"Don't trust him, don't trust him, I, Brother Hang, lied to you. How can he have any special ability? His ability is very strong. Don't look at you tall robots, but Brother Hang's The power should be stronger than you!"

"That's right, with a single blow, no matter it's the Tailed Beast Jade or the Divine Sword Yulei Zhenjue, it can destroy a mountain. With such power, is it an ordinary person?"

"Unscrupulous Brother Hang, you are deceiving aliens again!"

"However, what is the dimensional gate that my brother Hang wants? Is it similar to a magic portal?"

"Well, what is the technology to collect the power of stars? We don't lack it, right? Isn't solar energy utilization technology also?"

"Don't be stupid, can it be the firm solar technology that can make my brother Hang plan so seriously?"

Chapter 361: Luo Hang, stand far away, you can't help!

cack cack...

In front of a computer, the keyboard is beeping rapidly, and a delicate and small Transformer is operating the page in front of the computer!

Suddenly, I felt a burst of footsteps, and the chaos immediately transformed into a radio and placed it in front of the computer!

A woman came over, looked at the computer, and shouted, "Jack, did you forget to turn off your computer? If there is nothing important, I will turn it off for you!".

Shouting words, the woman turned and left!

Immediately afterwards, Confusion turned into a robot again, and quickly searched the webpage.

Soon, the glasses that Luo Hang hung on the shopping website appeared in front of Confused.

After thinking about it, Dazed immediately chose to pay for the purchase.

If you can successfully purchase and send the things over, that would be great, saving time and effort!

On the other side, Sam successfully chose a car and returned to his home, feeling very good!

Everything was sold, and with the $4000 backed by his father, at least Sam had a decent car!

When he got home, he threw away his schoolbag, and Sam came to his computer.

I thought to myself, should I earn some extra money or something.

After all, keeping a car is quite a support for a student!

I opened the shopping website and browsed for a while, wanting to see what is relatively easy to sell recently! "Huh? Wait..."

Just when Sam was browsing the shopping website bored, suddenly, his browsing stopped for a moment!

It turned out that in front of Sam, the page that Luohang stayed on was the one where Luo Hang sold glasses!

For more than two months, Sam would look at it when he had nothing to do.

Take a look at these glasses with a sky-high price of [-] dollars, is there any fool who will buy them.

Sure enough, as I expected, it has been two months, and no one cares about it at all, which makes Sam laugh secretly in his heart!

But today, on the page of the glasses, it shows that they have already been purchased.

Unexpectedly, someone really bought such a pair of glasses for $[-]! ? "Oh my God, is the buyer really an idiot?"

Seeing a pair of glasses sold for $[-], Sam slapped himself hard!

At the beginning, it could sell for a hundred dollars, and Sam still felt very excited.

But now, it was actually sold for $[-]?

Sam suddenly felt that it seemed that the clown was himself?

Although I don't understand why it can be sold for [-] US dollars, but I believe that if I sell it for this price.

In other words, if I didn't force others to take off the glasses at the beginning, wouldn't I be able to sell them for $[-] if I hung them up for these two months?

With this $[-], he can buy a cool sports car himself!

Giving himself a slap in the face, Sam only felt that he was really a stupid B, and the kind with 24K purity!

Let's not talk about how Sam doubts life here.

On the other side, Luo Hang and the Autobots had a verbal alliance agreement.

Next, Luo Hang asked the Autobots to find a way to break into the Hoover Dam.

I am with Bumblebee, and Bumblebee can be regarded as an intermediary, contacting myself and the situation of the Autobots.

Not to mention, although the Bumblebee looked like a tattered car at the beginning, that's all.

However, when Luohang clearly expressed his disgust for its appearance, he immediately went to scan it, and it turned into a brand new sports car.

The people who watched the live broadcast thought it was cool, and they all wanted to own such a sports car!

Although in the current time period, even taking the subway is simply passing through the magic portal, and the utility of the car is getting lower and lower.

However, as a big toy, this car still needs to exist!

"It seems that you have to make Optimus Prime move faster!" "

On this day, Luo Hang sat in Bumblebee's car, flattened the seat, lay down in the car to sleep, and said to Bumblebee at the same time!

"Is there something important?" Bumblebee's voice sounded and asked Luo Hang!

"That's right, someone bought the glasses I posted on the Internet, and if nothing else happens, it might be the Decepticon's Transformers!" Luo Hang nodded and said!

After saying this, Bumblebee became much more nervous!

Bumblebee found Luohang by following the sales information on the Internet. Of course, it also knew how ridiculous the price of Luohang was!

At a price of [-] US dollars, no one with a normal mind would buy it!

"So, you deliberately listed that price, and the purpose is actually an alarm device? Once someone really buys it, can you be sure that the Decepticons have discovered you?" Bumblebee followed and asked Luo Hang!

"Not bad!"

Luo Hang rested his head on his arms and replied.

"Amazing, you are really smart!" Bumblebee expressed his admiration for Luo Hang's wisdom!

However, after the voice fell, Bumblebee asked curiously: "But, aren't you afraid that the Decepticons will notice you and threaten your life?"

"What's there to be afraid of, aren't you still guarding by the side?" Luo Hang still looked nonchalant!

It can be seen from the original book that the combat power of the Transformers is actually just that. For Luo Hang who is in the Void Return Realm, he really doesn't say anything!

Not to mention the ability of Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue, just Yu Jianshu, controlling Xuanyuan Sword to shoot, is enough to shoot Transformers like a sieve, right? "You, you trust my power too much, don't you? I..."

