sell.

"But, it's broken, a pair of broken glasses is worthless!" Luo Hang said!

"Sir, you see, you have bought all your things, but this pair of eyes has been kept. It is like a set of things. If you keep one piece, it will not be a complete set." "You Think about it, what kind of mood is this eye? It must be very sad, right?" Sam used his eloquence and tried his best to sell Luo Hang!

"This..." Hearing this, Luo Hang's expression showed a hint of hesitation at the right time!

Seeing the hesitant look on Luo Hang's face, Sam became even more motivated, and he sold with all his might.

It looks like you won't give up until you sell it!

"Well, how much did you just say about this pair of glasses?" Helplessly, Luo Hang let go!

"Sir, you are so kind, it only needs 120 dollars, no, 100 dollars, it is yours!" Sam said seriously!

"Okay, pay!" Nodding his head, Luo Hang immediately turned his head and said to the rich man beside him!

Regal readily took out a stack of brand new beautiful knives!

"Thank you, thank you, sir, you are such a good person..." Joyfully took the stack of beautiful knives and counted them carefully, Sam happily said to Luo Hang!

"Don't say I'm a good person, in my opinion, issuing a good person card means cursing!" Luo Hang's face darkened, and he said to Sam angrily!

"Okay, I'm sorry, sir, you are not a good person, you are a villain, you are the biggest villain in the world!" Hearing Luo Hang's words, Sam immediately changed the topic and said.

Luo Hang's face turned dark, and he waved his hand, motioning for Sam to leave!

Sam immediately shut up, then turned and left! …ask for flowers.

Sam left, while Luo Hang picked up the broken glasses and left as well!

Following Luo Hang's departure, the rich man's eyes quickly regained clarity.

Then he looked around with a dazed face, and was a little dumbfounded when he looked at the things on the table! "This, what kind of rubbish is this? Me, what happened to me?"

Scratching his head, he threw away all the rubbish on the table. Fu Hao only felt as if he had lost a piece of memory. There are fragments in this memory! "Hahaha, Brother Hang, it's so funny, I obviously want someone else's glasses, but in the end I just act like I don't want the same!"

"That guy named Sam looks very smart, and his eloquence is also good. It's a pity not to be a salesman, but he was still played by our brother Hang in the applause!" "He still walked away triumphantly, I thought I had successfully sold the glasses, but I didn’t know that it was actually the only thing our Brother Hang wanted!” “However, why does Brother Hang need those glasses?”

"I don't know about this, but since Brother Hang wants it, he will naturally have his own ideas. Anyway, we'll be fine after watching it!"

 … 0

"Yes, Brother Hang spent so much effort and made hundreds of shadow clones just to get this pair of glasses, it must have an important role!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, the barrage of many viewers started to discuss.

At the beginning, Sam was talking about Luohang's routine, and he successfully purchased the glasses from him.

Immediately afterwards, the focus of these discussions became to discuss the purpose of Luo Hang's acquisition of glasses!

Yes, it took so much effort to get the glasses, what is the purpose?

At this time, everyone felt very curious!

After getting the glasses, what will Luo Hang do next?

However, under the watchful eyes of all Dragon Country audiences, Luo Hang's next operation made them all unable to understand!

Because, Luo Hang actually registered an account on the online shopping platform.

Then, hang up the glasses that you just got with great difficulty, and sell them online.

And the price listed is as high as 10000 US dollars!

This operation can be regarded as making the audience dumbfounded!

what's the situation?Why did Luo Hang put up the glasses that he just got for sale?

and?It even listed a price of [-] US dollars.

You know, in this era, the price of [-] dollars is enough to buy a very good car!

On the other side, Sam happily returned to his home, followed the Internet, and took off all the products he had posted!

However, after it was taken off the shelf, he saw Luo Hang's glasses again!

"This, this ten thousand dollars? A real guy? Is it too exaggerated? Is that person crazy?"

Looking at the glasses that had just been put on the shelves, which happened to be the glasses that Suicide had just forced the other party to buy, Sam was dumbfounded!

After thinking about it, Sam shook his head, regardless of him, it is his freedom to hang up how much money.

However, with such a tattered pair, it is extremely difficult to sell it for a hundred dollars, and the lips are worn out.

Now?The other party actually wanted to sell it for $[-]?

This is absolutely impossible!

If the other party can really sell it for [-] dollars, I can eat all the cars I want to buy!corpse.

Chapter 359: This time in the world, Brother Hang lay flat?

Luo Hang got an identity and found a place to live.

Unlike the previous several world expeditions with clear goals, the current Luohang feels like they are on vacation!

The first world directly set the goal at Langhuan Blessed Land!The goal of the second world is directly to hunt for treasures in Lingyun Cave, and then the third, fourth...

In short, in the previous six worlds, Luohang gave the impression that the goal was very clear!

