The body of steel has a soul, just like the spirits in many fairy tales or fairy tales.

Many weapons and magic weapons have their own consciousness, isn't it just like this Autobot?

Although the life forms are different, the soul consciousness is common!

"Okay, let's talk? Are you the Bumblebee of the Autobots?"

Gently stretched out his fingers, and tapped on the hood, at the same time, Luo Hang said hello to Bumblebee.

"Hold the grass, Transformers!?"

"This shabby-looking guy is a Transformer?"

"Other explorers are desperately searching for the whereabouts of alien silicon-based life forms. No one has ever seen alien life forms with their own eyes. Now, is it my brother Hang who appeared here?"

"Hey, what's the situation? My Hang brother has been salting fish for two months, but did some alien life form take the initiative to come to the door?"

"Now I have reason to suspect that Brother Hang got the script in advance, he is simply the protagonist!"

"I think the above makes sense. Yes, Brother Hang is simply the protagonist, right? Others are still working hard to find alien life forms, but this alien life form is actively looking for our Brother Hang?"

"To be honest, I'm quite curious, what is the purpose of this alien life form looking for Brother Hang!"

"So that's the case. I'm still wondering who parked this kind of junk in my Brother Hang's yard. It turns out that this car parked itself on its own initiative?"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, there have been fewer and fewer viewers recently...

However, when Luo Hang took the initiative to talk to Bumblebee, and everyone confirmed that Bumblebee was the legendary alien Transformer, the atmosphere in the entire live broadcast room exploded instantly.

Even, many people took the initiative to notify their relatives and friends, and posted on Moments, reminding everyone that there was a new move on Luohang's side.

What kind of silicon-based living organisms on alien planets are like, finally surfaced today, two months later!

Those who got the news knew that it was Luo Hang's situation, and that an alien life form came to Luo Hang on its own initiative.

For a moment, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room soared, showing a trend of explosion!

Of course, Luo Hang certainly doesn't know what the situation in the real world is like.

At this moment, he was still waiting for the bumblebee to give him an answer!

"What? Don't you want to say something? If so, then I'll go back first!"

Seeing that the bumblebee didn't respond to his intentions, Luo Hang stood up, looking as if he was about to turn around and leave!

drop by drop...

Finally, when Luo Hang got up and was about to leave, the Bumblebee's car was powered on at 5.9, and at the same time, the car's horn sounded.

"Wait, wait, you, wait, wait!"

At the same time, the sound of the car radio also rang. The sound was obviously from different radio stations, and the different sounds intercepted were spliced ​​together!

"Okay, now that your voice function is damaged, it's better not to speak!"

The voice of the bumblebee made Luo Hang feel awkward, and he waved his hand at the bumblebee and said!

"You, since you don't want to say it, then you specially greeted me, yes, why?"

The voice of the bumblebee is still edited from different radio channels.

"Send a signal, and summon Megatron, I know where the news about the fire source is!" Luo Hang took the initiative to speak, and said to Bumblebee!

Hearing what Luo Hang said, Bumblebee stopped talking, as if he was thinking about something!

In this way, after a moment of silence, Bumblebee's figure suddenly changed.

In a burst of very cool and complicated changes, a dilapidated car suddenly turned into a large steel robot with a height of ten meters away...

It exploded, seeing the transformation of the Autobots for the first time, everyone in the Longguo live broadcast room, all exploded! .

Chapter 360: The script may be late, but it will never be absent

"Is this a silicon-based life form?"

"This, this is really cool, I suddenly want such a car!"

"This is not a car, but an alien disguised as a car. Don't be trapped by inherent thoughts. This is an alien, not a robot, and not a product of technology!"

"In the past, if someone told me that a car is not a product of technology, but a life, I would not believe it. I argued with others, and in the end I was beaten badly, but now I find that I was really a car at the beginning. It should be beaten to death by others!"

"Upstairs, 999! 6 turned over!"

"Brother Hang, I'm sorry, I was wrong. I thought you were lying flat in this world. Unexpectedly, even if you were lying down, you would progress faster than other explorers!"

"That's right, other explorers are all trying their best to find the whereabouts of aliens, but what? Brother Hang is just lying down, and aliens come to the door and ask you if you accept it!" "You dragons The explorers in the country are simply driving G, I want to report!" "Go, go all the way, there are too many people who want to report my brother Hang!" "Brother Hang, I'm sorry!" "Brother Hang, I'm sorry! "Brother Hang, I'm sorry!" "Husband, I'm sorry!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, with the transformation of the bumblebee, everyone exploded!

On the one hand, this is the first time I have seen this form of transformation, and this is actually a living body, not a machine!

On the other hand, it is very exciting, these two months.

Everyone thought that Luo Hang had already laid flat, but unexpectedly, just lying flat like this, he actually surpassed other explorers.

Is there anything more to be proud of?

At the back, the barrage in the 12 live broadcast room is all the same, sorry!

Of course, occasionally interspersed with a few girls who want to fart, calling a few words of husband, this is already a routine operation.

The rest of the audience have already gotten used to it!

Let's not talk about the situation in the live broadcast room.

Transformed into a gigantic robot, Bumblebee sends messages across the universe.

As the news of the bumblebee was transmitted to the universe, about an hour or so, like a meteorite hitting the earth, Autobots descended from the depths of the universe to the earth one by one.

Then, each scanned the status of many vehicles on the earth, and copied them in camouflage.

Thus turning into the form of a car and rushing to Luo Hang's house!

This scene has been prepared for a long time, so Luo Hang's home is purposely located in a remote place that is rarely visited by people.

After a while, Optimus Prime, Jazz, ambulance, etc. Autobots from the Autobots all came to Luo Hang's house one after another!