Needless to say, although Luo Hang's self-confidence comes from himself, his words still moved Bumblebee a little.


However, before the bumblebee finished speaking, suddenly, the car next to it honked its horn!

Hearing the sound, Luo Hang, who was lying on the chair, sat up straight!

"Hey, buddy, you don't have to drive this car yourself?" A man in the car greeted Luo Hang with a dazed look seeing that Luo Hang was sleeping in the driver's seat!

"Oh, this is the latest technology, driverless!" Luo Hang replied.

"So cool? Does the Camaro have such a function now? Why didn't I know!?" Hearing Luo Hang's answer, the man looked at Luo Hang in surprise and asked!

"This unmanned driving is not a technology, but because this car is alive!" Luo Hang smiled slightly, and at the same time secretly cursed in his heart!

Of course, Luo Hang didn't say this!

Because, Luo Hang clearly felt that a police car next to him approached him.

Moreover, this police car actually has a soul!

For the existence of the soul, Luo Hang's perception is very keen.

Since this police car has a soul, it also shows that this police car is not an ordinary police car, but a Transformer disguised as a police car!


The police car was approaching, and there was a sound, apparently signaling Bumblebee to pull over!

"."Hey, buddy, it seems that your unmanned driving technology violates the traffic rules! "Seeing the police car approaching, the man said gloatingly!

"No, you misunderstood, this does not violate the traffic rules, because this police car is also unmanned!" Luo Hang said with a smile to the man!

After the voice fell, the bumblebee accelerated instantly, and quickly passed the man's car and sped forward!

Immediately behind Bumblebee, Chaos in the shape of a police car also accelerated to catch up!

The man next to him looked carefully into the police car.

Immediately, he looked like he had seen a ghost!

Because, he clearly saw that there was no one in the police car, and the police car was actually empty!

An empty police car actually went after someone else?Are your eyes dazzled?


The dumbfounded man quickly screamed out, and immediately, his car crashed directly into the guardrail next to him.

It's just that this man didn't care about his car being hit. He watched Bumblebee and Chaos flying towards the distance at a very fast speed. This man was completely dumbfounded!

Is it because the world is developing so fast that I have derailed from the world?

Not only have cars developed driverless technology, but have even police cars used such technology? "Bumblebee, let's go to a remote place..."

Leaving aside how the man behind him doubted life, for Luo Hang, this was just a (dead Zhao) episode, he said to Bumblebee!

"Okay!" From Luo Hang's words, it was obvious that he was going to a remote place to fight against Chaos, and Bumblebee wasn't afraid at all.

In response, he went to a remote place!

In this way, the two cars were chasing after each other, but in less than half an hour, they had already left the city and came to a wasteland in the suburbs!

Then, Bumblebee made a beautiful drift, stopped beside it, opened the door, and signaled Luo Hang to get off the car!

After Luo Hang got out of the car, Bumblebee transformed into a yellow Transformers robot in a cool and complex transformation!

Similarly, the police car in the back didn't even stop, and began to transform first, also transformed into a robot, and rushed towards Bumblebee.

Immediately afterwards, two Transformers robots scuffle together.

Fighting against robots more than ten meters high, this close combat looks very exciting. This is the romance that a man should have!

"Luo Hang, stand farther away, don't be affected..." Bumblebee didn't forget to yell at Luo Hang while fighting.

"By the way, do you want me to help?" Luo Hang opened his mouth and shouted at Bumblebee!

"Just leave as soon as possible, you can't help in such a battle!" Without even thinking about it, Bumblebee directly rejected Luo Hang's offer! .

Chapter 362: How strong is human power?

"Grass, the battle between these two Transformers doesn't seem to be very powerful, but it still looks very exciting!" Rejected?" "This seems to be the first time my brother Hang offered to help, so he was rejected?" "What did it say? He said that my brother Hang couldn't help? Is this a misunderstanding!?" "I don't know why, I'm really looking forward to it all of a sudden!" "Of course I'm looking forward to it, just wait for the moment when the Hornet slaps me in the face!" "Come on, the market is opening, I don't know how long it will take for the Hornet to get slapped in the face?"

"It doesn't matter how long, the important thing is, I hope that the brain can accurately capture what kind of expression Bumblebee looks like when he looks dazed!" "Yes, yes, I hope the live broadcast of the brain can be more powerful!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, watching the melee battle between two Transformers, this battle between robots is really a man's romance.

However, when Luo Hang asked for help, Bumblebee actually refused, and the atmosphere in the Dragon Kingdom live broadcast room suddenly rose!

After all, everyone is very excited and looking forward to it at this time, waiting to see the moment when Bumblebee gets slapped in the face!

Let's not talk about the current situation in the live broadcast room.

Since Bumblebee rejected his offer to help, Luo Hang didn't say much, let's give Bumblebee a shot at the side!

To be honest, the strength of the Hornet is not bad.

However, the strength of the barricade is not bad, the two sides are coming and going, this battle looks really cool!

There are two types of battles that men like to watch most.

One is a very cool battle, such as the one in front of you.

Another kind of 207 is the battle between women, preferably the kind that tears each other's clothes...

After fighting for 5 minutes, Bumblebee and the roadblock both had their strengths and weaknesses. After the fight, it seemed that both sides would suffer.

The roadblock didn't seem to be in the mood to continue trembling anymore, and saw an opportunity to knock the bumblebee back.

Immediately, the barricade moved towards Luo Hang! "Luo Hang, be careful!"

Bumblebee, who was shaken back, didn't expect the roadblock to turn around to deal with Luo Hang. Bumblebee let out an exclamation!

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