But what about in this world?

It's completely different, except that it took some effort to get a pair of eyes, and then hang it up on the online platform at a high price, Luo Hang doesn't look like he's here for an adventure, but like a vacation!

From other live broadcast rooms, you can see that other explorers are trying to find ways to find the whereabouts of aliens, thinking about acquiring alien technology.

However, Luo Hang has nothing to do every day, and spends most of his time on the cultivation of the heavenly scriptures!

At first, everyone thought that Luo Hang should have his own plans.

However, as time passed day by day, two months passed in a blink of an eye, and Luo Hang was still not in a hurry.

This made everyone stunned.

Could it be that this adventure in another world, did he really plan to spend a year in such a relaxed manner?

Although no one is qualified to say anything about him in "[-]", this is completely different from his previous actions in the world!

Not to mention the audience in the live broadcast room, what kind of mentality is it at the moment.

Anyway, Luo Hang himself has a pretty leisurely life. When he has nothing to do, he still reads the news and learns about the latest current events!

Needless to say, nearly two hundred explorers appeared in this world, and many of them possessed supernatural powers.

Few of these explorers could resist using their abilities when faced with difficult problems.

After that, many people were discovered!

Some were directly exposed to the public, and some were seen and reported secretly.

Therefore, in the past two months, there have been several reports of people with supernatural abilities being captured.

This has caused the entire country of America to change the atmosphere recently, and they are all looking for people with supernatural abilities!

Is it because there are more people with supernatural abilities recently?

Or is it that so many people have been exposed recently.

"So, it's okay to say that in a world like the Avengers, at least there are supernatural powers. It doesn't hurt if you show it a little bit."

"But in this world, there is no supernatural power. Once exposed, the consequences will be disastrous!"

On this day, Luo Hang secretly shook his head while watching the news that another person with supernatural powers had been caught in front of the TV!

At this time, a pure sci-fi world suddenly came, did you really think you could catch up with yourself?

Don't these explorers think about their own safety issues?

After silently shaking his head, Luo Hang then switched the TV station to another channel!

These two months, living in seclusion, Luo Hang naturally did not expose himself!

Speaking of which, what news is recorded in the glasses of Sam's ancestors?

It's about the source of fire.

In fact, the source of the fire seed is under the Hoover Dam, which Luohang already knew from the original book!

But why did Luo Hang go to such great lengths to get this pair of glasses from Sam?

That's because, this pair of glasses is a bait, you can catch the person you want!

The purpose of Luohang is not just a source of fire seeds, of course there are other things.

And if you can get one of the Transformers to be your ally, of course it will be of great help to do things yourself!

Therefore, Luo Hang felt as if he had transformed into Jiang Ziya.

And that pair of glasses is that straight hook.

It is certain that this straight hook will catch fish, but when it is caught depends on luck.

Anyway, Luo Hang is in no hurry!

In this way, after two months passed, Luo Hang looked at his refrigerator, and some food and other supplies seemed to be almost consumed.

Just as he was about to go out to do some shopping, Luo Hang's thoughts moved slightly, and he walked to the window of the living room and looked out.

At some point, a tattered-looking Camaro drove into his yard, and parked in his yard so quietly!

"So? Is this the Bumblebee?" Looking at the broken car that appeared in his yard, Luo Hang's heart moved slightly, and he naturally understood the identity of the other party.

With a secret smile in my heart, after two months of fishing with straight hooks, now, a big fish finally took the bait!

"Yeah? Why is there a car parked in my brother Hang's yard!?"

"Yes, it looks tattered. Where did this car come from?"

"My husband's lawn was just mowed a few days ago!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, following Luo Hang's perspective, these viewers naturally found the Camaro parked in the yard, and they were all surprised.

After all, following Luo Hang's perspective, this Luo Hang's home is the same as their own, and everything is remembered very clearly.

That's exactly the case, everyone was surprised that there was an extra tattered Camaro that came from nowhere!

Just like this, it's almost scrapped, right?

Did someone stop here on purpose?

After taking a look, it's ok, it should be the news about the glasses that I hung on the Internet, which finally attracted the Autobots.

In broad daylight, it seemed that the bumblebee didn't want to cause too much commotion, so just lying quietly on the lawn in Luo Hang's yard was considered monitoring Luo Hang's side!

In this way, everything was safe and sound, and Luo Hang did not pay too much attention to the existence of the bumblebee!

In this way, in the middle of the night, when everything was quiet, Luo Hang got up and came to his yard, and also came in front of Bumblebee!

Taking a closer look, the appearance of this bumblebee is indeed just a car, not much different from ordinary cars.

However, from the body of this car, Luo Hang can feel the existence of the soul!

After all, Luo Hang's cultivation has reached the point of returning to the void after practicing the spirit, so his perception of the soul is quite keen.

So, is this a silicon-based life form?

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