Immediately afterwards, there was another transformation, and these cars also turned into robots.

Optimus Prime spoke first and asked the ambulance to restore Bumblebee's language function!

The audience in the Longguo live broadcast room has shown an explosive number of online people at this time.

Seeing the cool and complicated transformation of each alien, everyone was amazed.

Of course, these people also wondered secretly, why did so many aliens come to Luohang?

What is the purpose of their gathering here in Luohang?

The live broadcast continues!

After the language function of the bumblebee was restored, the bumblebee turned two somersaults happily.

Of course, the ground shook again, Luo Hang looked at the mud splashing in the yard he had trimmed a few days ago, and curled his lips helplessly.

"Okay, Bumblebee, what is your purpose in summoning us to Earth?"

After the bumblebee finished somersaults, Optimus Prime spoke and asked the bumblebee!

"The situation is like this. The news about the source of fire has been recorded in a pair of glasses, and this pair of glasses is on his body now!"

Having said that, Bumblebee pointed to Luo Hang next to him, and said, "Besides, not only that, but he also said just now that he knows where the fire source is!"

"Young earthlings, have you deciphered the information on the glasses?" After understanding the situation, Optimus Prime lowered his head and asked Luo Hang!

"You can say that!"

After Luo Hang nodded, he immediately looked at Optimus Prime and said, "For you Autobots, this earth is really too dangerous!"

"Oh? How do you say this? Are the people on Earth going to attack us?" Hearing this, Optimus Prime asked.

"No, it's not like this, but this world is full of hotbeds of Decepticons!" Luo Hang shook his head and said.

"1000 years ago, Megatron came to the earth after searching for the source of fire. At that time, because of the interference of the earth's magnetic field, he fell to the earth and was frozen up."

"Then, just over 100 years ago, people on Earth discovered him and brought it back. They even used him to make many technological products, such as circuit boards, etc..."

Speaking of this, Luo Hang paused for a moment, then looked at all the Transformers present, and said, "It is precisely because of this that the electrical appliances made with Megatron's technology as a blueprint, once activated by the fire source, They're all Decepticons' Transformers!"

Luo Hang's words made all the Autobots present look at each other in dismay.

Luo Hang's analysis can be said to be clear and logical, and every detail is in order!

If this is the case, then the earth is a bit dangerous for people like myself.

Otherwise, how many electrical appliances are activated by the fire seed source, that is how many Decepticon robots have appeared!

The consequences are unimaginable!

"in addition……"

Speaking of this, Luo Hang paused for a while, and then continued: "In addition, the source of fire seeds has also been obtained by the people on earth, and even the people on earth are beginning to study the power of the source of fire seeds!"

"If you want to take away the fire source, it is almost a war with the most powerful country on earth!"

Hearing these words, the hearts of all the Autobots present became even more dignified!

Although the technology on the earth is still a little behind for the Autobots.

But this is Earth after all, and there are naturally many people on Earth. If these Autobots really fight, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Hi, I'm Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots!"

Although they haven't chatted a few words, just these few kind reminders, Luo Hang has already won the favor of the Autobots, Optimus Prime opened his mouth and said to Luo Hang!

"My name is Luo Hang, and I'm an ordinary person with some special abilities!" Luo Hang also said to Optimus Prime, and the two sides have officially known each other!

"Since Luo Hang, you are so familiar with the situation of the fire source, I wonder if you can help us obtain the fire source?" After officially getting to know each other, Optimus Prime asked.

"Yes, I can help you completely eliminate the threat of the fire source, but I also have something I want!"

Luo Hang nodded, looking like a villain first and a gentleman later!

"what do you want?"

Regarding Luo Hang's attitude, saying that this is a deal, Optimus Prime didn't mean to be disgusted, and asked Luo Hang!

"What I want is very simple, the technology of the dimension gate, and the corresponding technology of collecting star energy!" Luo Hang opened his mouth and put forward his own idea.

"You, what do you want to collect the energy of the stars?" Without rushing to agree, Optimus Prime stared at Luo Hang seriously and asked!

This technique is no joke.

If you want, this technology is enough to extinguish a star!

"Don't worry, at least I won't use this technology to do evil, I can guarantee this!"

Luo Hang looked at Optimus Prime seriously and said, his tone was not heavy, but it gave people a feeling that he could completely convince him!

"I can give you the technology of the dimension gate, but I don't have the technology to collect star energy..."

After a moment of silence, Optimus Prime replied!

"I know where it is. When the time comes, please help me get it!" Luo Hang continued, looking prepared!

"Well, since that's the case, then, we can promise you 207!"

Hearing what Luo Hang said, the conversation had reached this point, so Optimus Prime naturally had nothing to say, so he nodded and agreed.

In this way, a verbal alliance agreement has been concluded between Luohang and the Autobots.

"So that's the case, it turns out that these Transformers are all for that pair of glasses!"

"That information about the source of the fire seed is recorded on it? Although I don't know what the source of the fire seed is, it must be something very important, right?"

"Understood, the answer to the mystery is completely solved now, no wonder Brother Hang has spent so much effort to obtain those glasses, so the truth is like this!"

"Besides, Brother Hang deliberately put the glasses on the Internet, just to attract the attention of Transformers?"

"It's coming, it's still a familiar feeling, it's still a familiar taste, my Brother Hang got the script again in advance!"

"Lie flat? How could my Hang brother lie flat? This script may be late, but it is absolutely impossible to be absent!"

"Optimus Prime? Is this guy the leader of a faction of Transformers? It seems that he is indeed quite elegant!"

"Wait, what did my brother Hang say? Just an ordinary person with some special abilities?"

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