It's just that the bumblebee wants to chase and help at this time, but how can there be time?

Seeing that Luo Hang was about to be caught by the roadblock, suddenly, Luo Hang raised his hand.

Without the slightest fancy, he grabbed the barricade's fingers, and then, Luo Hang twisted his waist, grabbed the barricade and fell directly over his shoulder!

The person who was less than two meters away grabbed the Transformer ten meters away and threw a shoulder throw.

Then, I saw the huge figure of the roadblock, and was thrown away by Luo Hang with a single move.

Seeing this, the bumblebee's electronic eyes shrank for a while.

Although it was a metal face, but this face showed a shocking expression in a very human way, and the whole person was completely dumbfounded!

With a rumbling sound, the ten-meter-tall giant robot was thrown flying by Luo Hang's move.

The roadblock fell to the ground fiercely, and I also felt a sense of dizziness, and my mind was blank.

who I am?where am I?What am I going to do?

After throwing the barricade away with an over-the-shoulder fall, Luo Hang raised his hand and pressed down!

Following (bcfj) his movements, a powerful cultivation base exploded directly and landed on the barricade.

Although the body of this barricade is huge and made of steel, it is still nothing compared to Luo Hang's 500 years of cultivation.

The whole body collapsed in an instant!

Naturally, the whole body has already collapsed, and this roadblock is dead beyond death!

Quiet, the entire venue became unprecedentedly quiet for a while.

Bumblebee stood there stupidly as if he had been hit by a spell, and didn't know what to say for a while!

"Luo, Luo Hang, you have this power, you should have made a move a long time ago..."

After a long time, Bumblebee seemed to come back to his senses, and spoke to Luo Hang.

"Didn't I say I want to help? You said you didn't need it!" Luo Hang replied!


Well, Bumblebee was speechless!

At the same time, I wish I could slap myself a few times.

What kind of nonsense did I just say?

Since Luo Hang said he wanted to help, he must have felt that he was capable of helping, right?

But he still owed him, saying that he didn't need his help?

Are you okay now?After fighting for so long in vain, he also has injuries on his body.

If he had just agreed to ask Luo Hang to help, why would he need to fight for so long?Hasn't this roadblock been resolved long ago?

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it. You, your power, simply, simply does not conform to science..." After a moment of acquiescence, Bumblebee said to Luo Hang!

Hearing this, the corners of Luo Hang's mouth raised slightly.

science?This is a serious ability to cultivate immortals. Isn't it normal that it doesn't conform to science?

If it is in line with science, it is not normal, right? "Okay, let's go!"

For Luo Hang, it was just a small episode to solve the roadblock casually. The bumblebee continued to change into the form of a car. Luo Hang sat in it and continued to go home!

"Luo Hang, you, are you human?" The car drove automatically and headed towards Luo Hang's home. At the same time, Bumblebee couldn't help being surprised and asked Luo Hang!

"Pure human!" Luo Hang replied!

"But, but, other human beings don't seem to have the power of yours at all, or is it that people on Earth hide so well?" After a moment of silence, Bumblebee asked again! "Well, my situation is a bit special..."

Luo Hang answered casually, without any intention of explaining carefully.

After all, this detailed explanation is completely meaningless!

Talking and chatting, Luo Hang and Bumblebee have already returned home!

But what he saw and heard today completely stupefied Bumblebee!

Even, Bumblebee secretly wondered, is there really such a powerful group of humans on earth?

Although it is impossible for all people on the earth to have such power, even if a part of human beings possess such power, it is a very terrifying thing!

However, regarding this aspect, Luo Hang didn't mean to say anything more in detail. Naturally, Bumblebee couldn't resist asking this question to get to the bottom of it! "Hahaha, this roadblock, after knocking back the bumblebee, actually shot at my brother Hang?"

"It's done, the brain's picture capture is pretty good, I've already recorded that bewildered expression!" "Hahaha, at this moment, ask for the psychological shadow area of ​​​​Bumblebee!"

"After fighting for a long time, I haven't beaten the Transformer in the police car, but my Brother Hang killed him almost easily!" Why do you want to take a shortcut?" "Why?"

"Does this still need to be explained? Courting death!"

"Especially the scene where Brother Hang gave the Transformers an over-the-shoulder throw. The impact is simply terrifying!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, following Luo Hang's attack, especially the roadblock made it clear that Luo Hang was being pinched as a soft persimmon, which made the audience in the Longguo live broadcast room laugh!

And the scene of Bumblebee being slapped in the face is something that everyone in Longguo's live broadcast room loves to see!

Didn't even look at the bumblebee and even wondered if the people on earth really have such a powerful and terrifying group of human beings?

It can be seen how frightened the bumblebee was!

After returning home, Bumblebee contacted Optimus Prime and told Optimus Prime to be careful, the Transformers of Decepticons had noticed Luo Hang.

On the other hand, let Optimus Prime beware of human power!

"Has the Decepticons noticed Luo Hang? Why don't I let Iron Skin pass by and protect Luo Hang with you?"

