This is simply sad for the listener, smelling it and weeping!

Although after so many shadow clones were separated, Luo Hang's abilities were scattered extremely.

But so what?

Although a single attack, it is impossible to defeat the Transformers.

However, the victory lies in the quantity.

With so many attacks falling, the bulldozer seemed to have experienced a serious car accident.

The traces of cutting and impact are all over the body!

Moreover, these shadow clones of Luohang are very mobile, whether attacking or dodging, the speed is very fast!

What is it like for a lion to be mobbed by a dozen hyenas?

Now this bulldozer faces Luo Hang's shadow clone, that's how it feels!

Next to them, the Transformers of the other Decepticons were horrified when they saw what happened to the bulldozer.

The look of wanting to do it, but not daring to do it!

"I don't believe that one person can become so many? Let's go together..."

Seeing this, the blender next to him yelled loudly, calling for his companions to attack Luo Hang's shadow clone together!

Luo Hang's shadow clone naturally fulfilled him.

The same package, sword qi, armed domineering, water escape ninjutsu, and many other attack methods were all thrown towards the blender.

The same was screaming again and again, but in a short while, the blender was seriously deformed, and the injury was very serious at first glance!

Looking at the other Decepticon Transformers next to them, all of them looked horrified, how could they have the courage to continue to attack?

"Amazing, this, this Luo Hang's ability, is it too terrifying!?"

The bumblebee next to him was completely dumbfounded!

Even electronic eyes are the same!

"How is it? My ability is not bad, right?"

Everything was done by the shadow avatar, and Luo Hang's true self returned to Bumblebee's side and said!

"Your ability is not only good, it completely violates science!" Bumblebee said to Luo Hang!

"Sorry, don't talk about science in front of me, it doesn't apply to me!" Luo Hang shook his head, Versailles said. …

Bumblebee opened his mouth, wanting to complain, but when the words came to his mouth, he didn't know how to complain.

In the end, just stop talking!

What else is there to say?There's nothing to complain about, right?

Are you talking about Luohang outfit B?But this is really awesome! !

There is a good saying that the dragon slayer will eventually become a dragon himself.

This sentence is quite practical to describe the current Luohang!

Before in the world of ninjas, Luo Hang and Uchiha Madara fought!

But now?Luo Hang's actions are quite suspected of plagiarizing Madara Uchiha's battle against Gokage!

In the original book of Ninja World, didn't Uchiha Madara use the same method to deal with Five Shadows?Five against one?

Then split 25 shadow clones to deal with them!

As for the deity?Then sit on the sidelines looking bored!

The current Luo Hang is also like this, the deity is sitting on the side chatting with Bumblebee.

In fact, more than 100 shadow clones were separated to deal with these Decepticon members.

The number of Luo Hang's shadow clones is really much more exaggerated than Uchiha Madara in the ninja world!

It's also fortunate that Luo Hang has separated so many shadow clones, so the distributed power is too scattered.

Otherwise, with Luo Hang's true strength, it would not be difficult to defeat these despot robots with one move of a child!

Of course, with so many shadow clones rushing towards these Decepticon members, they all feel very uncomfortable.

Although the attack power has dropped a lot, but can't it hold up to a large number?

It's like cutting continuously with a knife, so take a saw and saw it slowly. Naturally, it feels very bad! "Combination, everyone join hands together..."

Finally, feeling that the injury was getting more and more serious, and had reached a very terrible point, the bulldozer shouted loudly!

As it shouted, the sweepers, mixers, hooks, etc. beside it, these large machines, all leaned together.

Immediately afterwards, they were combined in a very complicated and cool way, and turned into a larger, super-large Transformer that was obviously composed of many Transformers 5.9!

The Transformers, which were originally ten meters away, were very huge.

However, Bumblebee is like a baby in front of this Transformer! "This, this is, the combined Transformers, Hercules!?"

I remember that in the original book, there seemed to be such a passage that Luo Hang murmured secretly in his heart!

"You, hand over the things, otherwise, I'll crush you flat!" Formed into the form of Hercules, the bulldozer said condescendingly to all Luo Hang, with a dull voice like Hong Zhong.

"Really? Is this a combination? It seems that I should also combine it!"

It's just that many shadow clones looked at this huge Hercules, and they still didn't show any embarrassment. On the contrary, their expressions looked more and more calm!

After the voice fell, all Luo Hang's shadow clones disappeared!

All the powers of the Transformers coming together?

Then take back all the power of your shadow clone!

After putting away the shadow clone, Luo Hang's body moved and flew in mid-air.

Stepping on the gossip steps, at the same time, chanting sword formulas loudly.

Nine Heavens Profound Brake, turned into divine thunder, radiant with the power of the sky, attracted by the sword! .

Chapter 365: To deal with Luohang, we must find a sunny day

(;: Recognize? Accurate! 'If'?. Water.'First,.:Fa "',,?,: Steal! Book'sell;,? Money"; Die!: Mom!';) Jiutianxuanbra, Turn into divine thunder, radiant heavenly power, lead it with a sword!

Following Luo Hang's spell, countless dense dark clouds appeared between the sky and the earth, as if thick cotton shrouded the sky and the earth.


Accompanied by the appearance of the dark clouds, the sky thunder rolled, and a series of ferocious thunder explosions rolled continuously in the clouds!

At this time, not to mention these Transformers, even residents like Baili around Luo Hang's house looked at this side, feeling extremely surprised.

A large thundercloud storm seems to only gather in that direction.

This kind of strange weather change has never been seen before.

"This, what is this...?"

Hercules raised his head, looked at the thundercloud billowing above his head, and said in surprise.

Yes, even Hercules is hundreds of meters tall.

However, this violent and ferocious thunder cloud still made Hercules feel terrified!

The soul's fear of thunder and lightning is innate.

Whether it is a carbon-based life form or a silicon-based life form, it is the same!

Even, for silicon-based life forms, the power of this lightning is even more terrifying, it will completely destroy their circuits!

"This, this is what Luo Hang said, is he an ordinary person with a little special ability?"

"Is this just a little bit? Is this a hundred million dots?"

"Is this just an ordinary person? Does he have some misunderstanding about the word ordinary..."

Bumblebee also raised his head, looking at the dense dark clouds in the sky, Electronics complained secretly in his heart!

Even though 12 knew that these lightnings were not directed at him.

However, Bumblebee still felt deep fear looking at these thunderclouds in the sky.

Not to mention how vibrating these Transformers are.

Following Luo Hang's divine sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue, his body was suspended in mid-air, and Luo Hang's divine sword held high was drawn down.

In an instant, an extremely thick thunderbolt turned into a blue pillar of thunder, descended from the sky, and ruthlessly blasted in the direction of Hercules!

This thick thunderbolt looks like a giant pillar connecting the sky and the earth from a distance!

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible to be a naturally formed weather, this, what is going on here!?"

Those who had been paying attention to the environment here from afar were shocked when they saw this thick thunder pillar falling!

Yes, but anyone with a little normal thinking can see that the thunder and lightning that fell from the sky cannot be a natural weather.

why?Because, the lightning that falls naturally does not have such a situation at all!

Hercules is very huge, with a height of hundreds of meters, it looks like a walking skyscraper!

However, no matter how big Hercules is, so what?

With Luo Hang's current cultivation base, the magic sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue displayed is enough to split a small mountain.

The extremely thick Thunder Pillar fell down and landed directly on the body of Hercules!

There was no way to dodge this violent lightning, and it was hit instantly!

Then, the violent thunder and lightning dissipated, and Hercules had already fallen to the ground.

The Hercules, which was originally formed by combining many heavy robots, is completely falling apart at this moment!

Looking at the appearance of these Transformers, they are all scorched black, even the metal is all scorched black, it is obviously extremely miserable.

They were lying on the ground one by one, unable to move.

Perhaps, this violent lightning has burned all the circuit components in the Transformer's body.

It's like a person's internal organs have been destroyed, so naturally he can't die anymore!

"If you want to outnumber the few, I will accompany you, if you want to combine, I can also accompany you..."

After finishing work, Luo Hang's figure fell from midair, looked at the Transformers on the ground that had been destroyed by lightning, and said in a low voice!

Not to mention, the ability of the Excalibur Yulei Zhenjue, used to deal with these Transformers, really has the effect of restraint!

Of course, this means that the lightning is strong enough to destroy them.

If the intensity of the lightning is not enough, perhaps, the lightning can last, just to charge the Transformers!

"Luo, Luo Hang, you, you can actually control the climate!?"

As Luo Hang's figure landed, the bumblebee next to him came forward and said in a tone full of amazement!

"Manipulate the weather? No, I don't have such ability. As for the thunder and lightning just now, it's just a special trick!" Luo Hang said casually.

That expression is completely the expression of "Basic Cao Don't Six"!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my Brother Hang just hangs up like this, and I'm done torturing all Transformers!"

"Originally, Brother Hang's strength crushed all the Transformers. Now, this Excalibur Yulei Zhenjue is even more powerful against Transformers. Is there any comparison between the two?"

"Hey, it's all gone. Although these aliens are huge and look very cool, they are not enough to compare with my brother Hang!"

"Especially the big guy just now, the size alone is terrifying, but in front of my brother Hang, isn't he just a paper tiger?"

"Needless to say, my brother Hang, YYDS! I don't accept any rebuttals!"

"Well, such a big movement, will it provoke the power of countries in this world?"

"Afraid of a hammer, the reason why other explorers are afraid, and even dare not use their own power, is because their power is not enough to deter the official power of the United States, but my brother Hang's power is completely different from theirs. superior!"

"That's right, it's like money can solve most of the troubles. The reason why you can't solve it is because you don't have enough money!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, many viewers were very excited after seeing Luo Hang's move of the divine sword Yu Leizhen Jue, which easily killed Hercules!

Invincible, in this world, this world without supernatural power, the strength demonstrated by Luo Hang is invincible!

That's indeed the case, such a big Transformer robot, and the combined super big guy, were all killed by the magic sword Yulei Zhenjue.

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