Among the Autobot Transformers, Ironhide has relatively rich combat experience. Optimus Prime said to Bumblebee with a dignified tone!

"Uh, this, this..." But, hearing Optimus Prime's words, Bumblebee was a little embarrassed, and didn't know how to speak for a while.

"What's the matter? Bumblebee, Luo Hang really died, right?" Feeling that the tone of Bumblebee's side was very strange, Optimus Prime's voice became more tense.

"That's not true, I think, we just need to find a way to protect ourselves, we don't need to worry about Luo Hang's safety at all!" So, after a moment of silence, Bumblebee replied!

Without waiting for Optimus Prime to ask, Bumblebee followed up and said, "I was indeed chased by the Decepticons just now. I didn't defeat the opponent. On the contrary, it was Luo Hang who defeated the opponent!"

"Luo Hang? Does he still have a powerful armed force? You underestimated him!" After a moment of silence, Optimus Prime followed suit!

"No, you misunderstood, Luo Hang defeated the opponent easily with his bare hands!" Bumblebee corrected him!

Optimus Prime: ..."

Hearing Bumblebee's words, Optimus Prime was silent for a moment, not knowing how to answer!

Luo Hang, actually defeated the opponent with bare hands?

Is he, his power, actually so powerful?

Or in other words, is the power of human beings so powerful?This is simply terrifying...

Chapter 363: Bumblebee, don't meddle, you can't help

At this time, Optimus Prime completely understood the main purpose of Bumblebee's communication!

Originally thought that Bumblebee's attention to the earthlings was secondary.

Mainly to tell myself that the Desperate Transformers have noticed Luo Hang's existence!

Now, Optimus Prime knew he was wrong.

It turned out that the Decepticons that Bumblebee was talking about noticed that Luo Hang was secondary.

The main thing is to make yourself aware of the earthlings!

"Okay, I understand, I will pay attention, don't worry, let's do this first, it is not convenient to communicate now!"

Seeing someone approaching, Optimus Prime quickly cut off the communication with Bumblebee!

Because of the need to mix into the Hoover Dam, Optimus Prime successfully turned into the corresponding vehicle and destroyed the opponent's vehicle~.

Naturally, no one else knew that the car he was driving was no longer the original car, but the Optimus Prime of an alien life form!


Just when Optimus Prime was driving on the road under the control of the driver, suddenly, a person ran over.

Moreover, this person's speed is extremely fast, at least reaching the point of seventy or eighty yards!

Then, behind him, there were soldiers chasing him in an infantry chariot!

With a whoosh, a soldier leaned out from the infantry chariot and shot out a rocket launcher.

With the rumbling explosion, this fast-running figure was blown to nothing by the bazooka!

"Recently, there are more and more people with supernatural powers!"

With a creak, the infantry vehicle stopped in the central area of ​​the explosion. Looking at the shattered corpses, an officer frowned and said!

Optimus Prime passed by this chariot, but his heart secretly became serious!

How can a human run so fast?

And from the mouths of the people around, it seems that there are quite a few people like this?

Sure enough?The strength of the people on earth, can't they be treated as they appear on the surface?

Who doesn't know if a powerful supernatural ability user will suddenly appear?

"Minister, take a look at this satellite image!"

On the other side, America.

During the recent period, the minister was very busy, and a staff member came to him with a document.

"What happened again?" The Minister of National Defense said with an extremely distressed expression!

It's really distressing. Originally, a base was attacked.

Moreover, judging from the leftover video, the attacker seemed to be a transforming robot that had never been seen before.

Recently, there have been many strange superpowers.

This has caused him to receive too many voices of doubt recently.

Even the President is asking, is there really a so-called Ninth District, where aliens are hidden?

This made the minister unable to answer at all!

"Minister, please take a look!" Without saying anything, the staff handed the information to the minister!

I took a look at the information, and there are some images on it.

It should be the image taken by satellite.

Moreover, there is some analysis on the corresponding data beside it!

For example, how tall is a Camaro turned into a large robot.

For example, what is the height and speed of a police car!

Another thing is that a person, holding such a huge robot with his bare hands, can actually fall over his shoulder with one move. How much strength is needed for this, etc.!

This information made the minister dumbfounded!

According to the recent knowledge of supernatural ability users, it seems that there is no supernatural ability person who can throw such a big robot to the ground, right?

Also, what I am focusing on now is this kind of deformable robot!

"Very well, it seems that these things have all come together!"

After carefully looking at this document, the minister said seriously!

The staff next to him looked at the minister in surprise. For a while, he didn't seem to understand what the minister meant!

"Nowadays, this human being has such powerful power. Presumably, his status and status among supernatural ability users is extraordinary!"

"Also, this transformable Camaro seems to be his car?"

"It just so happens that we attach great importance to these supernatural abilities and these transforming robots!"

"If we can capture this human being, we must be able to obtain very important information whether it is about supernatural power users or transforming robots!?"

The minister said, expressing his thoughts!

The staff next to him heard the words and nodded in agreement.

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